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All Comments on 'We Need to Talk'

by Sutekhthedestroyer

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Diecast1Diecast19 months ago

Average, very average.

CaptFlintCaptFlint9 months ago

Nice twist at the end. I have forgotten my famous movie lore. Hadn't read the books since, uhm, Johnson was president. Missed every clue. Nice work. Thank you.

MightyheartMightyheart9 months ago

Written with a lot of flair.

Loved it

RePhilRePhil9 months ago

Amazing 5 + FAV + Follow

ju8streadingju8streading9 months ago

shouldn't fuck another mans wife.

lesson learned

Busman19639Busman196399 months ago

This story had a lot of potential until it was cut short.

numbnutz49numbnutz499 months ago

I will rely on others to suggest how good this story is . . . I got lost in the second paragraph (also sentence) that was 66 words long with 2 commas for some separation. Thinking that was a one-off followed by another 47 words with one comma, then 51 words and 2 commas and I finally quit reading at the next 63 words with 3 commas. One comment suggested the story was cut short. I guess the author couldn't think of more things to describe in detail.

BearcatfozzyBearcatfozzy9 months ago

Fun story. A quick bit of constructive criticism… try to greatly limit use of exclamation points, they really detract from your writing. Also, an exclamation point ends a sentence, no need to follow it with a period

GamblnluckGamblnluck9 months ago

This was one time overwriting worked. I gave it 4stars for the laugh. I expected something of a different, but equally violent nature than a simple shot to the knee cap and then allowing the man to bleed out. The sub-machine gun was way overkill. A simple suppressed pistol would have been more fitting. A Walther PPK or the PP9 the Daniel Craig Bond used. If you go that far for the laugh at the end, do your homework.

northstanderrhinonorthstanderrhino9 months ago

Just seems to be an outline of a story. No filler or detail.

JoeBetterBNiceJoeBetterBNice9 months ago

An amusing little story that seems basically a long joke. Good punch line and the story had something new to offer.

EastCoaster1EastCoaster19 months ago

Kind of cute, in a very copycat way, but since it took until the Virage was mentioned for me to figure out it was SUPPOSEDLY Agent 007, I gave it 4 stars.

But the real Bond(e) wasn't wealthy, and the Aston Martin was actually a 'company' car.

Interesting idea, though.

Who's next... Mack Bolan ?

JayZipJayZip9 months ago

When the knee went out to the gunshot, I realized we were (sort of) reading the end if the Casino Royale movie.


AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

What? This was some knock off on James Bond? A spy you ain't and the story was ridiculous. You need an editor and a more reasonable idea for a story. This wasn't it.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Thanks for sharing...

John Barry would have been a better choice.

Wrex_86Wrex_869 months ago

Nice twist at the end.

ImpossiblefutureImpossiblefuture9 months ago

Was going well until the end, that ending was pure cheese what could have been a good story slid from 5 to 3.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

That's ten minutes of my life I'm never going to get back again.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Great. Only stupid cucks would think that it was uncalled for.

PS: Give us more... 5

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Please tell me JB took out the cheating skank slut wife too!

Omegaman56Omegaman569 months ago

Mr Blacked laid on the floor moaning in agony as the man the raised gun to his face.

“Who in the fuck are you? Do you know who I am. I have friends in very high places. If you pull that trigger they’ll hang you,” sneered Black.

The man in a cool and calm vice he replied, “My name is Bond, James Bond

I not worried about your friends. You see, I have license to kill.”

As Black took his final breath he watched the barrel light up as the bullet exited the spiral barrel”

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Mmm, predictable but okay.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

no, no rating

WargamerWargamer9 months ago

Good story, l enjoyed it


AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

What about the slut wife ? Still standing ?

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Not even average.... Could see that one coming very early

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

While the overly verbose writing could be tolerated, the ending was too groan inducing.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Sort of silly story and not worth the time to read.

KTD2020KTD20209 months ago

Once I read “Universal Imports”, I knew. I was able to go back and pick up the clues I missed. Great premise, interesting twist. I’d have loved more! Really played up the suspense over several days or weeks as Mr Black gradually lost everything. Still, solid effort. Thanks for sharing!

