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Two Old People

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Interesting twist occurred on my 75 birthday celebration.
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"Morris, come on down. Let's make the house more presentable. Everybody will be here soon."

"Be there in 10."

It was my 75 year's birthday and my extended family was coming from out of town to celebrate the important event with us. The last time we saw everybody here was 5 years earlier, at my Platinum Jubilee. It was a fun day with my 2 children, their spouses, and the 3 very young grandkids.

I thought about how time flew so fast. Only yesterday Wendy and I were young and restless. Back then I was recruited by my best friend's father to be on his landscaping team. Not long after that, I became the supervisor and at present, I had my own landscaping company with 8 employees. Currently, I was doing my job from the main office or home. Wendy, who's younger than me by 5 years initially dedicated all her time to raising the children, but when they started school she studied hard and later became a part-time nurse. The combined income was nice and we were able to afford to travel twice a year (mostly to Florida in the winter and Colorado or Oregon in the summer).

Jeff, our older child was a very good student when he was in school and later became a dermatologist. His 2 daughters, Sarah and Maddie, were now 21 and 19, respectively. Unlike Jeff, Mary was an average student and younger than him by 3 years. She never showed an inclination for advanced learning. She married a nice guy who worked as a construction worker and stayed a homemaker. Their son, Joe was now 17 years old.

I know, it's confusing to keep track of everybody in our extended family, but I had to be sure that I remembered their names and ages before meeting them again... Actually, for the last 2 years, we met every couple of weeks on Zoom, but Wendy and I were the silent participants. Everybody else was talking to each other and we hardly were able to say much. We were happy to just listen.

As a young couple, Wendy and I were active socially and frequently went to the movies, especially those in a drive-in. We used to take advantage of the dark and neck with each other. The first few times Wendy was scared that someone we knew might catch us in the act, but later on, she became less concerned and our car sex became a habit we both looked up to over there. This was a time of the sexual revolution; most of us young couples experimented a lot. In addition to doing it in the backseat of our car, while on trips we were doing it in parks and sometimes on the balcony of our hotel... We even considered adding another person to our lovemaking, but the arrival of the AIDS epidemic put the kibosh on that idea.

Nowadays Wendy and I have a simple life. We both are as healthy as can be, go to a health facility 3 times a week, visit the national parks 3 - 4 times a year, and hike there. We have no money worries and our children are independent. Our sex life, while less adventurous than the times we were young, was still very satisfying. As the expression goes, 'No worries - Sex is good!' I am not certain that it's an official expression, but it's our mantra!...

"Honey, are you coming?" Wendy's voice woke me from my deep thoughts.

"On my way, dear."

I arranged the large table in the living room with 9 chairs. I placed the cups and utensils as nicely as I could and was ready to go to the bathroom and shave. At the same time, Wendy was washing some of the pots that were used to prepare the large meal. I ogled her rear for the 1000th time... I never got tired of watching her tushie. It was round, firm, and swaying temptingly each time she was working in the kitchen. I approached her rear and placed my palms on her B-cup breasts as my groin made contact with her cute ass.

"Darling, stop being naughty, I need to finish in the kitchen before our guests show up. If you behave during the party, I'll be extra nice to you when we are done..."

"But honey, it's my birthday! I thought that on this day I get ANYTHING I want..."

Wendy turned to me, kissed my lips lovingly, and whispered, "You do. Later on. I promise you that you won't be disappointed... Now go shave, take a shower, and stop interfering with my work here!"

The shaving and the shower took about half an hour. When I finished I went back to the kitchen. Everything was in order and Wendy was no longer there. She was in our master bathroom preparing herself too.

I sat down in front of the TV and watched the news.


Ten minutes later there was a rough knock on the door. It was our son Jeff with his wife and the 2 daughters. The girls have grown tremendously since last I laid my eyes on them. In 5 years they became taller. Sarah, the older one appeared very feminine. Everybody was dressed tip top as expected from family members of the rich doctor...

Jeff stepped forward, "Dad, you lost some hair and the rest is gray, but you look good. For your diamond jubilee, we bought you a wheelchair. Keep it at home. You never know what the future brings and it's better to be prepared for every eventuality at your advanced age!"

I mumbled, "Guys, that was a good idea. Thank you."

