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We Met at the Library

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"I have never.." She said.
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My name is Oliver Johanssen. Yep, a big husky guy of Norwegian descent, right down to the close cropped hair and square jaw.

At 5'11" and 210 pounds, the name fits the look perfectly. I did play football in high school but getting a scholarship for that wasn't even close because in college, they considered me too small. It didn't help that I had a set of legs the size of tree trunks, so my 18.5 second 100 yard dash was very slow, I was a tad too short for basketball, in baseball I could have probably managed but I found it boring. Plus it was on the rare side that I actually did hit the ball, although when I did it was normally gone out of sight.

It was like I was cursed to come up just short in all directions. Just a guy, in college, trying to get somewhere and not completely sure where in the hell that was.

The very best description of meeting Tamara is that the situation was trite. By trite, I mean that it happens a lot I guess.

There was none of this "eyes met across the crowded room", etc. No lithe sexy thing on the dance floor, or instant connection over a few drinks at a party.

No, I was at the library. I will bet that I know a half dozen couples that met at a library.

Well, I do know one couple that met at a grocery store over a hilarious discussion concerning a Zuchinni. I heard that one at a party when several couples were talking, up came the subject of how they had met.

First it was John and Kay, he was going for his very first sky diving trip. He had gotten hung up somehow climbing into the plane, fell out and broke his ankle.

Kay it seemed, was a nurse. In the process of Kay getting his pants off one thing led to another and they were a couple before he even got the cast put on. The other guys had carried John to the station wagon that they all arrived in. John had insisted they go ahead and go up, Kay stayed behind to tend to John. She had his pants off, leaning over him to check his leg and her boobs were "just hanging there in space" as he put it.

"I couldn't help myself. Or I should say that's what I actually did!" He laughed, as Kay blushed furiously right on cue.

"Never did get to sky dive." Was his punch line.

Then Bill Jelen told his, he was in the produce section when his slip of a wife named Amiko had held up an 8 inch Zuchinni and asked him in broken english if that was the right size to take home.

He did the animations and the broken English part of the conversation that followed perfectly which cracked everyone up. I had heard it before, it was still funny as hell.

Some eyes turned to my wife and I, all I said was, "We met in a library." Which got the usual rolled eyes.

I never ever told any of them the rest. My wife and I met...several times, I guess.


I had to finish a report and I had to finish it that night because the next day I needed to hand it in. Plus I needed to get at least a "C" grade or better, if not the results would be one of those "Oh no!" situations.

Redoing my 3rd semester was not in my future plans at all. As it was, I was putting in 40 hours pumping gas to get this far each week, my fridge in my ratty apartment had the remains of some of those "Diez Tacos" orders and a science experiment that used to be called milk.

In my spare time I was trying to keep up with Kathy, the slightly on the fat side little blond down the hallway in number 6, and Jen, who lived just two blocks away and spent every spare minute of every single day running.

Except when she was at my place down on her back with her heels kicking in the air. She came by three times each week, then she would go home, shower, and go run some more.

Running all the time meant that Jen had the strongest legs I ever saw on a woman, or a man either for that matter.

One thing she liked to do was get me down on my back on the floor, then she would set down on me and do deep knee bends with her knees at complete right angles.

The only thing touching was my cock and her pussy, try that sometime. It really is amazing, although I doubt that there are very many women that can do it.

Lucky for me, Jen always went straight home after her runs because sure as hell Kathy would come down the hall and knock on my door.

Well, I thought that is what Jen did, anyway. I was reasonably sure from the way she acted that I wasn't the only one plugging her holes on a regular basis. Jen was one of those rare women that just could not get enough sex, I guess in truth I was only a booty call.

Kathy was thinking she was in love with me and that was showing the beginnings of a problem. While I certainly did enjoy her soft and on the big side body, with large oversize breasts already showing the signs of gravity winning the battle, I most certainly was not in love with her.

I had no plans at all for anything permanent.

Kathy knew nothing about Jen and Jen knew nothing about Kathy, I was barely managing to juggle things around there enough to keep the peace.

