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White Boi Learns his Place

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Turned onto big black cock during a cabin weekend.
5.6k words

Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 03/27/2018
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Chapter 1:

I was sitting in my apartment in NYC drinking a couple beers feeling sorry for myself after being dumped by my college girlfriend when I got a call from an old high school friend convincing me to attend our 5 year high school reunion at a local bar.

"Why not, could be fun" I thought to myself as I grabbed my jacket and walked out the door.

The first few hours were a lot of fun, and a lot of shots. After a while, people started to head home and I found myself having a drink at the bar with Steve, a 6'3" black guy from our class. Steve was also the only openly gay person from our class back in the day.

After a while, I mentioned how my college girl just dumped me and I have been feeling pretty depressed lately.

"I know how that goes," Steve said, "took me a while to get back out there after me and boyfriend broke up last year. Tell you what, me and a bunch of friends are having a cabin weekend next week. Why don't you come? It'll help take your mind off things."

"Ummm...I'm not sure...is it going to be..." I responded.

"A gay thing?" Steve laughed out loud. "No not at all! There will be 5 guys and 3 girls."

"Sorry to assume that, Steve" I responded. "I'd love to join."

"Awesome, it'll be a great time. I have to take off, but I'll text you later this week with some details."

After that, Steve left the bar and I finished my drink and walked home.

Chapter 2:

The week went by really slow at work and I was counting down the hours until Friday. Thursday night, Steve texted me telling me what to bring. Basic stuff, sneakers for a hike, extra towel, etc... He ended by saying there were plenty of beds for everyone so no need for a sleeping bag an that there was a hot tub, but bathing suits are optional. I didn't really think twice about, just that maybe there would be the opportunity to see some tits and take my mind off of things.

5pm on Friday finally got here and Steve picked me up from work in his jeep. I threw my bag in the trunk and got in the back seat, where there was a white girl, Jenna, sitting. Riding shotgun was Steve's best friend, Jamal, who was also black.

The drive took about 4 hours, and for the last hour was on a bumpy dirt road. Finally we got to the house and everyone had to pre so bad we ran into the house and decided to get our bags later.

When I got out of the bathroom, Steve handed me a drink and introduced me to everyone who was there. All in all, there were 4 black guys, 3 white girls, and myself. I didn't put it together when Steve said at the bar that I would be the 5th guy and essentially paired up with Steve all weekend while the 3 couples paired off.

"You're overthinking it," I thought to myself, "time to have some fun."

After a few drinks, one of the girls, Emily, suggested we should go to the hot tub and took off her shirt while walking outside.

"I'm in!" I shouted, thinking this was going to be a great opportunity to see some tits.

Once outside, I stripped down to my boxers and hopped in. Emily's tits were just above the water, but she didn't pay me much attention, just created some small talk, asking me what I do and how long I've known Steve. After a little bit we were joined outside by Steve and Emily's boyfriend, Tyrone.

"Shit I don't have any boxers on" Tyrone said.

"Who cares! You don't mind do you sweetie?" Emily asked me.

"Ummm...no not at all. It'll be under the bubbles anyways!"

"Well If that's the case, I'm going nude too!" Steve proclaimed.

Tyrone and Steve both proceeded to strip down. I tried not to look when they jumped in, but It was hard to miss...they were both huge, especially Steve. I nervously took a sip of my beer, thinking how happy I was to have my boxers on as I was much smaller than both of them.

"Ahhh man this feels great," said Steve as he took a chug of his beer. "But shit, I'm all out, should have brought out a couple extra."

"Me too," I added.

"HEY JAMAL! Would you mind tossing us a few beers so we don't have to get out of he hot tub?" Steve yelled.

"And maybe a blunt too!!" Added Emily.

"No problem!" Responded Jamal as he walked took a step outside and started to wind up like he was going to throw them.

Steve, who was sitting right next to me, stood up to get ready to catch the beers. I tried not to pay any attention, but his huge cock was hanging about a foot from my face. I turned my head to talk with Emily as if to pretend I didn't realize there was a big black cock right next to my head. From what it sounded like, Steve caught the first two, but the third beer was off target and Steve had to turn quickly to catch it. As he twisted to catch it, I'm not exactly sure what happened, but I felt something slap the back of my head and Emily's started laughing hysterically.

"Shit dude I'm sorry!" Steve laughed. "I just hit you with my cock! Do you need an ice pack?"

