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Wife Wants a Hall Pass Ch. 09

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Barb's second visit.
6.7k words

Part 9 of the 67 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 01/31/2016
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Hall Pass -- 9 Fishing Trip

Friday finally came and everything was set. Linda had everything choreographed so well that our week end should go off like clockwork. I took off from work a little bit early and got home about four. Linda was already there. I loaded my truck for the fishing trip. That consisted of two ice chests, one for drinks and one to bring the fish home in. I threw in a change of clothes, my shaving kit and a rain suit, just in case. A boat and all the tackle we would use would be supplied by our guide, Mickey. "This is an easy way to go fishing," I thought. I was set to go.

Gus showed up about five-thirty and he and Linda did their hugs and kisses act. Her Uncle Gus was the man who reared her after her parent's demise, just before she started high school. He loves her at least as much as I do but in a different way, of course. She loves him too. She says he was the first alpha male in her life. I used to fear him when I was young. Before Linda and I were married he always told me he would kill me if I brought her home pregnant. I still believe he meant it. We have become good friends over the years since our marriage. He is in his early sixties now but just as big and powerful as he always has been.

Linda had sandwiches and beer for us so we sat on the patio. Linda and Gus visited while we ate. They are both so busy they don't get together as often as they should. Gus apologized for taking me away and leaving her at home alone. She told him one of her girlfriends was coming to visit and they had a full day of shopping planned for Saturday. It seemed to satisfy him.

Linda had told me that Barbara was due to arrive about nine, so well before eight I kissed Linda goodbye, hustled Gus into my truck and we hit the road. We checked into our motel and hit the sack by ten. The plan was to meet Mickey at four-thirty the next morning. He said we could be anchored over a honey-hole by five-thirty if we were on time.

We got up at three-thirty. After a quick shower, we dressed and grabbed a quick breakfast from the vending machines in the motel lobby. Coffee and sweet rolls were the best we could do. We met Mickey on time. He had the boat in the water and the bait boxes full when we got there. All the tackle we would need, lived on the boat so all we had to load was a cooler full of ice, beer and bottled spring water.

We dropped anchor in forty feet of water over his hole at five-twenty-five. Fish were showing on the sonar print out and Gus caught the first one while I was still rigging my line. That's why Mickey gets the big money. He is definitely the best guide on the lake.

As long as the fish were biting, I was okay but when there was a lull, my mind wandered to Linda and Barb. I guess it was obvious, Gus asked me a couple times what was distracting me. I didn't tell him about the pictures in my head of the girls doing exquisitely erotic things with each other. The monster woke up. I amazed myself. I had absolutely no bad feelings about them being together. I remembered Linda's comment about the two them double-teaming me. The monster moved. I love to fish but I'll be glad when this trip is over.

We limited out by eleven and Mickey took us to the dock. Gus and I iced the fish down as Mickey cleaned them. We wound up with about fifty pounds of filets. I bought lunch for the three of us at the marina café. We all had the chicken fried steak, special. It wasn't very special but it did fill up the hole.

After lunch, Gus and I headed home. We arrived at my front gate about three. I parked at the barn because that's where our long term storage freezer is. Gus and I started vacuum packing the fish for freezing and in a few minutes both the girls showed up to help.

Linda introduced Barb to Gus. He said, "I know this pretty red head. You worked at the bank in town for a while, didn't you, Barb?" They spent a few minutes getting reacquainted. Barb explained that she had taken a better job in Dallas and moved down there. She told Gus that she and Linda shop together when Linda goes to Dallas. She explained that they spent most of today at a factory outlet mall in Greenville.

We finished packing the fish away except for about five pounds that Gus put in his truck. I unscrewed the caps on a beer for each of us and we sat on the tailgates and enjoyed each other's company. Linda suggested that Gus Stay for dinner. She told him that she could talk me into putting some steaks on the grill.

He said, "That would be great but I'll have to ask for a rain check. I hate to leave this great company but your old Uncle has a date tonight."

Linda said, "Oh yeah, who is the lucky lady?"

He answered her, "It's not anyone new. I'm sure you remember the shrink lady. We've dated off and on for quite a while, now. We haven't seen each other in a few months but she called me, out of the blue, about a week ago. We've been kind of hanging out since then."

