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Vampire Lineage Ch. 01

Story Info
Vampire seduces naive blonde, they discover new sensations.
6.3k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 10/30/2020
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**This is a Halloween story that I decided to leave out of the 2020 contest since I wanted to make it a series. Like my other series, it starts out with a loss of innocence and gets hotter with every chapter. Enjoy! Love, Chloe Hunt**

Chapter 1

Flower of the Field

"He looks familiar. Was he at the party?" Emma whispered to Kate as they stood in line at the movie theater.

It was Halloween night, and they were going to the Nightmare on Elm Street Retro Show. They escaped their friend Justin's notorious Halloween party before the cops arrived. Kate's boyfriend was keeping her updated on the fiasco since he lived next door.

"Who?" Kate asked as she looked up from her phone, smiling. The bell on the top of her witch's hat smacked Emma in the face for the fifth time that night.

"Kate, please take off your hat before I give it to the first random toddler I see," Emma threatened. "Do you see that cute guy in the white shirt leaning on the wall? The one with black hair. Was he at the party?" she asked as she tilted her head in his direction.

"Oooh... That's Ivan. The heir to the horse ranch next to your aunt's farm," Kate said as she looked at him oddly.

"What's wrong? Is he bad news or something?" Emma asked.

"He's a snob. I've never seen him out on the town like this. It's bizarre. I'm tempted to believe he's here because of you," she whispered.

"What?" Emma asked in surprise.

"Don't play dumb. He's been staring at you since you pointed him out. Miniskirts have that effect on men. You were supposed to dress as the Good Witch of the South, not the Slutty Witch of the Trailer Park," she grumbled as she looked Emma over.

"Sorry, Kate. This is the one night of the year I get to dress however I want. Wait... he's staring at me?" she squeaked.

Emma cautiously glanced over her shoulder and met his striking eyes. She gasped and quickly looked at Kate again.

"He is staring at me," she whispered in alarm.

"Don't act surprised. He's been gawking at you all night," she grumbled.


"Emma, how can you be so clueless? Your mom messed up, sending you to an all-girls school," Kate sighed.

"Um, is he still staring?" Emma asked nervously.

"Uh... he's walking over here," she chuckled.

Emma gasped and spun around to find Ivan standing right beside her. She gave him a comical deer-in-headlights look. He smiled at her in amusement.

"Happy Halloween, ladies! Am I interrupting something?" he asked.

Emma opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out. Ivan was way more handsome than she first thought, and she seriously lacked communication skills. His eyes were big and pale gray under dark shapely eyebrows. His face had seductive angles that sent Emma's heart pattering.

"You're Ivan," she said a little dreamily.

"Yes... and you're Emma, right?" he asked as he glanced at Kate in amusement.

"How do you know my name?"

"Your aunt's field manager pointed you out yesterday. I was looking for your aunt, but you had detained her all afternoon," Ivan explained.

"Oh, sorry. She was helping me with my costume," she said in embarrassment as she looked down at her tight white skirt and low cut blouse. Aunt Caroline knew how to throw together a slutty outfit.

"No problem. She did an excellent job," he said with a pleased grin. "So, what are you ladies up to?"

"We're here to watch the retro show," Kate interrupted. "It's our Halloween tradition."

"Oh, cool. Um, I hate to impose, but would you like some company?" he asked as he turned his daunting eyes on Emma. She was immediately flummoxed.

"I uh... um... sure," she stammered. She glanced at Kate to see her frowning.

It was supposed to be a girl's night, but Kate's constant texting to Jim had already annoyed Emma enough for a week.

"Oh! Will you look at that!" Kate announced as she held up her phone. "Jim's car broke down on the bypass. Sorry, Ivan. We need to go get him. Come on, Emma," she ordered as she took her hand, ready to pull her across the parking lot.

"Wait! Does Emma have to go too?" Ivan asked, prompting them to stop. "If it's a ride issue, I can drive Emma home after the movie. If that's all right with Emma, of course," he said as he looked at her with big helpful eyes.

Emma smiled at him and nodded. Then she looked at Kate to see a shocked expression on her face.

"What's wrong, Kate?" Emma whispered.

"Uh, excuse us for a moment, Ivan, girl talk," she said with a polite smile. She quickly pulled Emma a few yards away from him.

"What is your problem?" Emma grumbled as she pulled her hand away from Kate.

