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All Comments on 'Visiting Richard Gronier'

by ohio

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AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Another Great Ohio Story

As always, Ohio has done a great job. There will be those who hate it because he didn't confront and throw his wife out when he found out. But instead, we find somebody who acted for the best for his family, and worked his way back to a good loving relationship.

The flare up, his reactions, and reasoning was very realistic, as was the reconciliation.

I look forward to your next story.


AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

I dread the comments from all the one-dimensional morons who insist that he should have just killed her or made her a slave or left her in a Venezuelan whorehouse. I'm getting my comment in early, so I won't have to read them. <br><br>It's great to read an LW story with this much depth and substance. Thanks!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

Wonderful story as usual! I think he was able to get over her affair initially because he was to exact revenge on the seducer while later he was left hanging.


AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
he made her lover stop

and she cried and for 8 years he never said any thing until he suspected NOW INCORRECTLY about her having an affair again and then gone off into some rage? LOL <p>

and then SHE was the one to convince them they needed counseling? <p>

if a man is that loving toward her and the family, he should simply say, <p>

"Liz, I don't know what you've been thinking, but you know things cannot continue the way YOU and even I pretend them to be: YOU will have to make some very tough decisions, like I do. Those decisions may or may not go in a tandem. They are totally independent decisions on our parts. And, against all the odds, if we decide, independently, that we want to continue our lives together with the kids, then we could seek professional help. If not, then we will have to make the best out of a bad situation. <p>

"You know exactly what I AM talking about. I don't need to say it in so many words. You don't, you SHOULDN'T, cry or beg or go down on your knees. You simply have to come to grips with what you've done. Likewise, I will have to make my own decisions. Everyone is going to hurt, no matter what decisions you and I make; but at least it would come out in the open, so that we may RE-ASSESS our own life goals and priorities..." <p>

Why not something stupid like that? Why the need to go and make the boyfriend call her NOT OF HIS OWN CHOOSING, to make her stop fucking around, NOT OF HER OWN CHOOSING? It's fuckin' stupid, really....

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
It was ok...

When you get 3rd parties like Sebastian involved, it takes away the true angst,disappointent and communication the couple has to go through. I like the comment that Alan enjoyed the power over her because he knew and she didn't know he knew...what the fuck...more physcobabble...the story could have gone in many directions....I felt it just went down after "visiting Richard Cronier".

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

"I couldn't figure out why I was cheating on Alan. I still loved him, and I knew what I was doing was terrible—but it was like there was a cloud between me and my feelings, like being under Novocain or something. I knew it was wrong, but I didn't feel anything." If all this is true, why did she cry, yell and demand to know if Rich left her for another girl when Rich gave her the brush? You have Al fighting to take her back after he SEES leaving Rich breaks her heart???

digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichover 16 years ago
The story just comes alive and real to life

The story really sucks you in and you feel the anguish of the husband, when he finds out about her cheating, and then the wife,after she finds out that he knew about it. The characters are like real people that you feel sorry for and want to help them.When he felt she was having another affair, it was hard to take, and I thought that she was indeed screwing around again, and was glad to find out that she wasn't.A real good loving story about real people. Thanks for the good work.....Rich

angiquesophieangiquesophieover 16 years ago
good story

lovingly written with the well known care for detail and feelings that

make ohio's stories warm and real. you end up knowing these people.

but to make a good cheating wife's story a great one, there has to

be at least once this scene that turns your stomach inside out.

and look: there it of the biggest stomach churners i ever

experienced. when gronier is forced to call liz and alan has to sit

through hearing his wife beg the asshole to not dump her and continue

their affair. he doesnt hear her say it all, but we hear it from gronier's

part of the dialogue. oh god, how cruel it was.

thank your for this one scene, ohio.

Zeb40Zeb40over 16 years ago
Another good read.

Ohio has most always delivered a quality tale, amd this one is no exception. I don't think I could have done what Alan did in not confronting Liz during the affair. His plan worked for him, though, and until he lost it eight years later everything seemed to be alright. I say seemed, because his reaction to her supposed second affair showed that he still harbored a great deal of resentment about her and Richard. I feel that this repressed emotion would have eventually poisoned their relationship, probably after the girls had grown and gone off on their own. I know that the anger that emerged might be seen by some as a negative, but I feel that it was necessary to ultimately purge this festering evil lying just below the surface. Liz has to finally face the terrible damage that she has done to the marriage, and the reconciliation that follows is truly a catharsis. Without this, I really believe that the union would not survive, with Liz never knowing why. Interesting take on an old theme. Thanks. Paul

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

well done!

waratahwaratahover 16 years ago
All is right with the world

When Ohio is submitting gems like this. Well done, raw gut churning and a happy ending, and one of his best.

Thanks so much for you time and effort Ohio!

AgenaAgenaover 16 years ago

This was pure Ohio- great.

thebulletthebulletover 16 years ago
One of Ohio's Best

<p>A totally new look at the genre, as far as I can remember. </p>

<p>Who would have believed that there are still more plots out there that someone hasn't thought of already? </P>

<p>Realistic scenario, true emotions, all of the feelings from both sides that these affairs engender. It's an excellent read.</p>

bruce22bruce22over 16 years ago
Extremely well conceived, written and executed

I am amazed that the anti-wimp haven't been cursing you an

Alan out. Even the most extreme did not froth at the mouth.

There is one who felt she should dealt directly with her, but

that would not have worked. When you want to help a drug addict or alcoholic you have to first remove the substance from them. But he had no catharsis until she asked him why he should doubt her.... It would have been nicer if he had laughed at her declaration and asked her if she was sure that he did not have a good reason for doubting her word!

Thanks for not making the counselor into the saviour of their world. Basically Liz stumbled into the dark and then stumbled on the path back into the light.

Thank you for your hard work!

KentishKentishover 16 years ago

I don't normally go in for reading the long stories but boy I'm I glad I did. A very tender story, well written and enjoyable.


AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
One of Your Best

Enough said.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
The master is back

What a great tale. I scroll no further when I see one of your stories and am never disappointed. I also always find comments about what a wimp the character is. I think the small group of bitter readers who never have anything good to say unless the cheating spouse suffers punitive punishment should have saved comments they can just cut and copy. Thanks for another great read. There are very few good cheating wives tales being submitted these days.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Your back


Very glad to see you back and doing some long stuff. Oh yeah! Keep it going man.

Matt Moreau

BigFtHunterBigFtHunterover 16 years ago
Great read Ohio

Love your work. Well worth reading. Thanks for the post. Please keep writing. Loved it, you made it real.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Not Just 1 of Your Best But the Best Ever Here

in the arena of Marital Consequence. A story of non-contrived emotions so raw that salt could be a relief.<P>

There wasn't a meager ripple outside of what happens or could in the real life of many fragile idiotic spouses who can go selfishly braindead.<P>

At last - At last - a non-contrived marriage counseling series of sessions that reflected each's deep emotion pain without writer contortion - it was believably real and flowed plausibly - as did the rest of the story.<P>

I am sure that there exists in some writers mind a better story that creshendos with more reality and emotion than this masterpiece but until then this is the benchmark for ohio and anyone who aspires to climb higher.<P>

Then regrettably I must comment on the earlier comment from the amsterdam lesbian who finally reveals her true compulsion for cruel male humiliation. Her excited comment reflected extreme admiration for the one scene that affected her most was the phone conversation with his wife when the lover was forced to break off the affair and her husband had to hear second-handedly her emotional attempts to continue her infidelities. Oh the male pain soothed her inner needs so thoroughly that she forgot the husbands fist to her lovers balls and the kick to his nuts that followed. No man hating salivation there it seemed.<P>

So Multiple KUDO's Author - you are most decidedly worth waiting for when you plumb the reality and emotions possible in the Marital Consequence arena as you did so well with this most credible work.<P>

Surely there will be a little jealousy from some buried in luck-warm comments but overall and more importantly you provided an outline on what can be close to real in form and substance with diligence and patient work ethic.<P>

With Extremely High Regard

cageyteecageyteeover 16 years ago
One of the best "reads" I've had in quite a while.

