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Window Seat - Pt. 01


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Jen kneeled beside us- half on and half off the bed, watching Em getting fucked; watching her sucking cock. "Do you like tasting yourself on his cock, Emily? Do you like my little brother's hard cock? I can't wait to taste you, too. Mmmm but do you know what you're gonna do now, girl? You're gonna have them both at once. Turn around so Kevin can fuck you and you can suck Sean. Ready? Now!" Emily obeyed and moved like a dancer as Kevin and I withdrew simultaneously, taking me in her hot, sucking mouth as Kevin's cock took root in her sweet cunt. Emily was being fucked hard, and she was loving it. Kevin and I leaned close over her back and we kissed. Jen whispered in Emily's ear, describing what we were doing and she moaned loudly around my shaft. I could tell Kevin was getting close so I pulled out of her mouth and let them fuck. I kneeled with Jen on the floor and kissed madly while they both finished- nearly screaming, thrashing.

They stayed in position- I imagine Emily was milking his cock as she had milked mine before- until they collapsed like a burning building into a smoldering heap on the covers. I had my hand all over Jen's tits and she smiled between the kiss and backed away in inch or two, whispering. "We're gonna fuck, Sean, we're gonna fuck lots... but first..."

Though smaller, Jen gently manhandled Emily so she was positioned again with her ass on the edge of the bed, her toes barely touching the floor. Jen was over her and they shared a soft, romantic kiss. Jen moved lower to suck her hard nipples, then kiss her tummy- and lower and Em's legs parted wide as if by magic. Kevin and I watched from either side of them as Jen feasted on a fresh fucked cunt, her delighted moans a counterpoint to Emily sighing. She lay back caressing her tits with one hand and the other ruffled in Jen's blonde pixie cut, her legs spreading and squeezing in turn. Finally Em sat up and guided Jen's face up to hers- sharing a lingering kiss, sharing her brother's seed.

After the kiss, Emily looked like she was waking from a dream. She held her new lover close and looked around at Kevin and I in turn. Em looked as if she was wondering if we were going to judge her, but there was no judgment- only love. She smiled at me and cocked her head at Kevin who was lying back against the wall.

"You know what I want to see Sean," she whispered.

I knew what she meant and without hesitation I knelt on the soft rug beside the bed as Kevin moved down and I took his softening, wet cock in my mouth and sucked him to hardness as the girls watched, moaning, sighing in approval. I could taste him mixed with Em as he hardened. I could feel his hands all over my back as he hissed and told me how fucking good it was. I knew it was unlikely he'd come again, but we both enjoyed the experience.

When I lifted off his cock Jen and Em were locked in an embrace, their legs like scissors together, slick cunnies grinding together. They were moaning and totally into it, but soon their eyes locked on Kevin and I. I blushed and whispered, "I was right, Em- you tasted great all over him."

Emily shuddered and Jen laughed and clapped her hands together. "Alright, everyone out of the pool! Sean hasn't cum yet and I want that cock again!" We all unraveled and Kevin offered Emily his hand and they stood by the bed as Jen had me lay back so she could slide between my thighs. She sucked me for a moment. Emily moved closer and touched Jen's shoulder. "Look up there, sweetie," as she pointed at my window across the way. "Wave."

Jen looked at her with her brows furrowed. "Why? What's up there?"

"A camera."

"Oh god. A movie camera?" Emily nodded. "Do we get to see it?"

"If it turns out, Jen..."

"I hope it does. I really hope it does." She waved demurely to my window and lowered her slick, tight cunt down on me. I held her up by her tits. As we fucked, as we came, I happened to look over and see Emily and Kevin, naked, still holding hands and kissing. I wasn't sure how I felt about that, but they looked like a lovely couple.

It took me hardly any time to come, and Kevin returned the favor and cleaned my cock when we were done.

After everyone was happily and well fucked, Kevin ordered pizza. I was sent over to my apartment to see if the movie turned out. Sadly it was all a blur- you could hardly distinguish anything. The experiment had failed and they were all disappointed when I returned. Pizza had arrived and they had all put on t-shirts and I joined them as we sat curled up on the bed. As we decimated the pie and shared drinks, Emily asked them to tell us how things had happened- how they had become... so close.

Jen drew me down beside her- two couples spooning. Emily looked at me as she cuddled with Kevin. I could see a spark of something there- and it was like she was asking if I was angry. I wasn't.

Jen started the tale. "Ours was the last house on the school bus run- that'll tell you how isolated we were. Dad had actually built a turnaround in our driveway for the bus. From the moment we woke up to the moment we left for school, from the moment we got home to the moment we went to bed, we worked that shitty little farm. I know we were barely hanging on because I helped Mom with the accounts. And I cooked and I cleaned and hauled hay and fed the cattle and Kevin milked them and we plowed the land and plowed the driveway if there was snow. While all the other kids were dating and going to parties and doing god knows what, Kevin and I were completely left out. Oh, I went to a few sleepovers and parties, but I felt like and interloper when I did. It would have been nice to do sports, or maybe a school play, but there was no way."

