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Virgin Bride Pt. 01


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She studied his belt and the fly to his pants, but when she reached for them, he grasped her wrists and stood, gently raising her with him. Both standing, he held her again and kissed her. This kiss was a completely new experience because he could feel her skin under his hands and he could feel her hands pressed against his bare back.

"Shall we go . . . ", it still wasn't easy for Jerome to get the words out. "Shall we go . . . to the other room?" That meant the bedroom. Angela nodded, and arms around each other, they moved to the 'other room'.

At the foot of the bed, Jerome hesitated. Stammering, he excused himself to quickly return to his bag to obtain a small, square package, which he thrust into his pocket with embarrassment. Angela didn't want children, at least not yet. And since she was still a virgin, the doctor had suggested that Jerome provide the contraception during the early part of their marriage.

Jerome didn't know exactly how to remove his pants and get the condoms on the nightstand at the same time. As he returned to the bedroom, Angela was seated on the foot of the bed. Her hands were behind her back and as Jerome approached her, he saw the bra loosen.

He stopped in front of her and she looked up at him with eyes as wide as saucers. Although she was nearly naked, there was still a look of innocence in her expression. She stood before him, arms by her side, her loose bra hanging from the straps over her shoulders. Wordlessly, Jerome ran his fingertips up her arms to her shoulders and hesitantly slipped his fingers under the shoulder straps. His fingers trembled as he lifted the straps from her shoulders and moved them to the side. The bra dropped loosely down her arms until it hung from Jerome's fingers. Jerome gaped at her small, perfectly shaped breasts and slightly turned up nipples.

Angela's eyes were closed with fear. She held her breath awaiting his verdict. It seemed that she waited forever for him to express an opinion. When he finally spoke, he said words that Angela never thought she would ever hear.

"You're beautiful!" he gasped in awe, staring at her perfect pale globes.

Self-consciously, Angela covered herself with her arms, hiding herself from his openly admiring gaze. "They're so small." She squeaked out.

Without a thought, Jerome folded him in his arms. "They're beautiful!" he murmured softly. She encircled him with her arms and they pressed against each other. Angela's cheek was pressed against his shoulder.

Jerome was almost overcome by the feeling her naked nipples pressing against his bare chest.

Aware of her embarrassment and modesty, Jerome moved with Angela to the side of the bed without breaking the embrace. Still holding her pressed to him, he reached down and lifted the covers so Angela could slide beneath the coverlet. Jerome could see the gratitude in Angela's eyes as she covered herself with the sheet.

Jerome moved to his side of the bed, where he took the package from his pocket before he dropped his pants to the floor. Sitting on the bed, he removed a single condom before setting the box on the table. (He had opened the box the night before to be practice rolling a condom on, so that he wouldn't appear foolish on his wedding night. He was thankful he had 'practiced' because he found out that one side up, the condom will roll on, the other side up . . . it won't.)

Keeping the single condom in his hand, he slid under the covers to join his bride. He slid one arm (the one holding the condom) under her head and caressed her face with his free hand. (Mr. Johnson had told him that a women like her man to caress her face – it makes her feel beautiful. From Angela's responses to his caresses, Mr. Johnson had been correct.)

Jerome let his hand slide down her chest and push the sheet downward revealing his bride's small breasts. Lying on her back, her breasts had flattened considerably, making them appear even smaller. But they were still beautiful. His large hands began the exploration of her small body. He caressed her breasts, gently squeezing them and rolling her nipples.

In bed with her husband, Angela was apprehensive when he removed the cover revealing her breasts. She knew that her small breasts flattened even more when she lay on her back. But he didn't seem to be disappointed that she was so small. His gaze seemed to reflect adoration, almost worship. Although she didn't understand it, she was immensely relieved and thankful that he could tolerate a woman whose breasts were so tiny.

With some trepidation, she watched fearfully as he lowered his head to kiss her breasts. With great foreboding, again she held her breath until his lips kissed her nipples. She saw that her nipples were becoming harder and standing out more than usual. His hand molded her breast, extending the nipple upward, and she gasped as his lips gently surrounded her nipple. She gave a delicious moan as he drew it into his mouth.

Feeling Jerome suck on her filled Angela with shock and fear. And pleasure! It excited her beyond belief! If this felt so marvelous, could anything be better?

He gently suckled her for an interminable length of time. Her tiny hands gently clasped his head and held him to her.

Jerome raised his eyes to hers. She was watching him suck on her nipples. Her expression was accepting, satisfied, and even pleased. She looked like she was happy he wanted to suckle her. And, yes, her eyes were filled with love.