This part of the Loving Wives genre that deals with relationships, emotions and their impact on the lives of the participants and their families has had very few new pieces in the past few months. I certainly enjoyed this one and the storyline which, to the best of my ability to remember, is unique. Thanks Ohio, not only for this story but for all your entertaining tales. Like many of your fans, I appreciate the time, talent and energy you put into entertaining us, your readers.

DesertPirateDesertPirateover 16 years ago
Very Well Done!

It sure is good to see a new one from a master of the craft! Well written and very believable. This shows that everyone is different, there is now single response to any situation. Thanks for a great story.

angiquesophieangiquesophieover 16 years ago
sorry for having to use this place for this, ohio

but i'll never get used to these guys mixing up honest admiration

for an original and well written scene with the moral hang-ups

of their own making. sorry, ohio, but i regret to have obviously

spoiled the admiring comment of one of your fans.

you were indeed wise to add the manly fists in the genital zone.

you know your readers well.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

ohio, you've outdone yourself. thanks so much for a great story

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

This was excellent, great feel for the emotions and drama of what this would be like. When someone betrayes you you never forget and it is somewhere in your head waiting to come out. Great story, one of the best I have read here, Thanks for your talent!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
It's been a long time

since I have read anything that comes close to this story. 100 points out of 100.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

Reconciliation does work if it's done right. Let this be a template for all you RAAC authors out there.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Your best yet!

Wow! I can identify with the supressed anger and making logical decisions against emotional upheaval. You have expressed how it can rear its head again, even 8 years later. Well done!

daluentdaluentover 16 years ago
Great story

I usually hate cheaters,but her crying to him to please take her back broke my heart. I could easily forgive someone like that. Great storytelling. Luis

wetapapwetapapover 16 years ago

i like that word, covers all manner of your good work. a fan always. wetapap

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Great Read!

The return of a Master! It was a very good story. Enjoyed it very much!

iakatziakatzover 16 years ago
Thanks for the great read

This is probably the best written story of this type I have ever read here or elsewhere. I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes and hoping my situation would turn out as well. Thanks so much for your efforts!!

JADED_ONE1969JADED_ONE1969over 16 years ago
Everything has already been said.

I will only add it has been too long since your last story. This has to be one of your best but then you rarely have a bad story. Anyway good read. And for an old romantic like me it was a great story. The only questions I would really put to you and your readers. Is love enough? can you forgive someone for doing this? Again is love strong enough?

I would like to think so. But then I have never been put in this situation. I don't know anyone who is divorced, I also don't know anyone who has had to go through this because I have never asked whether or not they had to overcome something like this story. I would imagine couples do, or rather some do most don't. In this case I would IF I was in this situation do some thing similar to what the husband did .It worked here and I can probably see it happening in real life. Please don't wait quite so long to write your next story.


AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Forgiveness Is A Difficult Road

Thank you, Ohio, for showing us, with great clarity, how love can lead us through betrayal and help lead us back to life "the way it was"! This is a supurb story, very well done.

tastesgreattastesgreatover 16 years ago
Just Great!

We've waited a long time for another one of your GREAT tales. Thank you so much for providing us with such a great read and such a 'feel good' tale. Hope the next is is not too far off!

Tearsofsorrow2Tearsofsorrow2over 16 years ago

He looked thoughtful for a minute. "If you could forgive her back then, when the pain was so fresh, then why not now?

The fact of the matter is he never forgave her. He never should forgive her. This is what I like to call a 1% story. As in the chances of this happening are about 1%. She as much as told him the cheating was about love and not sex. He had no real reaction to this. He should have, it was a revelation as he believed the affair was only about sex. In the real world a revelation like that would have had the husband storm out of the session. I know I have seen it a few times. On those occasions I turn to the cheater and tell them point blank: Your marriage is over move on. I am a psychologist and not a marriage counselor. And what you have written hear is a feel good story. A 1% story. But you wrote it well accept for that one revelation which would have destroyed a marriage even after eight years.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Just another

wimp giving up his self respect in favor of a slut pussy.

Risq_001Risq_001over 16 years ago
I'll just hang out in the minority here a sec.....

<p>Sorry I just didn't like them, and so the happy ending for me just really felt flat</p>

<p>But let me say this first, at the end, I kinda felt bad for the wife, so that was a good job. I honestly thought "What if I had screwed up this bad and had no idea of how to fix it? What could I possibly do to make it better? What if I had no idea and I was just so desperate to fix it?" The shower scene where the wife burst in on him (and only the shower) sorta started to helped me feeling bad for her, but it wasn't enough to totally fix her character problem with me not liking her. You spent more time on the affair and I never really warmed up to her character any time after that.</p>

<p>It wasn't a case of me wanting the story wanting it my way, but a case of you writing the story in a way that made me extremely dislike the wife. <i>Almost</i> completely. You gained some ground in making me like her, but not enough to make me like the stories ending.</p>

<p>The husband with the bury his head in the sand approach. I thought you did a good job explaining why. I mean divorced parents and a child with cancer, I thought "hmm if it was my child would my wife's affair be the most important thing with a sick child depending on me to make everything right?" I could see him trying to make everything feel safe for her, but him having sex with her, while knowing her "boyfriend" was screwing everything that slowed down long enough for him to stick his pecker in it? Watching his daughter dying from a disease with-in, and know about all the sexual diseases I just can't believe he wouldn't ever give that a second thought. I just felt his characters motives weren't all for the family and all because he was just desperate to not be alone. And instead of looking at <i><b>why</b></i> his parents divorced decided that to not be alone, sitting by waiting for his wife's affair to be over was a better alternative. And when it didn't end quick enough he helped it along. I mean he even sat there while his wife was telling her lover how much she missed him and could they get back together again as he was making the other man break it off. Then he continued to pretend it never happened, enjoying all the wild sex he could get??</p>

<p>And while I laughed at the kicking of the other man in the nuts. What always gets me is the husband just get "mad" at the wife while abusing the other man, like he was the only one who was having sex. If it wasn't rape, then they both should get equal punishments for both of them doing the same act!! Let look at it this way: A man and a woman rob a bank. The robbery took place with hand guns, so now its armed robbery, with a prison time of 20-50 years attached. The Judge of the case realizes it's his wife who is the other woman involved, so he gives the man 20 years in prison, but gives the wife time served and just yells at her from the bench. Because he felt the other man <i><b>seduced her</b></i> into being his accomplice to the robbery with what she could get out of it, that some how she was incapable of doing the right thing out in public without him watching her from the sidelines. Who would think that Judge's ruling would be fair? This is why no one lets a Judge who knows the victims rule on their cases (most of the times), because they would go light on the ones they knew. Why does the other man get his balls kicked, but the wife just get the silent treatment until the husband is ready to start having sex with her again? Another reason I couldn't like the characters.</p>

<p>And the pychobable where it was more the other guys fault and not as much the wives because she was seduced. Try to sell that to a judge. Tell him that you can't be an accessory to a crime because you were seduced or lured into it. He'll laugh you out of court. That's one thing I truly hate. I can tell a story will be a reconciliation story when the marriage counselor starts off with how "it's more the other man's fault than the wife's because she couldn't find the power and strength to tell the other man "No I'm sorry I won't cheat on my husband and family no matter what you want me to do" and the husband buys it" approach. A happy ending with weak characters I just couldn't like. I like a happy ending, but when I have a reason to either hope they get back together, or I feel so bad for them I really want them to get back together. But I don't want to just read they are back together because doing so would make for a happy ending.</p>



EspressoBolusEspressoBolusover 16 years ago
Very nice turn!

