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Whole New Slave Game Ch. 13

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Aftermath of the coup and the dominations that followed.
8.5k words

Part 13 of the 14 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 09/18/2017
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War and Peace is over 1000 pages but Tolstoy added two long epilogs. Whole New Slave Game is certainly not War and Peace but there will be two epilogs to tie up the loose ends I have left and add a few salacious incidents.

Thanks again to Shygirlwhore for editing.



Chapter 13 - (Epilog Part I)- Aftermath


Now I am on the plane for the first part of the trip back to New York, after another trip to Bolry the last week of August. I hate Heathrow Airport. I have to change planes there often. It does not seem likely, though, that there will be a direct flight from New York to Bolry any time soon.

The life-threatening excitement ended a month ago with the rescue at the truck repair shed but there were important events relating to the Bolrian Lottery Corporation and the Republic of Bolry that have occurred since the rescue. I will start back on August 3.

I went to sleep all tired, wet and creamy the night after the bomb went off. I slept like I had not done since June. When I finally woke, I saw I had messages that I was to report to the doctor and that Svetlana was going with me to the airport. The doctor's visit consisted of a complete examination of how I had faired over the last few hard weeks and another gynecological exam. The IUD was replaced.

I tried to see Irina but she'd left Bolry right after the coup was foiled and she'd made a brief appearance on Bolrian television to say that she was proud to have been part of the glorious effort to expose traitors and secure the future of the great people of Bolry. Under the inspired leadership of Pyotr Tolski, the Republic of Bolry would prosper and take its place among the great nations of earth.

Crystal greeted me at breakfast. She was in the company of Lermanov. I joked that it was nice of him to stop by at the BLC facilities to visit with Crystal. Crystal said, "It was the very least the fucker could do, but, if he is very nice for a very long time, I am going to forgive him if he cares." Lermanov smiled indulgently. I did not pursue the matter of Lermanov's relationship with Crystal further.

On the way to the airport, I learned from Svetlana that Anfisa had left the cabinet meeting minutes after I had. She had jumped into a car with Studlovity. Svetlana explained the Security Police arrested Anfisa and Studlovity on the way to the border. Anfisa, having listened to the radio about the failed coup and seen the security police roadblock in advance, hoped not to be killed resisting arrest.

"She decided to follow an example from a silly old story that she'd heard. Leaving Studlovity in the car, she stripped completely nude and walked up past a number of people near the street to the police with her hands over her head and her breasts thrust out for attention. A very attractive woman and apparently an effective advocate, she persuaded the Security Police not to shoot her or Studlovity. She did have to ride back nude, separate from Studlovity, in a large van where she learned that mercy from the Security Police is not a mixed blessing," Svetlana said. "Some of the Security Police joked about how she looked when they took her from the van into the BSP headquarters until Daria issued a memo reminding agents to "keep their fucking mouths shut about BSP business no matter how entertaining they thought it."

"Now, though, we need to decide what to do with the Anfisa and Studlovity. Maybe Laurel you can help with that when you come back in three weeks. I don't think they will die in an accident before that. Lermanov is concerned because too many people saw Anfisa surrender to the BSP to just kill her right now. The tale of her surrender is being told everywhere. I believe, though, that she will be killed very quietly and painfully in a few weeks after no one cares any longer. Studlovity will probably just be shot in the head and dumped near a pipeline."

I was appalled by her casual discussion of future state-sanctioned murders. I was even more upset by her announcement that I would be back in three weeks. I briefly thought of complaining of how she had used Crystal, Irina and me as shark bait when we were supposed to be her friends. I knew, though, that discussion would go nowhere.

I sought to relieve my curiosity about another matter, "I'm told Sofia got down to the final Saturday and looked very worried she'd become a BDSM slave. Surely, you did not intend her to lose. Did you rig Anderson's perfect quantum Lottery Machine?"

"Sofia looked tense because she had an even chance of becoming one of our most sought after BDSM slaves, with hundreds of men and women with a mortal grudge against her, combined with a body that just says 'fuck me hard' all over it. The Board, except for Kurbetski and me, put a lot of pressure on Sofia to participate, believing that the voluptuous assassin slave would be a huge attraction. I'm sure, though, that Pyotr would never have allowed her to be forced into participating.