I was mortified and just sad there blushing, not knowing how to respond. Eventually the laughter died down and we cracked our beers. Maybe I was being overly sensitive after getting hit, but I couldn't help to notice how close Steve was now sitting next to me. I tried not to think anything of it though, maybe there was just a good jet behind him.

A few minutes later, Jamal came back out with a freshly rolled blunt. I haven't smoked in a while, but I always enjoyed it. The only problem I ever have with getting high is that sometimes it makes me crazy horny. Jamal lit the blunt and handed it to Tyrone before heading black in side.

"Mmmmm I can't wait to get high!" squealed Emily. "Just don't judge me for anything I do after this though,"

She giggled, "sometimes I just can't control myself around Tyrone's big black dick when I'm high. I'm sure you know how that is, right though sweetie?" She said looking directly at me.

"Umm...I have no idea what you're talking about, I'm straight." I responded.

"Sure sure" she laughed before taking a long hit.

Eventually the blunt got to me and I took a couple big hits to try and establish my manhood.

"Hey there bud, be careful!" Steve told me. "You heard what Emily said, this shit is magic!"

The blunt kept going around until we were down to the roach and Tyrone tossed it out of the hot tub. I was high...really high. I couldn't help but notice that Emily was snuggling in really close to Tyrone and that both of her hands have been under water for a while.

"Hey baby, I think it's time to give these two a show," Tyrone told Emily.

"I don't know, what do you think Sweetie?" she asked while looking at me.

"Why does she keep calling me sweetie?" I thought to myself. "Yea go for it!" I responded quickly as if not to care. In reality I really wanted to see some live porn as I was feeling really horny.

On queue, Tyrone stood up and sat on the edge of the hot tub. I think my jaw dropped because Emily gave me a wink before moving over to start giving him head. His cock was absolutely huge! It has to be at least 8 inches and she could barely wrap her hand around it. She started to go to town on his cock like her life depended on it. I couldnt help but think how small I was compared to Tyrone as I watched the extremely hot display.

"Pretty hot show, huh?" Asked Steve. "Nothing quite beats a white girl taking down a big black cock. Well except a white boi"

"I don't know about that last part, but yea, this is really hot" I responded.

I was so engrossed in the leud display in front of me, that I didn't even realize Steve had moved in closer next to me. So close we were shoulder to shoulder.

"Have you ever seen a big black cock like that in person?" He asked me.

"No, just in porn. I mean he is huge, right?"

"Yea, he's big. Especially compared to most people, but I have him beat." Steve smirked.

"No way! I don't believe you."

"Oh really?" Steve laughed. "Check it out."

Steve stood up and now I know for sure my jaw dropped. Not only was his cock sticking straight out about 6 inches from my face, it was staggering in size. I caught a few glimpses earlier, but when hard, he Must have been at least 10 inches and as big around as a coke can. I was so caught up in the moment I just stared.

After probably 10 seconds, Steve sat back down and laughed. "Told ya.

You better be careful around my big black cock. Just like the weed, it's magic."

We continued to watch the show that Emily and Tyrone were putting on in front of us. I realized I've had a boner for a while now. Being high and horny, I chalked it up to seeing Emily slobber all over a big black cock, hoping it wasn't from the even bigger black cock next to me. Steve then pulled a joint our from behind his ear and sparked it up, handing it to me. I was already really high, but this next hit put me through the roof. I could feel everything, his leg against mine, every bubble against my back, my (albeit tiny) rock hard penis in my boxers.

Steve must have sensed this because he boldly reached over at this moment and cupped my penis and balls, his large hand completely engulfing me and started rubbing me. Not jacking me off mind you, more like how you would rub a pussy.

"Ughhh...Steve...ughhh" I tried to protest, but I wasn't getting to far, I was so horny from the weed I needed relief.

"It's ok baby. Not like anyone from high school will find out."

I was too high to care, it felt so good. With his other hand, Steve took another hit of weed and leaned in really close to me, blowing it into my mouth. I nearly shot my load right then. I shuttered and put both of my hands down to brace myself. However, sitting so close to Steve, my left hand went straight to his stomach and accidentally slid down to his cock when I braced myself. When my hand got there I grabbed it to steady myself. It was huge, I couldn't even wrap my hand around it. And it was so hard.

