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Under the Table

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Meaghan goes all in on a wild night out.
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Meaghan was finishing the paperwork for her last patient of the day. It was by far the dullest part of her job but it kept her head focused. It seemed to her that lately whenever her mind wasn't distracted it started to wander to certain things. The type of things she hadn't been able to get in a while. It wasn't like she couldn't get it. She had just been busy and well a little afraid. She looked down at the tan line where her engagement ring used to be and let out a heavy sigh.

"Ok we need to get you out tonight."

Meaghan's co-worker Jessica had heard her from half a room away and decided to involve herself.

"Just come out tonight. We'll have some drinks; meet some guys, meet some guys who will buy us drinks... it will be great."

"Fine, you win" Meaghan said

"I know, pick you up at 8:00pm. I'm driving there but we better be cabbing home."

It didn't take much to sell Meaghan on the idea. As soon as she was done with her paper work she raced home to get ready. She decided tonight she was going to get what she needed and she would do whatever it took. Meaghan started with a hot shower that left her skin tingling. While under the burning water she also made sure to shave everything below her chin. She hesitated for a moment wondering if she should leave a little something but decided smooth was probably the safe bet.

After drying off Meaghan put on some modest make up and searched her closet for her shortest dress. It was blue, slight and bending over in it would be forbidden unless she wanted everyone behind her to see how thoroughly she had shaved. She briefly thought about going without the panties but decided on something that just covered enough to not be obscene. She was ready to go as Jessica pulled up.

The bar was crowded when they arrived. Meaghan couldn't take five steps without feeling someone rub up against her. Jessica excitedly dragged her by the hand to find a drink. After a few minutes fighting for the bartender's attention they found themselves standing against a wall trying not to spill their beverages. Desperately Meaghan looked around for a place to sit. She figured she would need at least one more drink before she would have the confidence to make her move. As she scanned the room something caught her eye. Two men sitting in a semi-circle booth just off the dance floor where waving to her. Jessica had seen it too and let out squeal as waved back.

"Let's go." She said

The two men slid into the middle so that Meaghan and Jessica could each take an end. As she shuffled into her seat Meaghan rubbed up against the tall man on her side.

"Oh sorry"

"No worries. I'm Jeff."

"Meaghan...uh thanks for inviting us over."

"It's my pleasure. Me and my buddy Allan here are out celebrating" Jeff said

"What's the occasion?"

"He's finally done with his whore of an ex." Allan yelled from across the table.

Jessica locked eyes with Meaghan in a way that screamed "He's on the rebound!"

"Well then let's make a deal. We won't talk or think about exes once tonight." Meaghan said as she gave Jeff's thigh a little squeeze under the table.

"Good luck with that. Two beers ago this guy was in near tears." Allan yelled again while mock rubbing his eyes and making whimpering sounds.

Meaghan decided then and there that he was going to be the one. She was going to keep his mind of his ex and she was going to be able to clear her head.

As the night went on the Meaghan continued to drink and laugh with Jeff and Allan. Which each round she got closer to her target. Pretending to be a little drunker than she was, she had started to lean almost entirely on him. He hadn't pushed her back. Whether it was because he liked it or he had had too many beers to care she wasn't sure. Jessica had been watching and hadn't missed the signs.

"Allan come dance with me." Jessica said

"You don't want to dance with him. He moves like he has hooves. Smells like it too." Jeff said

They all had a laugh at Allan's expense but in the end Jessica got her way.

Now that Meaghan was alone with him she knew it was time to make her move. She reached her hand over his thigh to rub against his zipper. Surprised she found that he was already aroused. She looked up at him mouth agape.

"Sorry, it's the booze." He said sheepishly

"Don't be sorry, be proud!" she said grinning ear to ear.

What Meaghan felt between his legs made her think that Jeff was the one who must have hooves. Her plan had been to tease him and see how long it took him to invite her back to his. Now though she found herself unable to wait. With only the slightest of protest from Jeff she was able to unzip his pants and free his cock. She hoped her body and the table over their laps would hide him from crowded bar. Her brain told her to check and see if anyone was watching but she found herself unable to look away. She gripped him and moved her hand up a view times as she watched it grow another third larger. It was warm in her hand and the more she touched it the more she wanted too.

Finally she looked around the room to see if anyone was watching. There were too many people and she couldn't be sure but in the moment it didn't matter. Meaghan knocked over a glass and pretended to lean over to pick it up. As she did she took the head over Jeff's exposed penis in her mouth and held it there for a moment. Then she moved her lips down the shaft trying to take all of him in until her nose was touching the base. Just before it looked suspicious she pulled herself to look him in the eye.

"Can we get going?" She said

Jeff didn't hesitate and was barely able to tuck himself back into his pants before they were out of the booth and out of the bar. Jeff found his car with the use of the buttons on his keys and Meaghan followed him to it.

"Wait...Wait... I'm too drunk to drive." Jeff said with what sounded like pain in his voice.

"It doesn't matter just get in back." Meaghan responded.

Meaghan had her panties off before he could get the door open. Their bodies slammed into each other as Meaghan straddled him in the less than spacious back seat. She helped him to pull his pants down around his ankles since he wasn't moving quickly enough for her. With one thrust he was inside of her. The moment paused as she took a deep breath to adjust to him. Just one breath and then she lifted herself until she was almost off him and came back down hard. She continued over and over again. Each time banging her head and back against the ceiling of the cramped car.

Meaghan finally slowed down as she climaxed on what she was realized was a basically a stranger. In a moment of clarity she started to climb off. Jeff raised his hips to match hers and she decided it felt too good to leave. Too tired to continue she laid her body on top of his as he thrusted into her repeatedly. As the feeling in her legs started to fade he finally came. He slid out of her she wanted nothing more than to sleep there and then. After the workout she had just endured she decided she would, just as long as he would let her.

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SixmileCoffeeSixmileCoffeealmost 3 years agoAuthor

Nothing seals the deal like a handy-J.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Great story! Realistic for me. I met my wife when she was dating a friend and then they broke up because he cheated. A week later ,as a friend,I gave her a ride home after a party. Not sure if it was the booze or that she wanted revenge but when I was driving, she unzipped me and gave me the best handjob I ever had. I asked her out the next weekend.

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