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While They Sleep Ch. 03

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The next few days prove things can always get worse.
5.6k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 08/12/2022
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DISCLAIMER: Once again, a story about terrible people doing terrible things. S&M, non-consent / reluctance, also feature here. If stories of adultery and betrayal aren't your thing, then definitely do not read this one.



I winced as the edge of my bedroom dresser dug into my ass. My son-in-law, James, was between my thighs, shoving his considerably girthy cock into me slowly so as not to make noise. Slow in, slow out. His breath on my neck was hot, and just about everything about the situation was uncomfortable.

"We... uggh... should get back downstairs," I whispered, "They're going to start... ooh... to wonder what's up."

"Let them wonder," James said softly, and then licked my cheek like an affectionate Labrador.

"Ew!" I giggled, and pushed his face away. "You brat. OK, in all seriousness, get the hell out of me. We have to go back downstairs."

James's swollen member slid out of me with a soft, sucking plop and he sighed, "I'm never going to not hate leaving you," he said as he reached down and pulled up his pants.

"Me too, lover," I smiled and kissed him while he threaded his belt back through the loops. "Now, where are MY pants?"



Lauren and I slunk down the stairs, trying to look as grief-stricken as possible.

The downstairs was a minor throng of activity. A couple of respectful but bored-looking police officers stood about while the paramedics were prepping Jack's body to move. They had declared him dead at the scene, and were taking him to the hospital for a doctor to sign off on the paperwork. A fire truck had shown up, just in case, and they were preparing to leave as well.

"Mrs. Hartford," one of the cops said. He was a gangly man of about 30, with bad teeth and huge gums.

"Hmm, yes," Lauren looked up at him. I moved to put his arm around her, protective as a proper son-in-law. I did, however, ever-so-slightly graze the underside of her breast with my fingertips. She shot me a warning look.

"I think we've got everything we need. I'm very sorry for your loss," he said.

"Thank you, officer," she said, eyes downcast.

"Do you need assistance? I understand your daughter is in the hospital and your granddaughter is upstairs?"

"We're fine, officer," I interjected, "Thank you so much."

The emergency workers slowly trickled out, while we stood politely in the hallway. I lightly caressed Lauren's ass as we nodded and politely smiled at each departing interloper.

"I called my sister," I whispered as I smiled and nodded at a fireman, "She's coming to pick up Emma in a couple hours. She's agreed to take her for a few days."

"Good," Lauren whispered back, "Don't want her to witness Anna murdering us both."

I nodded, "Yeah, that's what I figured. If there are going to be consequences, keep her out of it."

Lauren smiled at the last person leaving and closed the door. She leaned against it again.

"Fuck. I mean it, what the actual fuck. Jack is... gone," she looked down at her toes, "And when he lay on our floor, dead, all I could think about was you and your body," she looked up me, "It's terrifying how fucked up we are."


James and Lauren then proceeded to demonstrate how fucked up they were, all over the downstairs. They were fucked up against the dining room table, with Lauren's pants on the floor, and her panties pulled roughly to the side to allow for James's dick to slice between her still-soaked lips. They were fucked up on the sofa, Lauren bouncing on James's cock as she straddled and rode him, their mouths fused together in a soulful, loving kiss, a few feet from where her husband had died just a couple hours earlier. And they were certainly fucked up as they recreated their passionate mating against the wall, where Anna had witnessed them and gone catatonic.

As they fucked, they talked. They talked about their peculiar bond, the strange oneness of their spirits that allowed them to see the world the same way. Why they didn't seem to care who they hurt, as long as they could have each other. Every word they shared solidified this bizarre partnership between two forbidden lovers.

And as the sun came up, they ended their lovemaking and prepared for the consequences of the day.



My sister Clarissa came for Emma first thing in the morning. Clarissa was obviously understanding and supportive considering the tragedy that had unfolded that night, and offered to keep Emma as long as we wanted.

We drove to the hospital in heavy silence. The silence got heavier and more oppressive as we waited to see the doctor. We exchanged worried glances as the doctor called us into his tiny cluttered exam room.

He smiled sympathetically, observing us both, "I know it must've been a rough night, you both look like you got no sleep."

In another context I would have found the comment hilarious.

"Anna has been through some kind of shock. We're not sure if perhaps she was sleepwalking when she fell on the stairs, or if she was half-awake, but I haven't seen a case like this before," the doctor removed his glasses and rubbed his eyes. "She doesn't seem to remember anything from after falling asleep earlier in the evening."