"She surrendered to becoming a participant in the Lottery although I urged her not to do it and I was mad when she agreed. I know she had been depressed. She said seriously and stoically that surrendering to a life of submissive sex was perhaps what she wanted. Indeed, she said at one point that maybe dying on a rack was better than going on forever as an unsatisfied slave security guard and a killer. With the napalm scar removed, her body is now perfect but mentally she is as damaged as any of us. This is hardly surprising. I wish I knew how to replace her and protect her from her past but I don't know how. The killings she had to do in connection with crushing the coup probably did not help things.

"We'd never tamper with the Lottery Machine. It's the basis of the perverted legitimacy of our entire operation. If Sofia's number had come up, we'd have watched like a hawk while she was thumped for a couple weeks in Bolry by a fraction of the people who'd like to see her gang raped to death, then sent her to the Pacific Resort to be kept pregnant as much as possible. Somehow, aside from the Manson gang, most people are reluctant to hurt pregnant women too badly. We'd also have to protect her from the post-partum depression that almost killed you. With those precautions taken, I think she would have been a very profitable sex slave for the BLC. I would have enjoyed flogging her for participating in the Lottery against my wishes."

The flight back to New York was tiring as always; once home for a few days, Bolry, the Shades of Pain lotteries, the Whole New Slave Game and the attempted coup all started to seem like a dream. My near-death experiences made me love Fred and the children more than ever.

There was an account in the press that Helen Clark was taking a leave of absence from Clark Pharmaceuticals. There was a hint in a society gossip page that Ms. Clark may finally be leaving Phil Clark. The lack of further information was notable.

I read from news accounts and government newsletters from Bolry that at the trial they had transcripts of what had been said in places where Fortmanov, Sazarbeyev, and others had taken me outside of the BLC. How did they get that information?

I'd been a foot soldier in a huge sting operation. I thought about the details of what had happened and talked to Fred. It seemed clear that they had used Crystal, Irina, Ludmila and me to get information, even when we did not know we were being used. Mostly, though, we had been used to tempt the conspirators to move prematurely. In retrospect, it was obvious that I was to check on or draw out some of the actors, particularly the non-Bolrians. Meanwhile, Irina was sent to the higher parliament leaders and leftover Orsinov men and Ludmila was working inside the army. I think Crystal was sent to create some sort of diversion in Moscow and they had done a lot to make it look like the Security Police supported the coup so that Gorsuchin would signal Fortmanov and the others to go forward. We all were forced to do research on the loyalty of the Security Police. There was much overlap and many intentional red herrings.

But there was much I could not understand, for example, Pirko Dupov. He'd not been seen after the coup attempt. This would normally mean he'd been killed by the Security Police. I was not so sure in his case.

"You can't expect, Laurel," Mann said, "that everything is going to be explained perfectly at the end like in some murder mystery. Pyotr, Svetlana, Kurbetski, Lermanov and Dvorzhiski have to hide cards for the future. Also, while Pytor Tolski, Lermanov, Kurbetski, Dvorzhiski and Svetlana will pretend to know everything, they probably don't know half of what Fortmanov, Yimofeyvich, Renin, and Babanin did and they were all holding back information from each other. To say that the country of Bolry operates on the moral level of a snake pit is an insult to snakes. Dupov might be dead or he might have been a double or triple agent."

I asked, "How could Svetlana put three people who thought they were her friends into such danger of dying so horribly?"

"Is that a rhetorical question?" Mann replied, "You know honesty and friendship are not high on the list of values in the Republic of Bolry. I'm sure a hard Bolrian woman like Irina would expect to be used like that. It's in their blood. The Bolrians are all cold as ice. Crystal is the same way. You are the only one all hung up on honesty and friendship."

Suppressing the urge to mention that Fred had been representing the Bolrian government for many years knowing their values, I said, "I am also wondering about the details of places that weren't easily bugged. How did they know Fortmanov had threatened to kill a farmer? Do you think they knew where I was going to be taken somehow and bugged it in advance? Was there a bug in the IUD? Maybe a GPS system device in the IUD at least?"