Leaving her breasts, he drew up and their lips met. As they kissed, his hand left her breast and slid under the sheet, and Angela froze as he touched her through her panties. She had never been touched by a man before, and didn't know what to expect. He wasn't really doing anything. The heel of his hand was resting on her lower stomach while his fingertips were pressing ever so slightly against her.

Chapter 3 – To bed.

But he was touching her in a 'forbidden' place, a place that had always been taboo. But it wasn't forbidden to her husband! It couldn't be! What should she do now?

Very gently, his fingers moved, slowly exploring her pubis.

Knowing that his hand was . . . there . . . sent chills through her. Their breathing increased and Angela pulled him even closer to her, drawing him into a deeper kiss. He was her husband! He had every right to touch her wherever he wished!

Jerome's fingers moved lower, and he felt dampness in her panties. As their kiss ended, both of them were breathing heavily. He allowed his finger to trail upward, gently pressing between her folds, but still separated from her by her panties.

"MMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmm!" An approving moan poured from her lips. Jerome wasn't sure what he had done, but whatever it was, it had certainly elicited a verbal endorsement from his partner. Not knowing what he had done, he didn't know how to do it again, or even if he could.

Angela didn't know what he had done, but it sent a jolt through her stronger than anything she had ever felt before. Then it was over. He had moved. She wanted him to do it again, but he didn't.

Jerome kissed her shoulder, and gradually began to kiss his way downward, freeing his arm from under her head as he descended. He kissed both breasts, and gently sucked on each nipple, before he resumed kissing his way downward, and disappearing beneath the sheet.

When he reached her panties, he continued kissing her through the silken material. Angela was still nervous, as nervous as any virgin bride can be. But the intimacy of his kisses stirred something in her that she didn't understand. Again, her hands covered the back of his head, gently pulling his face against her. Jerome discerned that she was rolling her hips, pressing into his kisses.

Gripping the waistband of her panties, he gently pulled them downward. She was frightened as this last symbol of modesty was pealed away from her, but at his insistence, she raised her hips, allowing her panties to slide over her bottom and down her legs. She slipped one foot out of her panties, but consciously kept the other foot inside her panties. It seemed an unconscious effort to maintain some semblance in her mind of being clothed.

Jerome was aware of the dampness in her panties, but as the garment slipped down her legs, he inhaled a strong aroma of her femaleness, hot, thick, heavy, and musky. It was a scent he wasn't used to. He didn't know if he liked it or not. But he knew that he would never mention it to Angela.

He continued to kiss her pubis as he slid the panties down and off of her foot. Still kissing her, he slipped his body between her legs. Jerome could sense the embarrassment and discomfort that was forming in Angela as she tried to pull his face upward with her hands. He took advantage of her distraction to slip off his boxers and roll the condom in place. The condom felt wet in his hand. The wetness of the lubricant distracted him, but he quickly put that out of his mind.

Then he allowed her to draw his face upward. He kissed every inch of skin along the way, until his lips were even with hers. She kissed him ardently. He returned her kisses and continued to move upward until he felt his touch against her feminine lips.



<If you need to split this story into multiple parts, this would be my choice of where to make the split. >

Chapter 4 – and the marriage is completed.

She gasped as she realized the proximity of his manhood to her womanhood. She felt his knees slid under hers, lifting her knees and she felt herself opening to him. She was almost paralyzed with fear, but she knew it was time to give her virginity to her husband. For months, she had been thinking about her wedding. Now it was time to start life AFTER the wedding.

"I Love you, wife," Jerome whispered.

Wife! He had called her wife! She was his wife. And now it was time to be his wife!

Consciously relaxing her body in an act of submission to him, she held him closer to him. "I love you, husband!"

Feeling as nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs, Jerome pressed forward. But, somehow, it didn't work! In frustration, he pressed harder, but without success.

A slight breath escaped Angela's lips. "It's not - - - you're - - - ", whispered the distressed woman. Sliding her hands between them, she said, "Here - - - let me - - -". Her tiny hands found his engorged member and gently guided it to her opening, and immediately his penis began entry into her. Angela was astonished at his size when she touched him, and then gasped as the head of his penis implanted itself between her lips. The act of love began.

He paused. This was it! He wanted to cherish this moment, prolong it!

Angela slid her arms back around Jerome in a gentle embrace. Still afraid, but determined, she whispered to her husband. "Now, make me your wife completely!"

Her tiny hands slide down to his buttocks and drew him into her. Driven by instinct, and without thinking, Jerome clutched Angela to him and drove home, roughly forcing his way through her maidenhead.

