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Click hereWhen she entered, his eyes pierced her. She smiled. Jacob stood and walked to her. "I have news. Let me order a salad then we need to go to my office to talk," she explained. Jacob nodded as she ordered her lunch. They then said good bye to the group and walked over to her office.
Sunnet and Jacob entered to her office because they needed a moment. She walked around, nervous, and Jacob just sat down.
"Jacob, I have great news, they are dropping the charges. You're free." She told him beaming from ear to ear. Jacob hugged her. He wrapped his big arms around her and held her close. He inhaled her scent, and moaned because now he could finally make his claim.
Sunnet was congratulating him and babbling, but all he could see was her. She protected him. She was his mate, his life. Daniel came to mind. He had to ask.
"Daniel? Are you involved with him?" Jacob asked.
"Um, Jacob who I date is not your concern. I am single and besides it doesn't matter." Sunnet explained, although her heart kicked up a rapid beat.
Not to be deterred, Jacob lifted her eyes to face his. "Sunnet, I have waited over a decade for you to come home. When you left for school, not following you was the hardest thing I've ever done. I let you leave me even though it tore me apart. I stayed here and waited, although everything in me screamed for me to go find you. I have not demanded anything. I have sat back for weeks and watched that man fawn over you. But I cannot be silent anymore. If you have something going on with Daniel, you need to end it. I can tolerate a lot, but I cannot tolerate another man touching my woman. And Sunnet, you are mine." Jacob concluded.
Sunnet gaped at him, heart racing, thoughts whirling around her head. She stood and walked away from him. She knew that wolves mated for life. She also knew the significance if that word. He said "Mine". He told her she belonged to him.
She turned away from him. She had to get herself under control. She turned back around and was about to tell him that he was mistaken. But he moved close to her, right behind her. She looked at him to deny him when he kissed her. The moment his lips met hers, Sunnet felt energy shoot through her body. Of its own volition, her arms circled his neck and her body molded into his large frame. He held her so close, so securely that she never wanted to be out of his arms again.
Her body hummed as her nether region felt swollen and wet for this man. No man ever affected her in this way
The kiss ended, and Sunnet could not let him go. If she did, she melt into a puddle of mush on the floor. From the way he gripped her waist, she knew he felt the same.
"Jacob," she whispered.
"Let's finish this trial. After this is over, we can decide how we will do this." Jacob explained.
Someone knocked a the office door, bringing them back into present time. "We will finish this, I promise." Jacob whispered and then he had a seat. The door opened and Daniel walked in. It was obvious something happened, and Jacob could tell from his expression that he didn't like it.
"Sunnet, do you need me to sit in as your second when we go back?" Daniel asked.
Jacob sat up straighter. "No, Daniel. Thanks," she answered.
Daniel was giving Sunnet advice about how to present when she looked at Jacob. The man looked so good. She remembered their one night over a decade ago. She thought he was handsome then, and with age, he was undeniably gorgeous.
Jacob never looked away from Sunnet. He wanted to be with her, but he would wait. Once this trial ended, and he was cleared, he'd go to her father's house and make his intentions known. Soon, Daniel called both their names. Sunnet's phone buzzed.
Sunnet sighed, and realized Daniel was talking.
"The judge is ready. We have to go back." She explained after checking her messages.
Jacob was watching her intently, and Sunnet shook herself. "Come on. Let's go." She said.
They entered the courthouse, and everyone was talking.
The judge entered and everyone stood.
He sat and then he spoke. "Ladies, Gentlemen, I want to thank you for coming. I know at this point, we should continue with this trial, but there is no need. I talked with the District Attorney White and Attorney Dreamfeather and the three of us reviewed the evidence in this case. As far as this court is concerned, there is no case. I order that all charges against Jacob Kingsley be dropped. This is a clear case of self defense. Mr. Kingsley, you are free to go. That is the order of this court." The judge declared banging his gavel for the final time.
The judge called for dismissal and he exited. Daniel smiled. She was done, now she could come home. He knew they would never have anything other than a working relationship, but Sunnet Dreamfeather was one of the best defense attorney he'd met in his entire career.
After the judge left and everyone hugged Jacob, congratulating him. Soon, they left the courthouse, Jacob walked with Sunnet, placing his arm around her waist.
Sunnet moved to remove his arm, but he tightened his grip. She went to her small office, but told Jacob to go celebrate with his friends. She would join them if she finished early. Reluctantly, he left. As she worked on some last minute things, Daniel walked in. Fortunately, Sunnet was not in the office alone. Chase was across the hall and heard them talking. At first he started to just leave, but something told him to wait. As he was walking past Sunnet's office, he heard Daniel raising his voice. He didn't like it. So he stuck his head in and interrupted.