Add in another gal named Sissi Toyoda that I saw once a month or so, a blond I knew from back in high school that as far as I could tell didn't have a single oriental DNA strain in her body?

Needless to say, I was a busy boy, which is mostly why I was so far behind with the damned report.


I looked over and there Tamara sat, glasses perched on her nose, hair more or less pulled back into a bun. There were stray strands of hair hanging down here and there, she kept brushing them back from her face with no effect. She had on a bulky sweater and blue jeans, and looked to be on the homely side.

I really didn't notice her so much as the book she was reading. I needed that book for my report, and the space on the shelf for added copies was empty.

So I found a chair, sat down and waited. She sat there and read. After perhaps 20 minutes, she glanced up at me, realizing I was watching her.

She looked quickly away with a blush, leaned forward more intently to the book.

I wanted that fucking book!

I was mentally willing her to hurry up and finish what she was doing.

I looked impatiently at my watch, then back up at her. She glanced at me again, did another blush and went back to reading.

I couldn't stand it. Here sat this skinny, dumpy dressed and overly plain woman, reading that damn book, taking her damned sweet time about it.

This was fucking me up, I was running out of time.

"Are you going to be very long?" I blurted out finally. She looked up at me in surprise.

"I..what?" She asked, looking at me. I realized her eyes were green, her hair a reddish color. Freckles, of course, round wire frame glasses big enough for her and me and a few classmates at once.

"That book! I need it for my report!" I managed.

"Oh. So do I. Isn't there another copy?" She was still mildly blushing. I realized she had slightly rough skin on her cheeks, probably from years of fighting acne. With no sign of makeup at all, she looked on the pale side.

"No. I guess that one is it." I sighed, getting an unhappy look on my face.

"Well, I'm going to be...hey, do you want to share? I am almost done with my report, I just need some of the information, you can look at it while I make notes." Her voice was very quiet, just above a whisper.

"Thank you, you just saved my life!" I told her, getting up and taking the chair next to her.

Two hours later, I had everything I needed, she had her notes. A lot of what I needed she already had down.

That gave me an idea.

"Say, do you mind if I...?" I looked at her notes.

"OK." She knew exactly what I wanted, probably everyone in the school did it.

We moved over to one of the computers, she stuck in a disc and pulled up what she had done so far, setting her pages of hand written notes on the desk. Then she typed in some changes, her fingers were a blur on the keyboard, far faster than my two fingers and peck technique.

Over the next hour we made even more changes, enough that the professor was not going to be able to accuse me of just copying someone's work.

Which was pretty much what I had just done but oh well.

Tamara hit "print" and out came my report. All spell checked and everything. I thanked her, we actually shook hands.

"You helped me too, I enjoyed working on that with you." She said. It hit me again just how green her eyes were. I had to ask.

"Are those contacts?"

"No. I get asked that sometimes, my eyes are just weird."

"Your eyes are beautiful!" I blurted out.

She flushed bright pink. Lord was this woman shy!

"Hey, I have almost $10.00, it won't buy much but would you like to go get something to eat?" I asked.

She blinked at me for what seemed to be quite a long time, then a small smile crossed her lips.

"I don't...date."

"I wasn't asking..I mean...I am just hungry and I thought..." That flustered me a bit, I wasn't used to women saying no.

After all, I am kind of cute.

"Oh. Well, I have about $10.00 myself, that should be plenty then. Do you like Tacos?"

Hell, I had been living on tacos.

We walked together down the hall, there was a Taco Bell just six blocks away. I opened the door for her, taking the opportunity to check her out more closely. It wasn't easy to tell but there didn't seem to be any extra layers of fat, her bust appeared to be about normal, I did notice she had one of those nice round fannies but the clothes she had on were designed to be...well, clothes. None of it was designed to do anything at all other than cover her up.

I managed to be looking somewhere else when she glanced back at me, barely in time. I looked over at one of the other tables, Jen sat there with two jock types. She looked up at me, then at Tamara, then back with a strange expression. Then she just ignored us.

