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Wife’s plugged Sunday

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My wife plugged and fucked on a Sunday.
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Wife's plugged sunday

My wife worked Saturday and by the time her shift finally ended she was exhausted and needed a bath. She called on her way home so I made her a big, iced sweet tea and ran the water for her knowing she would be here in less than 10 minutes.

When the bath was ready I accompanied her so she could fill me in on her day. I enjoy our 10 minutes of us time as she lets me know how her patients did, the latest stories from the nurses station etc, then I fill her in on what we got up to at home.

Sometimes I catch my self staring as she runs the soap across her large breasts, I like they way they look covered in bubbles, her hard nipples poking out from her chest after she brushes over them.

I watch, as she continues to talk and runs the soap down her stomach, when her hand disappears I know she is cleaning her most intimate parts.

While her hand is below the water she tells me "They were talking about you again at work."

"What about this time?" I asked.

"They were making fun of me about how spoiled I am and about how I'm so lucky that you shave me." She said with a grin.

"Why is that such a shock to them? Better question, why don't their husbands do it for them?" She shrugged her reply and continued finishing with her wash.

I know my wife is fully capable of taking care of herself but every time she asks I always say yes. I enjoy taking my time to remove all her unwanted hair and it always leads to us having great sex afterwards.

"I think I may need you to do it for me again tomorrow. The hair is starting to come back."

I of course said "I would love to."

Sunday started just like many other days off. We woke up, ate breakfast, drank coffee and had a nice lazy start to the day. Once we were fully awake and ready for the day we made our way to the bedroom so I could go to work.

She brought a towel with her to lay on and I brought the trimmers. She stripped off her panties as well as her sleep shirt and laid back on the bed and spread herself for me.

I positioned myself between her legs and took in the view in front of me. Her lips spread slightly, following her out stretched legs, her clit currently a small bud, her pussy slightly open with her tight little ass winking at me.

Her mound had a sparse covering of short dark hair due to having laser treatment during her college years. Above her clit, down her outer lips and closer to her ass the hair was a little more coarse but still no more than 1/4-1/2" long.

I turned the trimmers on and went to work on her mound first. After only a couple minutes of work it was totally smooth again. I then began to work my way further south.

I carefully worked around her clit to be sure not to nick her. My face mere inches from her parted pussy, I angled the trimmers to work down her sex on either side.

I could see the internal part of her pussy beginning to glisten as I parted and poked at her in my attempt to get every last hair. Her clit and vulva had started to become more pronounced as she became more aroused at my touch. I could smell her sweet, sex scent filling our room.

Once I had the front taken care of, she rolled over and positioned herself face down, bracing herself with her elbows, with her ass pointed skyward with parted knees below.

I worked the trimmers down her crack and around her puckered ass hole. Every time I would brush across it she would involuntarily flinch and tighten it.

Even once she was totally hairless I still continued to run my hands across her desiring body. I could see her juices escaping from within, small beads made their way to her clit which was now protruding slightly from its hood.

I put the clippers down and removed the towel from beneath her. I explored her pussy first with just a finger, tracing her outer lips, making sure to leave her on edge and desperate for my finger to penetrate her. I made out like I was checking to make sure there were no errant hairs missed.

I then traced my way around her clit ensuring that I applied enough pressure to the sides of her hard little nub without making direct contact. Her breathing was becoming rapid at the continued teasing. She tried her best to maneuver her body so I would contact her most intimate spots but I stayed one step ahead during my teasing.

Finally after teasing her for a good 10 minutes her pussy was completely soaked. Her juices had made their way to her outer lips and was threatening to drip down to the bed below. The entire region was swollen and reddening. Her aroma was driving me wild.

I took this opportunity to grab my phone from the dresser and took some pictures of her freshly shaven ass and pussy. I took them from multiple angles, up close and from afar. I spread her lips and gently squeezed them back closed making more of her juices escape and bubble at her opening.

