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What Do I Dare? Pt. 02

Story Info
Anna attempts escape and is captured by a stranger.
6.6k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 01/04/2015
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Author's Note===

Your ratings and feedback are greatly appreciated, and while it sometimes takes time, I respond to each feedback. I also entertain reader requests.

The story is plot driven, so if you are looking for quick gratification, you may want to look elsewhere. Being plot-driven, the reader is best served by starting at the beginning for this to make maximal sense.


Previously::: Anna gathers her courage, and finally goes to meet the man that she calls Master to experience it all in person.

Left to herself, Anna would have lingered in the washroom, as she had just orgasmed in the middle of the dining room, and while she had recovered from the embarrassment, her body wanted to come again, and soon.

At the same time, her Man (there she was thinking of him in possessive terms, that was dangerous) was watching and waiting; she knew better than to keep Him waiting.

She had already decided to put the choker on, and while she didn't know what the next 24 hours would hold in particular, she had imagined all kinds of things, touched herself multiple times a day until she felt like a sex addict, dreaming of this night for months.

When she got settled in the stall, she was amazed at how wet she was, her nice panties were soaked through. As she feared, there was a wet spot on the back of her skirt as well, so it now made perfect sense that she had been instructed to wear a dark skirt. She wasn't sure if she was embarrassed or proud of parading around wearing her "badge of wetness". Her lip curled a bit at the irony of being chagrined at her brazen public behavior, while she was currently so lust-filled that the thought of her mystery Man grabbing her, bending her over a table and mounting her right in the middle of the dining room made her heart race.

In-spite of her heightened arousal, her face flushed full red. Those kind of thoughts were far more randy that she had ever entertained, and yet there was no doubt in her mind that she would willingly march out there right now and and present herself to be taken by the Man she thought of as Master. It was not even what she might have to experience before she could be sated, but rather her desire to be filled, to be completed, to submit to the totality of it all.

As the mist of desire lifted a bit, Anna considered what was to come, and the less impulsive part of her mind began to worry. In a strange way, He had made the first part easier for her to ease into this evening without feeling afraid. He had used His own extensive knowledge of her wants and desires to craft the environment, heighten her arousal. He didn't *make* her do anything - yet! But He knew her impetuous nature, and set the stage where it was likely that she would take things "into her own hands". Not surprisingly, she did, even in the midst of a full room of dinner patrons.

Thinking about how completely He had manipulated her, nervousness now vied with her arousal, and she thought about how to escape. She didn't know where He was, so how could she avoid Him? For all she knew He was waiting outside the bathroom now with thugs, dressed all in black with ski masks on! Being grabbed, bound and gagged, a black bag over her head and hustled off into a waiting van in the dark just like they showed in the movies. A Man so intent oh having her that He will stop at nothing to consummate His carnal desires. That was by turns terrifying and hot.

She took a steadying breath and calmed herself - she was being irrational and over the top now. Feeling trapped by her choices, she had a hard time concentrating; her thoughts scattered like a flock of birds that were startled. Maybe if she could get outside without Him seeing her, she could text Him that she had come down with something ... ask to reschedule. It was lame, but the best that she come up with in her altered state. The washrooms were close to the front door, but He would be watching, waiting. Again, she felt like prey being stalked by a predator. Then she had an inspiration - there was balcony seating along one edge of the dining area! If she could get out onto the balcony, she could skirt around the main area, cross the dimly lit balcony, and slip out the door.

There wasn't a moment to lose, so she cleaned herself as well as she could, gave a rueful shake of her head at her spreading wet-spot, and steeled herself for her escape. The rest of the washroom was empty, so she eased the door open a crack, holding her breath. She couldn't see anyone in the short hallway to her left, so she quickly shot through the door, and set off for balcony.

Much like a scared rabbit fleeing a predator, she suffered from tunnel vision, and never thought to look to her right as she left the ladies room. If she had, she would have seen the server who brought her the envelope lurking by the service door at the end of the hallway.

