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Unfinished Family Business Ch. 01


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“So you really did that? You tramp!” Gwen said, clearly surprised.

“Come on, how can you really blame me. I bet you would too if you could.” Diana answered.

“I don’t think so. But I thought something might be up. So tell me about it.”

“Do you want details?” It was Diana’s turn to be surprised.

“I don’t know, I guess not. Tell me something.”

Diana giggled. “It was awesome. He’s big, but that’s not just it. He really knows what he’s doing. Mmmm. And the way he uses his tongue? Girl, I thought I was going to pass out.”

I moved close to the window and peeked out. Diana was laying on one lounge on her stomach with her top untied and Gwen was beside her, on her back in a pink bikini. My sister gazed at her friend with her mouth hanging open. I couldn’t believe they were down there talking about what I was like in bed. I was sure it had to be me they were talking about now and I have to admit I felt some pride at Diana’s comments.

“Just be careful. I hope it doesn’t come back to bite you in the ass.” Gwen said.

“Mmm, that could be fun!”

I moved away from the window and decided I was going to have to have a talk with Diana. Great, just one more thing I had on my mind. I only had about a week left before Dad would be coming down to the beach house and I knew he expected a decision when he got here. I felt closer to one, but I was still afraid of putting myself in his hands. We didn’t exactly get along and if I did decide to try going to work for him we would be side by side everyday. That prospect made me lean in the other direction, but what was the other direction. I still had no idea what I would do if I turned my father down.

At dinner Mom asked if I could go over to the event hall with her and help set things up for the charity event that weekend. She said there were plenty of tables to be set up and supplies to unpack and she could use a strong back if I had the time. The girls planned to meet up with some friends that evening anyway, so I didn’t have a better offer. Diana offered to clear the table and I volunteered to help her, hoping we’d have a chance to talk.

“Couldn’t stand to be away from me, could ya?” Diana teased as she stood beside me at the kitchen counter. I was rinsing and she was putting the dishes in the dishwasher.

“Does Gwen know we’ve been fooling around?” I asked after a look over my shoulder to make sure we’re alone.

“Why do you ask that?”

“Because I caught part of a conversation this afternoon and I thought it was about me.”

“Tsk, tsk, Tony. Eavesdropping isn’t very gentlemanly. You shouldn’t listen to other people’s conversations.”

“That’s not an answer.”

“I guess you heard about me having hot sex and you assumed it had to be about you.” Diana laughed. “Sorry to burst your bubble, stud, but you’re not the only one in my stable. Not that I couldn’t brag about you if you weren’t so worried about what your precious little sister thinks.”

“Come on, Diana. I just don’t think she needs to know about it, that’s all. I don’t want Gwen thinking her older brother is trying to hit on all her friends.”

“Everyone knows I’m not innocent. I am sure she would figure out it was the other way around. And speaking of it, when are we going to do something else to brag about?”

“Trust me, it’s been on my mind. We’ve got to find someplace we can do it. You’re not quiet enough for my room and yours is occupied.”

“You can’t blame a girl for fully enjoying herself. Maybe tonight after everyone’s in bed we can sneak off somewhere.”

“Maybe,” I told her.

Mom and I left before the girls went out and as I drove she asked how my decision process was going.

“I’m still undecided, Mom. I want to do the right thing for everybody, but I need to make sure it’s the right thing for me too. And I have to admit, I’m intimidated by Dad and I know that’s clouding my judgment.”

“I know your father can be a tough man, but trust me, he does love you. He’s just not sure how to show it. His father was hard on him and he thinks that he has to be that way with your kids if you’re going to succeed in life. I wish he wasn’t like that sometimes, but there’s no talking to him about some things.”

“I guess you see a different side to Dad.”

“Yes and no. I do see a side of your father that no one else gets to. I know the man behind the façade. But he’s also changed a lot over the years. I think he feels the weight of all his responsibility and it’s made him more rigid. The man I met was definitely focused, but he was a dreamer too. He thought that anything was possible, that he could have anything in life if he worked hard enough and he was right. You’re father is an incredible man. But I also think that now that he has everything he wanted sometimes he’s just not sure what to do with himself. Maybe that’s why he’s so focused on building you up, Tony. Just try not to be so hard on him. Even if he doesn’t go about it the right way he only wants what’s best.”

I could tell my mom still really loved that young man she’d met twenty-five years ago and I wished I could have known that man too.