Lauren took a sharp breath, which to the doctor must've seemed to be shock, but I immediately recognized as relief.

"She doesn't know what happened to her father yet, but she is pretty delicate today. My suggestion is to wait a few hours at least, or maybe even a day, to make sure that she is strong enough for bad news."

Lauren nodded, smiling weakly. "We just want to get her home."



Anna was less of a zombie than she had been. She talked, responded to questions, but there still seemed to be a far away quality to her.

She seemed so delicate, that we told her Jack was away on a business trip for a week. A week's recovery seemed like a reasonable amount of time to help her heal.

Anna was upset that Emma wouldn't be there, but she was assuaged knowing that Clarissa had her, and she admitted she was too fragile for full-time parenting.

We got home, and I decided to busy myself with chores. "I'll be in the garden if anyone needs me."

Anna smiled. "OK, Mom, I'm going to take a nap. That was a rough night." She kissed me on the cheek and trudged up the stairs. She stopped part way up and looked at James, "Join me?"

I felt a stab of jealousy as James smiled and followed her upstairs, and for a moment I genuinely hated my daughter. I held onto that feeling for a moment, savouring the bizarre nature of my emotions from the last 12 hours. I hated her. Just for a moment, but it was real. FUCK her. This was MY lover.

How truly fucking alien I had become. A stranger to myself.



I collapsed on my stomach on the bed, and James flopped down next to me. We stared at each other for a minute.

"Long night, hon," James said sympathetically. "Why don't I hold you for a little while while you have a nap?"

"That sounds like heaven," I touched his cheek with my fingertips, "Thank you."

He rolled onto his back, and I melted into his arms.

As I snuggled into him, I felt fingers graze along my right breast. "Stop it," I said with irritation.

"Sorry," he mumbled, and his hand moved away.

Sleep took me quickly.



I trudged into the garden, gardening gloves on, determined to conquer the weeds. A large oak tree loomed in the middle of our backyard, providing more shade than most plants need. My little vegetable garden was nestled behind it, where most of the vegetables had given up the ghost and only the weeds were flourishing.

I looked at the cherry tomato plant. Nothing. The zucchini plant had one sad-looking zucchini daring for me to pick it. I sighed and dropped down to my knees, and starting pulling and piling the happy and thriving weeds.

I heard the back screen door open and swing shut and I smiled to myself, pretending not to notice.

James's heavy footsteps approached from behind and he stopped, placing one foot between my legs with his knee pressing into my ass and vulva.

"Hel-LO there," James said in a mock-flirting tone.

"Hello," I responded coldly, "How was your alone time with your wife?" My voice dripped with venom. I marveled at my response. Am I STILL mad?

"She's out like a light. She had zero interest in anything not sleep-related," he reassured, and he grazed his knee back and forth against me. I pushed back onto it.

"How sad for you," I replied, "Sounds like maybe she's not what you need."

"No," he said flatly, "She's not." I felt his hands on the band of my sweatpants, and he roughly pulled them down, pooling them around my knees in the dirt.

"You're dirty," James noted as he knelt behind me, "But I'm dirtier."

I felt something warm and moist slip between my ass cheeks and I shrieked inadvertently.

I looked over my shoulder at my son-in-law, whose mouth and nose were buried in my ass.

"Shit," I gasped, "Oh fuck. James, you are so fucking dirty." I wiggled my ass against his face, and was rewarded with both his hands grabbing my ass cheeks. "PLEASE tell me you've never done this with Anna."

James pulled his face out for a moment. "Never," he smiled, "She's a total prude." He dove back in, and this time his tongue went straight for its target, my tight tight asshole, and pushed its way in. I yelped again.

"God, you unbelievable bastard," I moaned through gritted teeth as my son-in-law fucked my asshole with his tongue.



I stirred awake, a noise had woken me up. I glanced at the clock and realized I'd only been asleep for a few minutes. What the hell was that noise?

I lay on the bed, enjoying the comforting feeling of my parents' bed, a feeling which deepened today as I was feeling particularly vulnerable. I comforted myself thinking about the huge hug I would give my dad when he returned from his trip. His giant bear hugs were the BEST.

Another noise, a yell, made me sit up. I slid my feet to the floor and ambled tiredly to the window. Opening it, all I could see was an ocean of oak, my parents' backyard completely taken over by one damn tree. But through the leaves, I could see glimpses of somebody back there.