As I was talking, Wendy came out of our bedroom all smiles, "Hi everybody. And you girls are all grown-ups now. You are much taller than me. Both of you bend down and give me a good kiss!"

After the hugs and the kisses, Jeff handed Wendy a cane, "Mom, we were too busy to visit on your 70th birthday. You seem to be in good health now, which is great. However, older women frequently suffer from osteoporosis. So we thought that eventually, you may need some help. We bought you this elegant cane. Please keep it around, just in case..."

Wendy stared at Jeff for a long moment and then she forced a smile, "Thank you for your gift. Let's go to the living room and wait for Mary and her family."

They arrived twenty minutes later. Mary was cheerful, as she usually was at family gatherings. Her husband got the flu and stayed at home. Mary's teenage son's hair was disheveled and his multiple tattoos were evident on his arms, legs, and neck.

Wendy kissed Mary and Joe and invited them inside.

We sat at the table and chatted for a short time before Jeff raised a toast to me, "To my dad for his diamond white birthday! And also to my wonderful mother, whose 70th birthday several months ago we missed. You are not getting younger, but you did a great job with Mary and me. It's because of you that we have good families and good lives. Thank you for everything you've done for us!"

When he was done I stood up, "Jeff, thanks for the nice words, we are proud of you, Mary, and our grandkids. Now let's eat all the tasty stuff that my perfect wife prepared. By the way, the bar is free for adults and a variety of juices are available for the younger ones..."

Wendy and Mary went to the kitchen to serve the meal. I was seated between Sarah, my older granddaughter, and Jeff.

I turned to Sarah, "I haven't seen you in many years. You became a very pretty woman. How successful you are getting rid of all the guys trying to catch your eye?"

She chuckled, "I am trying to be nice to them, and sometimes it's successful. When it's not, I become a bitch and scream at them. It usually works."

"Good for you. I guess it's not easy..."

"Grandpa, you are damn right, but so far I manage."

Suddenly her cell phone rang. I turned my head away, trying not to listen, but I still heard some of her words, "... No Dillon, I'll be busy tomorrow... Yes, Wednesday evening... just dress nicer next time..."

Jeff was feasting on his appetizer. I touched his shoulder, "Son, how does it feel to be a father of a pretty grown-up like Sarah?"

He stopped eating, "Dad, it's not easy. As you said, she is very pretty. In fact, she is too attractive for her good."

"What do you mean?"

"Look, this girl is trying to play with too many guys at the same time. She got pregnant twice and underwent 2 induced abortions..."

"Sorry. I hope she learned her lesson and will choose wisely from now on,"

"Dad, lately I have become much less naive and I see her continuing the same."

As if to emphasize Jeff's point, Sarah's phone rang again, "... Steve, I am busy now... We'll go to the movies on Thursday..."

"So Jeff, how's Maddie, the youngest one doing? She seems quieter. I see that she likes short hair and pants. She clearly does not try to follow in her sister's footsteps..."

Jeff smirked, "You don't say!... About a year ago Maddie decided that she doesn't feel 'woman'. She feels like a young man trapped in a woman's body. She wants to start hormonal treatment to change her gender."

I sighed, "It's not easy to grow up these days."

"Dad, tell me about it!"

"Do you and your wife take a break once in a while and travel somewhere without the kids to recharge your batteries?"

"Are you kidding me? We haven't been out for more than 4 years now..."

"Jeff, you and your wife cannot just sit at home and have your grown-up kids burden you all the time. Having sex with your wife is not enough. To stay sane, you guys need a twosome vacation every few months."

"Dad, you are old now and your children left the nest a long time ago, so you may not remember the life of a parent. But vacation is not on our agenda. You mention sex, well... we haven't had any for almost a year!"

I stared at Jeff. I was speechless. However, it was a rare family gathering, so I stayed silent.

We ate quietly. Minutes later Jeff went to the bathroom.

I used the opportunity and sat by Joe, Mary's son. I asked, "You grew up nicely. I noticed many tattoos all over your body. Are they for decoration or do they have some meaning?"

"Most of them have special meaning for me. For example, this yin and yang one reflect on my inner energy. The sun tattoo is the bright light that shows me the way forward. There is one tattoo on my chest that symbolizes my connection to my group of friends."

