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Vandal Hearts Ch. 00-01

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Prelude & Passage of Thieves.
1.6k words

Part 1 of the 7 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 04/28/2011
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For over a millennium the fertile lands in the heart of this vast continent were ruled by the Holy Ashah Dynasty, descendants of Toroah the Messiah.

However, it is man's doom to forget... Amidst all the wealth and exotic pleasures, the nobility lost their way and sank into corruption and depravity, forgetting even the holy teaching of Toroah.

It was in these days of unrest that the citizens, struggling under an oppressive regime, rose up and under the leadership of Arris the Sage, took up arms against the Kingdom. That was the first outbreak of violence in what would later be known simply as The Revolution. The Royal Army's counterattack was swift and fierce, but time and time again they were put to flight by the cunning strategies of Arris and the indomitable will of the advancing Liberation Army.

Victory in hand, the rebels set up a Council and worked to establish the continent's first democracy. And so, the republic of Ishtaria was born.

However, Arris the Sage, whom all hoped would lead the country, mysteriously vanished and has not been seen again to this day.

Now, 15 years later, the shadow of war once again threatens Ishtaria...

1254 at Gillbaris IslandCastle Ruins

Silence and darkness fills the room as it has for over a millennium then suddenly the sound of grinding of stone on stone rips through the air and a sliver of light tears through the room. Slowly the sound rises and the sliver widens until finally the door gives way and the light fills the expanse of the small room.

Two fully black armored soldiers walk cautiously into the room, swords in hand. The turn their heads from side to side the step fully into the room followed closely by a third unmasked but equally armored soldier.

"What is this place?" the unmasked soldier asks.

A fourth soldier, General Magnus, enters also unmasked wearing similar black armor but with a long, red cloak. He is taller than the others with jet black hair matching his armor. His gaze travels around the room without concern not matching that of his soldiers. He hasn't yet drawn his own sword and he wears about him an air of confidence and unconcern for danger. "Ah, a hidden room." He walks forward pushing ahead of the rest of the soldiers. "Hmm? What's this?"

In the back of the small room on a raised platform is some sort of ornament. Magnus with his curiosity now captivated steps up closer toward the platform leaving the other soldiers behind. Sitting in the ornament is a small red orb. A smile stretches and tugs a bit at the corners of the general's mouth as he steps closer. The three soldiers, curious as to what the general has found, follow closely behind him.

"That sparkle," Magnus says. "This must be it!" He reaches out and touches the orb and suddenly rays of energy blast out. "Th—these rays...What's happening?"

The orb glows white and the soldiers attempt to cover their eyes but are still blinded by the bright light.

Act I: A Premonition of War

Passage of Thieves


The man's name is called out over the soothing sound of running water and sweet singing of birds, but the man Ash, one of the three men dressed in long brown robes standing side by side with their cargo in the middle of a grassy field, does not answer.

"Ash!" the merchant yells again, this time more forcibly.

"Huh, oh sorry," the man called Ash says. "I was just thinking."

"Well you better get up," the merchant says. "We've got some trouble."

"We're surrounded!" the other merchant warns.

From over the hills and trees a large gang of thieves begin to emerge surrounding the three merchants. The group look like a ragtag group dressed in the poorest of clothing and carrying the most basic of weapons.

"He, he, you're trapped," the closest of the thieves says. "Don't you know that this valley belongs to the Fangs of Umbaba?"

Another of the thieves pipes in saying, "They're just some dumb wandering peddlers. Ignorance is the root of misfortune, as they say."

"If ya wanna live, hand over everything ya got!" the first thief says waving a knife around in front of the three merchants. "Although, we'll probably kill you anyway! Right boss?"

A large, barrel chest man steps out from the shadows of the tree line holding a sword nearly a larger than himself. He laughs heartily, his stomach shaking in the process. "Ya got that right!"

"Too scared to talk bitches?" the thief asks and then runs up at the man names Ash ready to slice through him. The man Ash side steps, pulling out a sword from beneath his robes and slices through the thief cutting him in half.

"What the fuck?" Zoot, the large, barrel-chested man says.

"Ha! Where's that stupid laugh now?" the first merchant asks.

"Now you're the ones who are trapped!" the other merchant says.

"Who the fuck are you guys?" Zoot asks.

