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WICKed Hormones Ch. 01


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This was her baby boy's room, and she felt a wave of guilt for what she was about to do, but it was a mother's job to help her child. She then looked at Jacob. He sat on his unmade bed naked except for a Captain America tee shirt and white socks. Her eyes were then drawn to the "giant-sized" erection that was attached to her baby boy. She could actually see it slightly twitch along with Jacob's heartbeat.

She walked over to the bed and tossed her rolled-up yoga mat onto Jacob's computer desk. "I want you be sure to clean up this room before dinner."

"Yes, ma'am." Jacob would agree to about anything if it meant getting another hand-job.

Karen got down on her knees in front of Jacob and dropped the towel beside her and stared at her son's was so big and intimidating. She could see the steady trickle of pre-cum already oozing out of the head, and she felt a desire to taste it again.

Karen grabbed the monster with both hands and began the up and down strokes. "Oh yeah, do it so much better!" Karen smirked a little. She was technically a virgin when she married Robert, but she still had some experience. In college, Karen would take care of her boyfriends with occasional hand jobs and blow jobs. She actually enjoyed performing the act and got quite good at it...she just never thought the day would come when she would practice the craft on her own flesh and blood.

Karen got into a good rhythm, and the movement of her breasts had her nipples firing off sparks straight down to her pussy, and she could feel her panties were getting wet. After several minutes Jacob groaned, "Oh yeah Mom...that is so good." She looked up to see Jacob was staring at her hands as he promised. "Jake...I am doing this to help with the pain...stop making it sound dirty."

"Sorry, Mom...I really appreciate your help...I really do."

The sunlight coming in the window reflected the sparkle of her wedding and engagement rings. She was then reminded of her husband and felt another wave of guilt and wanted to get this over with.

"Jake, honey, are you getting close?" she asked, almost sounding desperate.

"Not yet, Mom."

Minutes went by, and her arms were getting very was taking a bit longer than the other day. Karen was not sure how much longer she would last; however, she was determined to get her son across the finish line. After another minute or so, Karen stopped her motions. With her left hand, she retrieved the towel from the floor and placed it on the bed. Jacob looked at his mom...she was biting her bottom lip and appeared to be if conflicted. She slowly stroked Jacob with her right hand while she stared at the mighty erection.

Karen needed to start dinner soon...she had to move this along. Jacob was afraid she was changing her mind, but then Karen looked up at him and in a stern voice, "You are to speak of this to no one...EVER." Jacob, not sure where this was going squeaked out, "okay?"

Karen pulled Jacob's cock down to her mouth and wrapped her lips around the head. She had given blow-jobs in the past to some reasonably large cocks, including her husband's, but nothing prepared her for the sheer size of this monster. Her jaws were stretched and could only get a few inches into her mouth. She began stroking and sucking as best she could. She felt a jolt of excitement as the sweet fluid from Jacob's cock coated her tongue.

Jacob was totally caught off-guard and was not expecting anything like this. He could not believe his gorgeous mother was giving him his first blow-job.

A steady chant of "Oh Mom...Oh, Mom" came from her son, and she knew he would not last much longer. Karen felt a sense of pride knowing she was still able to get this kind of response, although it felt a bit twisted that it was from her son.

She clutched the towel in her left hand and could feel her son's cock begin to swell and ready to explode. Jacob warned her, "Mom...I'm really close...IT'S COMING!!"

Karen pulled her head back and covered his dick with the towel...she did not want to do more laundry tonight. Stroking with her right hand, "Okay, Jake, let it all out."

Karen vigorously stroked his cock as it fired its impressive load. "AAAAHHHHH," Jacob yelled as he came for his mom. Karen kept stroking until his cock was depleted and began to deflate. She then removed the saturated towel.

Jacob trying to catch his breath, "OH GOD!!"

Karen pinched his shaft just below the head, "No, sweetie." She then licked up the last drop of cum that bubbled up from the slit, "We don't take the Lord's name in vain."

