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Unexpected Turn of Events Ch. 07

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Cullen knows....but what is to happen to Angel now?
8.5k words

Part 7 of the 20 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 10/03/2010
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Authors Note: Again thank you all for your comments. This is really getting exciting for me, as the story is progressing. I am even more excited with all the emails I have also been getting. Thank you all for supporting me so far. It does mean the world to me. Please don't forget to vote and comment! Enjoy...

Tá rud tábhachtach agam a insint duit á dhíth orm = I have an important thing I need to tell you.

Just in case you were wondering later on in the story. Lol


Gavin walked in, placing the tray down. He stood there, waiting for either one of them to start answering his question. When it was clear that none of them were going too, he asked again, "I said what letter?"

"Nothing Gavin, you didn't hear anything important," Angel try to say.

"Lying doesn't become you Angel. Now please tell me what the letter you are talking about," said Gavin, as he sat down in the seat next to her. "And I suggest you tell me quickly before Cullen comes back with Owen."

"Gavin you can't tell Cullen. Please promise me you won't," Angel urged.

"I can't make a promise like that. But if I find it important to the investigation, you know I have too," stated Gavin.

Sighing, Angel began to tell Gavin about the letter she received that one day after class. And about the incident that happened before the accident with the voice coming on the radio. She had no idea why she was telling him all this, but once she started, she just couldn't seem to stop. "So that is why I can't have you telling anyone about this, please Gavin."

Just then, Owen and Cullen entered the room. Angel quickly looked at Gavin, pleading with him not to say anything.

Gavin nodded, before saying very quietly, "for now Angel, I will keep quiet."

Cullen went back over to Angel's side to ask how she was doing, while Owen stood right next to Isobel. Isobel looked up at Owen, with questioning eyes, wondering why he is standing next to her again. Finally when she got no answer, Isobel stated, "Excuse me, but you are invading my bubble space..." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

The next couple days were just a bit crazy. Angel was finally released home after much complaints and demands to the doctors that she be released home. She really hated staying at the hospital. She was just dying to get some good home cooked meals. After her mom left earlier that morning from the room, she promised one of Angel's favorite meals for dinner.

Now she was home, lying in bed. She really wished that these damn ribs would heal up quickly, but knew that it would take a while. At least she was able to finally catch up on all the books she wanted to read from the library. But the best part ever about being home was that she was able to soak in her tub. Angel loved taking long luxurious baths. Of course she could never fully enjoy it without someone always interrupting her and asking if she was ok. It was a bit getting used to having Isobel helping her get out of the tub or getting dressed, but they both managed ways around it where they didn't have to see and show certain parts.

Finally finishing one of her books, Angel just started to think about everything, wondering if Gavin told Cullen anything. She really hoped not. After this accident, it all just made things even clearer to Angel. She couldn't keep seeing Cullen. She had to protect her family, but not only that, she had to protect Cullen. She felt her heart already being torn at the thought of never seeing Cullen again. He has been so wonderful during her whole time at the hospital. He did everything she ever asked, and was always so kind and caring.

She didn't know what else she could do. She had to end it before anyone else got hurt.


Gavin stared at the fire he was sitting before. The last couple days, he was running all that Angel said through his head over and over. He knew he couldn't keep this a secret from him. He had to tell Cullen about the letter and the voice on the radio, which was a clear indication that someone really was out to harm Angel.

Cullen just entered his office, where he saw Gavin sitting before the fire drinking his brandy again. It was clear to Cullen that Gavin was thinking hard about something. But figured that he would tell him when he was ready.

Cullen went and sat down behind his desk, looking at all the paper work before him. He expected this whole pile before him, since he has been away for a couple days. He looked up at Gavin, "So I told Angel how I wanted things to get serious between us," said Cullen as he continued, "I even said that she should move in with me here at the compound."

This seemed to get Gavin out of his thought. "Oh, and what did she say?" asked Gavin.

"What do you think? She was completely against the idea. Something about trust and not knowing one another enough," said Cullen, as he ran his fingers through his hair and let out a sigh, "I don't know it was most strange. It seemed as if she was trying to put distance between us again even before I made the suggestion. Could it just be from the accident?" asked Cullen. He stopped by after one of his meetings to see how she was doing, and was taken aback by how different she acted from the hospital.

