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Violetwoods are Blue Ch. 01

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Victoria is shocked when she makes a life-changing discovery.
3.8k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 01/11/2015
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Victoria sighed. She had been in a meeting with her mother, the Dean of Violetwood Academy, when suddenly her younger sister Justine was pulled from class and into the nurse's office. Since she was naturally a concerned parent, Gloria, Dean of the Academy and Students, quickly darted up from her cherry wood desk and bolted out of there. Victoria understood the severity of Justine's anemia, which was why Murphy and Gloria (her mothers) had decided not to have any other children, but Victoria had wished for a brother for years, and perhaps a little more attention from the women whom she called her parental units.

Victoria was eighteen. That day. And neither Murphy nor Gloria seemed to remember that fact, she grumbled internally as she got to her feet and left the office. As she walked by a mirror, she made a grimace at her expression. Her honey wheat hair had darkened in recent years and had turned wild and mouse-like, and into an unappealing brown. Her eyes were the only remarkable feature, a deep molten hazel, she thought as she went into the nurses office to play the saint-like tribute to her younger sister's birth-related plight.

"Hey," Victoria said, stepping into the nurse's office as Justine was examined closely. "How are you holding up?" she asked, lightly gripping one of her ankles in support.

Justine sighed. She had porcelain skin and bright, curly red hair. She resembled Merida from "Brave", right down to her tiny pointed nose and her bright blue eyes. She was nearly eleven years old, but she resembled an eight-year-old due to her small frame. "I think I'm okay," she said softly.

"Your iron is twenty-one," the nurse, Mrs. Thomas, said.

"Did you have any of the beef brisket at lunch, sweetheart?" Gloria asked in a worried voice.

"Mom, I told you. I don't like beef brisket," Justine said in a voice which could be described as petulant and a bit spoiled.

"Well what about Mama's pot roast, mashed potatoes, and carrots from last night?" asked Gloria.

"She ate the mashed potatoes and picked at everything else," Victoria gently reminded her.

Gloria immediately jumped on that. "Tell me, sweetheart, were you feeling sick last night?"

Victoria looked up at the clock. It was five minutes after one. She was due in one of the back study rooms of the library in five minutes. Biting her lip and adjusting her dark gray school jacket, she informed her mother of this. Given that she was so preoccupied with Justine, Gloria readily accepted this and excused Victoria.

Victoria left the nurse's office and dashed down the hallway, easily evading people, thankfully. She went in the back entrance of the library and slipped into the designated study room.

"Why, hello Victoria."

Blood quickly running cold, Victoria turned and nearly gasped. Ms. Collins, the English History teacher, sat there before her. Ms. Collins was in her early twenties and, due to her rich uncle, had gone to the finest private schools and had graduated at fourteen. She graduated college at eighteen and had come to work as an educator at Violetwood Academy soon thereafter, currently the youngest member of the staff at just twenty.

"Hi, Ms. Collins..."

"I know you were expecting Miles Tucker, but as far as boyfriends go, they're frowned upon in this institution, I'm afraid."

Victoria blushed from her cheeks, down to her breasts. She could not believe that Ms. Collins had infiltrated her meeting with Miles. Victoria and Miles had been a thing for nearly a year, and Victoria had had an extra special surprise for their anniversary that day: Several orgasms for him. She'd really been looking forward to this, but Ms. Collins was now chuckling.

And then she said the thing that would change their lives forever.

"Why have him when you could have me instead?"

"I'm sorry. Excuse me. I'm late for my advanced psychology class," Victoria said, running out of there.

Victoria came home that day and threw herself down upon her bed. Her cat, Belle, crawled on her back and nuzzled her face. Victoria sighed. I mean, it's not like she hadn't fantasized about Ms. Collins, right? I mean, she was only two years older than her, and she pretty much the definition of what would be considered to be a blonde bombshell. It was just unnerving that an actual teacher had made a legitimate pass at the school.

Victoria bit her nails. She was starting to wonder, due to her biological father's, Richard Norwood's, treatment of her, why she'd been into Miles Tucker at all. Her father was sentenced to life without parole for his crimes of murder (six counts, including her mother) and several counts of child abuse towards her. Although his parental rights had been terminated and she'd been formally adopted by Murphy and Gloria, at eighteen, she was eligible to meet with him if she so desired.

