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Were You Hit with a Slut Ray? Ch. 16-18

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The Battle of the Abandoned Mall ensues.
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Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/16/2020
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Chapter 16

"I still can't believe that I didn't recognize you, but then you were so demure while working at my office. Such a contrast from high school cheerleading captain Kara. Somehow, it never clicked. Perhaps because I never got your last name back then. You were just Kara, the super popular captain of the cheerleading squad. Kara Logan the temp turned permanent staffer, that was a very different girl by all appearances.

"I thought that you had a boyfriend or something, that kind of thing. Or that you pulled trains, that sort of thing. Anything but you saving your virginity for ME, of all people! I wasn't popular at all, as you recall. I remember the skimpy outfits, too. Those long ass legs, too. Such a far cry from your work persona, which was frankly very conservative," I noted, making Kara's dimples show in lieu of blushing.

"My parents were super strict and very tight-ass, prudish, born-again, evangelical types, you know. They even rejected the many customs and traditions of our people, believing them to be heathen and wrong, Satanic even. They were fully immersed in this worldview of theirs. Ugh. Anything that wasn't a literal interpretation of Scripture was diabolical in origin.

"I was always torn between those two sides of me, the slutty side that gave it out wholesale, anything but the V-card, and the Christian-brainwashed, misguided, but sincere, well-meaning part that wanted us to get married and have two point five kids or something together. It was all connected by one fact and one alone: I was yours and I wouldn't give away what was yours to someone else.

"I didn't dare tell you how I really felt about you, of course. That would let Mom and Dad know and they wouldn't let you near me for a year. But yes, even my morals, everything, that would have been tossed aside for you. Period. No question of it. If you knocked me up, I wouldn't have snitched on you at all. I would have basked in the knowledge that I carried your child in my womb and nothing could change that fact," Kara confessed to everyone's amazement.

"Well, now you have your wish ... what do you think of it all?" I asked her while spreading her cheeks and licking her ass.

"Okay, I was so misguided as to what you really wanted from me, yet you still respected my intentions, my sincerity, and I thank you for that. My whole outlook was warped by things. I wonder, is it just me, or is my attitude and outlook, my morality, even, changing before your very eyes?" Kara asked me while moaning from my tongue as it explored her backside.

"Of course it is! That's part of the function of the slut ray gun, baby! You were a virgin, but now you're a slut. Embrace it. Enjoy your new life, hon," I told her.

I then pushed Chrissy's face between her cheeks (per Chrissy's own wishes) and fucked her so hard that her tongue now went up Kara's butthole. The look on Kara's face was pure Heaven, or so I was told, as my powerful strokes kept pressing Chrissy's mouth against Kara's bottom, much to everyone's enjoyment. The fact that Chrissy couldn't stop licking Kara's bum just dovetailed perfectly with my own desires. Two former Jesus Freaks were now united in their utter rejection of that preachy crap and revelled in their freedom to spread it around.

"You know that I'm your absolute, unmitigated fuckmeat for life, your personal plaything, right? I'm your cum whore, your private bitch, your slut forever!" Kara confessed aloud, even as I pumped in and out of Chrissy, pushing her tongue deeper up her tush.

"That's not just the slut ray talking is it? Not that part. The freedom from stupid morals and urge to fuck around, yes. But the sheer level of devotion and adoration for me, that was already in place. You said it yourself, babe. You'd have thrown your morals away for me. Old and new. I can just tell, anyway.

"To think that I had no fucking clue. Wow! Boys that age really do have trouble deciphering the girl code! Luckily, much of that will be moot soon enough. Well, before you know it, that is. Not damn near soon enough for me.

"Well, luckily for you, I've decided that you're a keeper. As witnessed by what I said earlier and the fact that Chrissy's tongue is currently lodged in your cornhole. You have to admit, she's damn good at eating ass, isn't she? She was the first person affected by the ray gun, did you know that?

"And that was just yesterday, hard to believe! Her husband Jonny here was the second. Jonny, boyo, do me a solid and fuck Kara's face while your missus tongue-fucks her asshole. It seems that Kara is really good at sucking dick. I want to reward you for your proper attitude about me plowing your wife by getting you a blowjob from my high school crush!" I told Jonny while still very much pounding his lovely wife.

Had it really only been a day or so? So much had been crammed into such a short space of time, and yet I didn't really feel tired or drained at all. The wonders of alien technology, I supposed, I thought while admiring and fondling Chrissy's sweet, swarthy bottom and banging her gooey gash. That was one woman who definitely cast aside the bonds of monogamy, thanks to the very same tech. I recalled reading stories on various online sites and people griping that wives seemed to have been zapped by a slut ray, but now it happened in real life in my presence, at my hand, no less!

I winked at Sonja as she finished getting taken by Lamar and at Mireya as Ben withdrew from her dripping wet twat. There was no question now where this was headed. Still very much live and broadcast to anyone with the capacity to view it, I had kickstarted the greatest orgy of all time. It was all over the damn mall by now and had spilled over into the parking lot.