Still breathing heavy, "Sorry, Mom."

Karen used the towel to clean the remaining cum from his cock, and she nonchalantly asked, "Do you have homework?"

"Yes ma'am...I have some, but not much." Jacob was amazed how his mom could shift gears so rapidly. Here she was asking him about homework when moments ago she was sucking his dick.

With Jacob's cock pretty much clean, Karen stood up and walked over to the desk and collected her yoga mat then placed it under her left arm. She reached back and let down her ponytail, "Well, be sure and get that done after you clean up this room."

"Yes, ma'am."

"I am going to get a shower and then start dinner...your dad will be home soon." She picked up the dirty towel from the bed.

Jacob sat up straight, "Thanks again, Mom, for helping me. You're a lifesaver."

"You're welcome, sweetie. Just be sure to get your chores done." She then turned and walked over to the door where she unlocked and pulled it open. She took a few steps down the hall and called back, "HOW ABOUT CHICKEN FOR DINNER?"

Jacob called back, "SOUNDS GOOD TO ME!"

After a couple of minutes to recover, Jacob redressed and began to clean up his room. After about ten minutes or so, he decided to see if he could catch another peek at his mother in the shower. He crept down the hall to his parent's room only to find the bedroom door was closed and locked. Disappointed, Jacob went back down the hall to his room and finished his chores.


Dinner that night was excellent, as usual. Karen was a great cook and took pride in being the best wife, mother, and home-maker she could be.

Jacob noticed that Karen was dressed up a little more than usual. She always looked nice...heck, she would look good in a potato sack, but tonight was different.

She wore a knee-length skirt that clung nicely to her hips and a snug-fitting sleeveless blouse. An extra button was undone to show off her creamy cleavage, and she wore extra make-up. She was laughing at all of Robert's jokes and occasionally touching his arm. She was, in fact, flirting with her husband.

After today's activities in Jacob's room, she was again left hot and bothered. After her shower, she lay in her bed and reluctantly masturbated. The orgasm was somewhat satisfying, but it was not enough. For some reason, her libido was in overdrive, and her pussy was itching for a hard cock. Her mind was set on seducing Robert that night.

"So Sport, how was your day?" Robert asked, looking over at Jacob.

"School was fine, Dad."

"Any plans for the weekend?"

Jacob took another bite of chicken, "Matt has some new video games. If It's ok, I'm going over to his house tomorrow and check them out." Matt Johnson was Jacobs's best friend and lived just a few blocks away.

"Fine by long as your mom says so."

Karen finished her sip of wine, " long as your room is clean and homework is done."

"Yes, ma'am...finished both this afternoon."

The trio continued eating and chatting. After a while, Robert dropped his fork onto the plate in front of him, "Dang...that was great honey...thank you for a delicious dinner."

Jacob chimed in, "Yeah Mom...thanks for was great." Karen stood up from the table and started to collect dishes, "You are both's my pleasure to take care of my boys." Jacob stood up, "I'll help you, Mom." He figured a few brownie points couldn't hurt.

"Thank you, sweetie," Karen said as she walked toward the kitchen with Jacob close behind. "Rob, would you like some coffee?" Robert was still at the table looking over a spreadsheet he brought from the office, "That sounds great...thanks, Hon."

After a while, Karen and Jacob returned to the dining room. Karen carried two cups of coffee and placed one down in front of Robert. "Goodnight, y'all, I'm going up to my room and play some Fortnite online with Matt." Karen held out her arms, "Goodnight, sweetie." Jacob stepped up to her, and she pulled in him for a warm hug. His head rested against her boobs...he could feel the pillowy mounds against the side of his face and thoughts of earlier came rushing back. Without thinking, he said, "Thank you for your help today, Mom."

"Help with what?" Robert asked out of curiosity.

Karen panicked a little and held Jacob by his shoulders at arms-length and blurted, "Spanish." She then gave Jacob a stern look, "He needed help with his...Spanish!"

Jacob looked over at his father, "Yeah, Dad, I've been having some problems in my Spanish class lately, and Mom has been a big help."

