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Twin Breasts

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I am hurting but she uses a breast to comfort me.
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Copyright Oggbashan August 2019

The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.

This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.


That Friday evening it was raining hard when I arrived at the London station just too late for one train. I was actually relieved. With my crutches I would have had difficulty standing for the first thirty miles and no one was likely to give up a seat to me.

The next train, due to leave in twenty minutes, was already in the platform. I managed to choose a seat next to the passageway through the carriage and I stood my crutches beside me. Within a few minutes every seat was taken. Just before the train was due to leave a heavily pregnant woman got in. Normally I would have given up my seat to her. With my left ankle in plaster I couldn't. No one else did. She stood beside me. I looked up at her.

"I'm sorry," I said. "I can't stand for you. All I can offer is my lap. Would that help?"

"Thank you," she replied.

She sat sideways with her legs dangling over the arm of the seat. As the train jerked into motion I put my arm around her back. Her arm clutched around my head and I was pressed against her wet coat.

"That won't do," she said. She unfastened her coat and eased it behind me. My arm was now inside her coat around her waist. I blushed as her T-shirt covered breast pressed against my face.

"Make yourself comfortable," she continued. "that part of me is soft enough."

It was. I snuggled against her. Her body and coat shielded me from the other passengers. All I could see was her face looking down at me and smiling.

I winced as the train jolted over the points as we crossed the junctions leading out of London. Every movement strained my ankle and each jolt seemed to press me closer to her breast. Was I imagining it or was her arm pulling me into a deeper embrace? Soon I dropped off to sleep cradled against her warm faintly scented clothing.

When I started to wake up I felt very calm and rested. It was unusually dark. My lips were around something hard backed by silky softness. It took me several minutes before I knew that I was sucking at a breast with an erect nipple. My head was inside her T-shirt and her bra had been opened at the front. Her coat was wrapped around my head. I pulled away gently.

The T-shirt was lifted from my head. Her face looked down at me. She was still smiling, and now she looked as if we had a shared secret.

"I hope you enjoyed that," she said. "Emma and I did."

I pushed her nipple out with my tongue.

"Emma?" I asked. Who could Emma be?

"This one is called Emma. The other one is called Jane. Please kiss Emma goodbye before I put her away."

She pushed her breast back against my mouth. I was in no position to refuse. How long had I been suckled by Emma? I didn't know. I kissed Emma gently. Emma was pulled away, the bra fastened and the voluminous T-shirt covered Emma up. I looked up again.

"I've met and been introduced to Emma," I whispered, "but who are you? I'm Peter."

"You don't need to whisper, Peter. We are the only ones left."

She pulled her coat back. The compartment was empty.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"About two stations from my stop and three from yours."

"How did you know where my stop is?"

"I looked at the address label on your briefcase. Simple, wasn't it?"

"You still haven't answered my question. Who are you? I'd like to know who has been nursing me for over an hour."

"My name is Helen. Whether you should know anything more, I'm not sure. I've made a note of your address and phone number so I can call you. I'm not convinced I should let you know my address until I know more about you than you are gentle with a strange woman's breast. You didn't chew once. You just sucked gently."

I couldn't stop blushing again. I was still very close to Emma and still cradled in Helen's arm.

"You blush nicely too."

I blushed redder. Helen kissed me on the forehead.

"I suppose I ought to get off you," she said. "I don't really want to. You haven't met Jane. We haven't enough time for you to meet her properly."

"Then we'll have to meet again..." I stopped. Helen was vastly pregnant. She must have a husband or boyfriend. "Unless someone else..."

"There's no one. He, the father that is, doesn't even know I'm pregnant. It was my mistake and not one I should burden him with. He thought I was protected. So did I but... It doesn't matter now except that if you want to see me again there isn't any competitor."


"I'll ring you, Peter."


"OK. Tonight."

She squeezed my head back against Emma.

"I promise that it will be tonight. Jane might get jealous if she doesn't get some attention."

"If you ring, and we meet, I'll be delighted to be introduced to Jane. I'll make sure she isn't neglected."

"Good. I'll ring about eight. That OK?"

"I'll be waiting."