Then when I couldn't deny her or myself any more, I firmly dug my thumbs into the back of her legs parting her pussy fully and pressed my face hard into her. My lips and face were immediately covered in her juices as I flicked my tongue over her clit causing her to moan loudly in return.

My nose buried against her hole as I sucked on her clit, all while she pushed back to meet me, encouraging me to suck harder on her hard nub.

I held it between my lips while driving my tongue out to roll and flick all around her clit. Her first orgasm took over quickly, her juices flowing uncontrolled from within. I ate her enthusiastically, holding my breath as long as possible to extend her orgasm, only slowing my attack once she had finished.

I gently softened my clamp I had on her clit and let it slip from my lips. I took this opportunity to catch my breath while I ran my tongue upward burying it into her hole so I could lap up her juices.

Even after 13 years of marriage I still haven't got over how good she tastes. I licked all around the inner and outer parts of her vagina making sure to flick my tongue over her clit periodically. I knew she was very sensitive now and constant pressure would be too much.

She slowly pulled away from my mouth and rolled on her side to look at me. With my beard shining with her cum she told me "I am going to go have a shower and get myself ready. Then I want you to put a plug in me and see how long I can leave it in, then when you are ready I want you to take it out and fuck my ass."

If my cock wasn't already hard, it definitely was now. I said "Ok, of course I will." I then leaned down and kissed her mouth passionately, letting her taste her own juices still coating my lips and tongue.

She then got up off the bed, took the necessary supplies from our bedside table and headed for the shower.


When she was ready we headed back to the bedroom and she climbed back on the bed and pointed her ass once again in the air for me.

Instead of reaching for a plug straight away, knowing she had just cleaned herself out in anticipation of what was to come and wouldn't shy away, I took the opportunity to eat her ass.

I ran my tongue in one sweep from her clit all the way to her sexy hole. I probed her with my tongue, trying to bury it as deep into her ass as I could. Covering her hole with my saliva and her own cum.

My hands pawed at her cheeks, I groped and squeezed her hard as she pushed back to accept my tongue into her. She moaned her approval as my rough hands kneaded each cheek. I felt her start to relax as my tongue lubricated her hole and entered her, while I continued massaging her ass.

I pulled back and pushed in once again, my tongue now fucking her. Using my left hand I inserted two fingers into her pussy, my thumb made its way to her clit and I rubbed across it with big firm circles.

With my tongue never slowing its assault into her ass, my right hand massaging her and my left hand working her pussy this was too much for her body to handle, she was building to another orgasm.

As the orgasm took over her, it resulted in her ass trying to clamp down on my tongue the same way her pussy was now clamping down on my index and middle finger.

Her breathing was erratic, I could feel her shuddering with each movement I made. I was loving the power I had over her body in this moment, if I sped up my rubbing, fingering and tongue movements she would work up once again or I could slow down and let her get control of her body again.

I chose to slow down knowing we had hours of play planned out for the rest of the day. As her orgasm passed and the clamping subsided I rubbed my fingers in small circles on her g spot and slowly withdrew my tongue.

I reached for the bottle of lube and drizzled some into her saliva filled hole and crack. I took the smallest plug while keeping two fingers in her pussy, rubbing it around her crack to make sure it was well lubed. I then applied pressure and watch as her hole stretched and accepted it with ease.

I gently pulled it back out to the tip and buried it once more. I pushed firmly on the base to try give her the feeling of being full, but in her state of arousal we both knew it wasn't going to be enough, I removed it and went for the medium sized plug.

She needed to feel full, stretched and properly prepped for my cock. With another dose of lube and some pressure her hole again stretched, this time considerably more to accept the thicker plug.

I whispered some encouragement in her ear as I stretched her. "That's my good little anal slut. Let me stretch that tight ass for you. You're my good girl."

My wife moaned again loudly as I played with her praise kink, pushing back to show me how she could be my good girl. The plug finally settled into her and I once again pushed on the base, this time having the desired effect.

"I feel so full." I heard her say, her face half buried into a pillow. I picked up my phone and took some pictures to add to our secret folder, this time with a nice plug buried in her.

