by kayleekennicott
It would have been better if there weren't so many unrealistic/unbelievable things to detract from following the story. 1. He peed 3 times in the space of about an hour, and all supposedly because he can't hold it any longer? 2. He works in the woods, where he can do whatever he wants all day, but he can't afford a minute to go get his lunch, and has to buy new? Sorry - this kind of things get in the way of following the plot. 3. He has worked this job for 9 years, and loves it, yet he would dare pee in the convenience store without a worry? He'll get caught by the second time and will be arrested, given jail time, fired, and put on sex offender registry for pissing in public - unbelievable. And this kind of attitude continues. He pees in his car, and then doesn't spend 3 or 4 hours cleaning, so he won't stink of urine whenever he comes out of the car in the future? I know it's fiction, and some of the most interesting things tend to be unlikely, but the things I mentioned were completely unnecessary to advance the plot, and only served to destroy any common sense. After the crazy things the guy does for no reason, I'm left with little interest in what he may do with good reason. It's all crazy anyway. Too bad, as the author has some interesting ideas - if he would just take care to make things less glaringly obviously unlikely.
Hi Kaylee
It's so easy to criticize - but personally, I'm very satisfied.
(many) More stories involving my favourite topic please. Can't wait.
I think you're damned good!
Love your work - love you.
so interesting to read. Knowing the feelings of the urges every thirty to sixty minutes to pee. And to find somewhere before its to late. How it becomes a game and an obsession. Loving it.