She bit her lip. Mama wouldn't be home from the firm for at least two hours, and Mom had a PTA meeting until at least nine. Justine had after school activities, and her mind was made up. It took a moment to get Belle from off of her back, but after that she managed to log in to her laptop and figure out just what prison he was in.

Of course he was in Sing Sing Prison, she thought to herself as she dialed the number and waited.


"My name is Victoria," she said softly, sighing.

"Can I help you?" asked the man's voice on the other end.

"My father, Richard Norwood, is in prison there. When are visiting hours, please?"

"Monday through Saturday from 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.," the man replied. "If you do come, you need some form of identification and you'd have to go through security."

"I understand," Victoria replied. "Thank you."

Victoria found herself tossing and turning that Friday evening when she was trying to sleep. Since her biological father was in New York and she was in Seattle, it would be difficult to go and see him. She decided that, since spring break was next week, she would ask to go see her mama's grandparents, Amber and Mandy.

As her mind drifted from her father, she could clearly see Ms. Collins in her mind's eye. She felt herself biting her lip, and she also found herself not wanting to leave that study room. In fact, she locked the door behind her and walked closer to Ms. Collins.

"What did you mean by that?" she heard her dream self asking. "What did you mean by me having you instead?"

Ms. Collins smiled. She had a lovely peaches and cream complexion with a pearlique mouth, as well as a perfect hourglass figure. Ms. Collins slowly and sensuously uncrossed her long, elegant legs and slowly advanced upon Victoria, closing the distance between them. It only took a moment for her to lean down and kiss her.

As Victoria's tongue instantly went upon automatic pilot, Ms. Collins reached down and stuck her hand up the eighteen-year-old's mini skirt. "You're shaved," she whispered into the student's mouth. "I like them best when they're shaved."

Victoria moaned as Ms. Collins gently slipped her fingers in between her pussy lips and stroked her clit. "Ms. Collins!" Victoria hissed into her history teacher's mouth. "Oh fuck..."

"You're wet for me, aren't you?" she whispered, a smile in her voice. "I love the feel of your wet pussy on my fingers."

Victoria jerked back and forth over Ms. Collins's finger as she stroke her clit, which became large and engorged very quickly. "I want this so much," she whispered. "I want you so much, Ms. Collins..."

"Show me how much," she replied in a soft voice. "Come for me, baby."

Victoria spasmed then, letting herself become wetter and wetter. She gasped at the amount of liquid which appeared in the thin shaft of light in the study room on Ms. Collins's finger. Ms. Collins smiled at Victoria and stuck the finger into her own mouth slowly and deliberately.

"You taste fucking amazing," Ms. Collins told Victoria with a smile.

"No," Victoria moaned softly as she slowly opened her eyes, realizing that it had all been a dream. Her bedside lamp was still on, and she threw her blankets back to scoot out of bed. She gasped then at what she saw. There, all around here, was what looked to be a pool of water. Upon further examination by inhaling, she discovered that it was her pussy juices.

She had had a wet dream about Ms. Collins!

Victoria got permission to go to New York over spring break because she'd made all A's on her midterms. She got onto a decent plane and sat in first class, hoping that the plane would not vibrate too much under her sensitive pussy. Victoria had come over and over to the thought of Ms. Collins stroking her clit, and she couldn't get it out of her mind.

Victoria didn't realize that she'd fallen asleep until a little over six and a half hours later when she heard the pilot informing her and the rest of the passengers that they were landing at LaGuardia Airport. She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and ascertained that her purse was all in good order. It was good that she was in first class, she thought to herself, because she could get off this thing sooner.

She managed to get off the plane and through the terminal with ease and navigated her way to baggage claim. Her costly leather duffel bag was easily retrievable and then she had to dash outside to get a taxi. She gave them the address of her grandmothers' mansion-like brownstone and soon she was sitting comfortably.

She got off at the place after giving the man her credit card and taking it back before running to the door. She knelt and retrieved the key from under the mat and let herself in. She took off her leather jacket and hung it on the peg in the hall before going further into the house to the suite of bedrooms.


She turned around to see Grandma, a.k.a. Amber. "Hey, Grandma!" she cried, dashing up to her and throwing her arms around her.

Amber smiled down at her eldest granddaughter, of which she had six, and kissed her forehead. "Was the cab ride all right?" she asked.