I began to finger fuck her with the two fingers and could feel the plug pushing against the wall between her pussy and ass. She was dripping wet, so I used her own fluids to lube a third finger and worked it in too.

The plug was doing the job of stretching her ass while also restricting the space available for my fingers to explore. I stripped off my clothes and positioned myself behind her. It was time to fuck her, she needed it and so did I.

My cock was standing tall and ready so I rubbed it up her length just the one time to coat it before burying it in a single thrust, only stopping when the plug was firmly against my pelvis.

She moaned again as she clamped down on me, I leaned hard against her making sure the plug was constantly being pushed deeply into her. I slowly gyrated my hips, my hands gripping her on the sides to hold her steady.

I could feel the plug pressing down on the top of my cock, forcing it to make contact with the back side of her clit and bringing on an even more explosive orgasm from her.

Her pussy contracted, pulsing and grabbing my cock over and over as she yelled "yessssss" loudly into the pillow below her. I had been turned on ever since shaving her and I could feel my balls tightening up and the impending orgasm readying to erupt.

I withdrew so just my head was still in her and drove forward burying my self fully one more time before my cock swelled and finally got to release.

I felt the my cum run the length of my shaft and force it's way out. My legs shook as my entire body tensed. Nine powerful shots coated her inner walls while I continued to hold her firmly against me until I had finished.

My cock attempted to stretch her pussy as it pulsed but was restricted due to the plug pushing against her walls. This set her off for another shattering orgasm, she wailed into the pillow below and pushed back against me forcing my cock and the plug as deep as possible.

Once we had regained our composure, I slowly let my still hard cock slip from within her tight grasp. Her cum mixed with mine as I looked down at my cock, the light shining from overhead accentuated the veins still bulging along my shaft.

I watched as my cum slowly made its way out from within her and ran down her pussy to her clit. I had her stay still, just like she was while I added a couple more pictures to the hidden album on my phone.

Once I had finished my cock slowly deflated and my wife and I headed to the bathroom to get cleaned up, leaving the medium sized plug buried deep within her still.


10 minutes later my wife had dressed and was laying on the couch listening to one of her lady books while I watched tv/played on my phone.

Whenever the book entered into a rather steamy section I observed her rocking back and forth slightly, causing the plug move within. A soft moan or a deep breath would always follow.

Whenever I had to get up to check on the kids playing outside, get a fresh drink or snack, I made sure to tweak her nipples, firmly grope her breasts, run my hands up her inner thighs or reach under her and push against the plug.

Every time I did this it had the desired effect I was looking for. A sharp intake of breath, a bite of her bottom lip or an encouraging moan would escape her. I was toying with her as she was running on a high from the constant stimulation with no end in sight.

The medium plug had been in her for over two hours now, during which time she had tried to go pee three different times before finally having to give up and ask me to help her.

She texted me from the bedroom asking for help so I went to see what was happening. She was standing at the end of the bed looking uncomfortable when I walked in.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I need to pee so bad but I just can't get it to happen. I strain and strain and nothing. I think the plug is stopping me." She said. "I need you to take it out so I can get relief but we can put it back in as soon as I'm done."

She stripped off her pants and leaned over the end of the bed for me. I grasped the plug at the base and slowly withdrew it. I was worried having been in so long it would lose some of its lube, hurt her ass and potentially ruin our fun.

Her hole stretched beautifully around the plug as it slipped its way out, leaving her hole slightly gaping. Seeing her ass stretched made my cock instantly throb and attempt to come back to life.

My wife hurriedly disappeared into the bathroom and finally got to pee. When she was done she returned and took up her position at the end of the bed immediately. She was needing the feeling of the plug filling her again.

I picked up the largest of the plugs and showed it to her. It was considerably thicker than the middle sized one. We had only tried it once before and it had hurt too much for her to handle.

I told her I think her hole was nice and relaxed now and would accept it. She agreed to try which sent a thrill down to my cock. It was a little thicker than me at its widest and would definitely stretch her properly.