Angela shrieked and tightenedaround him in an unconscious attempt to defend herself from this attack. They both froze.

The knowledge that he was making love to Angela, to his wife, and that he was actually inside of her, combined with the anticipation that had been building all day long,had Jerome teetering dangerously close to a climax.

The sharp pain was already receding from Angela, and she was able to loosen her muscles. She was happy that it had been Jerome, her husband, who had claimed her virginity. Angela tightened her arms to around him.

"Now I am fully your wife," she grunted, relaxing her muscles even more to welcome Jerome inside of her.

Still teetering on the edge of orgasm, afraid to move lest he lose all control, Jerome gasped back, "Not only that, but you are filled with me, as well." Confusion flooded Angela's mind. Suddenly, she recognized his play on words and smiled.

"I guess you could say, I am filled with my husband's love," she whispered back. She squeezed her muscles. "Can you feel that?"

"Uuuhhh! Yeeeaaaaa! Uuuuhhhhhhhh - - - - -."

Angela's squeeze drove Jerome over the edge, and he clutched her to him and began thrusting frantically into her. He flashed to his climax with a frenzy of pumping, and within seconds, he was pouring his seed into her depths, physically loving his wife, grunting, and groaning, gasping endearments without thinking. His climax seemed to go on forever

Bewildered by his unexpected frenzy, and not knowing what to do, Angela clung to Jerome, pressing him tightly to her. She was frightened by his sudden passion, but somehow she knew that it was nothing to fear. As he drove deeply into her and seized, followed by spasms and wild thrusts, Angela recognized what was happening and simply held her lover as tightly as she could. She was pleased to be giving this pleasure to her husband along with virginity on her wedding night. She was warmhearted as she listened to the gasped, murmured endearments Jerome was whispering in her ear.

Jerome was breathing hard as his climax diminished. He continued to hold her close, kissing her and trying to remain as deeply in her as his softening penis would permit. He continued whispering in her ear, words that somehow were more precious than anything she had ever heard before. Angela was delighted with his words. She had never seen him this loving or heard him speak so intimately to her.

They both felt him shrinking inside of her. Jerome pulled out and moved to the side while removing the condom. Before he deposited it in the ashtray next to the bed, he noticed streaks of blood on it and recognized the proof of her virginity.

Drawing her to him again, he simply held her close. It felt good. She found a place on his shoulder where she could comfortably rest her head.

Conscious of his wild thrusts into her followed by his total loss of loss of control as he came in her, he meekly asked, "Did I hurt you?

Angela was surprised at his question, and hesitated before answering. It had hurt. But she knew that any woman should expect it to hurt – at least for the first time. Non-committally, she nodded her head.

Suddenly filled with contrition, Jerome raised his head to look into her eyes. "I'm sorry. I don't want to hurt you! I just got carried away! I - - - "

Angela was moved by the anxiety in his eyes. She put her fingers over his lips to stop his frenetic apology. He paused and kissed her fingers.

Finally, he asked her, "How badly did I hurt you?"

Angela remembered Mr. Johnson's warning that the male ego was extremely fragile. Words spoken in anger or frustration could cut deeply, especially about something as sensitive as sex. She chose her words carefully.

"It hurt," she replied honestly. "But it didn't hurt as much as I expected it would." As an afterthought, she added, "But I don't think it will hurt as much the next time."

"I hope not," Jerome answered.

"Me, too!" replied Angela.

There was another pause and they cuddled some more. Jerome allowed his hand to slip to her breast where it gently enclosed her breast, but not doing anything to stimulate it other than the presence of his hand. Angela looked at his huge hand engulfing her tiny breast.

"Are they alright?" Angela asked in a hushed whisper.

"Are what alright?"

". . . . My . . . breasts . . ."

Jerome raised his head and looked at her, puzzled. Then he looked at her bosom. "Sure!" he replied. "Why wouldn't they be?"

" . . . They're . . . .not very . . . big . . . " she faltered.

Puzzled at first, Jerome slowly realized what he was being asked. A big smile crossed his face, and he lifted the breast he was holding and bent down to kiss it. Then he kissed the other nipple. He drew her nipple into his mouth and sucked, gradually pulling almost the entire breast into his mouth. Angela quivered as he rolled her nipple between his tongue and the roof of her mouth. Retreating from her bosom, Jerome cupped her breast in his hand. His eyes met hers. "They're big enough for me!" he whispered. Immediately, a heavy weight seemed to fall from Angela's soul.

But now that she'd started asking questions, she had to finish the job.

"My hips are pretty small, too. Does that bother you?"

The question made Jerome's eyes widened in astonishment. He was at a loss for words.