"Well, you have a lot of them... What do your parents think about all your tattoos?"

"They don't like them. Dad says that I have too many of them and employers may be biased against hiring people with a lot of tattoos. Mom says that I could do as many as I wished, but if it was up to her, I'd look much better with a single small tattoo."

I smiled, "Do your friends also have many tattoos on their bodies?"

"Grandpa, most of my friends have several tattoos. Two guys have more tattoos than me and a lot of piercings as well."

The whole tattoo and piercing culture of younger generations were foreign to me...

The dinner was eventually finished. The food was a great success. Even the young ones loved everything that was served.

Jeff looked at his Rolex watch, "Guys, it's after 11 pm. It is Saturday and tomorrow is not a working day, but I think it's time to say thank you, and goodbye, and see you again soon."

Mary seemed tired. She kissed Mom on her cheek, "Mom, thank you for a wonderful evening and a delicious meal." Then she approached me, "Dad, we do not see each other often enough. I missed you guys! Happy birthday. I love you."

The grandchildren said goodbye and thank you politely and half an hour later everybody else was gone.


"Honey, do you want me to help with the dishes?"

"No. everything can wait till morning."

Wendy gave me a seductive look, "It's your birthday honey. Is there anything in particular that you want from me?... You have a couple of minutes to think about it." And then she turned around and sashayed toward the bathroom.

My head was spinning. Was it a simple invitation for sex? Did I misinterpret her signals and the offer was even better?...

God, she looked amazing in her short light blue dress, 2" heels shoes, pretty hair, and red lips. The swaying ass cheeks reminded me of my hidden desires. During all our years together we had anal sex only 3 times. It was my favorite position, but Wendy never shared the same feelings. I never mentioned it after the last time it happened, about 10 years ago when both of us had too much alcohol.

She came out of the bathroom having a new sheer negligee on, "Honey, I bought it, especially for your birthday. It occurred to me that to seduce a stud like you, I'll need to cover my old body with something that will hide some areas and make you imagine that I am still sexy. What do you think?"

"Darling, when an average man hears an average woman asking for his opinion about her body or clothes, we know that it's a trap. Evolution taught us to be careful, because the wrong answer may hurt more than stepping on a mine during the war! I am lucky that you look so good, that even this transparent cloth cannot hide much of your heavenly body!"

Wendy smirked, "Morris, either your vision is deteriorating, or you are cunningly complimenting me to get inside my pants. Which one of these it is?"

I grinned, "Can I buy a hint?"

"Shame on you. Trying to seduce a vulnerable old maid... I might give in to your desires, but remember that you are an old rake!"

"Ma'am, would you please accompany me to our bed?"

"If you mean to SLEEP together, then yes. However, if you intend to abuse my body, the answer is... Y E S!!!" Her loving smile was awesome.

We were naked in bed within ten minutes.

Wendy cuddled with me. She raised her face to kiss me. Her lips tasted like an interesting mix of lipstick, toothpaste, and... pineapple. I whispered, "I love your taste honey."

I French kissed her and my hand moved to her perky tit. It felt soft and tempting. Her nipple hardened quickly and she moaned softly into my mouth. Her hand trailed down from my chest, caressing my lower tummy and then descending until it met my engorging prick. She whispered, "Morris dear, I love you so much! I have been horny since before dinner when you touched my boobs. I am even more aroused now. You can have anything you want tonight..."

"Wendy, I want to be inside you and cum in your womb. You are so sexy that doing it will give me what the Rolling Stones never got..."

"And what is that?"

"No Satisfaction..."

She laughed, "Oh yes, I forgot. Honey, I meant what I said before. You are too polite, gentle, and a wimp to admit to what you really want, so I'll say it myself - You crave anal sex. That's OK dear, as long as you be gentle, at least in the beginning, I'll be happy to participate."

"Wendy, thanks for the generous offer, but we don't have to..."

"Morris, will you shut up for god sake and fuck my ass before I die of old age?..."

Despite Wendy's claim of being highly aroused and 'ready for everything', I didn't dare approach her rear at that point. I wanted to take it easy. Unlike the previous times we ended up having anal sex, my mind was now sharp and not affected by alcohol. I vowed to make Wendy's experience as pleasurable as could be. She deserved it for being the best wife I ever hoped for. But another, no less important reason was that if she enjoyed that, she might be more inclined to do it more often...

