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All Comments on 'Wife's High School Reunion'

by mannydcamp

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AnonymousAnonymousover 20 years ago
A new fan

Hi Manny,

Just finished aother story of yours, I just found your site today and i'm a new fan, I enjoy My high school reunion, I wish you would gave the age. In the two stories I have finish so far, you seem to put me right there in the middle, GOOD JOB

A new fan


dsidedsideabout 20 years ago
Sure, she really loves him.

She loves her husband so much that the slut fucks another man the first chance she gets. Worse yet, when she finally tells him the wimp forgives her, even though he seems to be hurt. Give me a break!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 20 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
She's a good wife.

By any reasonable standard, she is an excellent wife. Ten years of faithfulness vs. one night of indiscretion is something a loving husband can overlook and forgive and in no way does that make him a wimp. Further, she felt guilty and even told her husband. Certainly, considering the fact that her husband has been neglecting her, it is easy to understand that she might give into temptations.

It is a very good story and even more so because the story is very plausible.

sexmatesexmateabout 19 years ago
There should have been some consequences!

Yes her husband still might have forgave her but ther should have been som consquences and trust issues after the confession! If not she wiould just have some excuses to do it again some other time.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
Supersexy Story With Sense of Reality

The best thing about the writing is how you do give it a sense of reality with her thoughts.

I will admit though that I would have found it more of a turnon if she had suddenly had her senses return and think not only about the adultry she had committed, she would also think about how she was not on the pill. An adultrous pregnancy that her husband never knew about and unwittingly was raising another man's child as his is a favorite theme of mine.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
the marriage

If the wife cared so much for her marriage it didnt hurt to have sex with the ex boyfriend its a wonder he didnt throw her out and take the baby away from her she broke her vows and she had no control over herself i hope she keeps looking over shoulder for her husband to kick her tail out.

bornagainbornagainover 16 years ago
Kill the woman

The wife uses the reunion to cheat on her husband then she dont even think about him or her marriage if she has any love for him or the marriage she should try to sit down with him with a councelor and try to keep it together if not she should ask for divorce or the husband should should have gone to the reunion by himself while she was there and crucify the guy for putting the moves on his wife then divorce her.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Rated high ...

because this is a much too often of a happening,,, A person going to a high school reunion without spouse has this fleeting thought in his or her mind

Gary13Gary13about 15 years ago
Wonderful story!

This story is very believable. The lonely, frustrated but loving wife and mother gets carried away with the good time and the great attention she receives from an old boyfriend. The world is full of women like her, unfortunately for them, most don't find a way to have a harmless, no strings, no repercussions fling. The best part is eventually sharing it with her husband, and after some hurt, he accepts it. If a man is mature enough to forgive her and go on with life together, often they will improve their relationship.

I can't say just "no harm done" because it goes further than that - great GOOD was done.

One other, interesting side note - those little sidebars that suggest other, similar stories? Well, the one at the end of "Wife's High School Reunion" lists five stories that are among my very favorites, and authors that I greatly admire - two of whom, Kala and Jennifer, have become good friends of mine, and I introduced them to each other! How cool is it to find all these great authors listed at the end of one more great story? Often the suggested "similar stories" are poor. Not this time!

This story has received low scores and degrading remarks from a couple of readers. You people shouldn't have been reading a Loving Wives story if you don't like the subject matter. One of you obviously didn't read it, because your recollection of facts in the story are so inaccurate.

To people like you, go away! If you don't have something nice to say, go stand in the middle of the freeway.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
you guys

just like lots of guys, its always the womans fault, 'oh no it cant be the guys fault, never'

so if a husband flirts with someone else, 'hey thats just fun'

if the wife does it, 'she's a slut'

guy's most of you ask for what you get, 'SOME' of you want us to act like 'whores' tease other guys, so if i asked my husband to act like a 'whore' in front of guys, or even tease them, what do you think his reaction would be???

Ducky7Ducky7over 14 years ago
Will you also remember the hurt look in your

husbands eyes when you told him? Yes did have a fantasy about you fucking another guy, but fantasy and reality are very different. To address a comment about flirting and a double standard, was fucking an old boyfriend behind hubby's back flirting? (While he was at home taking care of the little one.)