I applied more lube again as I wanted the plug to slide in comfortably. I aimed it at her hole and applied the necessary pressure, her ass opened with ease as I watched inch after inch of plug stretch her and disappear.

All to soon for my eyes it was bottomed out inside of her. I held the base and rubbed it in a circular motion to see what her reaction would be. She slowly gyrated her ass in the opposite direction helping me push the plug against her walls.

I then held the plug firmly against her with my left hand and spanked her. A deep breath and a moan followed, she loves being spanked and having this plug in obviously heightened the pleasure.

I spanked her again on the other cheek. As she pushed back hoping for another, the plug pressing against my hand trying to escape, I brought my hand swiftly down again.

A loud "smack" rang out in our room. I waited to see if it had been to hard. She pushed back again, no signs of discomfort so I continued. Each time alternating between cheeks watching as they reddened.

Her moans were now competing with the smacking sounds, my hand prints now clearly visible on both cheeks in several places, I dipped my finger into the folds of her pussy.

As I expected she was soaked, I withdrew my finger and spanked her exposed pussy, as I did I felt my middle finger strike her clit. She yelped into the bed arching her back at this surprise sensation.

After the initial shock of her pussy being spanked she relaxed and pushed back as I massaged her red ass with my free right hand. I pressed against her lower back with my left elbow and forearm, my left hand still busy holding the plug in place.

She knew she was now pinned and at my mercy causing her to begin writhing with submissive pleasure as I manipulated her body.

It was now time for me to become more vocal and encourage her inner slut to come out. Pinning her firmly with my arm I bent down and growled into her ear as I resumed spanking her.

"That's my good little slut, you like being spanked don't you?"

"Yes (another smack, followed by a moan) S-s-sir." She panted.

"You like that stinging feeling on your pussy and ass cheeks as your hole is stretched?"

Another hard spank to her pussy followed by another yelp. I dipped two fingers into her and rapidly pumped them, rubbing against her g spot.

She could only nod as I continued to ask her questions about being a "good anal slut", and "my good girl", she was now fully giving herself to me however I desired.

"Sometimes a good spanking is needed to help you remember to be a good girl." I whispered, my mouth now almost pressed to her ear. She nodded again. I withdrew my fingers and spanked her pussy one more time.

My want for her was now at its peak and I needed to feel her wrapped around more than a finger or two.

I slipped my shorts down to released my throbbing cock, positioned myself behind her and took in the sight in front of me.

She was on the tips of her toes bent over the bed, her calves tensed up and showing their shape, her ass was red all over and her open pussy was puffy and begging to be touched, all while her juices run down the inner part of her thighs.

She was a mess and exactly how I needed her to be. I lined up my cock and bottomed out in her. I placed my hand at the small of her back and used my thumb to keep the plug in place.

This needed to be a lust fuck. She didn't need to be loved in this moment, she needed to be fucked and fucked hard.

I held her in position and hammered with everything I had. My balls slapped against her clit, the front of my thighs collided with the back of hers, causing our room filled with the sounds of me dominating her from behind. She moaned loudly every time my cock grazed over her g spot or my balls hit her clit just right.

I reached out with my right hand and took a hold of her pony tail, pulling it on it, causing her back to arch once again.

Her sensitive nipples were now grazing the bed with each thrust, I was running out of stamina but determined to get her to finish. I pushed the plug in as hard as I could with my thumb causing her pussy tighten, this took her over the edge and she came, screaming loudly.

Once her orgasm had passed I let her hair fall from my grasp and slowed my strokes. I continued the pressure of my thumb on the plug, enjoying the feeling of her pussy gripping me with each push and pull as her muscles contracted and released.

She turned her head to look back at me and said "I want you to finish in my ass." I needed no encouragement as my fingers immediately wrapped around the base of the plug and pulled.

The plug slipped from within her and I walked to the bedside table to place it on a waiting towel while she climbed up onto the bed on all fours.


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