She reached the edge of the dining room, and hesitated. if she circled the dining area along it's edge to the right, she could reach a balcony door without becoming visible by walking near the lights of a table. The only obstacle to her plan was the pool of bright light in front of the main kitchen entrance. She would have to cross through that light to reach the balcony.

Her heart had begun to beat faster as the feeling of being pursued took hold, and she knew that there was no time to come up with a better plan. In a fast walk that drew some glances, she took off for the balcony.

Unseen by Anna, the server stepped out of the hallway behind her, and looked far across the tables to the left balcony door closest to the exit. Just beyond the curtain that draped the doorway, the server saw the large man back-lit by the starlight. The server then slowly nodded in the affirmative, then inclined his head to the right.

The response was immediate, a hand extended beyond the curtain with a thumbs up, and there was creased bill jutting from the fist. The server smiled his sly smile as went back to serving tables. His extra bit of 'work' would net him more than everything else he made tonight.

Anna slowed as she neared the kitchen entrance - there was a steady stream of servers and heavily-laden trays with hot food. They moved with speed, and a practiced smoothness that eluded Anna as she scurried along. A couple of times she tried to cross the flow, and found that her hesitation doomed her attempts.

Standing there, she became more upset, and then decided to follow the flow towards the kitchen, then she only had to cross behind a server leaving the kitchen. Anna brightened a bit, and jumped into the line flowing into the kitchen.

Her confidence rising, Anna glanced at the tray ahead of her, and she caught a flash of a silver reflection in the mounded domes. Her hand shot to her throat, and she froze in place. In a lesser establishment , there would have been pandemonium, but the servers behind her altered course and navigated around Anna like she was rudderless ship in the channel.

As thunderstruck as Anna was, she was effectively rudderless. She had never taken the choker off, and here she was with it on! He had been explicit about what putting the choker on meant, and if He caught her now, she was His for the next 24 hours!

Seeing a momentary break, Anna launched her self across the out-bound kitchen traffic and towards the balcony door. The panic began to rise in her now; she had requested that they meet, swore that she was brave enough to face the unknown, and here she was doing her very best to stand Him up and escape - all while wearing His choker and locket.

She had never heard Him loose his temper, but she had no interest in experiencing it. If He caught her now she paled at the thought of the spanking she would get, and she wasn't sure there would be any happy ending after it. She might be bound, spanked, and "put away wet" for the next 24 hours.

She picked up speed and was almost running by the time she reached the balcony door. In her haste she almost went spread-eagle over a table of guests. The air on the balcony was cooler, but it was darker as well, so she hadn't made the table out until she was almost through the doorway.

There were rich fabric dividers on either side of the party, which gave the feel of an opera box; privacy to either side, but an expansive view over the balcony railing.

She caught herself before she crashed into the table, and veered left around them like she knew what she was doing, which she most decidedly did not. Slipping around the end of the divider, the main balcony dining area came into view, it was louder here, and her hope rose that she could do this.

As Anna wove through the busy seating area, she kept her eyes down so as to not draw attention, and hopefully conceal the choker at her neck. He had warned her that other men in as establishment like this would recognize it and see her as a loose prize to be captured. She shivered from the night air flowing across her face, and the thought of a complete stranger pouncing on her was as disturbing as it was electrifying.

She started to turn towards the main balcony exit when she was startled to see the server from earlier blocking the exit and openly leering at her. She wanted no part of him, even as she remembered he breathing deeply from her wet hand, and knowing that he had smelled her private juices when he told her how "tasty" it was. His knowing leer infuriated her, but the recent memories flooded back, and she began to grow wet all over again.

She would have to barge through the other private seating at the other end of the balcony, but then she would be just a few steps from the door. She was less afraid now, she had beat Him at His own game. Once she had evaded His grasp, she could re-evaluate things.

More confident in her maneuvers, she moved around the final fabric privacy curtain and then halted, suddenly uncertain. There was a privacy curtain across the exit, and the candles were out on the table. She had to pause for her eyes to adjust so she could navigate her way to the exit that beckoned. But she was too impatient to wait for her night vision to function, so she started circling to the left by bumping into furniture and easing hesitatingly forward.