Helen kept her promise. She rang exactly at eight o'clock. We arranged to meet tomorrow morning, in her town, on a bench near the town hall. I would be driving my father's automatic car. He was having the time of his life driving my little red sports car and borrowing my mother's runabout if he wanted to carry anything more than his golf clubs.

I parked as near as I could to the town hall. How long should I pay to park? An hour wouldn't be long enough. Two hours? I paid for five hours. Even if we had lunch together that should be enough time.

I winced as I sat down on the bench in the summer sun. My ankle had been badly smashed and yesterday had been too much for it. It had become unpleasantly hot just limping to that bench.

I saw Helen in the distance. She was so large that she had an ungainly waddle as she walked. Whatever we did together we wouldn't be able to walk far. I started to stand up as she approached. She was also suffering from the heat. I felt sorry for her carrying so much extra weight in the summer.

"Don't!" she shouted. "Stay sitting."

That was an order I was happy to obey. Even through the painkillers my ankle was throbbing insistently. Helen sat close beside me so that our legs were touching. I noticed that she sat next to my good ankle.

"Hello, Peter."

"Hello, Helen."

"Aren't you going to say hello to Emma and Jane?"

"I would, but I can't see them."

"That's easily fixed."

Helen leant over, kissed me on the lips and then pushed my head downwards. Through the opening of her coat I could see her cleavage.

"Hello Emma. Hello Jane."

"That's more like it, Peter. Now what are we going to do?"

"Would you, and Emma and Jane of course, like a coffee?"

"We would like a drink but not coffee. At this stage in my pregnancy coffee is far too strong. A fruit juice would be better."

"It's your town, Helen. Where would you suggest?"

"Over there."

Helen pointed to a café with tables out on the square, surrounded by glass screens under a canvas canopy.

"That's why I asked you to meet me here. We can sit outside in the shade where it will be cooler. The chairs are large enough for the bump to be comfortable and you can stretch your leg out."

I struggled to my feet. I held out a hand to Helen. She waved it away and heaved her bulk up unaided.

"Sorry, Peter, I don't want that sort of help. I've managed so far on my own. I've had to. I don't want to cause you any more pain than you already have. Shall we go?"

Helen tucked her arm inside mine. I'm not sure who was helping whom as we slowly moved to the café. We sat down carefully. A smiling waitress took our order, coffee for me, orange juice for Helen.

"When's it due, Helen?" I asked.

"Not it, Peter, them. They are twins. They are due in three weeks but because they are twins they might come early."

"So they could arrive now?"

"Perhaps. I would think that's unlikely. I don't feel any sign that I'm close."

"What if..."

"My flat isn't far away. My bag is packed ready to go."

"To go where, Helen? I don't know where the nearest maternity unit is."

"You should, Peter. It's in your town, not mine."

"Oh. It's at our hospital?"

"Yes. That's the nearest for accident, emergency and maternity. I've been going there for the antenatal clinic."

Our drinks arrived. I paid the waitress. She looked at Helen's bump sympathetically.

"Why did you do it, Helen?" I asked.

Helen grinned at me.

"Why did I do what, Peter?"

"Why did you introduce me to Emma on the train last night? I appreciated meeting her but why?"

"You looked so tired and drawn. You were relaxing against my breast and it seemed to be helping you. Slowly and gradually I eased my coat around you so that you were hidden from everyone else. You were so helpless and I felt maternal. You were the only decent man in the whole carriage. No one else had offered to help me. I could do something for you. You had done something for me even if it was hurting you..."

I started to protest. Helen put her finger on my lips.

"Let me finish, Peter. I knew that it was hurting you. I could feel you wince as the train jerked. I decided to take a real risk. I lifted my top, undid my bra and the rest was easy. You latched onto Emma as if you were my baby. For a while I almost thought you were. As you sucked your face lost some of its pain. Once I saw that I couldn't take Emma away from you. Besides, it might have been embarrassing if I had done that while there were other people around. A couple of times you started to stir. I pushed Emma further into your mouth and you settled down again. The carriage gradually emptied. When it was completely empty except for you and me I hugged you tight to Emma until you woke up. The rest you know."

"I know that I slept better last night than for weeks. Except when I was dreaming of Emma and Jane."