"That sounds pretty crazy Laurel. You're just obsessing on the IUD. It's apparent some of the drivers were BSP agents or worked for Svetlana or Lermanov. Maybe you are thinking about the IUD so much because you want another baby?"

I thought about that.

A Lottery was held with 48 participants on August 13. Some upper class woman from Morocco became a sex slave. I was pleased that this did not concern me at all.

Three weeks of normal work, family and normal sex work in New York ended when I got back on the plane August 24.


I decided to take the special bus from the airport to the Bolrian Lottery Hotel and Headquarters. It was crowded with women coming to participate in the August 27 Lottery including Connie, Brigit, Juliette and Nota Regenmacher.

I met immediately with Svetlana at the BLC Facility. "I think I had best tell you a few things that have happened. It is reported Fortmanov died in an accident in Bolry but his body and that of Vitaly, Ignat and a few other of his confederates turned up on the floor of a bar in Solntsevo. I won't tell you what kind of shape the bodies were in except that an old farmer's pitchfork was involved with Fortmanov," Svetlana said. The look on her face re-confirmed that the general belief in her bloodthirsty nature is justified.

"Gorsuchin has been reassigned by the Russians to the embassy in Paraguay. Sazarbeyev was killed in a firefight with his own people who did not support the coup. After a personal plea from General Menshikov and several Russian generals, Yimofeyvich was allowed to commit suicide and was buried with his metals.

"Babanin and Renin confessed to avoid torture of themselves and their relations. They have been executed. You will be interested to know that almost until the day they gave you the bomb to carry into the cabinet chamber, they thought they could get you to join them based on all the adverse publicity you had gotten and the rumors that I was going to throw you to the wolves. So, that ploy worked."

I did not interrupt to tell her how much emotional damage that ploy had done to me.

"Several BLC employees who were involved are no longer with us. You will be particularly interested to know that a dietician who cut your food intake is in prison. She also cut the quality of your food, giving you the swill we give the hourly employees in the cafeteria. We never give that to our valuable sex slaves. We have not decided whether to execute her. It appears she was just following improper orders from Vadimovich."

"Oh, please, don't kill her, Svetlana. I'm okay now. I'm sure she has learned her lesson."

"You don't have any legal or sex business today because we need you to rest in order to be fresh tomorrow at 8:00 when you go to the Security Police headquarters to see if there is any reason not to terminate Anfisa and Studlovity.

"You have to see Anfisa and Studlovity early because there is a Lottery Corporation Board meeting Friday afternoon of the 9 members of that Board who are not dead or in prison. Irina is flying in late tonight and will attend that meeting also."

"Why," I asked, "am I to meet Anfisa and Studlovity? I'm not a criminal defense attorney."

"Given that this involves national security, they would not have an attorney in Bolry or any trial unless it was a trial designed to show their guilt to the world," Svetlana answered. "But they are not important enough to rate a show trial."

"Veramanzov, Lermanov and Dvorzhiski think we should simply kill them although Lermanov said that 'maybe the Security Police should not be medieval about it.' He is so kind. The rest of the cabinet more or less agrees with killing them. Pyotr, however, says that perhaps we should not kill two relatively young people without at least satisfying ourselves that they deserve to die.

"I think sometimes that Pyotr is going soft. People who are involved in a coup to blow up the cabinet that results in pitched street fighting between army units and numerous deaths, not counting the accidents and the executions, are not treated mildly in many countries."

"Perhaps, Pyotr entertains doubts as to whether they were involved in the coup?" I suggested.

"In Bolry, particularly in matters of state security, the rule is always that one is guilty until proven innocent unless one has such powerful friends that you can be used in a trade. Anfisa and Studlovity lack such extenuating circumstances. They are nobodies."

"What I am supposed to do with them? I really did not want to get in the middle of this."

Svetlana frowned and said, "I am very disappointed in you. You get a chance to help two young people and you seek a comfortable neutrality. Or is it just that you want to sleep in?"

"Ok, Ok I will meet with them and see what I can learn," I said thinking that maybe Svetlana was going soft also but did not want to admit it.