Steve, realizing how close I was to cumming stopped rubbing me and asked "do you want me to stop baby, you are getting pretty worked up."

"No if feels so good" I replied.

Steve kept rubbing me, slower now, focusing more on my balls as if not to let me cum. The scene in front of us was starting to pick up, Emily was now bending over the side and Tyrone was sliding his big black cock into her from behind. She was really doing an amazing job taking, especially for such a small girl.

Emily looked over her shoulder at me, "hey sweetie, what's going on over there?"

"Oh Steve is just..."

"No not with you sweetie, with your hand on Steve's big black cock."

Oh my gosh, I didn't even realize. It has been a few minutes since I accidentally braced myself on Steve's huge cock, and I just left my hand there. Steve wasn't even rubbing me anymore. He has his arm around me and I was watching this big black cock destroy this cute white girl while I had my own hand on an even bigger black cock. I quickly started to move my hand away, but Steve grabbed my wrist.

"Where are you going baby? This feels too good to stop." Steve said

I reluctantly put my hand back on his cock, maybe he would go back to rubbing me if I did.

"Why don't you start stroking me a bit? It's only fair since I did that for you."

"Ummm...fine, but no cumming, that's gay."

"Definitely not," said Steve, "not going to cum from a hand job like a fucking sissy" he laughed.

I started stroking his big black cock slowly. It was really massive. I could go up and down way further than my own little penis. Also, I could feel the presence of a massive vein down the top that had a bit of a curve to it.

I stayed on the shaft mostly, but eventually curiosity got the best of me and I stroked up higher to get to the head. I tried to do it nonchalant, but I think Steve could tell I was getting into as he tilted his head back to rest on the side of the hot tub.

The head of his cock was huge, almost felt like a baseball. I stayed there for a minutes, giving a soft twisting motion that always sent me over the edge.

This went on for about 5-10 minutes. Me just slowly exploring his cock under water while Emily was hit with orgasm over orgasm from Tyrone's fucking. Eventually Tyrone came as well, and they both sad back down in the hot tub.

"Like the show sweetie?" Emily asked me.

"Mmmhmmm" I responded. I was pretty focused on the big black cock in my own hand.

"Alright, well what do you think? Time

To go inside?" Steve asked the group.

"Yea absolutely," Tyrone responded as him and Emily hopped up and got out of the hot tub.

Steve was next to stand up, but he did it so quickly that my hand stayed on his cock above water. For some reason seeing my hand on his big black cock made it more real. Before it was just under water.

"Pull yourself together!" I thought to myself, removing my hand from his cock.

We both went inside and grabbed a couple towels to dry off.

Once dry I realized my boxers were still soaked and I needed some new clothes. I went outside to get my bag from the jeep. I was rummaging around outside for a few minutes when Steve came outside to grab his bag.

"What's wrong baby?" He asked me.

"My bag! It's gone!" I responded.

"Shit that sucks. I was worried we may have lost a bag or two with the top open on the jeep going down that dirt road. Oh well, I'm sure Emily has some stuff you could borrow."

"Emily? Why Emily? Don't you have any clothes I could borrow?"

"C'mon baby. You are about 5'8" and 135 pounds soaking went. You are a much more similar size to the girls. I'm 6'4" 235. My stuff would look ridiculous on you." Steve stated dismissively as he started walking inside.

Once inside, Steve went up to Emily and whispered something to her. Emily immediately looked at me with a big smile and said, "come with me sweetie, I have some clothes that will look great on you."

She grabbed me by the hand and walked me upstairs to her and Tyrone's room. This was my first time going through the house, and didn't count nearly enough bedrooms for everyone.

"Oh well, I'm sure I'll have my own room somewhere" I thought to myself.

Once inside her room, she immediately closed the door. "So how was it???" She asked.

"How was what?"

"Steve's big black cock, silly! His black cock is beyond big, but he doesn't have any interest in girls like me. He loves turning white gurls like you though!"

"I...I...I'm not a gurl" I stammered.

"Please, sweetie, we all know exactly what you are. There's no reason to hide it! We are a very open group! If you aren't a gurl, prove it. Show me your big hard manly cock!"

In a feeble display of manhood, I dropped my towel and stood there in my soaking wet boxers.

"Sweetie, your boxers are clinging to you soaking wet and I can't even make out the outline of your little clit. Take off your boxers!"

I was blushing profusely, knowing how emasculated I was about to be with my tiny penis, but dropped my boxers to the ground anyways.

