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Wife Sold at Auction Pt. 02


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Paul looked at me then at Mike. I saw a faint smile on his face. "Can I really?"

"Sure, just like opening a birthday gift, only this gift is so much better."

I stood there as I saw Paul trying to get up the nerve to touch me. Mike was smiling and patiently waiting. He looked at me saying, "Put your hands behind your head," as he motioned with his hands to raise my arms.

I did as Mike instructed. This had the effect of raising the hem of my already scandalously short dress to a much higher level. I know Paul could clearly see my bald pussy now. Evidently that was all the motivation he needed. He untied the belt around my waist letting the dress fall open. Once it was untied Mike told me to lower my arms and remove the garment.

I turned my back to them and slid the dress off my shoulders allowing it to slowly slide down my back. I could feel both sets of eyes on me. Paul got his first glimpse of my flawless back. As the dress slid lower if finally dropped from my arms revealing my ass and long legs. The stilettos really did a nice job shaping the muscles in my legs and buttocks.

It was so embarrassing standing in only my stiletto pumps while both of the men in the room were fully clothed. If you have never experienced it, there is a strange vulnerability that envelops you when you are the only naked person in a room. When everyone else is naked, like one of our swinger parties, I don't feel as naked as I do now as the only person in the room without clothing.

Paul was silent as he gazed upon my nude body from the back. I heard Mike say, "Turn around and let Paul get a good look at your beautiful body."

I put my arm across my nipples and used my other hand to hide my pussy as I turned so the men could see me. When I was facing Paul, Mike was a little stern when he said, "Don't be rude! Both hands behind your back so Paul can get a good look at you. Do it now!"

Slowly I let my arm fall revealing my nipples while moving my other hand to give Paul an up close look at my fresh Brazilian waxed pussy. Mike always liked the feel of my cunt after waxing. He liked waxing because there was no stubble, like when I shave. Even though getting your pussy and ass waxed is much more painful than shaving, Mike really likes me better that way so I continue to keep myself waxed for him.

It was so embarrassing standing there as they both stared at me. To keep myself from forgetting to keep myself on display and unconsciously covering myself, I put my arms behind my back gripping my left wrist with my right hand. The room was cool, but I was so hot at this moment, even though I was standing there in only my stilettos. The one good thing was the coolness of the room. As another benefit the cool temperature made my nipples harden and look sexier. I liked how my tits look when my nipples are hard. I stood in front of this man I had only met a few minutes earlier as I watched his eyes devour my body. My husband was in charge and was encouraging the man feast his eyes upon my body. I was certain my face and chest were red from blushing with embarrassment.

As I stood there and felt the eyes of both men on me, I saw Mike's head turn to Paul and heard him say, "She really is a beauty, isn't she? I know you want to touch her, what man wouldn't? Feel free to touch her anywhere you want. You can stroke, poke or pinch her. That is what she is here for and honestly, I would take it as a compliment if you want to touch her and feel how soft her skin is. It is truly like silk. Go ahead and satisfy your curiosity and see for yourself how good she feels. Make sure you feel those soft and sexy pussy lips. They are as soft as silk. If you want to feel inside her, go right ahead and do so."

Paul was surprised at what Mike had offered. His eyes were glued on me, but he was talking to Mike when he asked, "Really?"

Without asking me, Mike said, "Yes, go ahead. She is mine and I certainly don't mind."

"But, what does she think about me touching her?"

"Paul if you remember, she is a slave for the weekend, what she wants is not relevant to the enjoyment of my friends. You are one of my friends, aren't you?"

"Yes, sir, I certainly am your friend."

"Well then, please, she is mine and she is here for your enjoyment. It is not often you get an opportunity like this."

Paul closed the distance between us. I had been thinking all day and knew if I was to survive this and enjoy it to the maximum, I would need to be like an actor that took on the part of their character and actually let their thoughts and mannerisms become those of the character rather than their own. I knew I would enjoy this weekend if I could become, if only for this weekend, a real slave auctioned to a stranger for his use. I would know I was purchased by him or her to become their own personal sex slave. The buyer would be Master or Mistress over their purchase and could do whatever they wanted with their newly purchased property. The purchase would have been made to simply own a sex toy to use for their own pleasure.

This was the moment I would make the transformation in my own mind. I thought silently to myself that now was as good a time as any to get my mind into my role as that of a sex slave. I would live the role in my heart and I would enjoy this fantasy that much more. It would be natural for a real slave to experience embarrassment. Only a hardened slave who had been beaten and demoralized would not have emotions when she was used by others. I would live my fantasy and put my body and mind into my role as a real living human sex slave. I would think of myself as simply female flesh that could be bought and sold by anyone wanting to use me. My owner would also have the right to let others use me. Right now, Mike was my owner and he was playing the role well.

As I took on my new persona, my natural submissive personality was allowing me to enjoy being seen as a sex object and not as a woman with a free will. I told myself, 'you are a slave and are here for the sole purpose of bringing pleasure to others.' I knew as the fantasy progressed I would be experiencing more excitement and humiliation. I hopped the person who bought me would push my limits. I was actually looking forward to relinquishing control of my body to a total stranger. I was looking forward to being pushed beyond any artificial limits of humiliation I knew were present. My body was not mine to control for the remainder of this weekend. The use and display of my body was in the hands of the person who owned me. In my mind I would become a piece of property to be used as my owner desired. At least this was what I hope to accomplish. I knew if I was successful I would enjoy this fantasy fulfillment so much more and the person who bought me would enjoy their role as my Master or Mistress.