Anyone who didn't approve could suck my hairy asshole, because I had unleashed a major social revolution, for better or for worse. Humanity would be dragged, kicking and screaming, out of the confines of the previous social order into the new civilization which had no time for the antiquated morals of the past. In less than a full weekend, I had changed history, and there was no turning back.

It was my world now. The rest of mankind just lived in it.

Chapter 17

Somehow, everything had become a blur, I wasn't sure why, but it didn't matter as it turned out. I took a little nap, as did the others, though it wasn't clear what the function of said nap might be. The next thing that I knew, I woke up, still in the mall, still naked, to find that even more of the world had changed around me.

For one thing, I awoke to Mindy on top of me while Chet fucked my ass. I didn't mind, of course. Why would I object to having my butt taken like that. I also found an unfamiliar black woman sitting on my face, again not that I minded at all. Lamar leaned over and laughed, impishly, not maliciously. His whole attitude was much improved, as was Brenda's, of course.

"Meet Whitney White. That girl over there is Whitney Tavington, of course, and that's Lola Hamid, just so you know. I love how Ben is adding more and more of our old friends and acquaintances to an already widespread orgy. What's next, adding celebrities?" Mireya giggled while kissing my chest.

"How does Lamar know her?" I asked as I really put my tongue into action, devouring Whitney White's delicious ass.

"Small world, my friend. Much smaller than you think!" Lamar laughed before we all kinda dozed off again for reasons yet unclear to me.

I woke up to Whitney White riding my cock now and Whitney Tavington sitting on my face. I didn't hesitate to lick her butt, yet I was very confused as to the reasons for this matter. I felt almost like a drunken man. When I awoke again, it was dark and the lights were off in the mall itself, the doors closed and locked for some reason. I trusted the Xenarians, but what in the blazes was going on now?

"Relax, it was a necessary intervention. Sometimes, even with your great ideas, we will need to take special action, which was vital in this case. Let's just say that anyone who isn't a child falls into one of two camps. Ours, or the enemy's. I wanted you all well-rested and calm when you got this news.

"It seems that a lynch mob of sorts formed, rallied by a very irate preacher named Milan Wilcox. It was composed of many of the worst folks in the community. You know the types, irreconcilable fellas ... and ladies. Please be calm about this, but we had to impose a lockdown for the moment, at least until we could distribute weapons to your entire force.

"We bought you time and got you all hypnotically trained, armed you to the teeth, etc. far more than usual. The sex was useful to help you bond. Between the slut rays and the chemical mist that we alluded to earlier, everyone's hang-ups were gone, and a lot of folks even fucked in their sleep. You have even more gear than before.

"The force fields will protect every building and person in it except this one. That way, the mob in question will be drawn out like pus lanced from a boil, right out into the open. This is a trap, and yes, unfortunately, that makes us the bait. All of us. Better us than the kids to confront this rather hysterical throng. Yes, regrettably, it has come to violence, and I doubt for the last time.

"We have brought you many gifts and those will benefit you, but only if you prevail. This fight was coming, babe. It always was. It always would be. It's the necessary purge of the filth of much of humanity, sad to say. They will assault us. We will lie in ambush, waiting for them to break through the barricades.

"This is your fight, but we will stand with you in it. This is a war, and this is only the firing of the first shot. It is all far from over. It's time to kick ass!" Julia informed us all as the Xenarians freely passed out weapons now, not being nearly as cautious anymore.

"These are ideal positions from which to ambush people, I believe," I noted several possible hiding places, ideal for pouncing and sniping on the foe.

"I guess that it's time to take out the trash," Sasi broke her silence now, putting brief grins on everyone's face as we awaited the moment that we all feared.

The price of our new society ... it wouldn't come in cheap. It would have to be paid for in blood. Human blood.

"When this battle is over, remind me to do whatever sex acts you three want for the first evening back. I am once again in your debt. I'll pay up by being your sex slave all night long. Seems only fair to me," I told Claire now.

"Oh, honey, you are in for the best sex you've ever had and the very best night of your life!" Claire licked her lips.

"Tell me about it. Forget next week. We're going to fuck you into next century," Ben warned me.

"Duly noted ... and ... promises, promises," I smiled.

"Yeah, well, unlike some other folks, we always deliver," Julia got the last word as we took up our positions, waiting for the enemy advance.

Any second now, they would kick open the doors and charge straight for us. And we would be ready. We would kill them all and say good riddance. As Sasi noted, at this point, we were just taking out the trash.

Chapter 18

"Here they come, the bastards. Let's get 'em," I chuckled as Pastor Milan Wilcox and his followers broke through the barrier and entered the mall.

I heard someone fire off some kind of shotgun, which thankfully made a lot of noise and allowed me to see the flash. Wilcox and his crew clearly never heard of fire discipline, thankfully for our cause. I instantly aimed and then fired my Atomizer, disintegrating whoever just popped off in such darkness. Clearly, their approach was to "spray and pray," for lack of a better phrase. I laughed as I heard a brief scream and the sound of yet another Atomizer being fired at the foe.