Gavin clearly didn't respond to that. He figured Angel would try and push Cullen away, but it wasn't going to work. He had to tell Cullen. It was the only way to protect Angel. But just how would he start? He knew that Cullen might get upset at him for keeping this important information away from him.

Cullen was clearly able to see something was really troubling Gavin. After all these years of knowing one another, it was hard to keep things from each other. But what could possibly be this troubling, that it would take Gavin this long to approach him about it.

"Tá rud tábhachtach agam a insint duit á dhíth orm," said Gavin quietly in Gaelic. While he was running it all through his head of how is the best way to tell his Alpha the news.

Cullen stood there, waiting patiently. He walked over and grabbed the brandy bottle, and refilled Gavin's glass. He then poured himself one glass, and walked to the seat in front of Gavin, sitting down slowly. He stared intently at Gavin, waiting for him to continue. From the vibe he was getting from Gavin, Cullen just knew he was really not going to like the news he was about to be told.

After a few more minutes passed in silence, Gavin finally began to tell Cullen about everything Angel told him that night at the hospital. He didn't want to stop explaining till he told everything off his chest. He felt his heart squeeze when all the sudden he heard the glass that Cullen was holding shatter to pieces. Next thing he knew, he was flying through the air to land hard on the floor.

"Why didn't you tell me this earlier!" shouted Cullen. "Why the fuck didn't Angel tell me herself, but no, I had to hear it from you?!"

"My Alpha, please understand that Angel was just frightened. She never meant to even tell me, but had little choice since I overheard her speaking with Isobel," stated Gavin, as he slowly began to stand up from the floor.

Growling, Cullen couldn't help but lash out. "Get one of the omegas to get my car out in front immediately," said Cullen.

"Yes Alpha," Gavin replied, while doing what he was asked to do. When he came back to tell Cullen that the job was done, he couldn't help but ask, "What do you plan on doing?"

"What else Gavin," said Cullen, as he continued, "I plan on paying a little visit to my little mate." As he walked toward his car, he spotted Owen. "Owen you're coming with me now."

"I'll come too Alpha. I may be a bit help calming Angel or Isobel," said Gavin.

"No you will not. You are to stay at this compound, and don't you dare leave and that is an order. I will deal with you later," said Cullen sternly. He knew why Gavin wanted to come along, but there was no way that Cullen was going to allow it. Gavin must pay for keeping this.

"Cullen please, don't take it out on her," Gavin tried to tell Cullen, while he was following him out the door, "You need to remember she is still recovering!" he practically shouted after him.

As soon as Cullen pulled away, all Gavin could do was just stare at the car that was going down the driveway. Shaking his head, Gavin couldn't help but feel so guilty over the fact he just betrayed Angel's trust. What have I done...Ohh, what have I done?


Isobel was shocked to hear what Angel was saying about ending it with Cullen. She knew the reason behind it, but to give up on her chance of happiness? "Angel wait, you can't just end it because of everything that happened. With all that has happened, you would think, that you would want to get even closer to him," stated Isobel.

"Closer? How can you possibly think I should get closer? You saw what happened to me when I just had a damn date with the guy. I couldn't possibly see him again. I won't let anything happen to you or anyone else that I care about."

Isobel was just thinking about it all, as she walked to the window. "Umm, Angel...I don't think you will have a choice," said Isobel carefully.

"Huh? What do you mean?" asked Angel, obviously confused.

Isobel slowly turned from the window. "It seems like you are going to see Cullen very soon and that bubble space invader," inquired Isobel.

At that moment, the doorbell rang. Angel quickly looked toward her bedroom door. She just knew now that it was Cullen. "Isobel, you have to make him leave. Send him away."

Isobel turned toward Angel, "Are you nuts? Do you honestly think he will just leave?"

"You have to try. Please, send him away," said Angel earnestly.

Isobel headed downstairs. When she opened the door, she was taken aback by how angry Cullen seemed to be. Uh Oh...he knows. Trying to cover up the shock, Isobel smiled up at him. "Good evening Cullen...Owen. What brings you both here?"

"Hello Isobel. I need to speak with Angel right this moment," demanded Cullen.

"Umm, yea about that...I don't think that's a good idea. Perhaps tomorrow would be a better time," Isobel tried to suggest.