"Emma, listen to me. I know he's cute and dreamy, but everyone says he's a creep. He's a social elite. He doesn't hang out with normal people, but I'm pretty sure he wants to get with you. I saw him following us at the mall earlier. It was totally weird," she whispered urgently.

"Kate, he was probably collecting candy from the kiosks like we were. It is Halloween. Also, he knows my Aunt Caroline. He wouldn't do anything to hurt me. I promise I'll be fine. You go help Jim," she insisted before she walked back over to Ivan.

Poor Kate sighed in defeat. Her plan had completely backfired.

"Fine. I'll see you guys later. Enjoy the movie," she called as she watched them buying tickets.

Before Kate turned to cross the parking lot, she saw Ivan glance up at her with a triumphant smile on his face. It sent a chill up her spine.

Ivan and Emma made themselves comfortable in the theater. Ivan had purchased a large bucket of popcorn and some cherry flavored icy drinks. Emma felt anxious as she sat in the dark with him, waiting for the movie to start.

"Have you seen this movie before?" Ivan asked as he offered Emma his popcorn.

"Uh, no. I'm not a big horror fan, but Kate said it's awesome and has Johnny Depp in it," she said with a shrug.

"It's pretty brutal. I hope you're ready for it," he said as he reached over and brushed a golden curl off her shoulder.

She smiled in embarrassment and turned her attention to the screen. The movie turned out to be more than Emma bargained for. It was too sexy, too gory, and way too scary for her. She was trying to be brave in front of Ivan. He was laughing at some of the most horrible parts. Emma suspected he was actually laughing at her reactions to them.

"Are you going to be all right? We can leave if you want to," he said as he put his arm around her and pulled her close.

Emma had to admit she liked him touching her, but a particularly gory scene started, so she decided to take him up on his offer. They hurried out of the auditorium and didn't look back.

"Sorry about that. I should have known better," Emma sighed as she sat on a bench in the lobby and shook out her curls. They had tangled while she buried her face in Ivan's shoulder.

"It's no big deal," he said as he admired her. "So... are you up for a late-night drive in my convertible? That's one of my Halloween traditions."

"That sounds wonderful," she said with a smile.

Ivan led Emma out of the theater and across the parking lot to a shiny black 1969 corvette convertible. She stopped in her tracks to admire it.

"That's a beautiful car," she said as she gawked at it.

"My brothers helped me restore it. Get in. It's more fun in motion."

She smiled and hurried into the car. They roared out of the parking lot and hit the highway. The air was chilly but not uncomfortable. The stars and moon were shining bright overhead. Emma thought it was a perfect Halloween night. She felt bad about not spending it with Kate, but Ivan was a handsome replacement.

"See any witches up there?" Ivan asked as he held his hand out to catch the wind.

"Not yet. I love fall nights in Georgia. I've always wanted a convertible for nights like this," Emma laughed as she held up her arms and let her hair fly in the wind.

"You're going to have to stop doing that if you don't want me to wreck. I can't watch you and the road," Ivan said with a huge smile.

Emma laughed and pulled her hair over her shoulder.

"So, what's your Halloween costume, Ivan? Are you a spoiled southern aristocrat?" Emma asked with a smirk.

His button-down white shirt was perfectly starched. It went well with his formal black slacks and shiny black loafers.

"No, that's what I am year-round. Tonight I'm a vampire," he said with a charming smile.

The way he said it sent an excited shiver up Emma's spine. She stared at his handsome face in the moonlight with her stomach fluttering. She was thrilled to be having a Halloween adventure with him. It seemed too good to be true.

"Thanks for abducting me, Ivan. I thought tonight would be boring, but this is wonderful," she said in appreciation.

"You're more than welcome. I would like to abduct you more in the future," he noted.

"So, is this officially a date?" she asked.

"A date? I thought I was abducting you," he laughed.

"Okay. I like that idea better, too," she chuckled.

"How old are you, Emma?" he asked out of the blue.

"Nineteen. Why do you ask?"

"You just... seem younger," he said with a shrug.

Emma sighed at that comment. She took it as an insult.

"Did I upset you?" he asked.

"A little. I know I'm boring and sheltered. Kate says I have the personality of a stump," she grumbled.

"Emma, that's not true," he said in amusement. "You're on the verge of discovering what you enjoy in life. You seem way more fun than Kate, in my opinion."

"Thanks, Ivan. I appreciate that."