She wasn’t kidding when Mom told me there was a lot to do. I worked up quite a sweat setting up dozens of tables and lugging around boxes of decorations. There were one of two husbands there, but this was obviously a wives thing and I felt lost in a sea of middle-aged women. They fussed over me and I could feel a few of them watching me when I took my shirt off. There were a couple that were pretty decent looking and one wife of an insurance exec who openly hit on me, asking me back to her place, but none of them was as sexy as my mom. She was just wearing jeans and a t-shirt with her hair pulled back, but she still looked awesome. Especially when she bent over to pick up a box.

“How are things going?” Mom asked, bringing me a bottle of water. “Sorry you agreed to help yet?”

“I’m tough. I can handle it. But I’ll tell you, Mrs. Clivedon must have been a DI in a previous life. She’s harsh.”

“The snap to, soldier and quit slacking!”

I shot to a rigid attention, with my arms at my sides and tried not to crack a smile.”

“So are you supposed to be able to hold that no matter what?”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

Mom came closer and walked around behind me, but I kept my gaze straight ahead. Suddenly I felt her fingers and nails on my sides as she tried her very best to tickle me, but I bit my lip and forced myself not to react. It helped that my sides aren’t my ticklish spot, but it still took an effort to stay at attention. Mom stopped, but stayed behind me and I wondered what she was up to. I began to turn around, but she snapped and told me to hold still.

“I didn’t say at ease, soldier.” I did as I was told and kept in my stance.

The next thing I knew a bottle of cold water was being emptied over my head and I spun around, trying to grab her, but Mom sprinted away from my grasp and I took off after her. She weaved her way between tables, ignoring the way some of the more uptight matrons stared and bolted out the back doors and down the steps onto the beach. Traction on the sand was bad and I easily caught her. I grabbed Mom around the waist and pulled up to stop, but footing was a problem and we both tumbled to the sand. Mom tried to crawl out from under me, but I grabbed her legs and flipped her over, straddling her to keep her pinned. At this point we both were laughing our heads off.

“Take it easy on your poor mother. I’m not as young as I used to be when I chased you around.”

“Ha! Marines show no mercy.”

“So what are you going to do now?”

I remembered the full bottle of water she’d brought me was still in my hand, so I twisted off the top and poured it over her while Mom thrashed in the sand. The water was right out of the fridge and it was freezing. By the time I was finished Mom’s face, hair and t-shirt were soaked.

“Enough! Enough!” She cried, wiping the water out of her eyes. “You win.”

I leaned back, but still kept her on the ground. That was a mistake because I got a good look at her and saw that the water had soaked Mom’s light blue t-shirt through, making it nearly transparent. The cotton clung to her breasts and I could see the patterned lace of her dark bra and just how hard the icy water had made her thick nipples. She was still catching her breath, so her chest was heaving and I rolled off her before she could feel how hard I was.

“It’s about time you let me up. I’ve got sand in unmentionable places,” Mom laughed. “Anyway, I think Judy Mueller might be jealous. I am sure she wishes you’d chase her out here.”

“What?” I asked, dazed.

“I saw Judy hitting on you before. That woman is shameless. I know she cheats on her husband, but I’m shocked she would try to pick up my son right in front of me. You’d better what who you take your shirt off around. So are you going to help me up?”

“Yeah, right,” I said. I’d purposely not been looking at Mom because I didn’t trust myself not to check her out, but now I faced her. She was propped up on her elbows and she looked so sexy laying there that for a moment I felt very jealous of my father. She smiled and for a moment I saw Gwen in her face. It was clear where my sister got her good looks from and if she was lucky she would look so good when she got to Mom’s age. Gwen was off to a good start anyway.

I got to my feet and offered Mom a hand and pulled her up too. She put her arm around me and we walked back into the hall, laughing like teenagers. Mom still had a strong sense of mischief and I was glad. I guess that’s something else my sister’s inherited.

The long hot shower I took when I got home did a lot to relieve my tension. I was sore and tired from working so hard that night, but I was also horny as hell. I couldn’t wait for Diana to get home. There had to be somewhere we could sneak off to. Maybe we could take a blanket and go down to the beach. I laid back on my bed with just a towel wrapped around my waist and waited for the girls to come home, but after a while exhaustion got the better of me and I fell asleep.