I French kissed her the way she loved, with our tongues twirling together. My hand gently trailed along her beautiful body from her chest down to her calves and then slowly up to her navel. The light touches made her shiver a couple of times and she whispered, "Honey, I love what you do, but please hurry..."

I placed my hand on her mound and softly massaged it, gradually moving lower. Her external labia were soaked... I used 2 fingers to cup some of the abundant juice and smear it over her perineum and ass crack. She groaned and spread her legs for me. I poked her anus gently and it instinctively constricted. I continued spreading her juices around her perineum while continuing to lightly poke her sphincter every now and then. As I was doing it my face moved to kiss the sensitive side of her neck. She moaned louder, her palm found my extended shaft and squeezed it hard. And then her anal entrance relaxed, allowing my lubed finger to go inside. I was extremely cautious, moving the finger gingerly in and out and then around and around, patiently desensitizing her entrance and enlarging it in the process.

My lips latched on her neck, sucking it slightly harder. Her quivers became more frequent and her hand was now stroking my fully erect pole. I gently inserted a second finger into her widened asshole.

Wendy squirmed under me and whispered, "Honey, fuck me please."

With one hand I turned Wendy sideways and then placed her on her tummy. My fingers were still digging inside her puckered hole as my other hand spread her legs apart. I moved between her thighs and shoved my aching cock inside her wet vagina. Her breathing stopped for a moment and then she cried, "YES! fuck me hard you bastard. I need to feel you deeper!"

I began pounding her cunt hard but at a slow pace, making sure to not make contact with her clit. Wendy's shuddering grew stronger and I knew that I had a very short time to accomplish my goal.

I pulled her body up and placed her on her elbows and knees. Then I removed my fingers from her enlarged anus and carefully inserted my pecker through the entrance. It needed to be expanded somewhat more, but eventually, it caved in and the head entered inside. I let it stay there for another moment, using my hand to tweak her delicate nipple and then I pushed it gently forward.

Wendy's body continued shuddering in the same mode as before, signaling that it was due to being highly aroused and not suffering.

Several seconds later I was in all the way. I spread more lubrication on my stiff cock and started light bobbing in and out. At one point Wendy's butt began countering my movements and I heard her whimper. I pulled my organ out of her ass and inserted 2 fingers into her pussy.

With her face tucked into a pillow, she mumbled, "Put it in again. I want your cock in my asshole!" The woman was ready!...

I carefully inserted my member again inside her back hole and gradually increased my pounding of her butt. At the same time, my left hand pinched her sensitive left nipple. Once my strokes reached close to top speed, my 2 fingers inside her pussy began rubbing the anterior wall, pushing against her G spot, and my thumb kneaded her clit.

Her shuddering abruptly stopped for a second or two, followed by uncontrolled convulsions and loud cries.

My loving wife was going through a major orgasm when I was deep inside her gut! I was ecstatic!... Seeing her lose it took me over the edge and seconds later I erupted in her bowels with massive jets of spunk. My climax was so powerful, that by the end I was drained. I let my deflating cock stay in her hole for a while, feeling her respiration and pulse slowly decrease toward normal rate.

She stayed on her abdomen with her eyes shut for like 10 minutes and then she turned her face to me, "Morris, is it you?"

"Honey, what kind of a question is that?!..."

"I have never had such a strong orgasm in my life. Even when we were young... I just wanted to be sure that it was with a 75-year young stud that I call my husband and not a young George Clooney..."

"Darling, this time I had my most memorable climax too... As I told you million times before, your sexy body makes me weak in the knees and it's very difficult to resist my constant urge to abuse your perfect body."

We kissed lovingly and she mumbled, "Dear, I need to go to the bathroom. When I am back let's have a short talk."

I smiled and nodded 'Yes'.

She was back in bed 15 minutes later.

"Honey, As I said, you were wonderful tonight. When I agreed to have anal sex I was sure that by the end I'd be sore and miserable. You proved me wrong. Despite being very anxious in the beginning, you were so gentle, building me up patiently until the time I was ready for anything. Your considerate maneuvers led me to heights I've never been to before! Darling, assuming that you'll be as gentle as this evening, if you want to include anal sex in our favorite positions, I'd agree."


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