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Unspoken Ch. 01

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Young woman rescued from wilderness by silent hero.
6.2k words

Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 03/13/2022
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The Hunter's Cabin

Warmth and comfort surrounded me when I awoke, but fear swiftly followed. I was in an unfamiliar fur-covered bed. Staying very still, I listened for sounds. My memories were foggy, but my horrible ordeal rushed back to me like a bone-chilling dip in an icy pond. I had fled my home at dusk to escape an arranged marriage. The wilderness surrounding my father's property was a mystery to me. My upbringing taught me etiquette, not survival. My arms were scratched and bleeding after crashing through hedges and briers during my frantic run. A wolf had caught my scent and chased me off a jagged outcrop into a stream. A short fall ended with pain in my leg as a boulder arrested my descent. Sitting in freezing water with no escape, the wolf's growls drew closer. The beast would have me for supper, and no one would ever know. I was sadly inclined to my horrible fate at that point. I wanted the damn wolf to eat me and be done with it, a brutal release from my joyless life.

Pain and exhaustion were stealing my clarity as I prepared for the end, but a gunshot sharpened my senses. Anguished yelping preceded another blast, then everything fell silent. Approaching footsteps sent panic throughout my spent body. I feared my father's rifleman had found me. He would mercilessly drag me back to my horrible existence. I considered drowning myself to escape him, but an unfamiliar man appeared through the underbrush, causing me to hesitate. He was tall and completely clad in fur and leather. He held a rifle. A bow and quiver adorned his shoulder. His head and face were wrapped to keep out the cold. Only his eyes were visible, and they were rather unearthly. I had never seen such piercing gray eyes before. They were filled with amazement at the sight of me, and that's the last thing I could recall.

There had been no sounds, so I slowly pushed the fur blanket down and peeked around the room. It looked like a hunter's cabin, judging by the furs strung about and the weapons hung by the door. It wasn't fancy, but it had all the essentials of a home. It was charming in its simplicity. The fire in the hearth had burned down to embers. It was evening, judging by the light outside the small window by the bed. Snow was clinging to the window panes.

I carefully rolled over and winced. My leg was throbbing. I also badly needed some water. Slowly sitting up, I lowered my leg over the side of the bed. Blood rushed into it, making me more aware of the injury. The pain brought tears to my eyes, but it was bearable after a minute. My whole body ached with exhaustion and hunger. I was completely naked. The gray-eyed stranger had stripped off my wet clothes. I blushed at that realization. A tin cup full of water sat on a stool beside the bed. I slowly drained it. It had a funny aftertaste that tingled on my tongue. It warmed me inside and out, easing the ache in my limbs. I gathered the fur blankets around me as I admired the quaint little cabin. A carved beam over the door declared the name "Aimon Rosemoor."

"Maybe that's my rescuer's name," I whispered.

Suddenly, the door latch snapped up out of its cradle with a thump. Someone outside had pulled the rope that fed through a small hole in the door. I jumped at the sound and stared wide-eyed as the door swung open. The fur-covered stranger stepped in, looking the same as he did when I saw him by the stream. His piercing gray eyes jumped to mine a second later. I blushed and pulled the furs tighter around me.

"Hello," I stammered.

He nodded as he closed the door behind him. He turned his back to me and removed his bow and gun. He hung the items on the wall by the door without looking up. He had obviously been doing it for years and knew exactly where the nails were. He retrieved a large knife from the wall and disappeared out the door again. I stared after him in confusion. He was obviously a man of few words. He came back a few minutes later with a skinned rabbit in his hand. I figured that would be supper. The thought of food made my stomach rumble. The stranger glanced at me again as he crossed the room and dropped the rabbit into an iron pot over the fire. I got the feeling he wasn't used to having company. I relaxed a little as he threw logs on the glowing embers, bringing the fire back to life.

He walked to the door and pulled the rope in before placing the plank in its cradle, locking the door for the night. Then he began to remove his heavy fur coat and hood. I watched curiously as he unwrapped his head. I would finally get to see the man who saved me. I was surprised by the full head of messy black hair hidden underneath. He removed his face scarf last, and my mouth dropped open a little. He was much younger than I first thought, and he was absolutely lovely. His chin and cheekbones were well defined. They complimented his shapely nose and full lips. His skin was olive in tone, making his gray eyes shine even more under his thick eyebrows. His messy black hair touched his forehead and cheeks, adding to his rugged allure.

