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Week's Vacation Day 02

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The passion continues between young lovers.
5k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 02/18/2015
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I woke up in the very early hours of the morning. I was toasty warm where I pressed against Brian's side and cold where my skin was bare and exposed. We'd fallen asleep entwined and completely nude on my couch. I slid my hand softly over his chest noting his own skins coolness. The early summer nights still turned cold sometimes.

I began slowly extricating myself from his arms. It was almost painfully slow as several areas of our skin were all but glued together with dried bodily fluids. I wondered at how his arm hadn't fallen off from lack of blood flow when I registered I'd been sleeping on top of one of the arms he'd kept wrapped around me in sleep. I began searching for my clothing and found my jeans and a tee which I thought was his but I was completely unable to find my underwear. I slipped into both affirming the shirt as his, not mine.

I groped my way to a chest I kept against one wall and pulled out a crocheted throw. I crossed the room and covered Brian carefully so as not to wake him. I debated waking and getting him to move into the bedroom but couldn't bring myself to do it. Mainly for the selfish reason of knowing I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep myself and wanting a shower so bad I could taste it. I imagined I could smell myself.

I felt a lump under one foot and fished up my bra. I began slow sweeps with my feet finding four socks, another pair of jeans, and his underwear but not mine. I scooped every thing up and carried it with me as I headed back to my bedroom so Brian wouldn't trip if he got up. I dumped it on top of the washer, shucking the jeans and tee as well as I went by the laundry alcove. I closed the bi-fold doors back to hide the mess and hurried into my bath.

The warm water felt like heaven and I lingered well past being clean, singing softly until I heard a throat being cleared loudly on the other side of the curtain. I turned the water off and opened the curtain enough to peek my head out. Brian was leaned in the doorway swinging my lost undies around one finger, arms crossed casually.

"I woke up alone, sticky, and all my clothes were gone." His voice was pitiful but his smile was wicked. "I found these though," his wrist flicked the panties in my direction. "I knew my Cinderella couldn't be far away."

I laughed. "Sorry I didn't wanna wake you. I thought you'd sleep in so I threw your clothes on top of the dryer." I grabbed my towel wrapping it around my front before pulling the shower curtain open. He stepped forward as I stepped out, leaning in to kiss me softly.

His hands took up the trailing ends of the towel and brisked them over the wet skin of my back. He didn't comment on my shyness with the towel and his hands were gentle as he worked. His eyes met mine and he smiled, hugging me close and rubbing his nose over mine. "You're adorable," I flushed in pleasure, "but I really am sticky." He slipped around me and hopped in the vacant shower.

I finished drying, bemused and distracted. I brushed my teeth and blew my hair dry quickly. In the bedroom I pulled fresh underwear out and smoothed a lightly jasmine scented lotion over my whole body. I dressed in jeans and a tunic style top.

I peered through the open bath door at the closed shower curtain. I dug a towel out of the linen closet and lay it on the vanity. I could hear him humming under his breath. I nearly choked swallowing my laughter when I recognized it as So This Is Love from Disney's Cinderella. I slipped out and off to the kitchen swishing down the hall with a spring in my step.

I pulled bacon and eggs out of the fridge, throwing a quick breakfast together. I slid two full plates onto the table and was turning to grab juice outta the fridge when he came from the shower. The towel I'd left was slung low on his hips and it came to me his bag was still where he'd dropped it by the front door. He didn't seem to mind, sliding in a chair at the table with a simple exclamation of "bacon!"

We ate, discussing plans for the day and settled on hiking back to a creek pool in the middle of my twenty five acres. It was really only a fifteen minute walk back from the house but you had to climb a short steep ridge. Brian stopped me when I started to get up to clear away dishes.

"We need to talk about my bag."

I was confused, his bag was beside the door where he'd left it last night. I pointed at it and he cleared his throat and elaborated.

"Where should I put it?" He seemed to want to say more but simply looked at me, waiting.

"Well you know where my room is," I said it slowly and I saw him exhale as I continued. "We already let the horse outta the barn I thought we might as well let it frolic in the field right? Unless you want your own room?"