She didn't want to scuff the pricey high heels she had on, so her shins took a beating as she found chair after chair the hard way. When Anna glanced to the sliver of light that shined from between the door jam and the privacy curtain, she just needed a few more steps.

Her lips lit in a nervous smile, just before they was covered by a powerful hand that pulled her heads backwards.

In the same moment a large arm snaked around her and pinned arms against her, snatching her backward into a firm body far larger than hers.

Anna's mind reeled, and she was stunned into a moment of paralysis, as her senses struggled to understand.

"That is a beautiful choker you have on, I do think I'll make you mine since you are unsupervised at the moment." Whispered a muffled deep voice in her ear, and her blood ran cold.

He had warned her, and now she was being kidnapped by a stranger who had found her without the protection of her Master! How she wished she had just submitted, abided by what the choker represented instead of being at the mercy of a complete stranger. Unbidden, tears began to run down her face as she realized that what she had longed for had escaped, and now she was doomed to drink from the dregs of what she could have had. The tears were bitter, and she deflated, even as she dreaded the unknown degradation ahead.

As He was want to point out, she was a smart girl, which made her willfulness that much more embarrassing. Anna shook her head slightly, frustrated, that in this part of the world, she had ignored that women were not safe without protection of a man, especially a powerful man. Now she was going to pay a price for her foolishness.

Her temper flared, and she decided that although the odds were long, she had to try and and escape. She prepared herself, but her body betrayed her tensing before she acted. "Going somewhere?" The voice whispered, and the hand over her mouth shifted. Suddenly her nose was pinched off, and the grip over her mouth tightened. She started struggling, trying to throw off the hulk of a man wrapped around her. She tried to throw elbows, stomp insteps, anything to dislodge her captor.

Anna realized too late that her breath had escaped in puffs of exertion, but no new air was coming in. She began to have a hard time concentrating, and her vision swam. She felt her body crumpling, and she lost her ability to fight. In that moment, the hand was removed, and she took an enormous breath. Just as her mind came back to her, she felt something soft being packed into her mouth. She reflexively began to breath through the nose, and she began to gather her wits.

"That is my silk pocket square, but feel free to drool on it all you want, I'll gladly have it dry cleaned for the enjoyment you're going to provide" the voice purred.

Tensing her limp body for another attempt at escape, Anna was stunned when she was unceremoniously picked up and carried to the edge of the balcony. She began to panic when she drew close to the balcony, afraid that she would be thrown over for her persistent attempts at escape. "Ah, a little fear enters your mind when you realize that tossing you over that rail is child's play for me." The calmness in the voice chilled her more that a malevolent direct threat.

"My sweet, I am going to tie you to this balcony rail, and you will either comply, or I will send you over the edge to your fate. It really is that simple. I came here without you, and I can just as easily send you over and leave without you. Do you understand?" Anna did not think she had ever been this terrified before. She had lived her life in fairly safe and quiet circumstances, someone who could talk about her death conversationally set off all kind of alarms. Compliance was a small price to stay alive.

"I'm going to place your hands on the handrail, you are not to move your hands until I tell you to, and if you disobey, I will just pick you up and send you on your way." Anna could not grasp the ease of those words, so she froze as he carefully placed each of her hands on the railing. The metal was cold, but it gave her something to hold onto, so she held on. He quickly tied each wrist to the railing, using what she suspected was the linen dinner napkins.

"Good girl. Now place your hips against the railing and spread your feet, we wouldn't want you to fall over once things get exciting." It was said pleasantly, almost conversationally, as he pressed her hips against the railing, then slid his hands down, stopping to kneed her bottom, then following her left leg down to the ankle which he secured to the base of the railing. His binding was quick and tight even in the dark, leaving the impression that he was skilled with his hands. Instead of moving directly to her other ankle, his hands began to rise back up her leg slowly, one coming slowly up the inside of her calf, grasping more firmly as it rode up the inside of her thigh, and in spite of herself, she began to become more aroused.