The following morning, I went to the Security Police headquarters for the first time with a purpose other than to be the center of a very rough gangbang. That I was modestly dressed in a business suit and blouse buttoned up to the neck did not keep me from being ogled like a sex slave on the way to being gang banged. Everyone seemed to remember my most recent visit fondly and many seemed to remember my visits of years ago.

I decided to start first with Fyodor Studlovity. I was led to his cell. He wore only a pair of gym pants. Before I had time to introduce myself, he said he was ready to die but they should release Anfisa. She just got in the car.

I asked him why he'd fled. "Because of the bomb, of course."

"Did you put it in the trash can?"

"I went into the cabinet room a half hour before the meeting and put it in the trash can. I sent Anfisa a text message ten minutes before the bomb was to go off and told her there was an emergency at the Justice Department. When she came out I forced her into a car and started driving for the border."

All his facts were wrong despite the fact he had obviously been subjected to suggestive questioning by the Security Police. The only way he had anything to do with the bomb was if he was such a good liar that he was feigning complete ignorance in order to convince me he was innocent.

I expected he knew of my reputation for being a ruthless evil schemer. I decided to use it. "What if I told you, Teddy boy, that the next time I hear a lie from you that I will tell the cabinet to have Anfisa and all your relatives killed in the most awful way imaginable and have you sent to a work camp for life after being made to watch all these executions? Maybe Anfisa should be thrown to sharks like the Pacific manager was."

I did not know at the time that the Pacific manager actually had been fed to sharks. I guess I just have an instinct for the Bolrian way of doing business.

He started screaming and begging to die. I asked him how he had been treated. He said that the last few days he had been left alone. He refused to discuss his treatment before that. I decided to leave him with his thoughts and see Anfisa.

Anfisa was in another cell in another wing of the building. The BSP has multiple wings in its jail, not so it can separate men and women prisoners, but so it can sequester people being examined for related offences. She was wearing basically nothing but the type of gown they give hospital patients to wear while they are being examined. I was pleased to see she had not been damaged physically. Probably she had Daria to thank for that, but, of course, he had probably taken advantage of her in other ways.

I told Anfisa to take the gown off. She gave me a smirk and doffed the gown like she didn't care. That was promising.

The nearest guard looked on her nakedness while continuing to try to see through my clothing. I was sure he'd already seen Anfisa's charms a great deal and had probably seen what I had to offer last month.

As expected, Anfisa was very attractive. I was pleased to see she wasn't scarred.

I did not beat around the bush. "It is generally believed that you got through law school by sleeping with your professors and got your position in the Justice Department by going to bed regularly with Varamanzov. Is that true?"

Anfisa answered, "I got no better grades in school than what I deserved but, because I am a woman, I had to do a lot more to get what I deserved. Surely, you are not criticizing me for that are you, Laurel F.?"

She had me there. "Ok, then, why did you try to blow up the cabinet?"

That question she handled less coolly. She fell to the floor. Wringing her hands, she said, "Oh God, please, Laurel, please don't let them kill me, not the way they would kill me. I did not try to bomb anyone. I don't know about any bomb. I only heard about a bomb from the radio and the Security Police. Please, please, please don't let them kill me over a bomb I know nothing about." She began crying.

After Anfisa was more composed, I asked, "You don't deny leaving the cabinet room minutes after I did. Exactly why did you do that?"

"My God, what do you think? It was obvious you thought I had taken kick-backs from the Pacific resort manager to not report that he was taking money on the side from contractors. Tolski, Lermanov, the other rich old bastards, and Svetlana are not gentle to people who steal money that they want to control. If there was any chance to get away, I had to take it. I said I had to go to the WC, called Studlovity to bring a car and told him to drive like a race car driver for the border."

"You know your little man wants to die for you and he probably will. He says he planted a bomb and told you that you had to leave the meeting to attend an emergency."

"Yes, and I feel terrible about that. Studlovity knows nothing and is a very poor liar. I just told him to drive and he drove."

Here was the question that would make or break Anfisa's credibility. "Did you accept kickbacks from the Pacific manager not to report him?"

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