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Wife Picks Between Two Black Cocks

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Man Offers Wife Two Black Lovers, She Picks One.
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I asked if there was anything she would like me to do differently, any position, technique, situation, or anything she likes that I haven't done, or could give her. "How about an hour withe Denzel Washington, or any black brother with a big hard one to offer a horny wife?" she said with a grin.

"You'd really like that? I asked naively.

"Wouldn't every white wife with a tv want that?" she said with a shrug.

"Seriously, you'd like time in the sack with a big black hard on to fuck you?" I asked.

"Well, yeah," she said as if I had just asked the stupidest question ever. We looked at each other for a minute then she added, "Well, you asked. You want me to be honest or not?" I said honesty was always best policy, and I said if I could arrange that would she really do it. "Arrange away," she said with a wicked grin.

"You'd like that? If I got you bedtime with a well hung brother you'd go through with it?"

"If you could handle that, I would," she said with a laugh and a bit of an embarrassed look on her face. "I don't want to traumatize my husband, if you're okay with that, I would in a heart beat. Yes."

I asked where she would want to do it and she said "on planet earth."

"So if I can get you a black dude with the manpower you'd fuck him?"

"I would, yes," she admitted. "Am I shocking you, sweetheart?" I told her I wasn't shocked, but I was surprised. "We have had sex with other people," she reminded me. "It's not as if we're teenagers, you know. You know I like sex. You asked what I'd like. That's it. Really!"

I began to think about how I could find her a black man to fuck. I thought about asking my friend at work, but would I tell him why I wanted to know. I decided I wouldn't. He had some black friends he played ball with, so maybe would have some names he could give. I thought about what I would tell him about why I was asking, about why I wanted some names of big muscular black guys. What would I tell them what I wanted them to do? Hey, I'd like you to fuck my wife for me, pal. Eventually, of course, I would have to be straight with them. I'd have to pick one. Is there anyway I could let her pick?

When I asked Carl about reliable black guys he knew to help me with something. He asked about the 'something' and I had to dance around quickly to avoid being specific or lying my ass off. He finally didn't asked anymore, realizing it was something I would not tell him.

I was surprised at myself for agreeing to let my wife explore her curiosity and fuck a black man. It was only sex, and I had always said sex was just sex, not necessarily the most important thing in a marriage. Where would I go while she was doing it? I decided I should stay at the house to be safe, to make sure everything would go well.

Carl gave me two names, James and Odom, who he said were the most reliable, nicest black guys he knew. "Whatever you need they will be dependable and will do a good job," he said smiling as if he had an idea it was for my wife. I thought, right, they would do a good job of fucking my blushing bride.

I decided the best tactic would be to come straight out and tell them what I needed, tell them she would pick one of them. Tell them my wife wanted to be fucked by a black man. I explain it all to them and they grinned, then said it wasn't their first time.

"Many white men ask us to fuck their white wives," they both said.

I told them as I took their pictures that I would let her decide. They both smiled and nodded. "We will do right for your lady," they said, "no matter who she picks."

I had personal information about each and told them I would let her pick between them. "No problem, "Odom said, "your lady will like both of us."

When I got home Claire looked at the pictures of both men, read the profiles, and grinned, "They look like nice guys," she said with a smile.

"Carl says they're both great guys," I said. She said she'd like to meet them both, see who she felt most comfortable with. She picked James, said the both were very polite, and she liked that James had many sisters back in North Carolina where he grew up, said she liked them both but felt more comfortable with James. She apologized to Odom, but he said James would do her well.

"He'll treat you good, Misses, you be okay with James," he said. "I hope you have good time with my friend." She thanked him and gave him a kiss.

When James came in the house I sat with them and talked. I told him I would be there in the living room and would be there for her. I told him to be gentle with her and he just smiled and nodded. "I make white ladles feel good," he said. "I know what they like.

James had gone to college in Texas and played football. We talked some sports and he was easy to talk with. When I left them together he took her hand and kissed it. "I be good with you," retaining some of that backcountry, gentlemanly speech.

As I left the the room she kissed him and led him to the bedroom. He undressed her at the bed and then put her down on the mattress, being gentle and careful with her. She had always been sexually confident and adventurous, willing to try new things, but this was trying someone new and unfamiliar. But she let him take the lead and take, letting move legs open and sliding into her gently and with regard for her.

"He was so gentle," she told me later. "He entered me like he was being careful not to break me." I said I was glad she enjoyed it, and incredibly I meant every word. "He didn't fuck me," she said. "He made love to me."

She went on to say she had never had sex with anyone before that she didn't know, but that it was a good experience because he was so considerate, so caring. He truly was a good lover."

She said she would be a fool not to enjoy him again. "You did ask me what I would like, and this is it," she said. "He fucked me like a woman wants to be fucked," she said. "If you hadn't asked, I wouldn't have brought it up, but we did start it and I need to have James again, maybe many times. I'm sorry about that, but you asked. I could become addicted to that kind of fucking," she said softly. "A woman wants to be fucked like she is important. James fucked me like I was the most important woman in the world."

