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We Need to Talk, Darling


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Put another way, the pair of us fucked ourselves senseless, trying out every position that I knew, plus a few that I didn't, and two or three, that to this day, still seemed quite impossible.


"Hi darling," Laura greeted me despondently with, when she came home somewhat later on the same night. "Tom was a bit of a damp squid, I'm afraid, and Anne's husband was there as well, but if his penis is ten inches long, then I think they're maybe getting their inches mixed up with centimetres."

"Disappointing was it Laura?" I sympathized.

"Terribly," she confessed. "In fact I think those friends of mine may have been exaggerating."


"Yes," my stupid wife declared. "I think all this orgasm stuff isn't what it's cracked up to be. I don't think all the screaming and thrashing about really ever existed."

"Well it just so happens Laura, that I know that you're wrong there," I informed my surprised wife as I helped her back on with the coat she'd just taken off, guiding her back to the front door. "Because I've had a woman screaming and thrashing about and things under me most of this evening, so I think the problem lies with you, rather than me. Now why don't you go off and see if you can find a curved one or a thick one, or a damn great black one if you want to."

"But it's late honey," she protested. "I don't want to go out again."

"Yes it is late Laura," I told her firmly. "Too damn late after the disrespect you've shown me. If you can't find a cock with a man on the end of it, then why don't you try the YMCA for the night? I'll be contacting my solicitor in the morning to arrange the divorce."

"Solicitor? Divorce?" I heard her cry out as I eased her out of the door. "What do we need a solicitor for? I don't want a....."

The rest of her words being cut off as I shut the front door on her, double locking it to prevent her getting back in.


"Jolly well done Phillip," Delia congratulated me breathlessly as I rolled off her, even later that night. "That's five times so far. Do you think you'll be up for the sixth?"

"I'm certainly going to try," I gasped out, close to exhaustion. "Better give me ten minutes or so for my totem pole to recover first though."

"Wait till the girls hear about this," giggled the gorgeous, and very satisfied woman in my arms. "They'll never believe me when I tell them."

"Yes," I thought silently to myself as a contented smile washed across my face. "Sometimes the truth is indeed stranger than fiction."


I warned you!

For those who like stories a bit more finished, then as I said, all this only happened last week (????), so who knows what's going to happen.

Sorry, got to go now, as Delia is calling me.

Hope you enjoyed it, and of course I'd love to hear from you all.

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AnonymousAnonymous18 days ago

Did the Arsenal turn it around? Is Wenger coming back to return the glory days? TELL US!!

willyk1212willyk1212about 1 month ago

get rid of the skankazilla good job 5 stars

UpperNorthLeftUpperNorthLeft3 months ago

A cute take on the “taco is always tastier on the other side of the combination platter” trope. 5👍

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

I liked the story, but you may want to change the jibe about the Arsenal they did great this season.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Dump the stupid bitch forthwith.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Now that is how you take care of a cheating skank slut!

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Wait some commenters are defending the wife? She had sex with two different men. Wtf?

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Stupid twit. Not a reason for divorce unless it's being too naive.

skruff101skruff10111 months ago

Dialogue straight out of some risqué 70s sitcom only this wasn’t as funny, nudge nudge wink wink.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Phillip is a dumb asshole, can't expect much from a cuck who marries a bimbo for her tits!!

His response of going to the pub to get drunk was fucking pathetic!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Very well done, if you Google average penis size it comes up with, pun intended, 5.5 inches long and 4.5 inches circumference, it then follows there's some guys bigger and some guys smaller, if a woman is looking for big cock she will need to try several guys to get one, unless she's lucky, as reflected in this amusing tale, well done.

oddtomas1oddtomas1over 1 year ago

All the stories in this series are great.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I give this story 4 stars . I am an Arsenal fan after all . Screw Man U

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Good story, just missing the aftermath

Just_WordsJust_Wordsalmost 2 years ago

It may be fiction, but it's still fun fiction. I do like stories where someone is "hoisted by their own petard" if that's how the expression goes.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Loved it. People think that the spouse’ are brain dead if they start a conversation like the one portrayed in the story; however they do happened more than you would think…

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I enjoyed the read overall. The one problem I see with the writer is he mistakenly likes Arsenal. My gawd with Man U. Available…lol.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Five star and well worth it especially as the"wronged" guy won out!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Hugely entertaining little tale. I would have suggested that in real life nobody would be as stupid as Laura and then I remembered who we've elected to govern us every few years - and realised how many Lauras there are in the world..


AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Now I know who your men remind me of: Andy Capp! Another well crafted tale about not-to-bright people, from the master of the genre.

A_BierceA_Bierceabout 2 years ago

In a world that seems to get worse every day

we can always turn to Britease to lighten our spirit and brighten our day.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Love some of the comments - IE; ‘Why? Why would he throw her out for doing the same as he done’

That persons as dumb as the wife, their is little in comparison except the sex. She embarrassed and humiliated him to her friends. While they exaggerated their spouse she made him seem like a little dicked useless lover. Pointless except for the love and consideration he showed her.

Then, without thought or discussion went off to have sex with someone else, belittling and disrespecting him before she went. Yes, he was effectively seduced by one of her friends but it wasn’t pre-planned and she had already left to cheat.

She even sounds like she met two of the other husbands. So of course he was right to throw her out, without trust, mutual respect and consideration a marriage cannot carry on.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

You do create some simple minded wives for your tales.

someoneothersomeoneotherover 2 years ago

Every one of the the author's stories is the same with a few details changed, but always the stupid wife and husband ends with a better option there available for him.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Too little; why isn’t there something that happened in the bedroom? Look at the site are ur writing for. Otherwise it was enjoyable. But what’s missing somewhat spoiled the story. I did love that his wife was kicked out of the house after being disappointed; served her right. Overall, can’t get passed what’s missing, so only 3 stars. — Bob

TheGreyWolf81TheGreyWolf81over 2 years ago

Bemusing indeed. What I find to be the greatest entertainment is Laura's reaction when she realises everything is wrong!

pantylvr2pantylvr2over 2 years ago

very entertaining,loved it

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Welllll, If you're not near the one you love, then love the one you're near. Hope she finds what the "girls" told her about. LP

J6480J6480over 2 years ago

Nice one son, pity those gunners have run out of ammo. Look forward to more tales that are easy to read and come with a smile

luciocsilaluciocsilaover 2 years ago

Very funny, I have laughed a lot with this story. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Short and very enjoyable.


nixroxnixroxalmost 3 years ago

3 stars

- what is the difference between a TALL cock tale and a LONG cock tale?

- what is the difference between a coke can size cock and a pencil dick?


98% of the sexual act pleasure between two people happens in the brain


A really strong, extra long tongue and a long enough finger to reach her vaginal 'G' spot.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Well a nicely crafted tale about how conniving women can be, and how helpless men are when we are thinking with the wrong head.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Actually ... quite bad ... the typical I need a retarded morinic wife to make this brain dead cuck story work .... but unfortunately it doesnt work out ... as always ...

goodshoes2goodshoes2almost 3 years ago

Funny as heck. Thanks

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Dude has a great sense of humor.

Anallicker01Anallicker01over 3 years ago

Funny as "all get out"! Damn women & their "girl talks"!

jimjam69jimjam69over 3 years ago

More to the truth than one can imagine.

whateverittakeswhateverittakesalmost 4 years ago

Damn, what a shame...he gets this gorgeous sounding wife with the brains of a gnat.

dirty66dirty66almost 4 years ago
Dumb people!!

Just stupid I guess? Is there any women or men in this world like this??

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Women talk guess what, so do men. always trying to convince the other's by trying to out do the other's...It's a game people play..."I'm better than you because...." or... "You wouldn't believe this but...." etc. etc. etc. Old Saying; " Those who can Brag without Lying... Let them Brag." any idea how silent the World would become?

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Hilarious !

What a laugh and written with a lot of humour. Laura was certainly one of the dullest knives in the draw!! This is really tongue in cheek! 5*s.

robroy93robroy93over 4 years ago

One of my favorites. Laura is really a dim bulb, isn't she?

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Women are fucked up

Are women all perfect, are men? Hell no!!! For whatever eason their vigina has expended!!! Both sexes blame the other for short givings. I dare a man to tell a woman her pussy is too big for him!!! I simply told my old lady that I will have to find a woman with a tighter pussy. The bitch went spastic, he he he. I am blessed with a small penis, why do I say that? As I grow old I have less and less use for these conniving cunts!!!!! Dad told me actions speak so loud you can't hear what they say!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Why would he divorce his wife for doing what he was doing?.

26thNC26thNCalmost 5 years ago
One favorite

Even a less than bright woman should never believe another woman about someone else's size.

Jhbrown27Jhbrown27almost 5 years ago
great story

Gotta have a little humor on occasion to keep things easy. really good job.

Mustang88LXMustang88LXalmost 5 years ago
I love a got BTB story. But this ain't it!