Victoria nodded. "Yes. Quick and easy, of course."

"Is that Victoria?!" cried Grams, a.k.a. Mandy, running into the hallway and embracing Victoria. "I still can't believe we let you take a cab..."

Victoria shrugged. "I'm eighteen. I'm an adult!"

"That's right!" Amber said with a gleam in her eyes. "We got you a couple of things."

"What?" asked Victoria, shocked to he getting presents at all.

"I'll get them," said Amber said, dashing out of the room.

"You sounded surprised," Mandy said in a concerned voice.

Victoria sighed. "It's just... Grams, they're so preoccupied with Justine's anemia..." Victoria broke off, hanging her head. "I mean, it's not like I said anything. I can't say anything about it. I..." It was only a fraction of a second later that Victoria broke down and Mandy embraced her. "Grams, it's so hard!" she sobbed.

"I know, sweetheart, I know. You're at a difficult age. I'm sure you must think that you're selfish, but you're really not. I want to come down hard on Murphy because ever since Justine was born, it's always seemed to revolve around her. I know that she had a life-threatening condition and I'm not disputing that, but you were our granddaughter first. There's no changing that."

"But I'm adopted..."

"No," Amber said firmly, coming into the room. "Once you were called Victoria Spezia-James, you were a member of the family. You're family, period."

Victoria sighed. "I need to tell you something," she said, walking through to the living room. "I don't know where to start," she said a moment later, as they sat across from her and Victoria's presents were placed next to her. "I lied to you. I mean..." She sighed. "I mean...I wanted to see you. I did miss you. Christmas in Seattle without you guys sucked."

"Big case," Mandy said.

"Guy was acquitted of the crime though," Amber said.

"I understand," Victoria replied. "I came here to meet my father."

Amber and Mandy looked at each other before returning their eyes to their oldest grandchild.

"Tori," they began, believing the childhood nickname would soften her.

"No. I've thought it over. I'm eighteen, and although parental rights are terminated, legally I'm allowed to see him. I have an appointment tomorrow afternoon."

Amber sighed. "Okay. What else do you have to say?"

"I broke up with Miles."

"No!" Mandy said in a disappointed tone of voice. "He's such a sweet boy."

"I know, but..."

"You two would have worked so well together..." Amber went on.

"We wouldn't have worked out well together at all," Victoria burst out then, a trifle annoyed with the two of them for not letting her get a word in. "It wouldn't have worked out well for them because I'm gay. I'm a lesbian."

Amber and Mandy raised their eyebrows, shocked.

"Really?" they asked.

Victoria nodded. "Yes. I had a fling with a girl my sophomore year. She was a senior. We were at a party one night and we played spin the bottle and we ended up kissing. After the party she drove me home and..." Victoria shrugged then. "We had sex at the side of a dark road. It just happened, but she graduated a few weeks later and I never saw her again."

"How do you know?" asked Amber. "I didn't know myself. At my high school graduation party I found my then-boyfriend cheating with Mandy," she said with a laugh. "One thing led to another and then we were together, and now we're the top attorneys in New York, have five kids, and are happier than ever."

"I know because it was never the same with Miles," replied Victoria. "Miles is wonderful, but I never felt attracted to him like I've felt to..."

Mandy smiled. "You have someone in mind?" she asked.

Victoria sighed and nodded.

"Who is it?" Amber asked.

Victoria shook her head. "It's impossible is what it is."

"Why is that?" Mandy wanted to know.

"She's the youngest teacher at my school," Victoria said softly. "She made a vocal pass at me, and I know that's wrong, but it didn't go further than that. I wanted it to, though, but..."

Amber sighed. "Ms. Lola Collins is a very brilliant and kind woman. We're good friends with her uncle; he's actually a client of ours. Lola is still a teacher though, and you're a student. But we won't say anything, because you graduate in eight weeks. It would take a year to get to court and by the it wouldn't make sense."

Victoria nodded. "Thank you."

"Now, open your presents," Mandy urged with a smile.

The presents were a professional karaoke machine, a laptop to replace the beat up old one she had, and tickets to the Joan Jett concert that would be at Key Area the following September. She also had an Amazon gift card, which she decided to use to buy something sexy to wear to graduation to tempt Lola.