Excellent story. The reaction of old 'anonymous' is predictable and funny; any man who does not immediately disembowel the evil wife and her lover is a wimp. Life does not work that way and even the dummies who say that are whistling in the dark.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

it could come out of real life. and sometimes gestures are more than words.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Excellent story

An excellent story by an experienced and clever writer of romance and loving wife short stories. Write and post more often please, Ohio. RAG

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Excellent story

An excellent story by an experienced and clever writer of romance and loving wife short tales. Write and post more often please, Ohio. RAG

gatorhermitgatorhermitover 16 years ago
Superb Story - Credible and Interesting

Wow... Ohio can w-r-i-t-e.<p>I appreciate the theme of balance which runs through Ohio's stories - didn't catch this theme here until the shrink pointed it out. To me the breakthrough in the shower was real and credible - a woman can melt a man's heart if she really wants to. I really liked the destruction of the first predator - nobody can call Alan a wimp, as he did achieve retribution and he preserved his family. There's an intensity to Ohio's writing that makes these stories riveting. Well done!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
You left to many holes in this story.

She you implied worked at a medical facility but had no realization of HIV/AIDS or other nice things her lover could have given her. The fact he was involved in other tryst with other women means he was a likely candidate as a vector for transmitting diseases. The wife fucked both without question. But the medical risk and placing not only the husband but also the children in harms was was never addressed. Seduction was the culpit it seems. One can not be seduced unless one allows the acts of seduction to occur. She presented herself to her seducer and allowed him all the openings to move in and become his fuck toy. She was virtually shutting out her family from her life at the time so we can agree it wasnt an unwanted seduction. It is nice to say stress caused her to be a likely candidate but doesnt explain her stupidity of going that route. I cant imagine why the father of the girls stayed with her when he found out the truth. The old saw it was for the kids good actually is a farce, in most cases the children would be better off not with two parents who are at war with each other whether violently or not. And in many cases I have seen over time destroys not only the family but the lives of the children later. When she went into the same scenario with the new "Tom K" he assumed she was again a round heeled slut and his anger finally boiled over. No where in the story was he advised by the lawyer his wife was not one of the "harassed workers" and he only has her word for it and to him she is know from all previous she as a liar. Her story of the break up with Richard did not really follow the lines given by Richard on the phone with her as her husband sat listening. She did not want the affair broken off and by her own words daily was overcome with a wanting to be used by him. There are great mental problems with the wifes character and none of these were addressed or corrected. She had already by her actions and words proved she didnt love her husband and possibly her children. Only when her lover left her was she able to realize her meal ticket was about to leave her if she didnt fuck him happy. And for eight years she fucked him happy until Tom K came around. His emotions on the adulterous affair were fairly normal but his actions were more controlled than most men would be. But her actions and behavior to her husband in the Tom K case again reflected her betrayal, lack of love and respect for her husband. I would have divorced her myself in the first affair and tried to gain full custody of the girls. In the second case, I am afraid her word would not have been good enough and I would have divorced her again. Yes people make mistakes, a mistake is putting sugar in the salt shaker. It isnt a mistake when a married person commits adultry, it is an act that delivers one message, I do not love or respect my spouse or my marriage. This wasnt a one time one night stand when she was drunk or drugged, this was a planned many occurrence event. No reconciliation should have been here!

GenghisKhanGenghisKhanover 16 years ago
Average silly nonsense

All the pink pompoms notwithstanding, 'tis was nothing more than an average cheating wife silly nonsense, with the ever patient, slight-witted husband blowing some steam after years of mistreatment, on the one hand, and the cheating wife, ever-so-sorry deep inside her (ready to reform if or when confronted but was never confronted for almost a decade), crying big croc tears when finally confronted... <p>

"Oh, my god, honey, why you never said nothing all these years? I am so embarrassed, so ashamed! Oh, my god! Please, forgive me, honey, you just gotta forgive me! Oh, my god, oh, my god! What have I done to us, to you? Oh, my beloved, you gotta love me and forgive me. Please, please, please!" <p>

It's total nonsense, really.

SalamisSalamisover 16 years ago

I have not read the previous comments, so I apologize if my opinion has been stated before. But this is one heck of a story. I thoroughly enjoyed it from the first paragraph to the last. These are real characters with real problems and their story is told with such so well I actually read it twice.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Outstanding Story

Very well written, good characterizations, good plotting - except I was a little surprised by the ending - emotionally satisfying but logically incomplete. I couldn't help but wonder what would happen after their second honeymoon, the next time she became distant or withdrawn - has the gap been filled and trust really rebuilt?

SleeplessinMDSleeplessinMDover 16 years ago

A very real reconciliation story. The truth is that sometimes the injured spouse has to suck it up and move on with your life. The only weak part of the story (yeah I know it was necessary) was the fact that Liz treated Alan that same way in the Tom K. situation as when she had her affair. Even though she knew how badly she had treated him before. Liz gives all of this happy talk about how she had dodged the bullet and she had to make it up to Alan but when her job gets difficult she bails on him. Also, Liz did not trust Alan about the Tom K. case when it was clear that it was the cause of her being distant with him. Liz failed Alan twice with miminal consequences. But Alan stuck to him principles to keep his family together (i.e. he was no WIMP).

Thanks for an interesting and excellent story.

kelchakelchaover 16 years ago

Great story. I thought it was such a real and adult reaction to the cheating wife. A really nice twist with the passing of eight years before the affair is out in the open. Your character development was excellent and I felt for both the husband and wife.

Loved the husband for his restraint, especially after the stress of the daughter's illness just previous to the wife's affair. >>>>> If I had a cheating wife, I hope I could act in such a manner, but I know I couldn't do so.

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightover 16 years ago
A story from Ohio!

It's a great day in the neighborhood! Readers can find points they can question, or even disagree with, but Ohio's tales are so much better than most of the stories we see here, that even the complaints are a pleasure. The writing is excellent, the plot is solid, and the delivery is seamless. We're fortunate to have a few (very few) writers like our Buckeye friend!

juanwildonejuanwildoneover 16 years ago
washing away the...

An excellent tale - well told. Writing a story about adultery that ends with reconciliation is no small task. One of the things that I really enjoyed was the highly original way that Ohio contrived to never tell us about any of the sex acts that had transpired. The PI wasn't allowed to talk, nor Richard, nor even Liz - not one person gets to tell the tale - and that's what makes the difference. The post traumatic stress explosion was well developed and delightfully explained by Sebastian.

Great to see all the "once a cheat ... wimpy spouse ... kill them all" comment-torians (doesn't that make them sound 'smart') chiming in - it wouldn't be Loving Wives without them.

Vulcan_in_OhioVulcan_in_Ohioover 16 years ago
Shows what happens to repressed feelings . . .