Robert went back to looking at his spreadsheet, "Well, thank goodness for your mom...she was always good at foreign languages. I barely passed."

"Yeah...she is the best", Jacob replied, giving his mom a sneaky smile. Karen turned him by his shoulders and pointed him towards the door, "I thought you were going upstairs." Jacob then left his parents alone and went to his room.


Later around midnight, Jacob was finished with his online games and was getting ready for bed. He walked out into the quiet hallway and made his way to the bathroom to brush his teeth. Afterward, Jacob exited the bathroom and softly closed the door behind him. He then heard a squeal that came from his parent's bedroom. He quietly crept up to the door and could faintly make out grunts and groans.

Jacob listened and could hear the bed springs getting a real workout. He could not help but think about his mom and whispered to himself, "Dad, you are so lucky."

Robert called out, "OOhh're so WET!!"

Karen grunted after each thrust, " it!!...go faster...HARDER!!" The sounds from behind the door confirmed her demands were being met. The bed springs lamented louder and faster, and Karen voiced her approval. "Yes!! Yes!!...that's it!!...I'm almost THERE!! AAAAAHHHH!! YEEESSS!!"

Jacob had a tight grip on his cock, and hearing his mother almost pushed him over the edge. He quickly and quietly made his way back to his room. There he fired up his computer and watched some MILF porn as he jacked-off. After finishing and cleaning up, Jacob got into bed. He was now obsessed with his mom's sexy body and wanted to keep things progressing. As he lay there in the dark, he drifted off to sleep, trying to think of ways to make it happen.

End Chapter 1

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blackknight314blackknight3149 months ago

Good job, thanks for sharing your work!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

How about making robert temporary blind so karen stays naked at home for jake to fuck her.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

browser 2525....that is Denise Milani. The author based Karen's looks on her.

browser2525browser2525almost 2 years ago

I want to know who the woman in your profile/avatar is?!?!?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Guys I am from India and I have a list of popular actresses, names of the women, girls I know from facebook insta, known faces in any field like sports, journalism. As per their age group I have classified them. And while reading any literotica story, as per the character description, I fit an appropriate name out of my list in that story and imagine her as the main character throughout the story. Now for this story, as per the nature of the mom and her age, I have two names for now : Actresses Lorraine Bracco and Catherine Hendricks. I have tried both in this story at different times and they gave me great pleasure in their own way. They are doing good for me. But I really need some other suggestions as well. Please guys can you give me some great recommendations for this story? Please please please...

a_reader_from_germanya_reader_from_germanyover 2 years ago

In my teenage years I overheard my parents "doing it" once or twice that I remember. I was mortified and clamped my hands over my ears for the duration- just saying. 5 stars- looking forward to the next chapters!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Karen cut Jacob off before he could finish, "Who wants dessert?"

"I am," replied Robert with a big smile. Uh, has anyone ever answered that question in that way? Now, if she had asked if anyone was hungry for dessert, it would have made sense to say "I am" to that.

englishnospeakenglishnospeakover 2 years ago

When you say he looked like a 12 yo is he a midget or what? what a turn off, I don't think I can read further into the story

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Just read through to Ch9 end. Totally hooked ! Awesome work. Really great pacing, every scene is super hot, great characters, great dialog. Keep doing what your doing, its fantastic.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

OMG you made me nut thanks 100% HOT

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Another spectacular chapter. Long, complex and well written.

It also opens up opportunities with Sara and her mother 😉

Karen is finally coming around and little by little is letting Jacob get away with more, and (to her surprise) se is enjoying it.

The progressive corruption of the conservative wife is something really sexy. The inclusion of the formwrly promiscuous (and self repressed) aunt was fantastic.

I can imagine future chapters involving the pastor's wife and another one with Jake's siater, but with their mom watching. Plus, the return of the AG assistant...