Tantalizingly close to where she was joined, his hands shifted to gripping her ass, and started massaging each of her cheeks in circles, spreading them slightly more with each rotation.The effect was almost trance-like after all of the adrenalin had coursed through her, and she found herself tilting her hips back into his large hands. The feelings of helplessness and being possessed began to merge in her, and Anna let her head hang down down as she abandoned her self to the feelings.

She twitched and gasped a bit when his hands left her flushed ass and began their trip down her other leg. They were pressing her legs farther apart so Anna moved her other ankle against the rail, spread herself as far as she could. There was a part of her that cringed at how shameless she had become tonight, but now that the fear had dissipated, her carnal need had come back with a vengeance, and her impetuous behavior had cost her a night of passion with her Master, so this would have to do. She felt as if she were in heat, and nothing short of being taken would be enough to slake her thirst.

Her second ankle was quickly done, and she felt him stand behind her and grasp her hips again. She needed more, she yearned for intimate contact so she bent forward and pressed back with her warm ass trying in vain to make contact. He chuckled softly, and pressed her hips back against the railing easily defeating her resistance, then he began to slide his hands up along her back. She was amazed how erotic his touch was, exploring the muscles of her back in an unhurried way, working up and out toward her shoulders. Her breasts began to tingle as her worked over her bra strap, and her nipples were firm and alert, moving slightly inside the cups as me manipulated the muscles of her back.

As his hands reach her shoulders, they worked the muscles slowly and deeply before he drew her upright and flexed her shoulders back, thumbs pressing in along her spine. His breath was on the left side of her neck as he whispered "Stand up straight and display those beautiful breasts of yours. Moan if you want me to massage them as well." Without hesitation, Anna let out a prolonged moan, hoping that he would be as skilled and firm as he was in exploring her back.

In contrast to to his previous languid movements, his hands shot under her arms and forcefully grasped her breasts, squeezing them while avoiding her nipples. She pressed herself into his hands, throwing her head back to press even deeper. He responded by pressing himself into her, and for the first time she felt his swollen manhood pressing against her ass. She felt the heat radiating from him, and swayed her hips until his hardness was lodged as deeply between her cheeks as clothing would allow. She squeezed the lobes of her ass around his cock, wanting to milk it, draw forth the fierce passion she felt coiled in him. If she was going to be taken bound in the fashion, she wanted everything he would giver her.

Her mind was now being driven by her lust and her need, she was only vaguely aware of her surroundings; she was captivated by every place his body pressed against hers. He released her breasts to savagely pull open her blouse, and she felt the sudden chill of the night air as her chest was exposed, and then her bra was pulled down under her breasts, making them jut upwards into the night. Anna's breath caught as the breeze surprised her stiff nipples, following by a gasp and then more moaning as his hands trapped her breasts again, now his thumbs and forefingers were stroking, rolling, and pinching her sensitive nipples.

Anna reeled as the feelings overwhelmed her; the domination, the being bound, her body exposed for anyone to see, the hot body pressing against her, the hard cock pressing deep into the crease of her ass, she wanted even more. She wanted the man who controlled her now to make her moan, make her cry out, make her cum so hard she passed out.

Lost in her thoughts, she didn't realize that he was raising her skirt until the breeze began to run across the soaked panties that covered her womanhood. A shiver ran across her even as her core burned, but Anna's heart skipped a beat as heard a mechanical click behind her. A moment later she felt a cold metal edge on her hip and flinched away from it. Without warning he smacked her ass and then pressed the blade against her hip again. "Hold still wench, these panties have to go!"

Anna felt first one, then the other side of her panties being cut away. The remains of her panties fell away into the darkness, and the breeze blew against her wet slit, furthering her exposure and embarrassment. Now there was nothing standing between the man and her nether regions, and she found herself unsure whether that was bad or not. His hands returned to her hips, but they were still as she felt his breath across her neck.


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