This story was very well written and flowed smoothly and logically. I think it is a realistic illustration of what can happen when one partner represses their true feelings towards the other. In a way, Alan was dishonest because he pretended nothing was wrong for a goodly part of the eight years of so-called happiness. Liz was clueless that he knew about her affair. It seems analogous to the frequently-mentioned situation where the wife ignores her spouse's affairs "for the good of the marriage," or, "the good of the children." Surveys show that men have more trouble than women forgiving their partners' adultery. Maybe it has to do with what was alluded to in this story. Liz was carrying out a repeated series of meetings with her lover; as another reader mentioned, it was not just a one night stand, a mistake because someone got drunk, but a planned betrayal that would have continued had Alan not intervened. I also agree with others that Liz basically got away with it until Alan lost his cool eight years later. Her lawyer/lover got punished while nothing really happened to her. So the fire of resentment and betrayal smoldering inside Alan never went out; it lay in wait until he needed a way to use it against Liz. She never really clarified why she did not explain her late nights and unusual meetings that led Alan to become suspicious again -- she was told to keep it all confidential, as if telling her husband some of it would really jeopardize the investigation. I was surprised that cool Alan, so good at bottling up his feelings, did not have the P.I. check on his wife so he could see if history was repeating itself -- instead, he just started worrying again. It's as another reader commented: he stuck his head in the sand, never as good as facing your problems and getting them off your chest.

shangoshangoover 16 years ago

Your "Hero" listened to his wife BEG her lover not to dump her. So, she goes in to the shower, gives him some REALLY used pussy (which ain't his anymore;it's Richard's) and all is right with the husband's world. I understand that for a Hero to have legitimacy, he has to perform a task(s) that "Joe Blow" won't do. But DAMN! It would be much more probable to have him teleported to safety by Venusians than this.

Remember Ohio, Saints are dead and Angels don't have sex organs (but demons do....hmmn). Humans behave like humans.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
so Where are all the TOSS the Bitch out posts?

Go back and read the early feedback... there are MANY references that this author should ignore those posters who will complain about the wimp natre of Alan and those who thik Alan should of tossed the bitch out..


<b> where are those posts? </b>


In fact while there have been a few readers explaining WHY they didnt like the story that much --and a detailed explanation from RISQ as alwasy -- there have been NONE of those much anticipated responses.


so what the fuck are you folks complaining about ??

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
So glad you're back!

You've been away too long. But this and the previous story suggest that you're back. I've been a fan for a long time, but I believe this is your best.

I've long suspected that you're a professional in other genres, but I especially love what you've done with this one; it's so...REAL: real situations with real emotional dynamics; and with all of the complexities that accompany the nearly impossible mating of two lives.

But what really did me in was the final emotional crescendo--the shower scene with its symbolic rebirth and re-baptism of love--BRILLIANT! BRILLIANT! BRILLIANT!

Despite my fondness for this genre, I've never tried writing in it, probably because I doubted it could be done well. Your work makes it clear that I should re-examine my conclusion.

Don't go away so long next time.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Thanks to Ohio!

The master of real life! Where have all the others gone? You are a great writer!.

Harryin VAHarryin VAover 16 years ago
Way Over rated -- and Husband is DOUCHEBAG

wow is this story is NOT a good one andit is waaaaay over rated. I am NOT against the reconciliation at all... <b>I think THIS one was well done.</b>


But I HATE... no make that loathe the husband... he is weak and coward and the therapist is petty slow as well.


I expected the usual "greatest story ever!!" responses from TheBullet Espresso Bolus bruce22 and others but I am kind of surprise that Salamis Juanwildone and sleepless think this story is great.


I DO like how the Husband actions of NOT hearing the audio and seeing the video are explained. He doesnt want to wreck his family after the year long Cancer trauma. THAT is admirable.


<b>so how the fuck does that Justify NEVER confronting / talking to his wife for EIGHT years? </b>


does the husband really think... <i>"Hey I know IF I stop the affair then NEVER say a word about it eveything will be great??!?!?" </i>


My god what a MORON..


SECOND... So then the therapist correctly deduces that Alan was using this secret he had supress his anger he had built up over this wife but never brought to the emotional surface against his wife.


GREAT... so then the therapists says <i>"And from the sound of things, it really worked. You've both said that the last few years of the marriage have been very good." </i>


HUH? come on author!! The therapist just finished telling us how how Alan was using this secret to make the last 8 years tolerable for him.


so how then does he assert that the last few years were good years for the Marriage? The last 8 years were built on lies and coverups from Alan and his wife.


LASTLY when ALAN comes to tell his side of the story he lies his god dam ass off like the coward he is. The <b>KEY </b> issue is that Alan tell the Therapist and his wife how he went to the other guy's office forced the other guy to break off the affair.


<b>But he never tells the therapist that he heard his wife BEG to NOT end it.</b> He NEVER tells the therapist how upset his wife was for days after the affair ended.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Harry in Va: wrong as always

It wouldn’t be a good story (and it is a very good story) without Harry in Va trashing it, after all—but this time he’s even more off the mark than usual.

First: he asks how is the husband justified in never confronting his wife about the affair? Well, Harry, if you bothered to read the story carefully you’d see that the husband says: if she knew I knew, she’d try to make it up to me, and I’d never know if she really loved and wanted me, or just didn’t want to lose the marriage—so I couldn’t trust her one inch. But if she DOESN’T know, then the way she treats me will be an honest reflection of her actual feelings.

Second: Harry may not think the 8 years of the marriage were good ones—but Alan obviously does. He says that two years after the affair, “I woke up one morning and realized that I was happy. That I felt safe in my marriage again.” So why does Harry know better than the author of the story? Why does he claim that when Sebastian says, “you’ve both said that the last few years of the marriage have been very good,” Sebastian is wrong?

Third: Harry accuses Alan of lying to the therapist. Huh? Not telling someone something is lying? Not in my dictionary! Harry says that Alan “never tells the therapist that he heard his wife BEG to NOT end it. He NEVER tells the therapist how upset his wife was for days after the affair ended.”

Yes, Harry that’s true. But as a writer who has posted stories on Literotica (which we know you are not), I’ve learned not to tell the reader the same thing twice. The reader knows Alan heard Liz’s conversation with Gronier—and, moreover, the reader knows that Liz now knows about it. The reader can assume (since we obviously aren’t given every single word of every single session with Sebastian) that Sebastian heard it too. As to the second part—Alan never tells the therapist how upset Liz was—he doesn’t have to, because Liz herself tells Sebastian (and the reader) all about that.

I know it’s a vain hope to ask that Harry read more carefully, and think a little more, before he posts his comments. But it would be nice.

thebulletthebulletover 16 years ago
Harry wrong? Harry's never wrong

<p>After all these years, Harry remains that loud mouthed dweeb down the block you just want to kick the crap out of.

He's the self-appointed hater of the LW genre and no one understands these stories but him. </p>

<p>Anyone who approves of a story he doesn't like is a liberal wimp. And since he doesn't like most stories, almost everyone but him and Risq (anyother professional hater) are wimps.</p>

<p>Every now and then, Harry, look at the quality of the writing; the intentions of the author and how they are realized; the intensity and accuracy of the emotions.</p>

<p>Look for the shades of gray rather than just black and white.</p>

<p>You might find you enjoy some of these stories. Mostly they just give you heartburn. But you deserve it.</p>

Harryin VAHarryin VAover 16 years ago
for Anonymous always wrong: rebuttal

Its funny that you can complain that I didnt read the story when its clear you didnt read my comments... or rather maybe you werent able to follow them b/c you are obtuse?