Barb piped up, "I'm a little disappointed to hear that Gus. I was starting to have designs on you myself."

Gus laughed and said, "Honey, You should understand that it is people like you that make me wish I was twenty-five years younger." He slid off the tail gate and helped her down, then said, "I've found that I do better if I operate within my own class, though. The shrink lady is closer to my age and she can accept my weaknesses."

Barb let her hands run down Gus's powerful arms and replied, "Yeah, I'll bet she would tell me you don't have any weaknesses."

Linda jumped down from her seat and stepped between them. She hugged her uncle and I heard her whisper, "Bye Uncle Gus." She then took Barb's hand and said, "You better come with me before you talk yourself into something you can't talk your way out of." She led Barb away, toward the house. We all laughed.

Gus shouted after them, "Thanks for the happy thought Barb. I'll see you in my dreams." Barb looked back, offered her beautiful smile and waved.

We watched the girls walk away, hand in hand. It was a sight to behold. The monster moved.

Gus stood silent for a few seconds, then asked, "Luke, are you boinkin' that girl?"

Butterflies fluttered in my stomach and I needed a few seconds to think. I said, "WHAT?"

Gus said, "She spent the last couple minutes teasing this old man but she has been flirting with you ever since we got here."

I don't normally lie to Gus so I decided to tell him the truth. I said with a slight laugh, "She goes just as far with me as Linda allows."

Gus shook his head and said, "Well, she is a pretty girl. Don't let her get you in trouble." He got in his truck and cranked it up. He said as he backed to turn around, "Call me when you want to go fishing again."

I closed the barn door and got in my truck. I opened the gate for Gus with my remote and moved to my regular parking spot closer to the house. I closed the gate and went into the house.

I was met by two naked women. I asked if they had fun while I was gone.

Linda replied, "We most definitely did but not as much as we are going to have now that you are home."

They informed me that I smelled like Lake Texoma and needed a bath. They led me to the pool house and stripped my clothes off me.

The shower was a most memorable experience. The girls washed my hair and my body thoroughly. The monster rose to his greatest glory. He was stiff like a galvanized pipe. Linda dropped to her knees and engulfed him in her mouth. She licked and sucked for a few seconds then let him out. She looked up at me while she gently stroked him in her hands. She said, "Barb said I could have the easy one but then it would be her turn." She swallowed him.

I allowed her to continue, for a minute or so. Barb fondled my balls and massaged my ass and thighs some. When I felt myself become in danger of losing it, I helped Linda rise to her feet and kissed her. I broke the kiss and said, "This isn't the way I want the easy one."

I led her to the bed room. We were still wet but nobody cared. I laid her on the bed and crawled between her parted thighs. I touched her love button with my tongue and then sucked it into my mouth. I teased it with my tongue and teeth. She instantly had one of her baby orgasms. I inserted a finger inside her and stirred the pot. In less than a little while, she came all over me. I found myself in a familiar situation. Her hands were on the back of my head, forcing my face into her pussy. Her thighs were gripping me like a vice. I know she had gone vocal but I couldn't hear.

As she came down, I crawled up her body and kissed her. I let the monster find his way inside her. We fucked slowly and gently while her heart rate came down. I don't know how but I managed to maintain control for another ten minutes until I felt her increase the authority of her response to my thrust. She was rocking under me and I could feel the heat rising in her. When she came I didn't even try to control myself. I just jumped over the edge with her. It had been three days since we had had sex. I was full of cum. I dumped it all as deeply inside her as I could manage. She squeezed and held the monster with her pussy. Then it was over. I collapsed on top of her and just stayed there. I felt the monster deflate and begin his retreat. Finally, I rolled off her and we cuddled as we recovered.

Barb had watched the whole show. She only gave me a few minutes before I felt her tongue in my ear. She said, "I need some attention now." She pulled me away from Linda and out of the bed. I allowed myself to follow as if I were in a daze. We walked outside to the pool and down the steps into the shallow end. For some reason, I noticed it wasn't dark yet.

Her arms were around my neck. Her feet came off the bottom and I felt her legs go around my waist. Her ankles locked behind me and her pussy ground into my pubic bone. The monster was dead in the water. We kissed for a long time.