I watched curiously as he moved about the room, preparing supper. He made some tea and filled it with herbs I couldn't identify. I was straining to watch him in the little kitchen in the corner. He finally brought the finished product over to me. I studied his handsome face as he put a warm cup in my hand. He was studying me too.

"Thank you," I whispered.

Suddenly, he reached over and placed his warm hand against my forehead. He was checking my temperature like a mother would do to a child. It caused a blush to rush into my cheeks. I could smell his skin at that point. It made me feel warm all over. He smelled like cedar and rosemary. He smiled thoughtfully to find me fever-free. When he drew away, I caught a glimpse of a nasty scar on his throat. It looked like it had been there for many years. I quickly realized the old injury could be the reason for his lack of words. He might not be able to speak at all.

I finished the delicious tea and placed my empty teacup beside the tin cup on the stool. I watched my rescuer as he chopped vegetables and tossed them into the pot with the rabbit. His sleeves were pushed up past his elbows, allowing me to admire his forearms.

Once the stew was well on its way, he cleaned his hands and approached me again. He sat on the floor beside the bed and slowly picked up my injured leg. I gasped in pain from the gentle movement. My blush returned as he carefully examined the back of my leg, feeling it up and down with his fingers. I finally noticed a line of neat stitches close to the back of my knee. He carefully examined that area. He even smelled the wound for infection. I felt his nose brush my leg, and it sent a shudder up my back. He sighed as if he were displeased with something. He retrieved a glass jar from a box under the bed. It was full of clear gel. He scooped some out and rubbed it on the stitches. I gasped and winced in pain, but it quickly eased. The gel was a potent medicine. I felt sleepy as I breathed in the strong smell. He wrapped my leg with clean linen before he coaxed me to lie down. I fell asleep within a minute of hitting the pillow.

He woke me sometime later with a gentle shake of my shoulder. I looked up to see him sitting next to the bed with a tray of food between us. I smiled at the heavenly sight and quickly moved to sit up. The pain in my leg stopped me. I froze for a few seconds to let it ease. I saw him wince in sympathy. A few agonizing moments later, I moved much slower. He watched and waited patiently. I almost forgot to keep the furs pulled around my chest as I reached my trembling hand towards the food. I had to stop and gather the covers around me again. He suddenly smiled and picked up my spoon. He offered me some of the delicious-smelling stew, ready to feed me like an invalid.

I gave him an annoyed look. I hated being treated like a child. He raised a mocking eyebrow at me. His beautiful face was so expressive he didn't need words to communicate. I blushed and took the spoon from him. My hand was shaky, but I got the stew into my mouth. I groaned in delight as the flavor danced across my tongue. He flashed a charming smile before he tucked in. He gave me a quarter of what he had. I finished it rather quickly.

"This is delicious. May I have more, please?"

He looked at me for a moment. I wasn't sure if he understood me. Then he shook his head, indicating a clear no.

"Why not?" I asked in disappointment.

He sighed as he stared at me for a moment, obviously puzzling over how to communicate with me. Suddenly, he pointed at me and made a motion with his hands like he was breaking a stick.

"What? Are you saying I'm broken?"

He nodded. He pointed at my bowl and made a motion about it being bigger. Then he pulled a silver watch out of his pocket and showed it to me. He swirled his finger around the glass watch face, indicating twelve hours.

"Oh... so I can have more food in the morning?"

He smiled and nodded as he put his watch away.

"But... I'm still hungry. Why can't I have more now?"

A second later, my stomach grumbled and ached from the small introduction of food. If I had eaten more, I would have been sick. He gave me a knowing look as I clutched at my stomach. I laid back down and watched as he cleaned the dishes and put them away. Then he sat down in a big chair beside the kitchen table. He was working with strips of leather and fur he had laid out earlier. I couldn't see what he was doing exactly, but I enjoyed watching the concentration on his face as he worked.

"Is your name Aimon?" I asked.

I was drifting on the edge of sleep after eating. He looked at me in surprise for a moment. Then he glanced at the inscription over the door. He smiled in understanding. I hadn't guessed his name. I had read it. He nodded as he turned his attention back to his work. I drifted off to sleep shortly after.