You said in Italics


<i>First: he asks how is the husband justified in never confronting his wife about the affair? Well, Harry, if you bothered to read the story carefully you’d see that the husband says: if she knew I knew, she’d try to make it up to me, and I’d never know if she really loved and wanted me, or just didn’t want to lose the marriage—so I couldn’t trust her one inch. </i>


FACT in my review I went out of my way to say that is the ONE thing about Alan's reaction I liked. yet somehow you manage to take the 1 good thing I liked about the husband and twist it around!!




<i>But if she DOESN’T know, then the way she treats me will be an honest reflection of her actual feelings. </i>


THAT is the god dam point. The Husband is Lying to himself. The other side of the coin is that by NEVER talking about it... she might be thinking "I got away with it once and he never knew..."


so once again you totally misread my feedback.




<i>Second: Harry may not think the 8 years of the marriage were good ones—but Alan obviously does. He says that two years after the affair, “I woke up one morning and realized that I was happy. That I felt safe in my marriage again.” </i>


I know what the idiot husband said... THAT is the point. Are you seriously telling us that NOT confrontating

-EVER - a Huge issue like prolonged cheating is a

good way to keep a marriage "HAPPY"?




<i>So why does Harry know better than the author of the story? </i>


I did NOT assert THAT!!! I am talking about Alan as a character and his consistency




<i> Why does harry claim that when Sebastian says, “you’ve both said that the last few years of the marriage have been very good,” Sebastian is wrong? </i>


Because that is what sebastasin says in the story idiot! The therapist says


<u>"Part of the pain of the situation you were in, being cheated on, is learning that someone you love and trust has kept a hugely important secret from you. Doing what you did allowed you to one-up Liz: you took the power of her secret away and established one of your own. Now SHE was in the dark, since you knew about the affair and she didn't know you knew."</u>


so you see the therapist correctly points out Alan's relatve Happiness is a facade.




<i> Third: Harry accuses Alan of lying to the therapist. Huh? Not telling someone something is lying? Not in my dictionary! </i>


when it is revlant Not telling someone is often considered lying Mr clinton...




<i>Harry says that Alan “never tells the therapist that he heard his wife BEG to NOT end it. He NEVER tells the therapist how upset his wife was for days after the affair ended.” Yes, Harry that’s true. </i>


thank you


<i>But as a writer who has posted stories on Literotica (which we know you are not), I’ve learned not to tell the reader the same thing twice. The reader knows Alan heard Liz’s conversation with Gronier—and, moreover, the reader knows that Liz now knows about it. <b> The reader can assume </b>(since we obviously aren’t given every single word of every single session with Sebastian) that Sebastian heard it too. </i>



OK if that so... then it was never discussed yet it is a BIG deal. To assume it was discussed makes the story worse. Keep in mind a Major source of the husband's pain since he was listening to his wife BEGGING richard Gronier NOT to end the affair.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
An Excellent Story

I enjoyed your story from start to finish. I am always happy for seeing an "OHIO" story on the site. Please keep them coming and again thank you.

shangoshangoover 16 years ago
I don't flippin' believe this!

Folks tearing HarryinVA (and Risq) a new one for actually reading the story. Ok, for all you Bush/McCain voters out there, let me spell it out for you. Reconciliation didn't work here because:

1. Wife didn't stop the affair.

2. When Lover (with Hubby's urging) stopped the affair, she threw dignity and everything else out the window, to BEG him to continue.

3. She never confessed

4. During the affair, when she screwed (not made love with)Hubby, it was only with her eyes tightly shut.

5. She never told/explained any of this to the Therapist (NEVER use a Therapist who is fat, smokes....should be obvious).

Oh and angiesophie, a real man Never, hits below the belt in a one-on-one. That's just Chickenshit.

If other Authors (HDK, Salamis, wetapap) want to legitize this slice of Swiss cheese masquerading as a story, and wipe out their integrity by giving it "100's", knock yourselves out, but to attack Honest points made by other posters is just plain bad.

BriteaseBriteaseover 16 years ago
Another great ohio

Real life in print.

Great read, and while reading it you couldimagine it could be you going through that


GenghisKhanGenghisKhanover 16 years ago
As Shango said [Harry also said it, too]

While most readers love reconciliation, even when forced (if done clever enough to fool them, individually), there is no real reason, no foundation, for this couple to go on. <p>

Sure, you can say, "We have some kids, so why not stay in the marriage, even though the other spouse cheated and is not aware that you are aware of their cheating.... cuz the kids come first and last." But how healthy is that for two adults to stay together, when it's mostly for the kids? <p>

On the other hand, if the husband truly couldn't live without this woman --- and that's the implicit argument here --- then WHY NOT tell her he knows her affair and HE WAS THE ONE who FORCED her lover to call her, threatening to hurt and blackmail the lover, IF HE REFUSED to stop fucking his wife? And see what the wife has to say.... ? <p>

Why this decade silence --- hoping against hope, from one day to the next, year in year out, that she won't cheat again? And, then, of course, he couldn't hold it in any longer, at the 8th year, when the wifey SEEMED to be starting her suspicious late night meetings again at her work. But, surprise!, she was actually working in concert with others to catch a really bad-assed man! LOLLLL <p>

That plot device is just too stupidly convenient, really. <p>

Fact is, with or without children, if the marriage was worth keeping in the first place --- despite adultery --- the partners would have forced the situation, would have sit down to talk it out, scream at and cry with each other, to find out why and how their life had gone the way it had, and if there's any hope to find their way back to live with and love each other again.... <p>

But this guy just HOPED that she'd never fuck around again (because in his mind he said: "One more time and I am through with her! Possibly!"). And, if she would just allow him some good sex MORE REGULARLY then it is better than if he had confronted her outright and clear the air, show each other's cards, and move on to together. <p>

Obviously, the guy's a complete moron. But, oh, we just love it when he's WRONG at the end and the wifey's actually not cheating! Wow! And she had someone come look for the little wimp, to tell him, "No, sir, your wife's a most courageous woman: she's not cheating on you; she's helping us catch a really bad man!" It's just mindless, juvenile stupidity.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

This well written story fails because it asks us to believe that we can let the demons from our past go and that they will not come back to haunt us.I am so sorry to say that it just ain't so.You can not let an absessed tooth go untreated.You can not let a gangrened limb mend on its own.Much as we would like to think so,betrayal leaves an ugly stain on a relationship that is rarely overcome.The loss of trust and self-esteem builds a momentum that causes every little bump in the road to threaten a disaster.Put all political motivation as reflected in this commentary aside as it fails to deal with the genuine pain described here.This husband could never trust that the causes for his wife's absenses were legitimate for a large part of their marriage! The wife never was forthcoming with the truth,remorse at her actions or any effort to make it up to him.It is true that many men suffer similar occurances in their lives and continue to live thier lives the best they can for their families.However because they do not articulate their pain, let us not underestimate the depth of their despair.Forever he is doomed to live with the fact that given her druthers,his wife wold prefer the society and sexual favors of other men.There are many forms of lingering death but this is one of the slowest and meanest.Ritterburg#55.

the Troubadorthe Troubadorover 16 years ago
Ohio at his best

When Ohio is on, he is on. But WOW, the nasty feedback.