We got our order, sat down to eat. It's a good thing I like Tacos. We were chatting, mostly about school. I was surprised to find out that we shared two classes, which I would have known if I was ever actually there much of the time.

My days were mostly either at work, then running to catch up on the notes and class reports or something, or trying to keep three different women from finding out about each other. Juggling Jen and Kathy along with Sissi in my spare time left me very little to spare.

She asked me what I did for money, I explained about the gas station and the fact that I normally didn't have any. That part she understood, Tamara worked in a living center taking care of old folks.

"Oh, a nurse?" I asked.

"No, a waitress and janitor." She laughed. It was the first time I heard her laugh, it was like music.

I found myself liking her, and I really had no idea why. Tamara was as plain as a split rail fence, her personality had started out to be painfully shy to the point of being ridiculous.

There was nothing about her that would normally attract me at all.

I liked her.

She was beginning to warm up, too, I could see her visibly relax as we talked. At one point I reached out and wiped a bit of Taco sauce off the tip of her nose, stuck it in my mouth. Her face instantly flushed at the overly familiar motion, then she let out a tiny titter and even grinned at me before looking shyly down again.

There was a long quiet period while we ate, I looked up once to find her studying me. When our eyes met, she turned that pink shade again and looked away.

That was all kind of cute in a way.

Later, we walked down the street, I said good night and thanked her again.

"Thank you, that was a fun visit. I have never...." Then she stopped, looked me in the eyes again for a moment. Green, my God her eyes were green, they looked right through me.

"Well. Good night." Then she was gone, leaving me to wonder what is was she meant when she said she had "I have never"?

It was a very long time later before I found out that what she meant was she had never been out on a date, or even shared a meal with a boy before.

Back at home I was resting, I heard a knock on my door. I knew it would be Jen, but for some reason I just was not in the mood so I didn't answer.

That night I had a very strange dream, I had a woman in my arms, she had her head on my shoulder and we were just sitting there. I know it made me feel warm and happy, the woman turned to me and told me she loved me. I saw the face, it was Tamara.

I woke up confused, that dream was completely vivid in my mind. I was glad it was just a silly dream, there was nothing about that woman that would attract me at all.

I turned in my report the next day, when grades were posted a day later, I got a B+. It took me a while to find Tamara's grade, they had it all posted by last name and just an initial and I didn't know her last name. Finally I narrowed it down to Walker, T.

She got an A. For some reason that tickled me even more. I could have done cartwheels all the way back to my ratty apartment about getting my B+, but I went instead to the library.

Tamara wasn't there, I wanted to tell her thanks, and brag. I sat around and waited for an hour, no sign of her. I walked down the street to her apartment building but it had one of those security pads. Pushing the button repeatedly got no response.

I went home, scheduled for the night shift at the gas station so I showered and went to work.

Jen knocked on my door very late that night, I let her in. She was mildly crabby about me not answering the door a few nights earlier, I explained that I was exhausted.

"So who was that girl?" She asked me.

"Tamara? Just a friend, she was helping me with my final."

"I will just bet! You have lousy taste." She laughed at that, told me that's what I get for spreading it around too much, she was peeling off her clothes at the time.

I realized I didn't want to. I was limp as a noodle, she gave me an odd look and went to work. After a solid 20 minutes with no success, she gave up.

"What's up with you?" She asked, standing there naked, her hands on her hips. Jen was slender, small busted with tiny button like nipples, not a hair on her body and she never showed any signs of modesty at all.

"Nothing." I mumbled, making an excuse about being too tired.

"Yea. Sticking it in that "friend" of yours, right? Well, get some sleep then, I have to go. See you later." She was dressed and out the door in two minutes. Of course she only wore two pieces of clothing, four if you count her flip flops.

Kathy showed up at 7 the next morning, I had just gotten out of the shower after having had that exact same dream. That time I woke up with one of those morning erections and I still had it as I was getting out of the shower.

I was thinking I had better do something about it or I would be walking around like that all day.

I let Kathy in, my hair still wet and just a towel around my waist. By now my plans were to just explain to her that even though I liked her, our relationship wasn't going anywhere.