"Hello?" I called out, "Is everyone OK?"

I heard my mother call back, "Fine... uh....honey. Just fine. I was doing the weeding and I knelt... ooh... on a rock."

"Oh, OK," I answered.

My mom made a guttural sound I'd never heard her make before.

"What was THAT?"

"Nothing, hon. Go back to sleep. You need the rest. And I need to be here, uh, gardening."

"You NEED to be?"

"It's... uh... therapeutic. It makes me feel better. Much much better."

I shut the window and shook my head. My mom had been so weird since she brought me home from the hospital.

Maybe she missed my dad.



"You dirty bastard," Lauren moaned, "I'd trade a day with this tongue for a lifetime with Jack." She grabbed my hair, removing me from her little hole. "Oh, and don't you dare touch my pussy with that mouth," she said warningly, "'Til you've brushed your teeth." She turned away from me and lifted her ass up invitingly. "Keep going."

I ate her ass for about twenty minutes out there in the dirt. When my tongue could fuck no more, I fumbled my pants down and fucked my mother-in-law, her belly pressed into the garden bed, her legs splayed grotesquely wide.

My body weight lay fully on top of her as my hips thrust madly. I slid one arm around her neck and put her into a choke hold. She laughed and gasped. "You think there's anything you can do to me I won't welcome with open arms and cunt, then you're sorely mistaken."

"Good," I growled into her ear, and I slapped my pelvis against her ass, fucking with long deep strokes.

I had her completely helpless beneath me, and the feeling of power over her was intoxicating. We rutted and grunted and clawed at the dirt, our sins hidden beneath the overarching branches of the family oak tree.

When we dragged ourselves inside half an hour later, we were both filthy. Luckily Anna was still asleep. We used discretion, for once, and showered separately, and we then woke Anna in time for lunch.

Anna yawned as she came downstairs. "How did the gardening go?"

Out of Anna's view, I smirked, "We planted a few seeds, but I'm not sure the ground is still fertile."

Lauren looked at me with the biggest 'fuck you' expression I've ever seen on a human face.

Anna did not notice the innuendo, "Well, I am STARVING," she said and she flopped down at the table.

Lauren leaned over to me while I chopped some carrot sticks, "There is a 100% chance of me kicking your ass tonight," she hissed at me.

"Wouldn't have it any other way."



The afternoon passed quietly for me. I was not feeling like myself at all. My energy level was almost zero, and I needed help doing anything even remotely strenuous. Throughout it all, my mom and hubby were just the best. Constantly attending to me, always making sure they knew exactly where I was at all times. I guess they just wanted to make me feel safe.

Despite this, I felt a growing sense of unease as the day wore on. In particular, towards my husband, whose attentions wavered wildly from affectionate to aloof. I wondered if rejecting his roving hand during my nap had been a mistake.

When we finally crawled into bed together at the end of the day, my unease was in overdrive. He leaned over and gave me a gentle, chaste kiss goodnight on the lips, and then rolled away.

I couldn't sleep. I had to face the fact that I just did NOT feel comfortable next to my husband. Which was ridiculous because I loved him dearly and trusted him implicitly. So why couldn't I trust myself to close my eyes?

I tossed and turned.

Finally, I gave up, kicked my feet over the edge of the bed and sat up.

"Mmm, hon?" James murmured.

"Go back to sleep, sweetie," I said, and quietly stepped out into the hall, padding down the hall to my parents' room.

"Mom," I cracked the door open, "are you awake?"

I hear a mumble in the darkness, something like "sure honey."

I walked carefully to the foot of the bed, and crawled onto it. "Can I lie with you a little while? My brain won't let me rest. I feel so unsafe next to James."

I feel my mom's arms engulf me and I immediately relax. "No problem, sweetie. Mom's here. Mom's here." She kisses my forehead, and within minutes consciousness drifted away.



"What do you mean she feels unsafe next to me? Doesn't she trust me?" I scowled as Lauren and I embraced in the guest bed. Our loins were grinding together as we gently rocked a consistent rhythm, careful not to make noise.

Anna had been asleep for an hour. An hour I had sat in that bed waiting for my mother-in-law to slip free of her clingy daughter.

"You are literally fucking her mother, James," Lauren reminded with a slight laugh.