SutekhthedestroyerSutekhthedestroyer9 months agoAuthor

Thank you to the kind people who enjoyed my story as I certainly enjoyed myself writing it!.

At the risk of labouring a point, it's a vignette based on the closing scene to the 007 film 'Casino Royale'.

As such, I'm curious as how long it takes readers ( if at all) to realise that , as I like some suspense and I inserted various clues throughout the script to that end.

My vengeful husband character just happens to share a similar name as 007, as there are many people in that position regarding any number of well known people, pity the poor bloke elsewhere in the world who just happens to have the name Vladimir Putin!.

Thus 'jaimes' occurred to me after reading the nametag of a fella at the checkout of my local supermarket.

So my character is more a bargain basement 007, hence the Aston Martin 2012 Virage instead of the V12 DBS or the h&K mp-5 SMG instead of the UMP-9 used in the film ( actually)!.

There are other examples in the text too.

So it's a fun vignette and not meant to go further, maybe Mr Bonde's wife Lynd ( see that clue) later drowned in a collapsed building close to a canal?.

Use your imagination!.

Could it happen?.

Of course, lots of wronged spouses carefully calculate retribution just like my character ' Mr Bonde '.

Many thanks to the people who liked it and said so as I've yet to work out this LW crowd, thus I'm 'testing the waters' with various ideas.


AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Just awful.

muskyboymuskyboy9 months ago

Way overwritten 1/2 of a story. Cheating wife's consequences? Use some, I won't read another of your stories without

PrincessNutNutPrincessNutNut9 months ago

Did Mr Black represent Monty Norman in 2001? (2001 Norman V Sunday Times)

The rumour is John Barry's estate are getting The Persuaders round to have a harsh word with you.

The only question is does that leave you feeling stirred or shaken?

Somebody wondered about the gun choice, I think one Geoffrey Boothroyd of Blackpool believed in not being under gunned.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Obviously many don’t see the entire reference. Well done

26thNC26thNC9 months ago

Nice little story. I assume that after taking care of Mr Black, Jaimie will have a serious talk with Lynd about the repercussions of cheating.

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bc9 months ago

Predictable but cute! 4.0*

FireFox59FireFox599 months ago

Great little change of pace LW story.

LT56linebackerLT56linebacker9 months ago

Liked it, but was the misspelling of his name intentional?? 5 stars, the Bear approves, wholeheartedly. Now, what happens to the Bitch??


LickideesplitLickideesplit9 months ago

Not yet a LW story. Yes, it has an ‘adventurous’ wife, but (as I recall) she never says a word. Hubby and Sweetie do not (yet) resolve how her affair will affect their marital relationship. It is reasonable to conclude that Hubby has (or soon will) resolve the Bull issue. Somewhat more speculative is whether Hubby has access to a competent ‘cleaning service!’


looking4itlooking4it9 months ago

Thought this was something special until it nosedived at the end.

BeBopper99BeBopper999 months ago

5* The legal pen is definitely not mightier than the sword (or gun).

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

So, the playboy lover get shot and ... what about the real betrayer, the slut wife ? Bizzarre secret agent.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

5* I would have liked to see "Mr. Black" be slowly torture but it really wouldn't have added to the story. I just like reading stories where the "bad" person gets fully shafted and, in detail, how. Thanks for an entertaining story.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Glad tdhe bastard got what he deserved, but still a crappy story.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Well that sucked big time, as we all know James Bond fucked a lot of women that were not his. So the story is fucked up. MR Bond needs to be taken out of commission. His prowess was always preying on women as well. His wife was stolen from another crime family, why is he surprised to have the favor returned to him???? She knew her place and got it best from Mr Black, James was cuckold after all.

GlancerGlancer9 months ago

Ha! Loved it, well played, sir!

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Damn. Thought I was reading about Snidely Whiplash and Dudley Do-Right.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

It was a debate between rating this a 2 or a 3.

We appear to have come in somewhere in the middle of the story. We then skip over most of what would make this an actual Loving Wives story (aka the drama between the husband and wife) and jump to the aftermath. Granted, it was nice to see that the husband wasn't a wimp, but even that was tainted by your corny play on a James Bond line.