Emma smiled and looked up at the stars feeling good about herself again. The stars seemed extra bright as they sparkled around the harvest moon. They drove many miles, simply enjoying the beautiful night. Emma began to wonder how far they had gone when Ivan suddenly turned onto a back road she had never seen before.

"Where are we going?" she asked as they twisted and turned deeper into a heavily wooded area.

"Not too much further. You'll like this place. My brothers used to bring me out here on Halloween. My family owns this land if you were wondering."

The road soon became dirt and gravel. Ivan had to slow down to keep the tires from sliding. Suddenly, the trees opened up, and a beautiful moonlit lake appeared in front of them. It looked like a scene from a moody oil painting. The moonlight on the water shimmered through a sleepy mist creeping out of the woods.

"Oh, wow!" Emma said in delight as Ivan parked beside a dilapidated log cabin. A long dock stretched out into the water beyond the cabin.

"This is my favorite Halloween haunt," he said as he stepped out of the car.

Emma hopped out of the car before him and hurried down to the dock. She stopped at the end to admire the beautiful moonlit lake. It was the most enchanting thing she had ever seen. Ivan was smiling as he walked up behind her.

"This is gorgeous, Ivan. Thank you for showing it to me," she said in amazement.

"You're welcome, Emma. This is my first time bringing someone here on Halloween. I'm glad you think it's amazing too."

She smiled and looked at him in the moonlight. He was watching her. His large gray eyes were almost glowing from the reflected light on the water. His black hair was shining like oil as it fell lazily around his cheeks. He was just as amazing to look at as the lake.

"Ivan, has anyone ever told you you're beautiful?" she asked with a smile.

He blinked in surprise and shook his head in amusement.

"No. Thank you for being the first," he chuckled.

"You're welcome."

They stared at each other, smiling for a moment. Ivan was the first to look away. He suddenly seemed distracted.

"Emma... would it upset you if I kissed you?" he asked before he looked at her again.

She stared at him in surprise for a moment.

"Not at all," she said with her stomach fluttering. The night suddenly felt ten times more amazing.

He smiled as he stepped over to her, bringing his beautiful face close to hers. Emma could smell his delicious breath. It made her feel tingly all over. He slowly brought his warm lips to her mouth and gave her the most innocent of kisses. His touch was soft, warm, and inviting. He wasn't Emma's first kiss, but he was officially her favorite. He pulled away a few seconds later and took a deep breath. Emma smiled at the happy feeling in her chest. Suddenly, she noticed tears sparkling in Ivan's eyes.

"What's wrong?" she whispered in concern.

He sighed heavily as he backed away from her. He seemed upset as he reached up and rubbed his face vigorously. Then he looked at her with heartbreak in his eyes.

"I can't do this," he whispered, shaking his head.

"Do what? It was just a kiss," she said with a gulp.

"Emma, I did follow you and Kate to the theater. I've been watching you since you left your aunt's farm yesterday. I followed you to the party, I stalked you through the mall, and then I let you see me at the theater. That's when I decided it had to be you. It was too fucking easy. You're too fucking innocent!" he growled with tears rolling down his cheeks.

Emma stared at him in shock. Terror was growing in her gut as her mind raced to understand what was really happening.

"What were you planning to do?" she asked, barely above a whisper.

Rage flashed over his face at her question.

"I was going to kill you. I really wanted to kill you, but now I don't know what I want," he hissed.

A pathetic noise escaped her throat after that revelation. It was a muffled sound of terror. She was beginning to tremble all over. Her enchanting Halloween night had suddenly turned into a nightmare.

"Why were you going to kill me?" she asked with her throat going dry.

"I wanted you to be my first. That's all you need to know," he said angrily.

Emma felt sick to her stomach. She desperately wanted to run, but she knew it was a bad idea. They were in the middle of the woods, and she was wearing sandals. She didn't have a choice. She wasn't going down without a fight. She grit her teeth and dashed up the dock. She figured she could hide in the woods if she could get a head start.

"Don't run, you idiot!" he yelled as he watched her sprint past the car.

She was shaking with terror as she ran up the dirt drive into the shadows of the trees. She had only gone a few yards when she ran into a patch of moonlight, then something struck her from behind. She crashed into the ground and skinned her hands and knees on the loose gravel. Strong hands grabbed her and rolled her on her back. Ivan had pinned her down. She lay terrified under his heavy body.

"Why did you run? That only makes me want to kill you more," he growled.