"No your room. I just didn't want to assume. Things went, well better than we'd discussed and I dreamed," he smiled at me and my face flamed. "I want to frolic in the field with you but I'd go back in the barn if you needed that." His voice was teasing but I knew he meant it.

"Go get dressed. Almost all the drawers in the short dresser are empty." I hate folding clothes so I just hung every thing possible. I cleared the table and quickly did up the few dishes. I threw together some simple sandwiches. I dumped them with a couple of small bags of chips and trail mix in a bag I kept in the front closet with beach towels tucked inside. I filled four screw top plastic bottles with ice and water. I threw these in a small soft sided cooler with a couple of beers and all the remaining ice in the freezer.

I walked back to the bedroom to get into a suit and stopped in the door. Brian had thrown on a tee and pair of trunks and was closing his empty bag. I decided I was ready to go as is. "Ready?"

"Yeah," he said sliding his feet into a pair of sneakers.

He took up the cooler and I slung the towel bag over my shoulder. I locked the door and laughed when he asked if I had keys. "I have 10 hide-a-keys out here."

"Do you lock yourself out often or is this a game where you lock me out later and I must find a key to earn entrance?"

"No but funnily close. My friend locked me out as a joke a few times and I decided I'd be damned if it'd happen again. Then it just became a thing. I hardly ever carry a house key." I admitted the last a little ashamedly.

We worked our way back until we hit the ridge and I groaned when I saw the rope I'd strung to help pull myself up had somehow broke halfway up. "Looks like we're doing this the hard way." I moved down to a better spot where toeholds were impossible to dig in but a line of saplings angled up close enough to assist the climb. I pushed and pulled my way up and turned at the top to catch my breath and check Brian's progress. He was at the bottom of the steep slope back below the rope.

He grinned up at me and adjusted the strap of the cooler so it was hooked across his chest and the bulk of its weight was at the small of his back. He pounded up the side hard only grabbing the rope to heave himself up the last third of the way. He was still a bit out of breath as he worked through the trees to my side. He was proud of himself and I was duly impressed as well, so I told him so.

We finished the walk coming into the clearing on top of a broad rock shelf that extended and dropped off into a small pool. The creek was strong enough to create a small current and keep the pool fresh and clear but not enough to offer a challenge to even the weakest swimmer. I raked the debris from the rock bottomed pool several times a year and was glad I'd bothered with this a couple of weeks ago though it'd been cold and I'd nearly froze at the task.

I set the bag down and moved over to the "fort." It was a small shed built using four trees that had grown in a rough square. It had a rough but still water tight tin roof and an old glass paneled screen door that had come from who knew where. It had been here as long as I could remember. Most of the junk inside had been inside just as long, but I pulled out last years addition to the stores.

Brian peered around curiously at the mismatched lawn chairs and the rakes with extra long handles.. There was a stack of musty old playboy's on a rotting out camp cot in the furthest corner. I always meant to simply drag these out to be reclaimed by nature but never quite got around to it, not wanting to touch anything in that corner helped me not feel bad at putting off the task. I picked up the seemly massive bundle of pool noodles and carried them out as he poked through a stack of junk in boxes near the door. It was a puzzling mix of glass vases, knick knacks, and camping cook ware. There had either been a very fancy camper or a mix up when stuff was hauled out here.

I took my prize to the flattest part of the rock and rolled it out. I'd made the lounge mattress last year after scraping my ass shifting while sunbathing. It was one of my more clever ideas I felt. I'd strung pool noodles on rope and then lined them up and woven the ropes together to hold the whole affair it place. It was crushed in some areas but still comfortable. I spread our towels out over it, and sat down to unlace my shoes. The rock was already warm under my bare feet as I stood back up.

"This place is really amazing," Brian smiled at my noodle mat before his eyes scanned the surrounding trees. "Clever. I can't believe this is so close to your back door. Do you get a lot of teens sneaking back in here?" He waggled his brows suggestively.

I laughed, "used to when I was a teenager. Now, no." I pointed off to the east, "out that way about five minutes this creek comes up outta the ground. Guess that makes it a spring?" I shrugged. "It's on my property. To the south this runs through fields where they keep cows. No teenagers gonna think of swimming in that and it peters out."

"So you'd sneak back here huh? Ever spend the night out under the stars?"