Worried, Angela pressed on. "Are they OK?" She had to know the answer and she had to know NOW.

Finally Jerome found words to answer.

"Your small, sexy hips . . . " (Angela was stunned. How could anyone consider her hips 'sexy'?) Jerome continued, " . . . are probably the thing that initially attracted me to you. I can't imagine anyone with sexier hips than you have!"

"How did you know I had - - - narrow - - - hips? I never wore clothes that would show you that!"

Jerome smiled.

"Well, I didn't!"

"I know you didn't," he whispered softly. "But I knew!"

Angela threw her arms around Jerome and hugged him. Both of them basked in the skin-to-skin contact as they lay together side-by-side, husband and wife.

He had said her breasts were big enough for him, and that her hips were 'sexy'. She didn't know how that could be true, but if he said it, she had to believe him. (But she would probably ask him again, later, just to be sure. Maybe more than once.)


Angela's greatest fears were assuaged. And she felt she could feel secure in Jerome's love. He wasn't going to leave her because she was a 'no-bod'. In fact, he seemed pleased with everything that she considered a liability. Lying comfortably cradled in her husband's arms, Angela reflected on what had just happened.

Now that she had experienced sex, Angela wanted to try it again. She and Jerome were married, so there was no reason not to make love again. And again! Next time, with the fear of the unknown past, maybe she could participate more. She wouldn't have to be worried about her breast size. Also she wondered if Jerome would say more of the wonderful things he had said. Angela rubbed her cheek against his chest and snuggled into his arms. She was thankful that he was holding her close. It made her feel important, wanted, loved.

Smiling, Angela uttered a silent prayer thanking God for bringing this man into her life!

Idly, her mind ran back to the 'Greek Wedding' movie she and Jerome had seen together. The mother's advice to the bride crossed her mind: "Remember, be a lamb in the kitchen but a tiger in the bedroom!" Angela didn't have the foggiest idea of how she could be a 'tiger' in the bedroom.

But she would learn!

There is life after the wedding, Angela concluded to herself. Let life begin!

# # #

Part two follows.

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OleguyOleguyover 10 years ago
That was unusual.

Unusual for Lit. and apparently most of the featureless ones (that is those who have never put themselves on the line) cannot handle anything more real than a 'wham-bam etc.'

Barnabas, you told a realistic story, in delightful style.

baronearthbaronearthabout 11 years ago

beautifully written story - the characters are came to life

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

You need to work on your writing. You said he was pouring his seed into her depths...but then said he was removing the used condom?! People like you should either learn to write, or die.

barnabusbarnabusalmost 14 years agoAuthor
Thanks from Barnabus

Comments range all over the place, don't they? But thank you one and all.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago

One of the loveliest erotic stories I've ever read, all the more so for being so gentle and delicate. I loved the description of taking off Angela's dress

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
nice job

You had a good plot but the writing needs help. There is a lot of cliche comments. Your writing style is elementry but it will improve in time.

Trapper ak BobbyTrapper ak Bobbyalmost 17 years ago
Very well done.

Very true to life story. Done in good taste.. Note to the people that say it is too vanilla.. This is the "romance" section and this story has got an "H" rating. Not easy to get in romance. To the guy "anonymous" that claims christains can have fun too might want to get out his spelling dictionary.

Trapper ak BobbyTrapper ak Bobbyalmost 17 years ago
Very well done.

Very true to life story. Done in good taste.. Note to the people that say it is too vanilla.. This is the "romance" section and this story has got an "H" rating. Not easy to get in romance. To the guy "anonymous" that claims christains can have fun too might want to get out his spelling dictionary.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago

Dont listen to any one else it was amazing, moving, beautiful

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago

You critics amaze me. There are billions of twisted, unbelievable, and sick stories. I finally find one sexy husband and wife story. Why don't you read one of the usual: incest, bisexual, alien, doing it with animal's stories.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Eh, it was okay.

Yes, it was vanilla, but almost TOO vanilla to be pleasing. Christains can have fun too ya know!! This was a disappointment.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
very nice!

I liked this Vanilla story. This is what it would be like on any virgins wedding night. The fact that both were virgins just intensifies it.

To the person who said it was lame......why did you read it in the first place. You knew full well going in that it would be tame. Your comments were childish.

barnabusbarnabusover 18 years agoAuthor
Thanks for the comments

Thanks for your comments.

As you know, A mainstay for any writer is feedback from the readership. I greatly appreciate any comments or reviews of my work.

Thank you!


AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Very good!

I really liked it.... it was sweet that they waited and had sex on the big night.

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