Cullen stepped inside the house. "No now Isobel," stated Cullen, when it was obvious that she was about to tell him goodnight.

Cullen didn't wait any longer. He looked over at Owen and nodded at him. Owen immediately walked to Isobel, and grabbed a hold of her. Once Cullen knew that he would have privacy talking with Angel, he walked up the stairs toward her room. He could easily hear Isobel struggling against Owen "Let me go you ass or you'll pay! I know Kung Fu! I'll go Jackie Chan on you!"

Cullen knocked on the door, and waited for a response.

"Come in Isobel. Did you manage to send him away?" asked Angel, as she continued to read her book.

"Not quiet Angel," said Cullen gently, as he stepped into the room, and shut the door behind him.

"Cullen! What are you doing up here?" asked Angel, as she jerked a bit faster than her ribs would have liked. She whimpered slightly, as she slowly tried to get out of bed. Cullen was by her side right away, helping her. Once she was standing, Angel reached over and put on her robe fast.

"We need to talk Angel," Cullen stated calmly. There was no point in shouting, since it wasn't going to get anywhere if he did.

"Talk? About what Cullen," asked Angel, as she headed toward the window, trying to get as far as she could from him. "And where is Isobel?"

"She is being kept busy by Owen downstairs," answered Cullen. "Don't you have something to tell me my dear mate?" asked Cullen, but he couldn't prevent the sarcastic tone from slipping out.

Angel turned toward Cullen to look at him. Uh Oh, he knows! Gavin! How could you? "Umm, I don't think so," Angel answered quietly, while shrugging her shoulders gently. "Have I forgotten to tell you something?" asked Angel, while trying to act all innocent.

"It would seem that you did," answered Cullen as he walked closer to Angel. "Think Angel; think really hard over the last couple days. Can't you think of something that you might have not told me that could have been very important to know?" asked Cullen once again, slowly trying not to loose his patience with her. He went and moved a chair next to the foot of the bed, sitting down on it.

"Hmm, let me think," said Angel, while trying to pretend like she was actually really thinking hard. OMG, what do I do? Tell him? Yeah Right! That would be an idiotic thing to do while I am trapped in my room with a wolf.

Now Cullen lost his patience completely. "That's it Angel. You know exactly why I am here. Give me the letter," demanded Cullen.

"Letter? What letter?" Again, asked Angel, trying to play dumb. She knew it was useless keeping up this false pretense. "Cullen, maybe we should move downstairs to talk more in the library," suggested Angel.

"No Angel. Hand me the letter right now," said Cullen, clearly blocking Angel's exit by sitting there.

"Why must you be so damn stubborn? Listen Cullen, about this letter, just forget it. I don't need a knight in shining armor to help me with this problem. And also, I believe it may be wise if we stay away from each other for a while. I don't trust you being up here by yourself," Angel stated carefully.

When Cullen said nothing, and just stood there waiting, Angel began to get a bit irritated.

Angel couldn't hide her astonishment. "Haven't you heard a single word I've said?"

"I have," Cullen answered. "And I imagine that the entire household is also hearing every word. Now be a good girl and give me the letter. The bed is too close and you are too much of temptation."

"Lord, I trusted Gavin," Angel muttered in a furious whisper. "I should have known better. If he calls himself your friend, then he's no better than you are."

"The letter, Angel," Cullen insisted. He stood up and stretched and then started toward her. "Give me the letter and let me decide what is to be done about it."

"You aren't going to decide anything," Angel announced. "And I'm not going to move in with you this Saturday or a year from Saturday. I don't even trust you completely yet."

"Angel, if you say the word trust one more time, I believe I'll strangle you."

The look in Cullen's eyes told Angel he was more than capable of doing just that. She backed away from him. "Please leave now. We've said enough to each other."

"Not yet Angel, hand over the letter," stated Cullen.

Angel stormed to her armoire and pulled out the letter and walked back to Cullen. "Here it is, you insufferable man! Now you have it, get out!" demanded Angel.

Cullen read the letter quickly. He let out a long sigh. As he began to walk towards the door, he looked over at Angel and said, "You better start packing. Tomorrow I will be coming by to pick you up. You will be moving in with me."

"Wait! Cullen," Angel tried to think of something else to say. She couldn't move in with him. First and foremost, what the hell would she tell her mom? "umm, What am I to tell my mom? There is no way she will let me go just like that, especially after what just happened."