"No way! That sounds all romantic but there are snakes. I mean you couldn't see um at night and that freaks me out. My papaw had a snake crawl in his sleeping bag on a hunting trip once. Well I'm never gonna give one the chance with me!"

I'd begun to strip off my tunic and jeans. My lacy underwear was to delicate to risk but I hesitated to strip bare. I'd known I'd need to ditch it as well when I opted to forgo a swimsuit. Brian helped without knowing, I caught site of his floored expression out of the corner of my eye and it spurred me to get a move on. I dropped my bra and tossed my panties back in his stunned face. I giggled all the way into the water. I dove in shallowly but made sure to fully submerge myself knowing it was better to get the shock of cold water over with. I flipped in the water to slick my hair back. I shivered and huddled in the water waiting to acclimate.

Brian must not have dreamed of the chill to the creek water because he cannonballed in and came up sputtering with a cry of "Jesus Christ!"

I swam over and pressed myself into his back. "You'll get used to it soon."

My nipples were painfully hard but it already felt warmer to me. I could feel he'd stripped out of his swim trucks and felt a moments sympathy for his delicate bits. I shook it off quickly and slid a little away in the water running a light finger along his crack. He jerked away in surprise and I laughed.

He did indeed warm up quickly as a game of chase and tease ensued. I eventually cried uncle as his superior swimming skills saw me repeated dunked and dragged under by an ankle. We swam lazily around each other afterwards. This didn't mean he kept his hands to himself. His questing hands skimmed and stroked my body whenever we passed close enough and I was becoming turned on quickly.

I dove under the water swimming along the bottom and looking at his body beneath the water. The pool was lit with sunlight and he skin appeared touched with gold. I realized my own skin was creamy white in contrast. I'd been busy and this was the first I'd been out in the sun this year. I surfaced up beside him and moved in close. His arms started to gather me close and then he released me as he started to sink. I laughed and gently shoved him towards the rock shelf where a submerged rock offered the only standing spot where your head would be above water. It had once been a close thing for me. The water still came up to mid breast on me.

I wrapped my arms around his back and lifted my face. His hands settled on my neck under the wet blanket of my hair. I slid my tongue over his lower lip before sucking it softly into my mouth. I shifted the kiss darting my tongue forward to flick against his. His hands shifted from resting to griping the sides of my face, tilting my head to deepen our kiss. I moved a hand down to cup and squeeze one firm buttock.

His penis was pressed into my belly warm and semi-hard. I wrapped my fingers around it and slowly stroked him. I stopped often to simply hold him. The water caused my palm to stick instead of slide smoothly against him and I finally settled on a short stroke that shifted the skin over the hardening shaft.

He lips were working down my neck and he lifted me suddenly so he could latch on to one of my nipples. I couldn't reach him with my hands any longer so I wrapped my hands around his upper arms to steady myself. One of his forearms clamped across my thighs holding me up easily while the other cupped and kneaded one breast. The sucking sensation on my other nipple quickly had me squirming against him.

The arm supporting me shifted and I found myself clinging to him as his lips reclaimed mine. His hand delved from behind between my legs. I parted for him quickly touching down the toes of one foot and lifting a leg to wrap round his hip. His fingertips rubbed over me in firm circles. I knew he could feel the slick slide of my wet pussy before his fingers pressed past my lips.

"I want you inside me," I urged reaching down to guide his hard cock inside. My legs wrapped around him and I locked one elbow around his neck to squirm up enough to accomplish my goal. I felt awkward and clumsy until his hands locked behind a thigh on each side. He began using this grip to lift me up, allowing me to settle back down his shaft by pulling with my heels locked together behind him. We found a rhythm quickly and the splash of the wavelets we created drowned out all but the loudest of our moans to my ears.

I leaned back a bit and the angle improved the press of his pelvis on my clit. It felt that my climb to orgasm took forever. The build was slow instead of the normal third gear rush. When I moved to finger myself he caught my hand and put it back behind his shoulder.

"Wait," his eyes caught mine. "Just wait, I want to see if I can get you there like this." He worked to regain his rhythm and his voice was tight and I understood how hard he was holding himself back.