I awoke with a start sometime later when I felt the covers shift. I turned to discover Aimon's lovely face close to mine. He slid his arms under my body and gently lifted me so he could scoot me over. I winced from the movement, then I watched in startled confusion as he climbed into bed with me. My heart began thumping erratically when I realized he was naked. Tensing, I tried not to touch him as he made himself comfortable. The situation was beyond inappropriate, but he was obviously exhausted and only interested in sleep, and I was hogging his only bed. He saw no problem sharing his bed with a strange naked woman when he needed sleep. He was absurdly practical.

I seriously wanted to protest, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. He had been an angel to me. He rescued me from death's door. I couldn't chase him out of his own bed for my comfort. I swallowed my nerves and lay very still, trying my hardest not to touch him. That was extremely difficult in such a small bed. I discreetly tucked the covers between us to keep our naked flesh from touching. Touching him through the covers felt acceptable, allowing me to relax and get comfortable. Aimon was already asleep. My exhaustion allowed me to follow a minute later.

Uncontrollable shivering woke me sometime in the night. I felt dizzy while lying down. That was new. My shaking soon woke Aimon. He jumped at my presence. He obviously wasn't used to sharing his bed with a stranger. He made a disgruntled noise as he rolled over and placed his cold hand on my neck. Then he let out a breathy hiss that probably would have been a curse if he could speak. He hurried out of bed a second later. My head was spinning as he made noise in the kitchen. Time was slipping away from me as I struggled to stay conscious. Aimon eventually returned to the bed and pulled me into a sitting position. He pushed a warm cup to my lips that burned my nostrils with its fragrance. I deliriously tried to turn my head away, but he steadied me and forced me to drink it. The bitter concoction burned all the way down. The world went black afterward.

I awoke covered in sweat the next morning. A strong arm was around my waist. Aimon had pulled my body tight against him in an attempt to calm my shivering in the night. I blushed head to toe to feel his soft skin against my back, rump, and legs. I had never touched a man so intimately before. I shifted and looked over my shoulder just as his bright gray eyes flew open. He blushed as we stared at each other, then he placed his hand on my neck. He smiled to find me fever-free. He climbed out of bed at that point and dressed. I rolled over and watched as he rekindled the fire to make breakfast.

I felt awful. The fever prevented a restful night's sleep. Aimon brought me some water and leftover broth. I enjoyed the liquid appetizer as he examined my leg. He seemed pleased with its healing progress. He caused another shiver to race up my spine as he smelled the wound. His soft hair had brushed my inner thigh. Moving was easier that morning. My leg was stiff, but it wasn't shooting pain anymore.

After a light breakfast, Aimon dressed to go hunting. He set a small tub of hot water on the stool next to the bed and handed me a bar of soap and a washcloth. Then he bowed out with his bow and rifle. I tiredly cleaned myself up. The simple bath felt wonderful, and the soap smelled like Aimon. I held it close to my nose and inhaled the cedar and rosemary-infused bar. Once I was clean and comfortable, a nap was in order.

Aimon returned close to sunset with a goose on his belt. He spit-roasted the bird over the fire. It smelled and tasted heavenly. After supper, he cleaned up the kitchen and laid his leather project on the table. I craned my neck to see what he was doing. He looked at me and smiled in amusement. Then he walked over and gathered me in his arms. Keeping the fur blanket wrapped around my nakedness, he carried me over to the table and sat me in his chair. He retrieved a stool from the corner for himself.

I happily watched as he skillfully wove the leather together. He was making a fur-lined coat. It was going to be beautiful and warm. He even let me help a little. My strength was lacking. I couldn't help long without my hands shaking. An hour later, he put me back to bed.

I was half asleep as I watched him clean up his project for the night. He revived my attention when he suddenly stripped naked for a full wash at the basin. Heat rushed all over my body at the enticing sight. Aimon was beautiful. His olive skin was flawless, and his muscles were tight and lean. I knew I shouldn't stare, but I couldn't help it. He glanced at me and blushed when he saw me blushing. I figured he was clueless when it came to social norms.