He sounded furious. His breath was hot on her face, and it still smelled delicious. Breathing it sent waves of calming comfort throughout her body. It was bizarre. It made her feel aroused instead of afraid.

"What on earth? How are you doing that?" she asked as she relaxed under him.

"Shit!" he growled as he stood on his knees to keep his breath out of her face.

Her terror slowly returned as she lay there in a daze.

"What just happened? How did you do that?" she asked in shock.

He was panting with anger as he picked up her bloody hand and looked at it for a moment. She watched in horror as he began licking off the blood. He shuddered with enjoyment, then he bit her hand. She screamed in pain as he sucked on the wound. She stared at him in shock as he drank her blood. The pain in her hand eased the longer his lips touched it. She wondered if he was going to bleed her out on the spot. A few seconds later, he stopped and took a deep breath.

"No... I just can't kill you," he grumbled as he looked at her damaged hand. He started licking it much slower.

Emma was trembling with fright as she watched him. He licked her hand until the pain was gone, then he picked up her other hand and licked it clean.

"Oh my god," she whispered as she examined the hand he had bitten. It was completely healed.

"Is that better?" he asked as he climbed off of her and sat beside her in the gravel. His handsome face looked ashamed and defeated.

Emma sat up and looked at her hands in the moonlight. They were perfect again. She looked at Ivan with her heart pounding. He smiled at her and licked his teeth. She could see two perfectly white fangs where his canines should have been. She gasped and clapped her hand over her mouth. She knew those weren't Halloween prosthetics.

"Now you know," he said with a smirk.

"You're a REAL fucking vampire?" she squeaked as she slowly nudged away from him.

"Yes, and you're the person I chose for my first kill. WHY the fuck can't I kill you?" he hissed as he got right in her face.

He moved so fast she flinched. She stared into his fierce eyes and inhaled his delicious breath again. It made her body relax and tingle.

"Whoa," she sighed dreamily. "It's different now. It makes me really hot," she said as she drew even closer and breathed him in.

"That's because I'm aroused," he said with a smirk. "This has never happened before. I have fed on a lot of women. My brothers said I was ready to kill one, but now I can't. I usually only feel hunger and excitement when I'm about to feed, but with you, it's arousal. It's driving me mad. It's like wanting to have sex with a cheeseburger," he chuckled.

He sounded charming when he laughed. It was too much for Emma. His breath was pure pheromone. She quickly pressed her lips to his and kissed him hungrily. She explored his mouth with her tongue, licking around his fangs like they were candy. In the back of her mind, she knew she was doing something crazy, but he tasted so good she didn't care.

Ivan wavered as he let Emma kiss him. He was repulsed and aroused by her. He considered it below him to think of a human as a potential mate, but Emma was an exception. She was innocent, beautiful, tasty, and he wanted her. He wanted to own her. He had specifically told his brothers he would kill her. He didn't want to go back on that hugely important decision.

Emma nibbled on his lip, distracting him from his thoughts. She was completely subdued by his breath. He didn't realize how powerful it was when he was aroused.

"Stop it, Emma. You're drunk on my breath," he chuckled as he pushed her away.

She was like an annoying cat begging for his full attention. He was considering giving it to her.

She stumbled back in a daze. After a few deep breaths, her head cleared, and she looked at Ivan in fear again.

"What's wrong with me? How are you doing that?" she squeaked.

She started to move her legs, but she gasped in pain. Her knees were bleeding and full of gravel. She could feel a rock lodged under her right kneecap.

"I'm guessing that hurts," Ivan sighed as he looked at her messy knees.

"Like a bitch," she grumbled with nausea churning in her gut.

"I guess I'll heal you since I can't kill you, but not out here," he mumbled as he reached over and effortlessly lifted her off the ground.

He carried her into the abandoned cabin. It was pitch black inside. Ivan was navigating the darkness with little effort. They stepped into a room that had some moonlight spilling across the floor from a broken window. Ivan gently laid Emma down on something soft and cool before he disappeared into the darkness.

She ran her fingers over the soft surface and decided she was on a bed. Ivan struck a match, and warm light filled the small barren room. She looked at where she was sitting. It was a large mattress on the floor covered in a burgundy comforter. The material shimmered like satin.

"Do you sleep here?" she asked in confusion.

"Sometimes," he said as he lit an oil lamp.

He carried it close to the bed and set it on the floor, then he sat on the bed at Emma's feet. An excited shudder ran along her spine as she stared at him. He looked even more alluring in the firelight.

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