I watched as Paul reached out with his right hand and ever so gently stroked my arm. His hands felt rough on my skin. His touch sent a chill as goose bumps appeared along my arm. I stood still as he took my hand in his and lifted it to his mouth. It was sweet as he kissed my hand very gently, as a gentleman might do. I had to fight the tear I felt forming in my eye. It was such a sweet gesture and totally out of the spirit of the moment. I was overcome with emotion. Holding my hand he looked at me and said, "Miss you are truly a very beautiful woman. I have never felt skin as soft as yours. Please don't think badly of me, but I must touch your body. I just can't help myself. The touch of your skin and this experience are things this old man will remember the rest of my life."

He was so sincere. I was emotionally touched by his kindness. I said nothing, but moved my left foot to the side opening my thighs while at the same time I lowered my eyes to the floor as a sign of my submission to him. Opening my body, as I did, I was letting Paul know he had full access to my body for his enjoyment. Mike had told me I could not speak, otherwise I would have offered my body to his touch to confirm what Mike had said.

He lowered my hand from his lips and caressed the underside of my left breast with the back of his hand. He then ran his fingers over the hard nipple. Taking my nipple between his thumb and forefinger he pinched it very gently sending a shock wave directly to my clit. I was so overcome; I raised my eyes to look into his eyes, and asked, "Sir, may I speak."

Paul was a little surprised by me asking for permission to speak, but said, "Of course, Miss."

I asked him, "Can you please pinch my nipple harder? This slave likes the feel of a strong man's hands on her body. Can you please do this for her? Please do not be gentle the Master's slave will not break. She is here for your enjoyment."

With that Paul realized I did not mind his touch at all. I believe speaking of myself in the third person added to the submissiveness of the moment. Paul took one of my nipples in each of his hands and pinched, while looking into my eyes. I know he was able to see the combined lust and pain I was feeling. Obviously he was emboldened by my comments, and moved his hand to grip my bald pussy and squeeze tightly. I know he had to feel the moisture from my arousal escaping from between my lips and onto his hand.

He got a surprised look on his face and turned to my husband. "Mr. Adams, I have never before felt a pussy this soft and she is so wet."

"She keeps it waxed for my pleasure. She just had it waxed yesterday morning. I hate the feel of razor stubble and I like a bald cunt, so she always keeps herself like this for me. If you check you will see her asshole and her legs are also waxed. As for the moisture you feel, that is because she enjoys it when you touch her. She knows you are finding pleasure by touching and probing her body."

As I continued to stand there with my hands still clasped behind me, Paul pulled my body closer to his and moved his hands behind me to grip my ass as he squeezed my ass cheeks with what felt like his full strength. Upon releasing his grip on my ass, I felt his fingers caress my asshole, apparently to check out what Mike had told him about it being hairless from my waxing. He took my right hand in his and moved my hand to placing it on the front of his pants directly atop his hardened cock. He moaned and pulled me tighter to him as I squeezed his manhood.

I was so overcome by the lust I was feeling, I think I shocked both men as I lowered myself onto my knees immediately in front of Paul. I smoothly and effortlessly unbuckled his belt opening his pants and freeing his impressive cock. Without expression on my face, I glanced at Mike as if to ask permission. I saw the slight nod of his head telling me to proceed. I turned back to this man and took his hardened manhood into my mouth.

I know men enjoy controlling women and seeing a woman at their feet taking their precious manhood into her mouth. I like that this act of submission and stimulation of their sensitive flesh gives them a huge surge of testosterone. To give him the best experience possible, as I knelt before him, I looked up into Paul's eyes so he could enjoy watching his cock slide between my lips. His desire to use me was obvious in his eyes and by the increased grip of his hands on my head. I heard a moan escape Paul's mouth and knew he was enjoying the sensation of his cock in my mouth. I knew from past experience the combination of working my tongue against the underside of a man's cock and the visual stimulation they got from watching me swallow their cock was very arousing for them. All during this I kept my eyes locked on his. I was so proud that I was responsible for making this man's dreams come true. I knew he would not soon, if ever, forget this experience.

I continued to work his cock with all my cock sucking skills. Paul was in a dream world as he maintained eye contact with me. He watched me as I knelt at his feet, seeing his saliva covered cock slide in and out of my mouth. He broke his gaze and glanced once at Mike.

I glanced over at Mike and saw the look on his face as their eyes me. Without saying a word, Mike smiled and nodded his head indicating he understood the pleasure this man was experiencing. Seeing him turn back and again lock eyes with me I felt like I was looking into the soul of a man possessed with lust. I knew he wanted to rip his pants off and shove his cock in me, but he was content enjoying this willing woman at his feet anyway he could get her, and right now that was my mouth. He was lost in the moment of having the use of this submissive woman who had been loaned to him for the purpose of being used to bring him pleasure.

Continued in Part 3...

PLEASE REMEMBER: Depictions in this fictional story involving rape, violence and unprotected sex are okay only in fantasy, but NEVER in real life. REMEMBER TO ALWAYS play safe and have respect for others.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Nothing wrong with a long story. This is long winded.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
So far, so good.

Lots of word to get to "a" point. Most of this could be shortened and be just as good. Some of these paragraphs could be a lot shorter. It seems as if you are trying to make the story longer by using non-essential wording. On the upside it's a good story. Just longer than needed.

LenardSpencerLenardSpencerabout 7 years ago
Clitoris piercing?

Just a small point. The Clit is seldom pierced as the piercing can permanently destroy the nerves within the Clit, often removing most, if not all, sensation. It is normally the Clit Hood that gets pierced, allowing the metal to stimulate the clitoris. Sometimes constantly, depending on the type and position of the actual piercing.

Good luck with the rest of your tale.

HDRider17HDRider17about 7 years ago
Keep the story going

Please don't wait so long before you post another part to the story!

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