She broke the kiss and laid her head on my shoulder. She said, "Damn, that was hot Luke. I've never seen anything like that. I think I have figured out why Linda allows us to be together. She needs help. I'll bet when you two are alone, you damn near fuck her to death." She went on, "I'm going to give you some recovery time but then I want you to fuck me exactly the same way."

I chuckled and replied, "You've got it backward. When Linda and I are alone it's me that fears being screwed to death. She really enjoys sex and she's damn good at it. The other thing is, you may be disappointed. The monster may be down for the count."

She reached between us and handled my package. The monster jerked. She said, "Don't worry about him. I have no doubt he will rise to the occasion." She stuck her tongue back in my mouth.

I looked at the window in the pool house. Linda was watching us. I moved Barb and me around as if we were dancing. Her wet naked body felt so good next to me. When I looked at the window again, Linda was not there.

A half hour passed. Barb maneuvered me to the steps where I could sit with the monster just on the surface of the water. She spent the next few minutes giving him some special oral attention and sure enough, he did begin to rise. When I felt my erection was strong enough, I rose and led her to the bed room.

We were wet and the bed was already wet. I laid her down the same way I had done Linda earlier. I bent and touched her clit with my tongue and as per her request. I proceeded to give her the exact same treatment I had given Linda earlier. Her body responded to me almost as well as Linda's had. I thought it would be easier for me to maintain control this time since I had been emptied so thoroughly. It wasn't easier. I guess being with a different partner has a strong erotic effect.

When we were finished I pulled her close and cuddled with her. We had ten minutes before Linda disturbed us. She had been watching and I hadn't even realized she was in the room until now. She said, "Your robe and slippers are in the bathroom. Take a quick shower and go fire up the grill. I laid pork chops out. Everything else is ready. We will both be sparkly by the time you finish cooking."

I groaned. All I wanted to do was sleep.

Linda kissed me on the cheek and said, "Come on now. Barb and I are famished. We haven't eaten since early this morning.

I got up. I noticed both of the girl's robes and house shoes were laid out as well.

The first thing I did after my shower was make myself a double Crown over ice. I lit the grill and sat to enjoy my drink while the temperature came up. "It isn't dark yet and I'm already spent," I thought. "Any man who thinks he can keep up with two women is deceiving himself. My muscles are bigger than theirs but either one of them is stronger than me sexually. Seriously, I might not survive this night."

The girls came on the scene just as I pronounced the meat ready. Linda brought out a bowl of mashed potatoes and a schooner of cream gravy from the warmer in the kitchen. Everything else was on the table. We ate and talked.

Barb looked at Linda and asked, "What are we going to do now, coach?"

Linda answered, "After dinner, I think we should get in the hot tub, drink a little bit and watch the sunset. I promised Luke he could have you after dark and fuck you until sunrise if he wanted to. I hope that's okay with you."

Barb said, "I'm okay with that. How about you, Luke?"

"Listen, girls," I answered, "You two have already screwed me silly. What are you going to do if I have a heart attack and die?"

Barb giggled and replied, "If that happens, Linda and I can play with each other until sunrise. Then I will go home and Linda can call an ambulance to come get your old, worn out and used up body." They both laughed.

Linda asked, "Do you have another idea, Luke?"

"I sure do," I said. "The part about watching the sunset and getting tipsy sounds good. Beyond that, I would like to crawl in bed with both of you. Me in the middle, of course, and all of us buck naked. We could see what happens next but I would like to spend at least some of the night asleep. If you let me sleep, I might survive." They both laughed.

Barb excused herself for the powder room and left Linda and me alone for a few minutes.

I said, "You know, our cover is blown, don't you?"

Linda asked, "What do you mean?"

I said, "Gus has a date with Kay tonight. If he tells her that Barb is here, Kay will know why she is here."

Don't worry about it," Linda said. "She will keep our secret."

"The other thing is," I said. "After the two of you left Gus and me alone at the barn, he asked me in his own colorful vernacular, if I was boinkin' Barb. He had picked up on her flirts with me."

"Damn," she said. "What did you tell him?"

I said, "I told him the truth." I paused for the drama to build, then went on. "I told him that we were all friends and Barb goes as far with me as you allow."