Ash reaches around to grab his cloak quickly pulling it aside and tossing it to the ground to reveal a man in shinning armor with a sharp sword and a solid shield. "Ash Lambert. Third Platoon. Ishtarian Security Forces."

The first merchant follows suit removing his robes. He grins beneath a red bandanna while brandishing a bow. "Diego Renault. From the same."

The last merchant removes his robes, tossing them behind. He looks much like Ash, but with a much larger sword. His hair is tied back into a small ponytail and he has short stubble on his face. "Clint Picard. Likewise."

"Ash?" Zoot asks sounding hesitant. "Ash of the Black Wind?"

"Surrender quietly and we'll grant you quarter!" Ash announces ignoring the questions.

"Against only three?" Zoot says seeming to reconsider things and regain his confidence. "Kill them now!"

The thieves rush from all sides. In a flash Diego has three arrows from his quiver out and firing in rapid succession dropping three of the thieves before they take their first few steps.

Ash and Clint are separated when a rain of arrows are sent at them and they are forced to jump away letting the arrows hit the ground where they were just occupying.

Ash's path takes him immediately into the path of a thief with two swords. He uses his momentum to carry himself into a roll that takes him under the first sword strike and past the following second. He swings back with his own, striking across the back of the thief dropping him to the ground.

Clint brawls his way through into a small group of four thieves cutting the legs off the first then the head of the next. He raises the hilt into the face of the next breaking the nose then Clint drives his sword through the throat of the last. He pulls his sword free and spins around and the thief falls to the ground with two arrows in his back.

Ash races toward Zoot with his shield up blocking incoming arrows from Zoot's last line of defense. Ash grins as he approaches the archer. The thief shakes as he tries to draw back another arrow and is sent reeling back as Ash's sword slices upward through his chest.

Ash leaps into the air, bridging the last few feet between himself and Zoot. Their blades meet with such force that Zoot has to take a step back to secure his footing.

Their blades twirl back and forth as Ash switches with Zoot from offensive to defensive and back. Metal clangs on metal and neither soldier nor thief gain a higher ground.

"It that all ya got?" Zoot taunts.

Ash remains emotionless as Zoot flashes him a toothy smile. He then breaks contact from Zoot and steps back. "Ego dico in elementum...Glacies Tempestas."

A slow, cool mist begins to swirl around Zoot's sword out of thin air. The thief's eyes flash wide in shock. "What's going on?"

A moment later his blade solidifies. Ash steps in swinging wide. Zoot brings up his own sword to block the attack shattering it upon contact. Immediately the thief drops the hilt and falls to the ground with Ash pressing the edge of his sword to the thief's throat.

"Argh, don't kill me! I'm pleading with you!"

Ash sheathes his sword. "Tie him up," he orders his two companions.

Quickly Clint and Diego get to work and in no time Zoot is tied with his arms behind his back.

"That should teach you guys a, huh?" he says with a look of recognition. "It's you! I knew I'd seen you before, Zoot Gach!"

"What?" Ash says shocked as well. "The same Zoot Gach that we threw in jail just two months ago?"

"Yeah," Diego confirms. "Don't ya recognize him?"

"The pleasure's all mine," Zoot says smirking.

"Wait a minute," Diego interrupts. "Only two months and he's already out? He must have busted out!"

"True, but I don't think for a minute that this loser would be able to break himself out of prison," Ash reasons.

"Staves and stones may crack yer bones," Zoot responds with a great deal of sarcasm. "But it don't bother me cause my friends won't forget about me!"

"What does that mean?" Diego asks grabbing a fist full of Zoot's clothing and pulling him in close. "Answer me!"

"Oh nothing," Zoot answers smiling big. "I'm just mumbling."

"Ah," Clint says finally breaking his silence, "I think I get it."

Ash shoots the large man a wordless look, waiting for elaboration.

"Bandits have shut off all trade in this valley," he continues after a moment. Whoever freed his is probably reaping huge black market profits," he pauses to give the others a s moment of thought before continuing, "a crooked politician or merchant pulled strings. So what else is new?"

"That burns me up!" Diego fumes. "Should I put an arrow in him right now, Ash?"

"No!" Zoot rushes to say. "Stop!"

"Hold it Diego," Ash says holding up his hand. "Killing this flea is no answer. Our job is finished. Let's go back to Shumeria."

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