Sunnet looked relieved, but Daniel looked pissed. It was obvious that he was having problems convincing Sunnet to agree to whatever he wanted. "Sunnet, Daniel, I need to lock up. You can come back and finish tomorrow if you need to," he explained.
Sunnet smiled and answered, "Thanks Chase. I need to file this case and that's it. I'll come by tomorrow." Daniel simply stood looking disgruntled.
Chase liked Daniel so he gave him an opportunity to save face. "Daniel, do you wanna grab some beers? I know Sunnet won't join me, besides I kinda need to talk with you about something, you know, guy stuff." Sunnet pretended to be offended, but she was grateful to Chase for intervening.
Earlier, as they left the courtroom, Jacob was relieved. He went back to Keamon's and celebrated with his friends that were there. Few hours passed and Jacob needed to see her. He needed his mate. He needed Sunnet. Getting into his truck, he drove to the corner. A right turn would take him home, a left turn would take him to Chief Joe's. He turned left.
He arrived at Chief Joe's home and knocked. Joe answered and Jacob asked if Sunnet was in. Stepping aside, Joe invited him in and called his daughter. Sunnet had come home and changed into some casual clothes. She was about to start packing to go back to the city. Daniel offered to let her ride back with him the next day, but she wanted to drive. Besides, she had her own car.
She knew he was there before walking to the front of the house. She walked in and Jacob smiled. He was still wearing his suit, and looked so amazing. "You owe me a date. I'm here to collect." he stated. Sunnet smiled and sighed, "Exactly when and where do you want this date, sir?"
Not to be deterred, Jacob answered, "Tonight and right now. Just trust me, OK. Let me show you how I really feel about you. Just one night, tonight. That's all I ask."
Sunnet looked at the sweats she was wearing and started to protest. Jacob smiled, "You are beautiful, and a promise is a promise. Let me take you out tonight. And after tonight, if you still want to leave me tomorrow, I'll let you go." he whispered.
She could not refuse him, and surprisingly, she knew she didn't want to leave. Joe motioned them to the door, and told Sunnet to let herself back in. He then closed the door behind them happy that finally, his daughter would realize that Jacob was her mate.
Kerri called three omegas and she and Patricia helped. After Jacob contacted Ja'Mal earlier, they sprang into action. In no time, they had cleaned and prepared the small house that her father stayed in for Jacob and Sunnet. Patricia personally prepared a delicious dinner to be served once they arrived. Kerri made sure fresh linen and towels were in place. They were happy Jacob was cleared, but even more excited that at last, he was claiming his mate.
Once everything was ready, Kerri told Ja'Mal and he sent to Jacob. Ja'Mal smiled. Marcus and Patricia were back and Marcus told him he'd talk to him tomorrow. Larry was back at the ranch. His mate was on her way back home and Momma and Logan were together. He couldn't be happier.
Betty cleaned up from dinner. Logan helped, even though she insisted that he let her pamper him. Once the kitchen was clean, Logan took her hand and kissed it. "Betty, I need you. Join with me tonight." He whispered.
"Yes, forever," she whispered.
Lifting her, Logan carried his love to their bedroom. Placing her on their bed, he stood and just took in her beauty. "Don't move." He whispered and he turned on some soft music.
He joined her on the bed and pulled her on top of his body kissing her. Her lips were so soft and she tasted so sweet that Logan moaned. No one had ever ignited him the way Betty did. Tonight was for her. He wanted to show her how much she meant to him. Reversing their positions, Logan took the lead. With careful manipulations, he unbuttoned her top, exposing her perfect round breast encased in teal lace to his hungry gaze and hands.
"Wow! Betty, you've been wearing this all day. Damn, girl. Had I known, you would have been naked as soon as we got home." He moaned.
Betty groaned, "Let me help you out then." She moved to undress, but Logan stopped her. "No, let me. It's my turn to take care of you." He mumbled into the crevice of her neck.
Soon the skirt she was wearing joined her top, but Logan was still fully clothed. Betty was frustrated, and wanted him naked like her. She reached for his shirt, but he stopped her and reminded her that he was busy.
Logan claimed he needed to reacquaint himself with his mate's body. His slow exploration drove Betty insane. Logan feasted on her breast, sucking in her left nipple as he pinched the right one. Her pussy throbbed. Logan laughed, and decided to help her out a little. Sliding his hand across her stomach, he stroked the burning thatch between her thighs. Rotating her hips, Betty needed more. He parted her lips and stroked her nub. Copious amount of fluid flowed from her, coating his fingers.
Not able to resist, Logan licked his fingers, tasting her. Betty needed more. She needed him. "Logan, please." She whimpered.
"Not able to deny her any longer, Logan stood and removed his clothes. Betty looked at her man. He was amazing in her eyes. She reached out to stroke him, and he groaned. Stroking his thick hard cock, Betty needed to feel him. "Baby, I need... I need you." She moaned.