My first confusion is the screaming at Bush/McCain followers for being wimps and believing, I guess, that reconciliation of any kind is possible; and in many cases best and predictable. I would have thought that was the 'leftish' Obama crowd. But how the hell does this have anything to do with politics? Oh yeah, I forgot, this time in a presidential year anything that can be used to smear the other side (whom-so-ever they may be).

What always, ALWAYS startles me in that kind of feedback is the commentators inability to see anything but in black or white. She showed him her tush, get out the firing squad! And there is no such thing as deep love mixed with human frailty.

shangoshangoover 16 years ago
Read my comment again, Troubador

No one said "She screwed around, KILL HER!!!" Nope, I spelled out why reconciliation didn't fit and THE BUSH/McCAIN thing is their habit of always using the "Who are you gonna believe? Me, or your lying eyes?" Everyone praising this tale obviously either missed or de-valued the plot points. To me,for Ohio to not confront these points (he even wrote in a Therapist that didn't confront them) is just lazy writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

Ohio - You are indeed one of the best writers on this site. I have read this story 3 times, and it doesn't get old. I can understand why the main character wanted to try to reclaim the marriage and keep himself from confronting his wife. If anyone has read about the relapse on John Edwards' wife's cancer, how could his affair not be a contributing factor? If our character confronted his wife and divorced her, who's to say that his daughter's Leukemia would not reoccur?

One reader had pointed out that the wife thought she was in love with Richard Gronier, but is it not possible that hers was a case of infatuation? I only wonder if our main character should have somehow kept track of his wife's whereabouts in the 9 days between October 22nd and October 31st. If he could have been sure that his wife was not trying to call or see Gronier, then maybe his mind would have been more at ease.

zed0zed0over 16 years ago
Another . .

. . well written whorror story. The rage he felt was his manhood trying to get out. After eight years he started to grow some balls, but was able to successfully neuter himself and wimp out.

fregenfregenover 16 years ago

I personally felt Alan was inconsistent with his actions. When first faced with his wife’s betrayal he is willing to swallow his outrage, even after hearing her beg her lover not to leave her, to keep the family together.<P>

But the whole situation was left unresolved really, wasn’t it. He never vented his anger at her; she never said she was sorry; he NEVER forgave her. For eight years he just pretended it didn’t happen and suppressed his “rage, humiliation, and anguish.” I have to wonder, was he that great an actor? NOTHING bled over into his actions? His reasoning “I didn’t want to tell her because she might only to try make it up to me. Not stay because she loved or wanted me.” Excuse me Alan but you already knew the answer to that. She BEGGED her lover not to leave her. You heard her. You came in second. Or maybe third or fourth after the kids. <P>

Eight years later he was not willing to do it again. I liked his torture analogy. He was willing to be the sacrificial lamb the first time, to sacrifice all his emotions, feelings, hurts on the altar of keeping the family intact, but not again. He never dealt with her cheating. It was always there, festering under the façade of a happy marriage, of a trusting relationship. Since he has no trust in her it all explodes when she makes a comment. He may have said he was happy again two years after she cheated but he was lying to himself.<P>

I am a fan of neither ‘reconciliation at all costs’ nor always ‘kick the bitch to the curb’. Liz seems to have escaped the consequences of her actions at very little cost while Alan seems to have borne an inappropriate share. Of course, the case can be made that he chose to do so. It just left me unsatisfied.<P>

Good stories generate a lot of emotions and comments. Thanks for sharing.

studebakerhawkstudebakerhawkover 16 years ago
Just curious

Ohio, I'm just wondering which is more fun. Is it the actual crafting of the story with the re-writes and editing and all? Or is it later, with a nice cold adult beverage of your choice, when you read all the critiques and the wrangling back and forth from most every knot-head from here to Rangoon and half way back again? Come on, fess up. Inquiring knot-heads want to know. Thanks for sharing your stories.

KOLKOREKOLKOREover 16 years ago
Visiting the dark corners of marital life

Great story, and in the context of posting it in this section of Lit, I would add - a courageous act as well...<P>

What in my mind was ventured here is a journey of two tortured partners in what amounts to much less than happy lives in a shaky marriage. You show (rather than tell) how inauthentic marriage which is based on silence, repressed feelings (on both sides), and lies -both direct and by omission (by both sides) can sustain at best only a fragile and rigid status quo, but essentially are unsustainable. The mirrors and smoke screens would fall on the partners who play them, only to let them pick up the pieces and start – usually worse of with efforts to salvage the shattered marriage. <P>

Since this is a story and not a tutorial or marriage manual for couples in trouble, the fact that you showed two flawed partners which make terrible choices (in the case of the wife) or at best not the best choices (as in the case of the husband) should never count against the story. Still, inexplicably, many of the comments criticize the story just for the selection of immoral or flawed characters – in other words for choosing human characters. <P>

The 'values' of the story (or the implied author) and the values of the narrator and/or each of the characters are of course not automatically one and the same. Still, many who comment would lash at the author for presenting characters who make bad decisions/behaviors as if the story was not fiction but a manifesto of the author’s core beliefs on how to behave in facing infidelity.<P>

Why do that than? Because we are all flawed in one respect or another. Fiction allows us to examine in a safe way situations which we are aware of (if not yet personally experienced), and come to an emotional and intellectual reaction. Some of the best fiction in the world portrays people who are badly flawed either morally or intellectually. Some times they are punished some times they are not. <P>

For me, the most important questions are: does the story portray credible and coherent characters and plot, regardless of my own value system. And, yes, can I have any empathy (to varying degrees) with at least one of the main characters. In this story, the answer for me is a resounding yes to both.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Shango/Harry/Risq are correct once again in ....

their very detailed and justified analysis of the issues with this particular story. The Bullet's commentary is simply the opposite end of the spectrum, self-serving as usual. Overall, it was a well written story with a slut wife who once again got away with deliberate cheating and a wimp husband who pretended the slut actually deserved to still be married to him. Staying together for the kids is admirable but what a waste. Hopefully, the kids did not inherit the slut genes from the slut wife and will live normal lives. Interesting enough, it would really screw up this story if the likes of the typical manhaters [youth trap 1-3, type of author] to jack this plot into orbit of pure dismal dog shit.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
not sure

she was not ready for the affair to end, but for her husband's action to end it. the statement from her of

the post affair feelings seem inconsistent and divided loyalty, husband and richard.

if he just fucked her after the seduction, she must have enjoyed it.

she made up for her affair? his trust issues came back,

and she didn't help. even w/o actually cheating, the marriage not surviving would be understandable.

she messed with the trust, and shouldn't be surprised where it continues to be a problem.

droogedroogeover 16 years ago
A truly devoted husband & father

The emotional strength that hubby shows deciding on his course of action to his wife's affair is simply outstanding. With all the emotional pain he had to endure with his daughter's illness he overcomes this and in return offers his huge personal strength of character with that of his loving and devoted mother and wife to jointly support their daughter. When the illness is over and the deeper emotional scars need healing this woman transforms to what must be the most despicable, selfish, self involved woman that God placed on this planet. Instead of continuing with the moral and emotional support she has shown to her family she takes her love, support and time and gives it to another man leaving her family to sort themselves out, the reason for which we never learn to any degree of satisfaction. For her husband listening to her begging her lover to continue her sordid affair and for hubby to have to watch this man smirk at her pleading and make no effort in hiding his utmost disrespect for her truly showed the strength, courage and devotion the man must have felt to his family and then to continue and rebuild his marriage was inspirational. The story examines the issue of how destructive an affair is to the all important trust factor in a marriage as it didn't take 2 seconds for him to assume she was having another affair 8 years later when her pattern of behaviour appears to repeat itself. A very well written story of courage, strength, persistence in the face adversity, morals, responsibility, self respect and unconditional love and whilst I admired the man’s character I had nothing but disdain for the wife and her total and utter betrayal.