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
I wonder if the situtation

had been reversed, would she have forgiven him? Food for thought. She only confessed when husband admitted he wanted to see her do the nasty with another man. Even though he felt bad he still got turned on knowing she did the nasty. Call it whatever you want, but he's just another cuckold wimp.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

Slut, tramp.skank, whore

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
A Good Friend

Is retired police, now private investigator, and very few, like none, of the cheated spouses found it erotic watching their loving wife or husband cheat. Where this bullshit comes from I don't know, but unless a guy is gay or bi he isn't going to enjoy this, but for the sake of a story I guess it will continue. I damm sure would have a nite of my own and would never trust my wife again, didn't find this erotic.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Great Story!

Very believable and erotic. I think this happens a lot--in fact both my wife and I have had relationships with ex-classmates since we have been married.

Some people can only relate to being fully monogamous. Others, particularly if they have been married for a long time, enjoy the idea of sharing their spouse with others or allowing extramarital relations.

Takes all kinds and whatever workd for a couple is the answer.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

One of the very best..thanks

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

A very good story. I agree that the folks that said that they don't understand why folks who think sex outside of marriage is morally wrong read these kinds of stories to begin with. They should NOT be at these sites that are about sex outside marriage!! Go read the Bible (which also has lots of fortification (if you don't like the word Fucking!), adultery, and sex, or Mary Poppins or anything else.

It is crazy to criticize a sex story on a sex site. What were you really expecting?

huedogghuedoggalmost 13 years ago
wow anon, the last comment

after that statement you made, you should take your own advice, refering to the bible on a sex website.....

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
interesting woman's view of infidelity

Nicely done, although clearly the author is a woman. Erotic in its own way, it leave a man completely unsatisfied. The dis-focus on the main-life-view versus high-detail on the sex make it a giveaway that a man did not write this. Also, the idea that the story-wife was in love with the husband reflects a woman's concern of love, rather than a man's concern of physical fact (she fucked someone else.)

No man would "get over" this .. nor would any woman, in truth. Women tend to idealize this notion, but many simply divorce the cheating husband. That commentary inflicts reality on the intended story line.

The wrongness is in violation of a vow. Men and women see this stark fact alike. The transcendence is in forgiveness. Quite a nice story, but real sorrow - and therefore forgiveness - was never really possible; even the final "I will never forget" is an admission that she was not repentant. No real repentance, no real forgiveness. That's real, and the author should reconsider how to finish the story. Talk to a man, the truth might be a refreshing improvement.

DWornockDWornockover 12 years ago

Sexy but too short for the highest rating.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Well, well, well.....

.I'm not sure you are aware how often you use...or overuse the world 'Well'. I liked the story but the overuse of the word annoyed me.

nakdsubnakdsubabout 12 years ago

Once again, with no tag or warning, we're going to wait and turn a fairly good story into just another willing cuckhold piece of crap at the very end.

ErotonautErotonautalmost 12 years ago
All this preaching...

Their marriage was a low ebb, potentially on the way to oblivion. Maybe the guilt she feels after this fling is what persuaded her to make more of an effort to make it work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

The tale of a cheating skank

boraddaboraddaover 11 years ago
Naughty but nice

Think they both had a great time,

Just a one off, then best forgotten.

piedpiper59piedpiper59about 11 years ago
Good story but...

Please learn the difference between then and than. It's the most annoying word swap ever! Other THAN that, well done.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
To Pied piper (sounds like a nonce handle, are you a fucking dirty pedophile you fucking prick?)

What the fuck you on???? You need carving up you freak..

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
The usual cheating slut putrid story.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

I do like true to life stories on this site... This one plays out a many of times at high school reunions... If you do not attend with your wife, you can bet she can go as far as she wants to go... and most will be all the way...

Pulsifer42Pulsifer42over 9 years ago
Very disappointing story

You created a situation where a relatively young wife cuckolded her husband and child and got away with it. Clearly this opened the door and she did it again and again etc. I don't like her and I don't like the story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

make sure in the remembrance that you remember it as betrayal and as you remember it all the rest of your life you betray your husband each and every time.

impo_60impo_60over 9 years ago
Cheating and lying....

Cheating and lying show how low a person can fall...If she had confessed as soon as arrived home, was one thing...Anyone can fall, but she didn't and always remembered that night with pleasure and not with guilty...she cheated her husband and her child...1*

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Somewhat, indirectly she indicated, withg an excuse, that she wanted a night out and away by herself.

She may not have consciously thought about getting laid but the freedom of movement and intermingle with old friends was exciting and she just wanted to feel free to visit - no more.