"You didn't!"

"I did. They were very friendly."

"I bet they were."

There was a silence while we sipped our drinks.


"Yes, Peter."

"We don't really know much about each other, do we? For example, why were you on that train from London? And what have you been doing for a living?"

"That's easy to answer. Both questions. It was my last day at work before maternity leave. I work for an insurance broker in the City. Whether I'll go back? That depends on how the birth goes and how or if I can arrange child care within a reasonable time. There are so many unknowns in my life now. And you? Why were you on the train with that ankle?"

"I had an appointment with the company doctor. I did this at work and my employers are worried. I work near Canary Wharf. I was in the printing works on a tour of the new equipment when a forklift truck ran into me from behind. No one knows how, it had no driver. It should be impossible. The Health and Safety Executive are involved. I could sue the company -- I won't. I'm a non-executive director of it as well as a manager."

"How bad is the ankle?"

"It was broken in several places. I've had two operations so far. That might be it. I have a couple of pins in it. The doctor told me not to come to work for at least four weeks from Monday and then check with my consultant before trying. The company is paying for my healthcare and I'm on full salary and bonuses while I'm off. I can do some work from home because I've got broadband. The doctor told me not to do more than five hours a week and keep my ankle rested as much as possible. He even swore when he looked at my before and after x-rays."

"Oh dear. I shouldn't have asked you to come here. Are you sure the journey wasn't too much?"

"No Helen. I would have come somehow. I've borrowed my father's automatic car. I use my right foot on the accelerator and brake. He's enjoying my sports car so he doesn't mind."

"Where are you parked?"

"Over there." I waved a hand in the general direction of the car park.

"Would you like to have lunch with me?"

"Shouldn't I be asking you that, Helen?"

"No. I'm asking you to have lunch with me in my flat. It will be more comfortable for both of us than a restaurant or pub. Will you?"

"I'd be delighted to."

"Then that's settled. Can you walk five hundred yards?"

"I think so."

"We can rest on the way if necessary. There are several benches between here and there."

"Then we'll try."

It was an effort and I was sweating nearly as much as she was. By the time we reached the foyer of her block of flats I was leaning on her and I knew my pain was showing. I leant against the wall of the lift as we went to the fourth floor. Her flat door was directly opposite the lift. She helped me to her living room and we lowered me to the settee. Helen gently swung my legs up and put a pillow behind my head.

"Stay there and recover, Peter. I'll wipe a cool cloth on myself, start the meal going, and come back."

I lay back and closed my eyes. Helen's lips brushed my forehead. In the distance I heard noises from the kitchen. My rest gradually slipped into a sleep.

I woke up to see a warm breast a few inches from my face.

"Say hello to Jane," Helen ordered.

"Hello Jane," I replied.

"Not like that. She likes actions, not words."

I lifted my head and kissed. Jane pressed back until I was back against the pillow. I opened my lips. Jane's nipple was followed by much of the rest. I almost gagged at the sudden intrusion. Helen slid an arm behind my head and cuddled me to Jane.

"That's better. Lunch will be ready in a few minutes so you don't have to eat Jane. Just suck and enjoy."

I followed Helen's instructions. Jane's nipple grew harder. I licked and gently nibbled. Helen sighed happily.

"I'm sorry, Peter, but Jane has to be put away while I dish up our meal. Say goodbye."

I kissed Jane once more. Helen tucked Jane into her bra and pulled her top down. As she left I started to sit up. Even that small effort was difficult. The painkillers were making me uncoordinated. I hoped I'd be able to drive home. Helen brought me a bowl of cold water and a cloth to wipe my sweating face.

The lunch was a delicious beef stew on a bed of rice with a side salad. We drank water with it. I couldn't drink alcohol with my painkillers and Helen was avoiding anything stimulating in the last stages of her pregnancy. The stew was followed by a summer pudding with a light cream. I hadn't had such a good meal in someone else's home for years. Most of my friends produced over-exotic meals. I even did showy meals myself whenever I entertained.

After the meal we moved back to the settee and talked. I can't remember everything we talked about. What I do remember is that Helen and I were on the same wavelength on many subjects and that neither of us was trying to impress the other. We seemed to be very comfortable together, just sitting and chatting. After a long time Helen went to get us another drink, some fruit squash. I noticed the time. My car park ticket would expire in twenty minutes.