"Oh, boy!" She giggled, reaching out and yanking the towel off of me. Then I was on my back on the bed and she shoved her mouth down over me.

That was what I liked about Kathy, she appeared to be her happiest when my cock was in her mouth. She had everything handled in about two minutes, then she sat upright on the bed beside me.

"I hadn't heard from you for a few days, what's going on?" She asked.

"Finals." I told her.

"Oh. Well, remember, my folks are coming up for the weekend, we are all going out to dinner tonight."

"Oh. OK." I did not want to go to dinner with her folks, the truth was I had been thinking of some way to explain to Kathy that she and I probably were not going to be headed in the direction that she had planned. I had even figured on doing that when I let her in but it's darned hard to try and explain something like that to a woman who is happily sucking on the old pecker.

She had already mentioned things like what kind of house would be nice to live in and raise kids, a couple of times when we were out just walking we ended up in front of the jewelry store over on 3rd street looking in the window through the bars.

"Isn't that pretty?" She asked me, pointing out a set of rings that had a price tag on them that would choke a horse.

Buying a huge diamond ring just was not in my plans at all.

I didn't have a clue how to let her down easy, she had already given up every hole in her body to me. Yep, up there, too, I did that but the truth is, it wasn't my thing. She seemed to really get off on it, I just didn't.

Still, a guy has to try everything once, I guess.

The trouble is she was taking it all far too serious and I was..just getting laid? I know, unfair, mean, and no real good excuse.

It meant I was an asshole and I knew it. With Jen it was no big deal, she mostly was interested in getting off. Sissi on the other hand was a little bit like being bored of pancakes for breakfast every day, just a change of pace.

Kathy seemed to think that if a man got an erection he was serious about it? It probably didn't help one damned bit that Kathy was a virgin when I seduced her a year or so back.

That evening we went out to a nice dinner, Kathy's Dad shook my hand, patted me on the shoulder a few times. Her Mom was smiling and telling me that Kathy had told them all about me and what a fine young man I was.

I cringed a bit when her Dad suggested that their older Toyota Camry was in really nice shape and he was thinking of giving it to us to "Help you kids out."

I could see everyone was making plans for me.

"So what ARE your plans for the future, son?" Her Dad cleverly slipped that in there.

"Son." He called me.

Not Oliver.

I did what any self respecting asshole like me would do in a situation like that, with that obvious question asked.

I lied through my teeth.

"I already have some good feelers with a major company, my degree in Mechanical Engineering will come in handy." I said, making it up as I went along.

"Great! What company is that?" He asked, a huge smile on his face.

I mentioned a company I knew of.

"They are building roads and construction..power plants...in Afghanistan. It's my chance to....really help people and make my mark, the locals are repressed and I can put my skills to good use."

I saw faces fall all around me.

"It's just a five year tour, I will be in the field. It's something I always wanted to do. I know there is danger but I am prepared for that, with no...uhh...real commitments here it leaves me free to...."

Kathy looked like she was about to cry, her Dad had an odd look on his face, her Mom just sat there with a blank expression.

I felt like crap but I knew it was done.

Things were rather quiet the rest of the evening, they drove Kathy and I home. As we went inside the small lobby, she turned to me.

"I guess I understand, Ollie. I think I get it. You don't really want me, do you?" The look on her face bit deeply into me, I really felt sorry about everything.

"Honey, I am sorry. I really do like you and all, but...."

"You just wanted some sex, that's all you men ever do want. I told you I love you and I thought you loved me! I GAVE myself to you, I gave you EVERYTHING! You were the one that took my...." Now there were tears in her eyes.

I had never said that to her, never told her I loved her.

She turned to head down the hallway, then she stopped and turned back to me.

"I am going to fuck all of your friends!" She shouted angrily.

"Kathy!" Was as far as I got, she stomped down to her room, went in and slammed the door. I went into my own room.

Ending things are never easy, it didn't help that I did a lousy job about it. I should have said something early on.

I guess I am living proof that men can sometimes feel like shit themselves in those situations.

For the next few days I skipped all of my classes, just went to work and home. There was no sign of Jen and I didn't care.

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