I awoke to someone kissing my chest and a hand reaching under my towel. I’d been having a hell of a dream and I was already hard when she touched me. In my dream Mom and Gwen were competing in a beauty pageant and I was the only judge. They paraded around in front of me in swimsuits and heels and demanded I decide who was better. Before my eyes their outfits morphed into sexy, slinky evening gowns and again they insisted I tell them who was more beautiful. Finally Gwen said, “I guess we’re going to have to do something to make him decide.” Both she and Mom walked toward me, slipping off their gowns and then I heard Diana’s voice in my ear as I woke up.

“You make this almost too easy.” She was stroking my cock and kissing my neck and I reached for her. She was wearing cotton panties and a skintight camisole, which didn’t amount to much. God, I wanted to flip her onto her back and just mount her, but not right there were we could be caught.

“Come on, let’s go somewhere else.”

“But you’re ready to go now, stud.” She kissed me and she tasted strongly of vodka and cranberry juice.

“Where’s Gwen?”

“In bed, but I can go get her if that’s what you really want,” she teased.

“Not funny.”

I tightened the towel at my waist and took Diana’s hand, leading her from the room. Where could we go? I led her downstairs and looked around. There was the living room, but that wasn’t too far from where Gwen was sleeping and I knew Diana wouldn’t be quiet enough for that. On the back deck Mom could hear us if her window was open. That only left one place I could think of. I dragged Diana through the kitchen and yanked open the door to the pantry and shoved her in. When I closed the door behind me it was pitch black and I grasped at the ceiling until I found the string connected to the bare bulb in the ceiling. When the light clicked on I saw Diana already had her top off and was pushing down her panties.

“I like this take charge side of you, stud.” Diana said, relieving me of my towel. She stepped toward me, but I held her at arm’s length for a second. This was the first time I ever saw Diana completely naked in good light and I wanted to drink her in. Her ripe eighteen-year-old body looked as good as I’d imagined. Her breasts were so plump, but still firm and dangled ever-so-slightly. Her hips flared to strong legs and I felt my cock surge as I stared at her. Diana was using the time to check me out too and she let out a low whistle.

“Damn you look hot, Diana.”

“Right back at you, stud. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a guy that hard everywhere.”

“Oh, you have no idea,’ I said and grabbed her. Her softness crashed into my hardness and my tongue wrestled hers. There was hardly any room to move in the narrow pantry, but I knew we’d make do. My cock was pinned between us and I could feel Diana’s stomach pressing into it. I reached down between us and found her trigger, fingers slipping between damp lips. She jumped when I fingered her clit and moaned into my mouth. I kept her clit captive and Diana bucked into my hand. I slipped down her body, pausing to pay proper homage to her breasts, and then hooked one thigh over my shoulder as I knelt down. I spread her pink lips wide and speared her with my tongue and Diana grabbed at the shelves on either side to steady herself. Her shrieks sounded ten times louder in the confines of the pantry, but I didn’t care. I was confident no one would hear us there. Let the girl scream as loudly as she liked.

“Tooooonnnyyyyy!” Diana cried as she rode my mouth, completely out of control. Her pussy was creaming as fast as I could lap it up.

“I’m going to fuck the hell out of you,” I told Diana as I stood and kissed her. I turned her around to face the back wall and put one of her feet up on a low shelf. I had to get down low, but when I pushed her and bent her forward at the waist I was able to angle my shaft up inside her. “Uhhhnnnn, yeah,” I gasped, feeling her sweet heat embrace me. I gripped her waist and slammed forward, throwing my all into fucking the moaning girl.

“Yes yes yes yes!” Diana cried over and over. “Yesssss!” Again she was holding onto the shelves for support and boxes and canned goods tumbled to the floor around us, but neither of us slowed down. I had days of sexual tension to work out and Diana was the fortunate recipient. “Ohohohohoh!” She gasped and her pussy contracted hard around my cock. She was cumming again, but I wasn’t quite done yet, so kept slamming forward, forcing forbidden thoughts to the back of my mind. With her bent forward like that, round ass staring up at me and blonde hair flying everywhere it would be to easy to think of her as…someone else.

I growled out her name and came with such force that I swear I saw colours. I don’t think I’d ever exploded so hard in my life. I know that I kept slamming my cock into Diana even as it drained and only stopped reluctantly when I started to go soft. I pulled out of her with a plop and helped her straighten up.