Please keep it up.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

What a sexy story! I love incest stories where dad exists, still married to mom and is unaware of sexual relationship between mom and son. And I love that there is no romantism between mom and son, only lust and sex. I loved the slow build up. But it would be sexier if mom and son kissed on lips. I loved how mom holds son's cock and sits on it to make him cum quickly, first time they have sex. Very sexy, I loved all 8 parts of this story. Beautiful!

There_itisThere_itisover 3 years ago
Amazing story

I LOVE the story so far. I don't usually comment on stories but I was reading some of the comments and saw you got some negative. Don't care about them one bit! They are internet trolls, depressed over their own lives and their lack of ability to create something of their own. You are creating something and many of us read and appreciate it. It might not be shakespear but we are not looking for shakespear are we, we are looking for an amazingly secure story about a sexy busty woman who gets herself caught in really sexy situations. You did it perfectly, keep it up!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Wtf is a 12 inch dick?

Stories with more than 8 inch dick are a huge turn-off for me...especially if its a 1 FUCKING FOOT long dick....the author wants to live his fantasy of having a huge dick through this story but he might not know that no girl and i repeat no girl will ever like a 12 inch dick...WHICH is also as thick as a wrist...fuck off...3* only cos the size sucks...

girls hardly like a dick which is bigger than 8 inch....most girls like a dick around a size of 6.4 inch...

god1410god1410over 3 years ago

Anonymous, Stolen? really??

Growth Spurt (TiberiusPrime) - is stolen too?

on you logics halve stories hear is plagiarism...

and i read dark stone and it not on its level...

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

This story is way too similar to The Dark Stone by Rawly Rawls. The sex scenes through the first few chapters are literally identical.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

I did not read the age right my error there was no age discrepancy.

starfish97starfish97almost 4 years ago
Re: age discrepancy

43 - 18 = 25. Use a calculator as your mental arithmetic is shit.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Silly commenter

Lorddionysius said "You said the mother was 43 and the son had just turned 18. That means she would have had to be 15 years old when she gave birth to him."

Haha, 43-18 = 25. So it is totally plausible. In fact the mom could have been even younger.

colonel_lockecolonel_lockealmost 4 years ago

I've read this before, maybe on another site?

Sonnyw55Sonnyw55about 4 years ago
Chapter 2

There should be another chapter. Does Jacob have a growth spurt? Does he make love to her? These questions need to be answered.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Love it so far

Cant wait for next chapter. You've got the start of something great here!!

familyreaderguy52familyreaderguy52about 4 years ago
Great Work

Great work and a good start. I can't wait to read future chapters in the series.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Good, but

It was going great, but then you started with all the religious bullshit. Killed it dead.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Mom So Brainy!

"She heard him gently snoring and could tell that he was still sleeping." GENIUS!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Good start..

But have mom start fucking son and dad catches them.. he hears the squeaking of the bed and walks in on them.. heck my sister and I love squeaky beds.. makes it more erotic to fuck a girl and the bed squeaks..

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

I loved it. Seemed realistic too. Hope you do more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Totally Agree - Great Story

Very well written.... keep it up. Like the other comments have said....looking forward to further chapters.

RTR9209RTR9209over 4 years agoAuthor
Thank you!!

Thank you all for your positive feedback. I do have more chapters in the works, however, my time is limited. I will release next chapter as soon as I can.

ROCKY70ROCKY70over 4 years ago
Nice start, I see end of chapter 1. ^*!^*!^*!

PLEASE !! don't let this hot story

stop, some writers don't come back

and finish. They just let us hang,

this story is to hot to do that,and

mom is just about to take off.

Well done,good read.


AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
I love hearing my mom when my dad is fucking her!

She sounds so sexy especially when she's having an orgasm. Dad doesn't make much noise, but I always beat off listening to my mom. Now I want to fuck my mom so much. She has a great body with some awesome tits.

ju8streadingju8streadingover 4 years ago

she should shove a dildo up his scheming ass.

QSQuinnQSQuinnover 4 years ago
Great start

A nicely paced story, it flowed nicely. Looking forward to more.

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