I asked her if she got the bigness she had wanted. "Oh god yes," she said with a sigh. "I wondered if I could take him all in me, but he was so careful that there was no problem." She paused. "I have never been made love to like that," she said. "I am sorry to tell you that, but he did me like I have always dreamed about. He fucked me like a fantasy lover, like you read about and wish it was you in the story." She kissed me and gave me a hug. "I want that for me again. I want to feel that wonderful dick of his in me again. I want to feel his lips on my pussy like it is the best tasting pussy ever."

She apologized again. "You asked if I wanted a new technique. I didn't what to tell you, but he gave me what I actually wanted, but didn't know I did. Now that I have had it I don't want to stop."

She kissed me again. "I love you for asking. I loved that you cared enough to want to give me something I needed that I wasn't getting. I wanted big, but it's much more than being big. Do you mind if he fucks your wife again?" I thought about if and shook my head.

"When I asked I wanted to know. If I hadn't asked you wouldn't have found the pleasure you did, and I wanted you to get pleasure you hadn't found before. If I didn't want to know I should never had asked. I am responsible not you. You were only honest with me. I love you for being honest, and for telling me sincerely that it was so good."

James came the next week, and the week after that. I don't know if she is addicted to black, but is definitely addicted to James and his big, black cock, and his gentle and caring fucking. Actually I got to watch him with her and I got to learn how a man should make love to a woman, slowly and lovingly, and as she said, like she is the important woman in the world. I don't know if black men as a group do that. I do know that James does, and I truly want that for Claire.

I asked he what I could do for her and she told me and I was lucky enough to find it for her. I found a man to fuck her like she yearned to be fucked, and I cannot keep that from happening.

When I watched them together he pushed into her with a slow and steady movement that pushed her labia apart and slid into her and then began pounding into her with long and steady thrusts, moving without hurrying, without frantic fucking, just loving and constant motion deep in her pussy.

She arched up to meet his thrusting into her and she actually cooed as they fucked, moaning low and throaty sounds from deep in her chest.

The contrast in the bodies was amazing. His blackness made her white body look even paler, and his large black cock pushed her pinkish pussy lips apart and his wide girth opened her up to an phenomenal degree. She moaned as he entered her and her groan continued throughout their fucking. He withdrew each time as if he was going to take himself out of her, but then he would push slowly and reply back into her with a force that shook her body.

She looked at me once and smiled as he forced himself deep in her wide splayed sex, and I think she even blew me a kiss, thanking me for giving her James. After they had fucked for maybe an hour, he moved himself down her body until his mouth was at her pussy and he seemed to inhale her vagina mouth into his thick lips and sucked her for nearly a minute, moving his head around in a rapid movement that shook her body with its force.

I asked if she wanted something new and she got James, and he has become a regular at our house, coming to make love to my wife once a week, fucking like she craved for years. I have watched them twice, but I mostly leave them alone to enjoy the kind of lovemaking she has grown to love and need.

She is still my loving and attentive wife, giving me the kind of companionship any man would be a fool not to appreciate and do his best to maintain, and I pledge my love to her and to keep giving James to her as often as she needs. I will be eternally grateful that I asked what she wanted more and thankful we found James to give it to her.

She is a happy wife and it has made for a happy life for the two of us. Any man would be a fool not to give his wife and himself that kind of happiness. I probably won't watch them again, but she does tell me about what they do together and what he does to her.

You may not want to ask your wife what she wants you to do different, but if you do it may be better for both of you, it depends on how much you actually love her, and how much you really are just faking it.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Not real hot.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

It’s funny, but my experience with black men and white men has been just the opposite of this story. Just about every black man I have been with don’t bother with licking pussy. They just want to stick it in and pound away. Most don’t seem to care whether it feels good for me or not. They just assume since I’m a white girl getting black dick then I must be getting off. It’s usually the white men who take the time to make love and make sure I’m satisfied. No one eats pussybetter than a white man.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

My husband let me experience a BBC also.

I love him for letting me. My BBC was 9 inches and the round size of a soft drink can. It was the best fucking I ever had. I am tight so it took a lot of lube and time to get it in. Once in it was mind blowing.

My BBC now does me everyone Wednesday.

My husband gets me more than ever because we both are constantly horny. Ladies it does tighten back up after a day.


I have attempted for over two decades to get my wife to permit me bring a black gentleman to give her what I can't ... exactly like this story.. and by the way.. we have a 42".. 55" .. and 60" TV's.. and it's always been a big NO ... but nearly all the guys I have talked with say that they always are in the room watching.. both would have it no other way.. wives always told husband it meant alot to her knowing hubby was there showing support... so that's the only thing that I see that could improve this story from 4 stars to 5 stars... have husband with wife.. kissing her.. holding her hand.. showing his support

OOAAOOAAover 1 year ago

VERY HOT story!!!! Congratulations!!!

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