droogedroogeover 16 years ago
A truly devoted husband & father

The emotional strength that hubby shows deciding on his course of action to his wife's affair is simply outstanding. With all the emotional pain he had to endure with his daughter's illness he overcomes this and in return offers his huge personal strength of character with that of his loving and devoted mother and wife to jointly support their daughter. When the illness is over and the deeper emotional scars need healing this woman transforms to what must be the most despicable, selfish, self involved woman that God placed on this planet. Instead of continuing with the moral and emotional support she has shown to her family she takes her love, support and time and gives it to another man leaving her family to sort themselves out, the reason for which we never learn to any degree of satisfaction. For her husband listening to her begging her lover to continue her sordid affair and for hubby to have to watch this man smirk at her pleading and make no effort in hiding his utmost disrespect for her truly showed the strength, courage and devotion the man must have felt to his family and then to continue and rebuild his marriage was inspirational. The story examines the issue of how destructive an affair is to the all important trust factor in a marriage as it didn't take 2 seconds for him to assume she was having another affair 8 years later when her pattern of behaviour appears to repeat itself. A very well written story of courage, strength, persistence in the face adversity, morals, responsibility, self respect and unconditional love and whilst I admired the man’s character I had nothing but disdain for the wife and her total and utter betrayal.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
You just had to do it!

Gosh, why would anyone expect you to not let Liz, the cheating slut whore meat, off the hook? I mean just because she was guilty of infidelity, demeaned her husband by her contempt for him (sex with the human pile of shit Richard was "wonderful" and "unbelievable")and later did not trust HIM, does not mean that she should suffer some

serious consequence, does it?<p>

There was absolutely no reason or justification for a reconciliation. The daughter who recovered from leukemia cannot be protected from the real world indefinitely if she is going to grow up. That is not a justification for a reconciliation.<p>

Regardless, you just had to let her cheat, lie, and hate and suffer no consequence. You just had to do it!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
He did a good job on the lawyer but instead of

getting even with the wife he punished himself. Your implication therefore is that her cheating was his fault and he was the one that needed to be punished. She enjoyed the cheating and did not want it to stop. Her husband stopped her infidelity not the wife. That in inself tells a very long story. The other item not covered in the story is when the medical center lawyer comes and talks to him he wonders why his wife did not tell him anything that would have made him understand she was not cheating. It is almost as if the wife was involved in an undercover operation recording what the sexual predator was doing and she and the lawyer were afraid to tell him. It was never addressed why she needed so many after hours meetings and this was not done on company time.......... To answer an obvious question, had it been my wife doing her first deceitful cheating would I have taken her back, not for a million dollars placed tax free in my hand! She didnt love her husband, she loved her lifestyle. She placed herself, her husband, her children, and her marriage in harms way for a few hours of sexual gratification with a man that was also married. She is nothing more than a cheating adultress she wasnt seduced she surrended to her own lust. Was she someone you would want you girls to use as a role model?

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
He did a good job on the lawyer but instead of

getting even with the wife he punished himself. Your implication therefore is that her cheating was his fault and he was the one that needed to be punished. She enjoyed the cheating and did not want it to stop. Her husband stopped her infidelity not the wife. That in inself tells a very long story. The other item not covered in the story is when the medical center lawyer comes and talks to him he wonders why his wife did not tell him anything that would have made him understand she was not cheating. It is almost as if the wife was involved in an undercover operation recording what the sexual predator was doing and she and the lawyer were afraid to tell him. It was never addressed why she needed so many after hours meetings and this was not done on company time.......... To answer an obvious question, had it been my wife doing her first deceitful cheating would I have taken her back, not for a million dollars placed tax free in my hand! She didnt love her husband, she loved her lifestyle. She placed herself, her husband, her children, and her marriage in harms way for a few hours of sexual gratification with a man that was also married. She is nothing more than a cheating adultress she wasnt seduced she surrended to her own lust. Was she someone you would want you girls to use as a role model?

juanwildonejuanwildoneover 16 years ago
A Visiting revisited

I'm not one for comments - generally. But sometimes ... sometimes a story is just that good. Like this one. This story "Visiting Richard Gronier" is a great erotic storytelling experience. / One aspect of this story that I found compelling was it's simple realism. Alan was not an ex-Seal, he did not end up making millions of dollars via all manner of offshore banking scams or dicey casino play. There were no hookers or revenge fucks, no thuggery (Two kicks to the balls was a "reasonable response"delivered to an unapologetic asshole.) And mercifully adult consideration for the feelings of innocent children was foremost in his mind. / Another aspect of the story was the manner in which Ohio portrayed the post traumatic nature of Alan's delayed outburst. The explanation of the tortured agent not wanting to go through it again was perfect. Alan's on-going anger from a seemingly inexhaustible source gave the appearance that nothing was likely to work in salvaging the marriage. Then the the shower reconciliation; actions not words. A great story. / In the end Alan is happy, his wife is happy, his kids are happy. That's a winner from where I'm looking.

DrallDrallover 16 years ago
One of the best

I loved this story,only now finishing it after 3 months.A very few stories are so good that I don't want them to end.Thank you,Ohio!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Second Time Around

This is the second time I've read this story and I probably commented on it last time but I just had to say that the writing of this story was masterful. It's very apparent, at least to me, that you put a lot of thought into every paragraph. All the years I've spent working with people analyzing their behavior to developing treatment plans has given me the insight to see just why people behave the way they do and what needs to be done to change their behavior. Your characters' behavior is so well thought out and the antecedents so consistent with their actions it's hard to believe that this is fiction. I've heard it said that all good writers need to be students of behavior. Well, I think you just earned your diploma with this one. Excellent Work. Thank you

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
There is never a justification for staying married

to a cheating spouse that betrays the marriage, the husband, and the family. The woman in this story is what would have been called a round heeled slut. Not a fit role model for children. She should have lost custody and been allowed restricted visitation with the children to prevent contaminating them with her lifestyle. The amount of medical testing that would have been necessary from this affair and whatever else would be astronomical.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Oh Wow

The story was good. I was so afraid as I kept reading that it would end horribly. It didn't. Thanks.

They both agreed to not talk about it for now, but sooner or later some of the issues which caused her to be happy with another man, would have to be addressed to get beyond it. Let's face it. Not long from now, they will end up with and empty nest. Hmmmm... They need to be quite solid and in love with each other by then.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Sorry ,too much amateur psychiatry

I am, like most readers , a big fan of Ohio, but I get a little tired of strange story lines that have to be explained by cliical psychologists or psychiatrists. He fails to confront wife about real affair ,then goes crazy about non existant affair and spends the rest of his time refsing to speak to his wife about 8 year old affair. Too weird for me

The Ct, Yankee

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
realistic story

i enjoyed the story and your writing was good and easy to follow the plot..i liked the comments that are posted too..flawed people make all kinds of stupid decissions..i like the comments of risq and tearsofsorrow his tells the reality of the outfall of an affair and i agree with genghiskhan,fregen and drooge they all make good points,even harry has a great view of the plot,i have to laugh at some of the animosity he awakens lol...stay with it harry ..yes the wife was weak a lot of marriages dont survive that kind of problems with the daughters cancer usualy the father runs out,seen it many times in my life its just that the wife did here ... and yes guys if she wouldnt have well there would have been no story to read..blank screen on the monitor geez that would be .. at least ohio doesnt have the husband wank away watching the wife cheat but ewokes real emotions and pain that the wronged party feels,i also fully understand the blowup he had when she asked that stupid question "when did i ever give you reason not to trust me"you can only suck up and ignore stuff for so long before the dam bursts,even when u tried to ignore your feeling for your children sake,more of a man then wimp on that,and yes you may not agree on that well your choice lol .. ohio keep writing ...B.N.

jasonnhjasonnhover 15 years ago
Working through it

Well overall I liked this story. Usually I don't like reconciliation unless the cheater gets punished somehow. By the husband not confronting her she was given a free pass on what she did. One of the costs that the cheater ALWAYS decides is OK is the pain that the partner will suffer. They either rationalize it away or are such bad people that they don't really care about their partner to begin with. True reconciliation almost always requires the cheater to recognize their partner's pain.