“Jesus, Tony, you’re fucking incredible.” Diana gasped. “You were holding out on me the other night.” She kissed me heartily. “I can’t wait to see what you can do when we really have some time.”

“I can’t wait to show you.”

“I hope that’s a promise.”

I slept like a rock that night and thankfully no more dreams came. It was late morning by the time I stumbled out of bed and made my way downstairs. I thought I was alone until I found Mom on the deck with her nose buried in a book. She was on a lounge in her bikini, but she wasn’t directly in the sunlight. She’d never been a sun worshipper and I think hat’s one of the reasons her skin has stayed so supple. When I slid the door open Mom looked up and smiled.

“I thought you were never going to get out of bed. We must have really worked you hard last night.”

“I definitely got a workout last night,” I said, settling into a chair beside her.

“Do you have any idea what happened to the pantry? It looks like it was ransacked. Half of the stuff was on the floor when I looked in there this morning.”

Oops! I didn’t even think about cleaning up before we left. “I have no idea. Maybe we’ve got rodents.”

“Trying to get into cans? I’ll call the exterminator anyway. I wanted to take you guys shopping today. I expect all you kids to be at the event tomorrow night and I want to make sure you’ve got something appropriate to wear.”

“That’s cool. When did you want to go?”

“I was thinking after lunch, if you can drag the girls back from the beach, that is.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll bring ‘em back even if I have to through them over my shoulders.”

“I witnessed how tough you are last night, but I’m sure Gwen could give you a run for your money.” Mom said.

After grabbing a towel from inside I headed down to the beach, where I found the girls’ stuff on their blanket, but no girls. I was looking up and down the beach when Gwen came striding up from the water, glistening and wet. Her patterned little bikini clung to her like a second skin and she pulled her hair back, wringing the water out of it.

“Hey Tony. When did you get here?” Gwen asked.

“Just now. Is Diana still swimming?”

“Sort of. She’s in the water, but she’s flirting with some guys we met. They invited us to a party tonight.” I know I should have felt jealous about that, but I didn’t. I knew the score with Diana. And besides, I was a little distracted by Gwen at that moment. She bent over to get a towel to dry off, pointing her tight ass straight at me and I watched as her bikini panties climbed into her crack. When she straightened she reached back and pulled out her wedgie. Yeah, I watched. Any red blooded male would have watched, nothing wrong with that. Well, okay, maybe I was a little too aware of her ass considering she’s my sister.

“Think you guys are going to go?”

“Maybe. Depends if anything better comes up.” Gwen lowered herself to the blanket and drug around in the cooler for a diet soda. “So what’s going on with you? Still glad to be home?”

I took a spot beside her. “For the most part, sure. I’m really happy to see you again. And Mom. But I really feel pressured.”

“You need to do what I do with Dad. When he starts to go overboard just screen him out and do what you want.”

“That might work for you. You’re his little girl, even if you piss him off he’s still going to take it easy on you. But he’s got a whole different set of expectations for me and letting him down is not an option. I’ve got to do what he wants, or else.”

“Do you really think he’d banish you?”

“I’d like to say no.”

“That sucks. I won’t let him. If you have to go I’m going too. He can go fuck himself.” Seeing the feisty side of Gwen reminded me of Mom last night. I loved my sister’s independent spirit.

“Slow down, tiger. It might not come to that.”

“Just make sure you’re doing what you want and not what he wants.”

“And how about you? Is Brown in the Fall what you really want?”

“I don’t know, but I think Brown is as good a place to figure it out as any. Of course I’d prefer the University of Miami, but I don’t think Mom and Dad would have gone for that. It’s funny, but I was toying with joining the Marines too, for a little while.”

I stared at her. I just could not imagine Gwen on Parris Island. “That’s nuts. Even I would have had to stop you from doing that. I enjoyed the Marines, but I don’t think it’s the place for my little sister.”

“That’s awfully chauvinistic. I just wanted to be like my big brother. I look up to you, you know.” She leaned over and hugged me and I held her in a tight embrace. “So how did last night go? Did you have fun with the town matrons?” As she spoke Gwen reached for her suntan lotion and began reapplying it.

“Not as bad as you’d think, but Mom did work me pretty hard.” I consciously looked the other way as Gwen slathered lotion down her long legs and then over her flat belly and around her breasts. I felt a quiver in my groin and tried to think about baseball.


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