Victoria woke up at seven-thirty the following morning so as to be fully prepared for her visit. She put on her skinny jeans, black ankle boots, a white ruffled blouse, a simple gold necklace which read "VICTORIA", and a simple gray cardigan. She curled her freshly washed hair and put on makeup for good measure before grabbing her purse and slipping an energy bar into it as she passed the kitchen.

Amber and Mandy had called her a cab and she hugged them both goodbye and went outside. She gave the man the directions and he informed her that it would be an hour. She decided that it would be good, because then she could figure out what the hell she was going to say.

She went over every memory she had between her first and the court case which had locked her father away forever. America didn't think too fondly of serial killers or child abusers and, as her father was all rolled into one, prison was a very dangerous place for him. She wondered how different he would look to her.

"$110.35," the man said then.

Victoria handed him her credit card and then slipped out of the car. She went inside the prison and went to the check point, where she handed over her fully decent background check, which was immediately approved. Security patted me down and ascertained that she was not a threat and led her to a room full of tables.

"Norwood!" barked the man who'd escorted me. "Got a visitor."

A man turned around. He had salt and pepper hair, slight wrinkles to his face, but his eyes were the same. He gasped when he made eye contact with Victoria, his eyes widening.

"Bridget!" he cried, the sound of Victoria's biological mother's name hurting her heart. "Come back to haunt me, have you?"

"D--" Victoria couldn't bear to call him that, as she went over every detail of what he put her through. "Richard," she said in a more clipped tone, "it's me. It's Victoria."

Richard Norwood sank into a chair, and Victoria crossed the room and sat across from him. "You're very grown up now..."

Victoria nodded. "Thanks. I turned eighteen last week."

"And thought you'd track me down, huh?" he said, taking out a pack of cigarettes and expertly lighting one up, smoke wafting through his nostrils as he did so. "Smoke?" he asked from in between his teeth.

Victoria remembered her first cigarette then and there. She'd been around four and her father had encouraged it. He was buying her packs by the time she was six, and she'd quit after going into care and hadn't looked back. She even remembered being so addicted that she stole handfuls of cigarettes to keep from being hungry. Then her father had burned her with every last one for her thievery.

"No, thanks."

Richard nodded and tucked the pack back into his pocket.


"Excuse me?" asked Richard, looking up at her.

"Why did it?" she asked. "You killed six people and...hurt me..."

He ran a hand through his hair. "The drugs affected me petty bad, Vickster," he said, calling her by her childhood nickname before care, which made her feel disgusted. "I was shooting up and doing meth and coke... I was really out of it..."

"I know. You were so out of it you held me down and forced me to smoke it with you."

"I know. And for that I'm sorry. But my therapists in here tell me that I obviously wasn't raised correctly and because of that I was apt to get into a troubled situation..."

Victoria blocked out the rest of the visit. She couldn't take it anymore. All she wanted was Lola.

Victoria returned to school the following Monday and went directly to the back room of the library. Lola was there and looked surprised to see her there. Murphy shut the door and locked it behind her before dashing up to her.

"Victoria! What--?!"

Victoria slammed Lola up against a bookcase so as it rattled and kissed her deeply. They mutually allowed each other's tongues to explore the hidden parts of each other's mouths. Victoria was beyond turned on.

"Victoria, we can't. I could lose my job if we were to..."

"My mom is your boss," Victoria said. "I will never matter to my parents as much as Justine does, but I'm still their daughter." She sighed. "I want... No. I need you... I..."

"You said that last time."

Victoria blinked. "Excuse me?"

Lola sighed. "Remember that party two years ago? You and I played spin the bottle and did what we did in the car before I took you home."


"I know. I was wearing a wig and too much makeup."

"No. I mean... You graduated high school at fourteen and college at eighteen. I..."

"True," Lola replied. "But I was on break between semesters at the time. I wanted to see what a high school party was like. Luckily my cousin was the host that evening..."

Victoria sighed. Wow. Now she really had to have Lola, to make up for lost time, a lot of lost time. She wanted Lola in every way. Every. Way.

She gripped Lola's wrist then and hiked up her skirt.


She stuck Lola's hand into her panties and moved it around so as the history teacher's fingers grazed her clit. She then let go of her hold on her, and was overjoyed that Lola did not waver, rather, she seemed eager.


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