My heart did a funny dance as he blew out the oil lamp and climbed under the blankets with me. I shivered when our skin touched, and he noticed. He thought I was feverish again. He rolled over and dutifully wrapped his arm around me, pulling me against him, and I went tingly all over. Every intimate part of his body was touching mine. His skin was perfectly warm and soft. I didn't know a man could feel like that. My heart ceased its pounding as I rested against him. It was pure comfort. I felt safe with Aimon. I smiled as his hand curiously rubbed the soft skin of my stomach. Words couldn't describe how wonderful his touch felt. He slowly slid his hand over my hip and along the curve of my side. I let out a happy sigh that ended with a soft moan. My heart rate ebbed upward as his hand slid over my ribs and found my left breast. He curiously cradled it in his palm, gently squeezing the soft flesh. My nipple hardened from his touch. He explored it next, gently pinching it between his fingers. I shuddered with tingles from the stimulation. My breasts were round and pleasant to squeeze. I often massaged them myself when I was alone. It felt wonderful to feel someone else do it.

I knew Aimon was doing something extremely inappropriate. I honestly believed he didn't know any better, and I didn't understand why it felt so good. I wanted him to touch me more. His gentle fondling sent my temperature up and made me tingle between my legs. He let out a soft sigh as he snuggled against me and played with my breasts. He often pulled his fingertips over my nipples, enjoying their firm texture. He pulled me tighter against him, and I could feel his erection pressing against my right butt cheek. It sent my stomach fluttering. He gently rocked his hips, rubbing himself against me. I was astonished to discover the skin of his penis was soft. His flesh was hard and soft at the same time. I figured a man's private parts would be rough and leathery like their hands, but Aimon's was silky.

Moisture was gathering between my legs from his fondling. It surprised me. I didn't know why my body was reacting that way. Aimon seemed content with what he was doing. I doubted he knew what to do with a woman, and I wasn't entirely sure what to do with a man, but I thoroughly wanted him at that point. He was too perfect, but I didn't know how to proceed. What little I read about intimacy between men and women left me confused. I knew the parts between our legs were supposed to touch in some way. I definitely wanted to feel his silky skin against mine, so I rubbed my rump against his erection. He let out a breathy groan that made my insides tingle more. I stealthily scooted up until his cock slipped off my rump. I opened my legs and reached down to find his cock. My hand was shaking as I grasped it. He gasped softly from my touch. I gulped as I pressed his hard shaft against my wet crotch. It felt incredible. I shuddered and closed my legs, squeezing his thickness tight against my sensitive skin. I could feel his pulse thumping excitedly through his hard shaft.

He moved his hips, and we both gasped. The friction of his cock rubbing against my wet lips felt deliciously good. I didn't have to encourage him to do it more. He instinctively thrust his hips, pushing and pulling his cock between my thighs. It sent sharp tingles all over my body and made me extremely wet. I almost lost my breath when his tip slid over the little bulb at the front of my opening. The sensation was sharp and thrilling. I squirmed and tightened my thighs on his cock, encouraging more friction against my crotch. My privates were swollen and getting softer with arousal.

Suddenly, his tip pushed hard against my drenched opening, parting my lips a little. The angle only allowed him to push in slightly. I gasped from the titillating sensation. I moved my hips to give him better access, hoping he would do it again. He teased his tip harder against me, enjoying the warmth and resistance. We were both simply exploring what felt good at that point. He backed off a little and scooted down some. Then he pushed hard against me again, repeating the same motion that felt exceptionally good earlier. I squeezed my thighs so his thickness would push hard against my swollen skin instead of slipping along it. I groaned in delight from the exquisite pressure. Then his tip suddenly parted my lips and slid inside me. I gasped from the shocking intrusion. Aimon let out a surprised breath too.

"You're inside me," I gulped.

I clutched at the blanket as my body ached with pleasure and discomfort. His thickness was hurting me a little, but the pressure felt incredible. Our hearts were pounding as he gently rocked his hips, allowing his tip to move inside me. I gasped in pain for a moment. I had never felt anything like it. A man's hard flesh was actually penetrating my body. He dipped in and out of my swollen warmth, quickly turning the pain into hot pleasure. He shuddered and pressed his mouth against the back of my neck. He was tasting my skin as he massaged inside me. His penis was going a little deeper with every thrust, making me weak and tingly. His hard meat was pushing my inner muscles open. The sensation was almost indescribable. It was wild feeling him thrusting into my lower belly. I could tell by his breathing he was enjoying it too.


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