"Come on." He answered, moving on top of her body. Moving between her spread thighs, Logan entered her in one sure stroke. It had been so long, Betty moaned. He groaned, loving the feel of her enveloping him in her warmth.
"Betty," he moaned and nothing else needed to be said. Moving in and out of her warm sheath, Logan claimed his woman. Betty took it. She took all of him. No other man could ever do for her now. She belonged to Logan. She needed to mark him, needed to own him.
"Logan" she groaned.
"Do it, baby. Mark me, baby please..." He groaned and she did. Sinking her teeth into his shoulder, Logan roared as his woman gave him her mark. She came and her hungry pussy sucked him inside of her even deeper. Logan could not hold back, and with one strong thrust, he pounded his mate. Feeling her bite incited his beast. With one final thrust and roar, his wolf rose and claimed his woman. Blood rushed to his head, he went deaf, and his heart pounded. I love you, love you, love you! he chanted. Betty was also sending to him, their joining was so powerful, so perfect. Soon they calmed, and he just held her.
Baby, was I too rough? I didn't hurt you, did I? he sent awed that now she was finally his.
"I am perfect. Logan. Just perfect. You were amazing." She boasted. He smiled, proud to have pleased his woman. They were still joined as his knot was lodged deep within her.
Snuggling into her new mate's arms Betty drifted off. For the first night in weeks, she slept. Logan held her close and listen to her breathe as she slept. She was exhausted and he knew it was because she worried about him. From now on, she didn't have to worry anymore, he was taking care of her.
In the spiritual plane the shaman's of old met once more. It was time. The wapjanli needed to return to them, but first she had to do one more thing.
Frank was furious. Nothing he orchestrated worked and now his nephew was gone for eternity. Their time was over. He would spend eternity watching the Weres and human exist together. To make matters worse, he'd finally meet the wapjanli. He'd meet the bitch that ruined things for him.
As the others talked, Frank remained silent. He needed to be invisible, because if he was not careful his soul would be destroyed just like his nephew Lionel's soul had been.
The other spirits had warned him, and they watched him. He had to accept his fate. He was a spirit now, and his family lineage was gone. It was true that Lionel would have a daughter, but she would not be shaman. She would simply be a human child. He would not be allowed to harm her in any way. However, he would be able to watch her grow up.
But for him that would not be enough. He wanted to be gone. If he could not destroy the werewolves, then he would rather not exist at all. He spoke to his fellow beings. "Destroy me; I no longer wish to exist."
The other shaman looked at each other and agreed. Frank was evil. It was Frank that raised and trained T'chukemia. He needed to go. They linked hands, surrounded him, and and chanted the sacred words, Umbageyago, Umbageyago! Frank faded away into nothing. The werewolves and the people would be safe from now on. The shamans smiled, and waited for the Wapjanli to finish her task.
OK, I know I said this would be the last chapter, but it can't end here, so I'm continuing the story. Please forgive me for my hasty announcement, but in my defense, none of the stories I have ever written have gone past chapter 10. As I was talking with another writer, they advised me to end the story and not let it go too long, or the readers would lose interest. However, I want to do this story justice, so in the interest of fairness, I am extending it past chapter 10. I am not sure how many chapters will follow this, but until the characters tell me they are done, then I'll keep writing.
Again, I apologize for the premature announcement. Chapter eleven will be written and posted soon. Please comment and vote. IR2R
we are getting to the good parts ,I hope you write another 12 chapters
Stephen J
Who cares what others think. We absolutely Love you IR2R. I'm always in anticipation of your stories. You're a great story teller. Can't wait for more.
I do not care about the length as long as it's a good storyline and holds the plot
10 is a number not a stop sign. Readers do not lose interest over a number or length , as long as the story is great we will keep coming back looking for the next chapter and cussing you out for it not being posted yet. Hay its all your fault for writing so well and making us love your characters. So as long as you still have a good story to write we will be here to read
Jacob and Sunnet are about to get busy; about time. Logan and Betty finally mated. Now what about Kerri's dad, and the Daniel guy. They need a woman.BTW, darn right you cant end it now. Too many unfinished stories.
You must keep writing this story. There are so many things going on here and we need to see what happens. So Iread2relax, don't be in such a hurry to get to the end.
One of my favorite writers here has most of her stories coming to 20 to 25 chapters long. She also happens to be one of the most read authors in the entire non-human section. Write what feels right for the characters. I for one definitely would like to read more of this story (and your other ones).
I'm glad the story didn't end here. I want to know how things end with Jacob and Sunnet.
I am glad you are going to write more of this story. I have enjoyed reading it so much.
Good Morning, IR2R. How could the story end here? Any story, worth it's salt, will last as long as need be. Besides...I got a feeling we need to see the end of the relationship with Daniel. Not to mention what happens with Lionel's daughter. That twist, alone, needs to be explored. :)