Maybe I would have read it with different expectations and enjoyed it more had it been in the Humor & Satire category, but it falls flat here.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Nice! Do NOT fuck with JB, right? This is a creative take on our usual LW fare, a very enjoyable quick read. The only (slight) issue is that I don’t think Vesper Lynd would have ever cheated on her beloved “Jaimes”. But if she were to ever err this way, this is about as fine an illustration of what would happen as one could want. Bravo!

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Good narration, until the feeble ending!

rwa49rwa499 months ago

The end was surprising, and amusing. Brought a smile.

MightyHornyMightyHorny9 months ago

Hilarious ending.

Gotta give you that, at least.

OOAAOOAA9 months ago

GREAT story!!!! Well written and with a fantastic and funny twist at the ending!!!

Congratulations!!! 5 stars from here! 😉👍

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Unreadable. Many disjointed paragraphs "telling" us but never "showing" us. Learn to write before actually attempting to do so. The best thing you've written is your screen name, which has all the feel of being lifted from a comic book or an online game.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Quite refreshing. Thanks a lot. Lots of references to Casino Royale

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Meh. By the way, don't use both an exclamation point and a period at the end of sentences, no matter how wordy. Three stars, edging toward two.


AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Don't know why folks are surprised. All the clues are there. A chuckle story.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Nice twist to these power seducer stories.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

A rather silly take-off from what was probably the best 007 movie...

XluckyleeXluckylee9 months ago

I enjoyed this story for what I believe the writer was doing, a very good job of playing on the James Bond character. Well done. 5 stars from Xluckylee

PolarBearManPolarBearMan9 months ago

Extremely dorky, but quite a fun read.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

All those thesaurus words get in the way of your story and tone. Just saying.

SithLord6969SithLord69699 months ago

I really liked this but what happened to the wife? That lack of resolution caused a big drop in the score.

BuzzCzarBuzzCzar9 months ago

I stretched it to 3*. Best I could do.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Good one. Five bright stars.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

You may want to try another hobby... writing doesn't seem to suit you. ⭐

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

But of a half story

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Clever, but needs more about wifey

DeanofMeanDeanofMean9 months ago

lol ok that was awesome the art refences sold it

BeBopper99BeBopper995 months ago

5***** Well done story about running about a arrogant jerk encountering a man with real power. Liked the twist at the end.

Hardday1953Hardday19533 months ago

Solid five, except one question: what about the seduced wife? PS screw Anonymous they have no idea about writing,

Aej_1Aej_13 months ago

You obviously got a thesaurus for Christmas…… too much !!!

LechemanLecheman2 months ago

Yup, as I was reading the story I was thinking about the James Bond movie when he did similar to the bad guy.

Was curious where the story would go.

Would be better if the gaps were filled in.

MrGrumpy035MrGrumpy03525 days ago

Can't believe anyone rated this a 5, 1 star is one too many.

NRBonzNRBonz25 days ago

Well, you have 78 comments as of now, I'll post mine as No 79 and will sign it, not as ''Anonymous." It will be a 'Five' with a request for a Part Two. Don't finish of the Snidely Whiplash (Yet!) but do take off the leg and then take satisfaction with the cheating spouse.

Oh, one thing further: Tell all the critics posting as "Anonymous' to go piss up a rope. We can't see and judge what they have written (Anything?) And for the ones with limited vocabularies that must lookup definitions to understand the story, c'est la vie.

AnonymousAnonymous23 days ago

"I'll post mine as No 79 and will sign it, not as ''Anonymous. Oh, one thing further: Tell all the critics posting as "Anonymous' to go piss up a rope"


Every LW user is anonymous, since a signed nickname is anonymous as well. So, you're are also talking to yourself.

AnonymousAnonymous23 days ago

"PS screw Anonymous they have no idea about writing"


You don't know anything about the ten-thosands anonymous users. Besides your nickname is anonymous as well.

MarmadukephuknukleMarmadukephuknukle22 days ago

Very cleaver. Five stars.

AnonymousAnonymous20 days ago

Wow more trash

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