"True, true," I conceded, and rolled on top. Lauren wrapped her arms around me, and I started kissing her neck as we fucked. "But she... kiss... doesn't know that... kiss... she should trust me... kiss... perhaps we need counseling?"

"You think??" Lauren laughed out loud at that one. "No, lover, she doesn't trust you right now, some incredibly accurate instinct I guess. FUCK YES," she exclaimed slightly louder than she meant to, and she clamped her hand over her mouth.

"Shush, you," I chided, and kissed along her chin.

"Sorry," she whispered, "That dick of yours hit a really good spot."

"I forgive you," I smiled, and picked up the pace a bit. "By the way, her 'accurate' instincts are pretty wrong about YOU right now."

I rocked Lauren up, crossing my legs and cradling her weight in my lap. Lauren put her hands on my shoulders, gliding her hips back and forth, letting my dick slice into her at an angle that rubbed hard against the back of her insides. "Oh yeah... no, she doesn't... ugh... trust you. She's always trusted women more. I think she grew up thinking her desires were wrong, so... uggh... she kept her distance from men."

I stopped for a second, "Why?"

Lauren nibbled my ear, reached down and grabbed my ass and pulled me deeper. "Did NOT give you permission to slow down. As for Anna, she always had a lot of shame attached to masculinity and sexuality. When she was a teenager, she kept Jack at arm's length. For a time I wondered whether he had done anything inappropriate, but one night I heard her in her bedroom. She was calling out for him... in THAT way. You know..."

I looked at her incredulously. "She was fantasizing about her dad?"

Lauren nodded, "I was so mortified, I caught her masturbating to fantasies of her father. There's no page in the parenting handbook about that, so I tiptoed away and filed it under 'never ever ever speak of.'"

I was dumbstruck. I always found Anna so vanilla, I couldn't imagine a girl that straight-laced having to process a fantasy like that. "Unbelievable."

"After that, her awkwardness around her father made perfect sense. He was completely oblivious, of course." Lauren smiled fondly, "he was always oblivious. Right up until the end." She thrust hard onto me as a sort of physical punctuation to that sentence.

I looked at Lauren quizzically, "Why reveal her embarrassing secrets now?"

Lauren shrugged, "I resent her right now. I resent her existence in a way I never have before, even when she was a baby and she sucked away my social life, I never felt this angry at her." She glided on my lap, her breasts brushing against my chest as we fucked. "You're mine, now, James. You just... are. Not hers, mine. And the fact that she doesn't know that pisses me off. When you tried to fuck her today, I almost screamed I was so jealous. My brain is trying to find ways to get us caught so she knows about us and will stop trying to fuck you." Lauren grabbed my pecs with her fingernails and raked them down my chest as hard as she could.

I winced, "FUCK YOU. You want to mark me, mark me."

"I do. I want to mark you so no other woman will ever dare touch you." She grabbed my back, and dug her nails in again. "I mean, I fucked you til it killed my husband, James." She looked down at my chest where a small drop of blood was forming where one of her nails had pierced. She locked eyes with me, leaned down, and licked it onto her tongue. She moved her face towards mine and licked my tongue. I could taste the metallic tinge of the blood. "So it's hardly fair that she's still here."

She tightened her legs around her son-in-law, "OK, baby, enough talk about my dead husband and clueless daughter. Make me cum or I will never forgive you."

I obliged.



I slept better in my mother's bed than I had in a while. I awoke feeling happy and rested.

The second day home was quiet. Mom made me a big breakfast, with James's help, although to be frank he was never much help in the kitchen. We stayed at home, I played a little solitaire in the living room. I took a nap. I sat in the garden and watched the birds. In the evening, I had a video chat with Emma.

All things considered, it was a good day.



Anna awoke in a good mood. She sat on the couch and read the paper while I cooked breakfast. Out of sight in the kitchen, her husband fingered me to orgasm while I bit down on a dish towel to keep from screaming. I burnt the bacon a bit, but nobody complained.

While James cleaned up from breakfast, Anna played some solitaire on the coffee table. While Anna sorted stacks of playing cards and James sorted and stacked the dishes, I dropped to my knees and serviced him like a good lover should. James fucked my mouth to completion, and I sucked him and his balls clean and dry.

Later, Anna did some bird-watching, while James and I did some Anna-watching while standing at the kitchen window. James, leaning against my back, our pants around our ankles, his rod pistoning in and out of me as we watched my daughter staring off into the sky like an idiot.


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