She didn't calculate, seduce or lead on her old bf but he was comfortable and she indulged her freedom of choice and allowed things to progress to where they ended up having sex and NOTE...she didn't suddenly yell STOP and squirm away - NO, she finished the act so...

Okay, she had a brief affair, got an orgasm, enjoyed making out, felt guilty (Correct feeling), told him he could call her and went home in hopes to get away with it - which, she did so...

Don't we think she didn't think the night through occasionally and don't we think she might have dreamed it would have been some loving encounter and not just a quicky so...what if...

Well, she finally tells hubby and he doesn't handle it well...WELL...don't we think he will dwell on it and if he still has this fetish about seeing her with another man that he won't someday begin to try and talk her into doing it again - YES, he will and ...SHE WILL and this time(s) it will be far more seductive and enjoyable...all the time!

Thanks for the story, not a thriller but as you can read by my comments...possibilities will arise from this point on!

ErotFanErotFanalmost 9 years ago
Another great story

Once again you have a penchant for ending a story begging for an epilog.

Since it's HIS story (from 1st sentence) why doesn't he give his reaction?

You seem to like the MFM, wife tease/cheat scenarios a lot.

Perhaps that it why you don't address the husbandly aftermaths so much???

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

Drinking and dancing will turn a woman into a slut, whore, tramp.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
been there, experienced that ...

I had a very similar experience. We went together to her 25 year reunion as we had all of her reunions. Saturday was a family day. After playing volley ball I took all seven of our kids home and stayed with them the rest of the night. I don't know what all happened the rest of the evening/night but I do know how it ended. The party was over and my wife had made arrangements to stay with some of her out of town girlfriends at a room they had rented. Well, everyone had left - except for my wife and an old crush from high school days. They had never dated b/c she would not "put out" and that's what he was interested in. But he was a hot football player and she had a really strong crush for him that had never been satisfied. Ending up alone together was completely innocent, at least with her. I don't know whether it was innocent on his part or if he was still motivated by a desire to have sex with her. Two of her personality traits were, and still are, that she was a heavy beer drinker and never left a party until everyone else was gone or going. Well, someway the two of them ended up in the parking lot drinking beer o/s of his truck. The night got longer as they continued to reminisce about high school, including how they had felt about each other and what might have been. Eventually they ended up inside his truck, the conversation getting deeper and deeper into what might have been. Simultaneously, they both leaned over and began kissing passionately. As the sexual tension continued to overcome them, they began fondling each other - he enjoying the feel of her now eager, large breasts with their prominent gumdrop nipples pressing ever harder through the thin material of her blouse and her stroking his ever hardening dick through his now wet jeans. Well, anyone with an ounce of intuition about human behavior knows what now was unavoidable and where all of this went. They stayed together all night, making out in his truck until the sun rose and her girlfriends came looking for her. They advised her not to say anything to me but she could not cope with the unrelenting guilt gnawing at her. When we got home, she picked what she thought was the right moment and she said there was something she needed to tell me before someone else did. She said that she had kissed this other man. I asked what else happened and she said nothing else happened - that there was no sex involved. Being naïve, I thought that she had just "kissed" him and didn't want someone else to tell me and have me think that something else was going on. I then immediately made intensely passionate love to her, a little turned on by her story but thankful it had gone no further than a kiss. We had been married for 22 yrs and I had no reason to doubt her story of innocence. Fast forward 17 more years and I'm in the shower one morning and out of nowhere it hits me like a bucket of cold water - just how totally naïve and gullible I had been. What she described as she had "kissed" him was not "a simple kiss" as I had presumed. She has always been a very aggressive, passionate French kisser. It took 17 years for it to dawn on me but that's what she meant when she said that she had "kissed" him and needed to tell me herself before anyone else did. My mind was quickly overcome with thoughts of what else happened that night, how the evening really progressed - the "kiss" just the beginning of hours of intense, long suppressed sexual desire on the part of them both. I would assume her intense, unbearable feeling of guilt set in when she realized both what she had done and how immensely erotic and satisfying the tryst had been. Finally, after more than two decades, the unforeseen opportunity to be able to enjoy and consummate the desire she had always had for this football hunk that she found so desirable! Well, that epiphany came to me two years ago and the ramifications of that "kiss" have haunted me every day since then - every day. Recently, on what I felt was an opportune occasion, I reluctantly brought it up to her again, questioning her in specific detail what did and did not happen that night. Again, just as before, she allowed only that they "kissed," that there was no sex involved of any kind and that she just didn't remember any other details about it. Well, I had now reached another dead end with the same bothersome imaginations wracking my mind with unbearable, unanswered doubts and suspicions. We have been married now for 40 wonderful years, with seven now grown kids and our 13th and 14th grandkids on the way. I love her and have always loved her with all my heart and have never doubted her complete love for me. I forgave her back then when it all happened and I still forgive her for whatever happened but the agony of not knowing what actually happened between the two of them eats at me virtually every day. After 17 years of not being concerned about that evening, for the last two years, and continuing on today, my unresolved thoughts and concerns of what might have transpired that night have been an unrelenting and deeply tortuous strain on me. I realize that I'll never have the peace of simply knowing what happened or didn't happen but I'll have to accept, not like but accept, that I'll never, ever have those answers. I pray to God frequently that someday, someway, I'll once again become distracted enough that I'll no longer, ever think of that night again.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Until it festers for awhile