"Awww sweetie, it's so cute! Trust me, I think you will really like the feel of panties. Here, lets try these on." She said as she tossed me a pair of black boyshorts. "Steve will probably want you in a thong later, but these are a good start."

"Why would he want me in a thong?" I asked.

"Sweetie don't be so naive, he's definitely going to fuck you at some point this weekend! It's a matter of if, not when."

I didn't even know what to say. My mind was a blur from being so horny and high. I mean I was turned on from the scene of Tyrone's big black cock giving Emily so much pleasure. In that scenario, did I associate myself more with Emily or Tyrone? Also, I did just jack Steve off in the hot tub for a while. How did this happen? But was more importantly, was I actually ok with it?

I was lost in my own thoughts.

"You there sweetie??" Emily interrupted, bringing me back to earth.

"Yea. Sorry...I was just...ummm..."

"Thinking about Steve's big black cock and how you are going to possibly fit that inside you?"

"Haha...well yea kinda"

Emily giggled. "You'll have to tell me how it goes! I've always been curious how that monsters feels. Most of the time, the guys he brings along go running for the hills long before he has a chance to fuck them, but I have a feeling you are different!" She said as she winked at me. "I mean look, your little clit is standing at attention just from talking about his big black cock. Alright, let's get those panties on."

On that note, I gave in and started pulling up the boyshorts. "Let's give it a shot" I thought to myself, "it's not like anyone I know will ever find out anyways."

"Looking good!" Emily said. "Your ass looks amazing in those and you can still barely see your hard little clit."

"Do you want one of my oversized t shirts that I sleep in?" She asked. "I'm just going down there in panties and long t shirt too. I think things are winding down, we will probably just smoke another blunt and put on a movie."

"Yea, that would be great. Anything to cover me up a bit." I responded as she tossed me a shirt. Good thing we were about the same height. It covered my ass, but just barely.

"Alright let's go downstairs! The boys are waiting for us I'm sure," She said as she grabbed my hand and led me


When we got downstairs, Emily was right, everyone was in the family room with the lights off.

"There you both are! We were starting to worry that Emily was cheating on Tyrone with you!" Steve said as everyone laughed out loud. "Come sit next to me baby! The movie is about to start."

Not sure why that was so funny, but I didn't care. I was just excited to be back with Steve as I plopped down next to him.

"Hey Tyrone, let's get that nightcap blunt moving!" Steve said.

Tyrone took a huge puff, and gave Emily a big kiss, pushing all the smoke into her mouth, before passing the blunt to Steve. Steve took a big rip and passed it my way. I was still high, but thought another hit would be good to calm my nerves a bit. Immediately, I was back to where I was in the hot tub, very, very high...and horny. I could feel my little penis...or clit...twitch in my panties as my mind went right back to Steve's big black cock.

"What are we watching? I asked."

"Oh I think you'll like it." Steve replied. "Have you ever seen Riley Reid and Mandingo in Mandingo Massacre?" He asked.

"Ohhhhh yesssss!" Squealed emily. "That is my all time fave! His big black cock is ah-maze-ing."

I was a little surprised we were going to watch porn together, especially interracial porn at that, but I guess that makes sense since we are all interracial couples. Oh my gosh, I can't believe I just called us a couple. I just wanted to get my hands back on that amazing, big cock. I just didn't know how to initiate.

Steve must have sensed my hesitation, because at that moment, he took it upon himself to pull me closer and put his arm around me.

"Come here baby, let's pick back up where we left off."

"I'd like that, Steve."

"Call me daddy."

"Ok, I'd like that Daddy" I responded as I looked into his eyes and reached into his basketball shorts for his big black cock.

Daddy lifted his ass slightly so he could lower his shorts, giving me better access to his magnificent big black cock. As he settled down he reached behind me and put his hand on my ass.

"You look great in panties sweetie. By the way, we need a more fitting name for you now. Since Andy behind with an A, how about Ashley?"

"Whatever you want daddy." I responded. To be perfectly honest, I barely heard what he said, I was just stuck in la-la-land playing with his big black cock.

The most shocking thing wasn't the length, or the circumference, or the prominent veins that ran up and down it, it was the weight. It must have weighed a couple pounds. I'm not even sure if my little clit would register on a scale if I laid it on it.

"Baby you having fun?" Steve asked.


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