Linda said, "We need to be very careful. Maybe we are not very good at hiding things.

Barb returned to the table. She said, "I'll bet you talked about me while I was gone."

Linda answered, "As a matter of fact we did. What was your flirting so blatantly with Uncle Gus all about?"

Barb answered, "I wasn't kidding. Gus is a beautiful man. I would jump in his bed in a heartbeat."

Linda looked at me and said, "See what I told you about alpha males. They always score."

I laughed and said, "Barb, knowing Gus, you might well get the chance. If you do, be very careful. It would be best for Linda and me if he didn't find out about our relationship."

Barb said, "I understand that." She looked at Linda then, and asked, "Does what I said about Gus upset you, Linda?"

Linda laughed and said, "Oh hell no. Gus has bedded most of the single women in this county. The rest of them want to sleep with him but just haven't had the chance. If I let myself get angry about Gus's love life I couldn't have any friends at all. If you get the chance and really want to sleep with him, I'm just going to consider that it's none of my business."

I said, "I need a new drink and the hot tub is calling."

Linda and Barb decided to split a bottle of white wine and I stayed with the Crown.

A few minutes later we had pretty much cleaned up the table and stowed the dinner dishes in the washer. I found myself sitting naked in the hot tub with a beautiful woman on either side of me and a fresh drink in my hand.

"I have to ask," I said. "I am thinking about the soccer coach in your case Linda and Gus in your case Barb. Are all women attracted to older men?"

Linda answered, "All women are attracted to alphas. It doesn't much matter how old they are. Other men only get laid at all because there aren't enough alphas to go around." She went on, "If an alpha can maintain his health and his obvious virility into old age, he will always attract women. If he doesn't maintain either of those things, he is no longer an alpha."

Barb chimed in, "I am so lucky. Linda is willing to share you with me tonight because there aren't enough alphas here for each of us to have one. If Gus hadn't had a date tonight, I might have left with him."

I said, "Damn, there is a lot I don't know about women. Maybe this means I can expect to get laid when I'm old."

Barb slid closer and took the monster in her hand. She said, "Well, you're going to learn more about this woman tonight. I'm going to take Linda up on her offer to let me sleep with you. I'm planning on letting you sleep some if you will hold me. I feel warm and safe when you hold me. I'm not going to let you sleep all night but I do want you to survive so we can do this again." She squeezed the monster. He jerked in her hand. She giggled.

I nursed my drink until hard dark. We watched the stars come out. The girls both cuddled with me and teased the monster. I needed another drink so I went in to get one. The girls were playing with each other when I returned. I didn't disturb them. I sat in a lounge chair and watched.

Linda had sat on the edge of the tub with her legs stretched out over Barb's shoulders. As I watched she lowered her back to the deck and with her hands drew Barb's face into her vee. Linda's legs bent at her knees and she used them to draw Barb's body closer to her. She put more pressure on the back of Barb's head with her hands and her hips gently rolled and pitched in sync with Barb's efforts. It didn't take long. They looked like a matched pair working together. Barb knew exactly how to help Linda cum and neither of them was trying to make it last.

Linda screamed, "YES, OH GOD, Y-E-E-S-S-S," as her orgasm erupted. Her body shook and she bucked hard into Barb's face. It lasted a long time. I thought Barb might be injured.

When it was over, Linda released her holds on Barb as she let her body relax. Barb came up to breathe but immediately went back down and continued tickling Linda with her tongue. I saw Linda shudder through two of her baby orgasms as she came down.

Linda rested for just a minute then raised herself off the deck and slid into the water. They came together and kissed for a long time.

The monster was extremely excited.

Linda seemed to finally realize I was there. She separated herself from Barb and crawled out of the water and over to me. I was gently stroking the monster. She took over that task but almost instantly engulfed him in her mouth and swallowed. This slow and absolutely wonderful throat fuck lasted about twenty seconds. When Linda felt the monster move the first time, she spit him out. He flopped hard against my belly with a loud plop. She crawled up my body and lay on top of me with the monster trapped between us. We kissed.

She whispered in my ear, "I'm going to bed. Make her happy, Luke. Make her want to play with us again." She rose and picked up her robe and slipped her feet into her house shoes. She blew a kiss to Barb and walked away without putting the robe on.


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