How does he not know his wife of nigh 15years is not a gullible mindless idiot? He has to be just as clueless as she is not to have figured that out long ago. This was difficult to read as you can't even grasp at how mindless she is. Not a good story. No one to actually root for as the wife clearly has a learning disability.

OlgreyfoxOlgreyfoxover 5 years ago
Fucking - A- great!!!!

Loved it, just loved it. Your short stories are such a hoot!

moblanemoblaneover 5 years ago
"Measured" Story

Well done, good story and a not unsurprising result! Too many spouses undervalue their partners 'attributes' on both sides of the sexual divide. Large cocks are not unheard of but they are not always a panacea to sexual satisfaction. Like large tits, shaved pussies and 'bubble-butts' they are often responsible for arousal but seldom stand alone as components of good sex. The grass is always greener..... but the cock,tits and pussies are NOT always better! As to your unnecessary regrets about the ending I loved it... Everybody knows where it goes from here... p.s give Delia my address!!

jtwheelsjtwheelsover 5 years ago
Exaggeration bites in ass oops pussy

Loved it get so damn tired of stories with LARGE dicks

Taken enough group showers sports USMC etc

Guys talk also especially when young

Saw one in marine corps not erect matched the one in Sears catalogue

He took unmercifully teasing for a while from all of us sorry to say me included

Guy in your life exactly right in talking about size

Thanks for sharing

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
I really love your stories

A TRUE moron. That laura's picture should be in a dictionary right next to the definition of a moron!

Just_WordsJust_Wordsover 5 years ago
Still a favorite story of mine.

I tell myself that no wife is that stupid, but then I'm sure there is someone out there who will prove me wrong. This story of betrayal put a smile on my face.

SpencerfictionSpencerfictionalmost 6 years ago

"A damp squid" is often used colloquially in conversation by the less well-educated. If this was in the narrative, then by all means criticise it, but in dialogue this was just further evidence of how thick Laura was.

SpencerfictionSpencerfictionalmost 6 years ago
Fun flash

Enjoyable nonsense which did make me chuckle.

26thNC26thNCalmost 6 years ago
British humor

Good little story. Women exaggerate too, don't they?

tazz317tazz317about 6 years ago

and the past is now the present, TK U MLJ LV NV

anonymousinblueanonymousinblueabout 6 years ago
hmm, I see

I'd expect all live squids to be a bit damp, if not outright wet. Did he excrete slime, have tentacles, or leave trails of suction cup marks? If not, then he definitely was not a damp squid.

A squib is essentially a small explosives device. A damp squib is probably not going to explode when the igniter is....ignited. Squib can be used stand alone to express the diminutiveness of something, since it's not a proper explosive like a full stick of TNT. A damp squib can be used for something that doesn't live up to expectations. So its used right, it's just wrong. Squib.Squib.Squib.Squib. Not squid.

I rated this story one star. I guess I wasn't in a humorous mood, I'd probably rate it three since it's fine, minus the squid part, and well, it's not particularly offensive for fantasy. I typically dislike anything Britease writes, but this is comparatively plausible for pre-existing end-stage marriage cancer.

There's a bit more to say when it comes to culpability, but I am not going to bother this time.

Harryin VAHarryin VAover 6 years ago
Damn it. Why does life have to be so difficult?

Because sir you are a husband character developed by one of the stupidest people that has ever lived in the United Kingdom

MightyHornyMightyHornyover 6 years ago
Destruction of a marriage... over hearsay.

Silly indeed.

You kinda have to feel bad for Laura, 'cause dumb-as-hell chick who's been in a marriage for 15 years doesn't usually fare too well when said marriage dies, regardless how big their tits are or how long their legs looks.

The worst person of this tale, undoubtedly, is Anne - I seriously don't know why she went all of her way to destroyed her supposed best friend's marriage, but hey... I guess they will have more time together to find a way to cuckold her own husband.

Kinda of a bittersweet story, really - watching a couple break up over such silly things give me no joy whatsoever. Glad that Phillip bounce back so fast, though - he didn't deserve what happen to him, but he sure recovered quite beautifully.

Pulsifer42Pulsifer42over 6 years ago
The Brit Wit and Charm..................

................has not lost a step. Indeed, it may have gained a pace. Well done.

Thank you......

kdcee79kdcee79over 6 years ago
Good one

What a welcome relief to finally read a decent story; they're very much in short supply these days, what with all the cuck & really poorly written tales littering LW of late. Congrats.

4 ****

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