"I've got to go, Helen," I said when she returned. "Otherwise I'll get a parking ticket."

"How long have you got?"

"Twenty minutes."


Helen was obviously making a decision. I waited.

"I'd offer you a visitor parking permit to the block's parking area but it wouldn't help. The spaces are full all day long. I don't want you to go."

"I don't want to go either. This is our first date. Perhaps tomorrow?"


"I could take you out for a meal tomorrow. How about the coast? There is a seaside pub with a garden overlooking the sea. We could have lunch there and just sit and watch everyone else."

"Sounds good to me. I'd have to take my emergency suitcase. That OK?"

"Of course. I know where the hospitals are if you need them."

When, Peter?"

"Ten o'clock?"

"OK. I'll be downstairs waiting for you at ten o'clock tomorrow morning."

"I'll be there, Helen."

"Until then, how about this drink?"

We took about ten minutes to drink the squash. I reached for my crutches.

"Not quite yet, Peter. You have to say goodbye properly. Lift your legs onto the settee."

I did, wondering what she was intending and worried about the minutes ticking away before my parking expired.

She came behind my head as it rested on the arm of the settee. I looked up to see her breasts descending on my face. This time I was squeezed between Emma and Jane. I sunk into Helen's cleavage well beyond my ears. For a while I thought the two of them would wrap my head completely. I couldn't do anything except extend my tongue and lick gently.

Helen lifted her breasts and presented their erect nipples one by one for a kiss. She stood up, eased Emma then Jane into their cups and dropped her top over them.

"That is just a taste to keep you going until you meet Emma and Jane again."

Helen helped me to stand up. She came with me all the way to my car and made sure I got in carefully. She shut the driver's door. I wound the window down. She looked around and pushed her breasts through the window, pulling my head against them for a few seconds. Then she moved back.

"See you tomorrow, Peter."

"Until tomorrow, Helen. Thank you for the meal and for introducing me to Emma and Jane -- together. Bye"

I don't think it was my imagination. I was sure that Helen blushed.

Once I got home I had a cold shower which was an awkward operation because of my ankle.

The next day, Saturday, was an anticlimax. I collected Helen. She was ten minutes late. An elderly man carried her emergency suitcase out to the car and put it in the car for us. Helen thanked him with a kiss on the cheek.

As we drove off with the air conditioning working at full blast I asked casually:

"Who was he?"

"Who was who, Peter?"

"The man who helped to carry your suitcase."

"Oh. Him. That was Andrew. He lives on the same floor as me. He was going shopping for a few things for his wife, saw me in the lift and insisted on carrying my case. He's sweet and very much in love with his wife. Andrew has offered to take me to hospital even in the early hours of the morning if an ambulance isn't available. He would but I'd prefer an ambulance. When the twins are on the way speed or professional help might be necessary. But it's nice to know that Andrew would help if I need him. He and his wife have also offered to do shopping for me when I'm home with the twins. So have other neighbours. I'm surrounded by willing mother's helps. That feels like love to me."

"It sounds like love to me too," I said.

I drove gently to the seaside pub. We sat in a bay window to watch the sea and beach. The windows were open to let the cool sea breeze in. The pub's staff were sympathetic. They brought us our meal, checked whenever our soft drinks looked low, and one waiter even helped me up the steps to the pub's toilet. The trouble was that neither of us was suited to a passive role and we were fretting about it. All we did was confirm our mutual attraction and understanding.

About three o'clock both of us had had enough of sitting and watching yet we weren't able to do much. I could drive as long as it wasn't too far; we could hobble and waddle for a walk as long as it wasn't too far and that was it. I suggested cinema or a theatre. Helen declined both because she would need the toilet too often, a real disadvantage of advanced pregnancy especially with twins pressing on her bladder.

"How about visiting my place?" I suggested tentatively. "We could be comfortable there. We could watch a video, stopping it whenever you needed a break."

"Do I know you well enough for that?" Helen asked mischievously.

"I think Emma and Jane would say you do. I can't make you pregnant. It's a bit late for that."

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