Liz had some type of mental break, depression or whatever that disconnected her from her feelings and connection to Alan. OK, that happens. It's a tough question, can you blame someone for having a mental lapse? Not that they get a pass on their behavior but if they finally get by it should they be forgiven? I would guess yes but it doesn't mean there won't be a lot of residual bad feelings left around. That's what happened here.

I also think that the counseling sessions reflect real world realities. Counseling doesn't have magic answers. Alan KNEW all the rational points of the issue. So did Sebastion and Liz. No one knew what to do because it was an emotional problem, not a rational one. Words weren't going to be able to fix it. What fixed it was a feeling. Alan's wife desperately NEEDING him to accept her back. Not everyone would react the way the character of Alan does but it is believable. The repeated sexual encounters reinforced the need and the desire for each other. They addressed the feelings directly.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
there often is justification

regarding the comment there is no justification of 4/4/09: Though there is never justification for having an affair, there is often justification for saving a marriage. The children are the most important one imo. I've never cheated on my husband, but I have run across men like Richard Gronier many times in my life. We all have times, hopefully brief, when we are feeling a little down about our marriage, maybe feeling the husband is distant or distracted, wondering if he's lost interest in me, etc. I've learned not to mention this to men I know casually. Most probably are not really listening, some may be genuinely interested and even helpful. If you get a Richard Gronier though watch it. You won't know what they are doing it for a while but is nearly exactly what the story said. They patiently lull you into friendship, encourage you to tell more feigning interest, then try to become the good guy, telling you how no man should treat you that way or if you were my wife I'd never ignore you. None have ever got me into bed that way, I usually recognize it when they turn my husband into a bad guy. This is never, ever an excuse to cheat, being seduced by a skilled player, but it happens all too much I'm sure. The seducer has his fun and leaves with no guilt and the woman is left to deal with guilt, the pain of hurting her husband if he finds out, the agony of living with it if he does not, and possible divorce. Yes, some may say she should have thought of the consequences and she was willing, but in a way she was manipulated into a situation when in a vulnerable state. We are all human. It happens.

BallsOfSteelBallsOfSteelover 15 years ago
Some women are so fucking stupid

Yup yup. There certainly are players out there, but only the dumbest women cannot tell the difference between a good guy and a bastard. Even women with low self-esteem can tell the difference and give themselves willingly to players. It's almost like those women WANT to be played. I won't stay with a woman who gets played, especially if she's my wife and supposed to be faithful to me. A single woman who gets played is one thing and at least she's only hurting herself, but a married woman has no excuse and she's hurting more than just herself. No. I would never stay with a cheater or a dumb bitch who gets played like Liz in this story. Nicely written.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

Great story, powerfully told. It's easy to revel in our anger and need for revenge but sometimes you have to fight for the greater love of family and know when it's time to open the heart to love and forgiveness. They both struggled long and hard for that goal. Not an easy path but worth the effort on both parts.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
At last some realism

Even if there are unrealistic parts in the story or the plot it is a good story. But when you repeated - without knowing it - the basics of my 55-year old marriage, and a very good one too, I became a fan. "Marriage is a struggle, together, not against each other". Leave out the unnecessary sex scenes, deepen out your characters, describe some more detail, and probably you are a writer once.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Great Story!!!!

This was some good reading everything had it's place even the sex. This story could have stood alone without the sex. Please write more full storys like this thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Great Story

I hate the cheating wife stories where the wronged husband destroys his wife and her lover. People make mistakes. We need to learn to forgive and move on. This was an honest heartfelt story.

Thank you for writing it.

jiminabjiminababout 15 years ago
Must be good

I didn't have to read the story to know that it was good (but I did). I just had to read all the shit it stired up. Reading that stuff is sometimes more fun than reading the story. Great read, including the story ;>) Thank you ALL.

oldwayneoldwayneabout 15 years ago
An awful lot of good writers seem to like this tale.

Usually, I'm for total revenge on the cheating slut and her partner. Slash and burn would have been a reaction I would have enjoyed far more! But, in the real world, many men have endured an awful lot for the sake of their children. Juanwildone, in his two comments, probably gave the best analysis of this story. I would, therefore, like to add my thanks for your having, so obviously, put so much thought and care into the writing of this story. While not absolutely my cup of tea, I can still appreciate real talent when I see it expressed so ably. Thank you for all of your hard work.

ArubanArubanalmost 15 years ago
Original, Gripping, and Thought-Provoking

Most cheating wife stories involve a confrontation. This story takes an original route by dispensing with the confrontation (at least, for many years). Consequently, the wife's re-dedication to the husband is the result of her own insight, desire and determination. This strikes me as a more interesting basis for reconciliation than a wife who shapes up only as the result of a lecture from the husband, a friend, or a therapist. It also strikes me as a more convincing basis, but the author is not making an argument. He's telling a story, and this is a great one.

Alan is not a wimp. He knows what he wants--a wife and children--and he does what he thinks is necessary to keep them. He shows considerable resolve and creativity. One thing that seems to be overlooked is that he put the wife on probation. Had she not restored herself as a loving wife (i.e., had she not passed his test), I imagine Alan would not have stayed with her. The therapist's theory that he was able to manage his lingering anger because he had shifted the balance of "secrets" is fascinating. Where does Ohio come up with this brilliant stuff?

The only false steps in the story, in my opinion, were the fake affair / sting operation, the wife's failure to communicate, and her indignant reaction when Alan showed concern. To me, this undermined her rehabilitation and the realism of the piece. It reminds me of K.K.'s story, "What Really Happened in Vegas," where the husband puts his wife through a lot of misery (and starts her down a path to infidelity) because he's keeping a rather stupid secret for the sake of a business associate. I understand Ohio needed a way to trigger Alan's anger and prompt the delayed confrontation, but perhaps there was a better way? (Now, Ohio was not convinced by a "communication issue" I used in a story to serve the plot, so I feel like the pot that calls the kettle black. I think my "communication issue" was more organic to the character, but I'm biased, aren't I?)

Quibbles aside, "Visiting Richard Gronier" a masterpiece.

teh568teh568over 14 years ago
Happy Ending

Nuff Said.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Gronier Creampie

he likes it

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
How did I miss this??

Great Job Ohio. I have read all of your stories but somehow missed this one. You are a talented author. Please write more.

Rayne in Ohio

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

This is a wonderful story and it has now earned entry into the exclusive 100+ Comment Club. Congratulations!

Gabrielle L.

Club President

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