"That ray gun of yours ... super impressive, but for me, I'm more used to this," Tova declared as she began mowing the enemy down with an Uzi.

Yeah, I had kept her knowledge of small arms as part of her personality. That would have been too useful to remove, of course. I heard another loud pop as someone let off an AR-15. I really couldn't tell which side they were on, but it didn't matter. I kept zapping folks with my Atomizer and hearing more people scream as they watched their comrades vanish into atoms. They couldn't see the molecules being shredded, but they knew that their friends and brethren or whatever were dead and gone, beyond any hope of rescue.

The battle continued in almost total darkness for at least a dozen minutes before one of them waved a flashlight and put down his weapon, a Thompson submachine gun. More of them laid down their arms, obviously shaken up by their imminent defeat. None of them stood a chance against such advanced weaponry and they knew it. Several of them pissed their pants, much to my amusement.

"Hand me your flashlight, buddy. Nice and slow. There we go. Now, you have two choices. You can be converted with the Converter here. Or you can be Atomized with this. Your choice. I really don't want to have to clean up any more remains, so those are your options. Choose wisely, my friends," I instructed the mere twenty or thirty odd survivors of the assault.

"I ... will be converted," Jessamine Wilcox, Milan's elder daughter, agreed.

"Jess ... no ... don't! It's the Mark of the Beast. You'll never come back from that!" Milan warned his daughter.

"Daddy, we don't have a choice. It's time to submit. I don't want us to die ... I don't want you to die!" Cassidy Wilcox, Milan's younger daughter now pleaded with her father.

"Never! I will not let you mark me, Antichrist!" Milan changed his mind about surrender now that he knew the price.

"Listen to your daughters, my friend. It's for the best," I tried to convince Milan, but he shook his head in the negative.

"Honey, face facts. We've lost. This is better than execution. We tried to murder them and now their leader is being gracious enough to spare our lives. Surely, that means something to you! If you don't do it for yourself, do it for us!" Melody Wilcox begged her husband.

"NO! This wasn't murder! It was justice! It was divine judgment! These abominations, these sinners deserve to die! Deus vult! God wills it! God told me to build a new shining city on a hill once these sinners were slain! This was the chance to build a new Christian society," Milan insisted, being unwilling to listen to the heartfelt, tearful cries and pleas of his wife and two daughters.

"Have it your way. I don't think that you'll be lovin' it, though," I then decided.

"Please!" Melody begged her husband yet again, but he shoved her aside and rushed at me one last time, forcing me to zap him instantly.

The Reverend Milan Wilcox disintegrated before the very eyes of his wife and daughters, both of them horrified for a few seconds before I zapped them with the Converters first. More of the group stepped up for conversion, fearful of angering me, but five more people resisted it. Well, they had their chances. Out of thirty prisoners, twenty-three survived, while only seven chose to resist us. Luckily, the Converter was able to remove any trauma or grief.

Yes, I fixed the Wilcoxes to see Milan for what he was, a charlatan who endangered their lives and those of their neighbors in the name of a death cult. They now seemed very content and hardly even concerned that he was gone. That was good, especially for my purposes. And yes, I had ideas. Very distinct ones now.

"Melody, I changed your personality to make you infatuated with Kara and Lola. Those are your main attractions and love interests. Jessamine, you're the same way, but with Sonja and Brad. Cassidy, you're that way, but with Jenny and Rod. The others still interest you, but you're all in love with me and one other woman. Bill and Billie, brother and sister ... you're now in love with each other and Alfonso. Lisa Somers, you're infatuated with Brenda and Lamar. David Mackey, you're infatuated with the Jensens, Ryan and Amanda.

"Celeste Andover, you're infatuated with Chet and Mindy. Martin Andover, you're now in love with Rafi and Veronica. Henry Davis, you're now enthralled with Mireya and Ernesto. Clive Davis, you're now enamored with Delbert and Pilar. Willa Davis, you're now charmed by Sasi and Lorraine. Eric Bergman, you're now enchanted by the Lysanders. Erica Bergman, you're now madly in love with Jonny and Chrissy. Stewart Buckman, you're passionate for both of the Whitneys, White and Tavington.

"Stacey Buckman, you worship Walter and Father Gavin. Aaron Winters, you are very much in love with the Lysanders. Dick Pearl, you adore Mona and Trista. Ralph Pearl, you are entirely bewitched by Sisters Agnes and Charlotte. Spike Wallace, you belong to Loretta and Priscilla. Candy Wallace, you live for Rajiv and Chantilly. Michael Wallace, I entrust you to Monique and Missy, alright? Sound good? I thought so," I smirked as I assigned each of these people their new primary partners, the main objects of their affection and designed them accordingly.

"Don't worry, we'll all share, anyway. And as I convert more folks, I'll assign them to favorites as well," I chuckled as the Xenarians began inoculating each of them.

We didn't want them to catch anything after all, did we?

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