And he divorces her. Dumb story ending. No way he forgives the slut.

widowedidiotwidowedidiotover 6 years ago
First time.

Your stories are hot. Except for the typos, they are good reading. My late wife had her first affair when we had only been married less than seven years. We had just lost our oldest one when we had been married six years. I know my sisters husband took advantage of the situation as we were still in mourning. She never gave an indication and I never suspected anything. Funny thing is I had experienced the usual symptoms of a knotting in my stomach, cold sweat, even throwing up all day at work before she told me about it. I didn't lose it or beat her up. No. We stayed together for forty eight years before she died. The thing is that even though I didn't get mad at her. My love for her died that night. We had a good life, going out, on vacations and doing things other married couples did. But I didn't love her and she knew it. She would ask me and I would tell her that I did love her but it was a lie. If it hadn't been for our other kids I think I would have left that night. Being the idiot that I am, I realized after she died that it had not been a one time thing. it took that long to catch up with her lies. And not only about him. since there were quite a few others. Anyway Loved your writing and hope you keep giving us more stories.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Did this story and so many of this authors stories get above 3.5

I thought the BTB crowd would bash this into a 1.

fishgetterfishgetterover 3 years ago

Damn, this was a RUSHED story, from the get-go. You need to repost this after writing it, properly. Got a 3* from me as the rest of the stars, just rushed away.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
sound like a true to life story

This is played out about every time there is a high school reunion 5

26thNC26thNCabout 3 years ago

If wife goes to HS reunion alone, she gonna go full on whore very quickly, at least in these lame LW stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

If that's all it takes to get you to fuck other men, why not organize the next reunion and let several others have your cheating slut pussy? I'm sure your sissy wimp husband would love watching you get some STD's!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I thought it was very hot. It was short, but I am don't think you had to elaborate anymore than you did. It was a one night thing and that was it. This does not make you a slut as someone mentioned. I think all men and women think about the ones we had or the ones we wished we had and got a second chance.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago


Anthony1965Anthony19658 months ago

Awesome story!!!!

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

I think most fantasies stay in mental fantasy-land for a reason. That she "will always remember that lustful night with Joe" says it all about her idea of intimacy with her husband. Only a fool would stay with her. I wonder how many long she waited, and how many memories tainted for him by doubt? A one-night-stand does not, as aother commenters says, make her a slut. Sex is not always the same as intimacy and love, but when it happens illicitly (as in without the marital partner's consent), it puts all the rest in doubt. The unappreciated spouse who stays in such a marriage can easily be thought of as a 'chump'.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

What a load of bullshit. The husband, never once in your seven or 10 years of marriage, suggested he wants to be cuckolded, suddenly drops that fantasy conveniently after the fact? This shitty story belongs in the shitbox fantasy section.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

I fuckin hate these stories where they've been married for a decade or more, the wife cheats, and the husband is all "Sweet Bro! I've always fantasized about you being fucked by another guy!" Shows a lack of communication in their marriage, obviously. Maybe some insecurities. Or the writer decided they hated the story as much as we do and instead of finishing it out with a btb ending, he ended the shitty story with a shitty ending. And what the fuck was with the beginning? The husband starts with "This story is about my wife," Then she ends up being the narrator. Best part about this story is that it was only one page.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Was good until the end. Fuck them both at the same time.

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