I felt embarrassed but didn't look away from him. His hands were becoming painful when my orgasm finally took hold forcing my head back, eyes tightly closed. I could feel his orgasm follow mine almost immediately. His hands locked on my hips holding me tight for his final thrusts.

We pulled ourselves still panting from the water and collapsed on the toweled mat. I stretched out on my side and rubbed a lazy hand over his back. His face was turned away from me and he lay on his stomach. "Hmmm that's nice." I kneaded the back of his neck and we dozed drying in the sun for a while.

When I woke up a little later I was pleasantly warm and every movement against the towel beneath me felt amazing. I spent a minute stretching and working my loose muscles, enjoying the sated feel of them. The sunlight was dappled with shadows over us now and I was thankful I hadn't been lying nude in full sun. I tanned more than burned but there were limits to what my skin could take. I turned my attention to Brian beside me. He was still asleep and had turned onto his back the skin over his cheeks and nose were a little red from the sun but he didn't appear to be burning anywhere.

I licked my lips and shifted my gaze to were his soft penis rested. I stared at it a moment as if my gaze alone would give it rise, before timidly beginning to caress him. I ran soft fingertips over his thighs and lower stomach. He sighed a little in his sleep as my fingers combed through the neatly trimmed hair at the base of his penis. I became more bold taking him in one hand and cupping his balls with the other. My fingers sought out the soft spot I'd found before. I pressed stroking fingers over his perineum, and gently rolled his testicles under the loose skin. I took great care to keep my touches light wanting to arouse but not wake him just yet.

I leaned forward and licked up the soft underside of the hardening shaft. My tongue explored the ridge that defined the head, before I closed my lips over it sweeping it with the flat of my tongue. I turned my eyes to his face as his breathing changed. I sucked taking him deeper in my mouth and fingers twisted in my hair. They tugged gently to pull me closer but I ignored them pulling back. His eyes were open and focused on me now. I kept eye contact as my lips closed against the tip. I slowly worked my lips back over the head sucking gently while my hand stroked the shaft. I worked my way further down his hard cock with every bob of my head. He was too long to take more than half in my mouth at most and I ended up with a hand wrapped around the base as I worked my sucking lips over him.

He propped himself up for a better view and the hand tangled in my hair guided me more insistently. He whispered encouragement to me. I was very aroused and began rubbing myself in time with my gliding lips.

"Jesus I'm right there baby. I'm going to cum." I was grateful for the warning but kept my lips wrapped around him as he came.

The strong flavor filled my mouth and I swallowed quickly unable to truly enjoy it but not wanting to spit it out when he'd made such a big deal of enjoying me. I sat up removing my hand from where it'd been buried in my pussy but kept slowly stroking him with the other. He shuddered as my fingers closed over the sensitive tip. He'd collapsed back on the mat and I enjoyed the view of him sprawled out exhausted when I'd been responsible for it.

Once he'd recovered we ate the lunch I'd packed and swam a bit more before packing up to walk back. Once we got to the house we watched a movie piled up together on the couch. I noticed were his hands rested and the feel of his body against mine more than anything on the screen, and it was hard for me to motivate myself to get up and cook dinner.

Brian helped by getting up to use the restroom so I bit the bullet and started by pulling some steaks from the fridge. I cast around until I settled on a bunch of asparagus I'd cut from my own patch since it needed to be used soon. I scrubbed some potatoes and threw them foil wrapped in the oven before trotting out to drag the grill from the shed. I was stacking the charcoal briskets when Brian came out and I gladly let him take over when he offered.

"So you're one of those girls huh? I knew you were to good to be true." His voice was low but I thought he was teasing.

"Well I am a girl. Is this where you tell me all the evils of charcoal and how gas is so much better blah blah blah?" I asked

"What no! Charcoal is far superior, screw gas!" He looked at me sternly. "No I'm talking about what I found on my way out here."

My mind cast around for anything he could have found and I was coming up blank. Even if he'd been snooping in my underwear drawer and found my toys we'd discussed them and he'd admitted to being turned on by my having them. They certainly weren't a secret as he'd even heard me using them. I blushed a bit at that memory but shook my head to show him I was lost.

"I'm talking about this!" He dramatically withdrew a stalk of asparagus. It was wilted and half crushed from being in his pocket and leaned pathetically to one side.


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