Cullen shrugged. "I will tell her the truth, well at least half of it. I will simply tell her, that your accident wasn't an accident. And that you are going to move with me so that I can better protect you. What mother wouldn't agree to that?" asked Cullen, as he exited the room and headed downstairs. Once he saw the dirty looks Isobel was shooting at Owen, he knew he was in for it again.

As soon as Isobel saw Cullen, she shot out of her seat—as well did Owen—and walked over to Cullen. "Listen you damn wolf boy. You ever tell this idiot to ever do that again, I will seriously hurt you both.

Owen growled. "Isobel you need to learn who you are talking to. That is our Alpha," announced Owen.

"He is not my damn Alpha you jerk. I am not part of this pack of yours, and it would seem that Angel won't be either after the idiotic stunt you just pulled," said Isobel, getting angrier by the minute.

"He will be your Alpha soon enough," Owen blurted out without thinking.

"What the hell is that suppose to mean?" asked Isobel.

"I will explain later. Now is not the time," Owen tried to say calmly.

Finally, Cullen understood what was going on with Owen. Why he hadn't put two and two together, he will never know. So, Isobel and Owen are mates, this surely is a big surprise. Cullen turned toward Isobel and said calmly, "Your sister is going to move in with me tomorrow and before you make any objections, you can't do anything to stop it. I am actually going to speak with your mother right now and tell her everything—well most of it," said Cullen, as he turned around to head toward the family room.

Isobel turned to glare at Owen for a moment, before turning and walking up the stairs without saying anything.


The following day...

As Cullen said, he was there with Owen and Gavin, ready to help Angel with anything that she needed to pack. Angel refused to cry, there was no way in hell that she would give anyone the satisfaction of it. She just couldn't believe that her mother actually agreed to it. After finding out the truth, her mother was the one to even suggest sending her away somewhere safe, but then Cullen made his suggestion, and here she is packing!

Isobel was quietly packing the last bits of clothing that Angel was going to need, while Angel sat on the bed, looking around her room. Never did she think she would have to leave her family and home over a stupid letter.

All three men came up to the room, and started to gather the suit cases. Gavin, looked at Angel, seeing how she was trying to stay strong, "Angel, I am sor.."

"Don't Gavin. Don't even say it," said Angel, as she struggled to stand up, refusing the help that Cullen tried to offer. She just shot him a dirty look as she made her way downstairs slowly.

Cullen looked over at Gavin, seeing clearly how distraught he was. "Gavin, you didn't have a choice. You had to tell me in order to protect her. She will get over it soon, enough," said Cullen, while he picked up a few things of Angel's.

"Are you sure about that Cullen? You saw it in her eyes... the look of betrayal," Gavin stated quietly, as he picked up her suitcase and headed downstairs as well.

Cullen just sighed. He looked over at Isobel, who was giving him the death glare. "Izzy, you know this is the only way to guarantee her safety. You must know that," Cullen tried to explain calmly.

After a while, Isobel just nodded once. "I am aware of that Cullen, but it doesn't mean that I have to like it," stated Isobel. But there was a slow smile spreading across her face, which for some reason really made Cullen nervous. "But just so you know, I am going to take great pleasure in the pain and madness Angel will be giving you the days that follow." Getting in Cullen's face, her smile faded to a look that can kill "You ever call me Izzy again; you won't be able to walk for over a week, just a friendly reminder. I hate that name."

Cullen had to smile at that. He already figured as much. "Just so you know, you can come by anytime you want. My door will always be open for you." Cullen started to head out of the room, but he had to add, "But it seems that your business with Owen has just begun."

"Hey, what's that suppose to mean," Isobel tried to ask, but it was too late. Cullen was already walking downstairs, directing orders. +++++++++++++++

Everyone was loading up the SUVs' with all of Angel's stuff. Of course Angel didn't need to bring everything, but she figured she had the right to make their lives as hard as she possibly could right now.

Now it was time to say goodbye. She already said goodbye to her mother and promised to visit as much as possible. Her mother warned Angel to listen to what Cullen told her and to promise to stay safe. Of course Angel agreed to most of it. Now, she was looking at her sister. They haven't ever been separated for more than a day and a half. And now they expect her to move away from her?

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