"We weren't really bitter at the time, we were mostly tired."

"We both started late, and that didn't help. I started a year before Kev, but by the time he was in Grade Two, they skipped him ahead into the same grade as me because he was so freaking smart. I guess Mom agreed to because she'd know we'd have at least one person to talk to. And it was good having someone to do homework and study with and we got pretty good grades. But the fact was, we were outsiders. We didn't go to church, because Mom and Dad didn't believe in any of that stuff."

"We were the shy kids that never got invited to parties. Mom and Dad had tried to be understanding, but all their energy went to keeping the farm going and keeping food on the table. So, we were the good kids from that ramshackle farm on the edge of nowhere. We were the nice, strange girl who loved English classes and the shy, dorky guy who hardly said a word unless it was to Jen. I could draw anything, but I could barely talk to anyone. Even though I had been skipped ahead, most people thought I was slow in the head. In the senior year, I had just turned 18- Jen was 14 months older. Somehow the subject of the prom came up, I told Jen that she'd have no problem getting a date if it was known she wanted to go."

"That was so embarrassing. We had hardly ever been invited anywhere. We had people that we hung around with when we were at school, but we weren't that social. We realized that we would be total long shots to find dates, so we just didn't go. Again, Mom and Dad tried to be understanding and you could tell they felt bad about us being, um-"


"No, not outcast, Kev. People didn't hate us- we were just socially disadvantaged."

"But," said Kevin, "here's the thing. Every time that Jen and I had talked about what we were going to do after graduation, Mom and Dad always changed the subject. Every time. It began to feel like we were, you know... prisoners."

"Yeah. Sometimes it felt like there wasn't much of a future for us- at least away from the farm. We weren't bitter, we didn't talk about it much, but..."

"We felt... uneasy. I'm sure they never thought seriously about us leaving."

"Anyway the weekend of the prom, Mom and Dad had left on an overnight trip to see her dying sister back in her hometown and we were alone. It had seemed like ages since we'd been alone. So that weekend... well, we were sitting around watching TV and we started talking about who we might have wanted to go with- to the prom-if we could have gone. We talked about prospective dates and what might have happened... Kev told me that he had overheard guys talking about... my body and how they'd like to see me naked."

Kevin smiled shyly. "People said all sorts of things around me. Like I was too stupid to understand."

"He said the guy that I had been hoping would ask me had about talked about my breasts a lot. That kind of took my breath away, you know? I mean it was nice to be noticed. I never knew."

"In locker rooms and things I overheard a lot of stuff. I heard guys talking about girls that they had dated and gone out with... which girls would stroke your cock... and which girls would suck your cock... and which girls liked to fuck."

"And I had overheard girls talking about the same things. How to do it and how it felt to make a guy come. This girl he had the hots for, the one that he would have liked to take to the prom was supposedly a really shy, sweet good girl. But in secret, she was a slutty little cocksucker and she had done most of the guys in the school district already. I could tell my little bro was getting turned on- trying not to touch his cock as we sat there on the sofa... Then he asked me-"

"I asked Jen if she... if someday she wanted to be one of those girls that... stroked cocks, that sucked cocks... a girl that like to fuck."

"That question... blew my mind. I guess after just thinking about sex as... something I just did myself... I was excited by the possibility of... you know, being one of those girls."

"She didn't answer but she just slid over and quietly said she wanted to try it. Soon. She touched my thigh, and even though I was as hard and horny as I had ever been- I didn't expect it and I was a bit shocked. I said that we couldn't do anything because it would be wrong. She got pissed off and said she was going to bed. She stomped out of the room and up the stairs. I sat there thinking about what she suggested and I didn't know what to think. After a while, I shut off the TV and the lights and went upstairs too. She was naked, laying on her bed and fingering herself-"

"I left my door open, I didn't care if he saw or not."

"She was rubbing herself and squeezing her breasts. I never saw anything like it in my life. It was so beautiful. Before I knew what I was doing, I was naked, too, and kneeling on her bed with her and we were watching each other get off..."

As they were telling this story it became obvious that we were all getting turned on. Jen was grinding back against my cock pressed to her lovely ass. My hand caressed her tits under her top, imagining her as a horny, curious and sweet girl in her senior year. Emily had her body pressed to Kevin's back and she was kissing his neck, reaching over him and slowly stroking his cock.

"We came all over each other... then we made each other come and for the rest of the school year and most of the summer we spent as much time as we could, with farm duties in between, naked and sucking and licking and learning. It was like someone had flipped a switch and after all the years of the two of us being so repressed, it all came out..."

"We had to be careful when Mom and Dad got back, but we spent every waking moment trying to get time alone to do things. She got good at jerking me off really quick in the back seat of the school bus, looking like we were talking about school or something." Jen reached over and touched Emily's hand as she stroked her brother. They both smiled.

"I just loved the way he looked when he was masturbating and I loved the way he licked me and I loved his foreskin and sucking his cock- and that's all we really did- we hadn't gone... all the way. But a week after graduation, everything changed."

"Dad had been trying to expand the farm, buying up what neighboring lots he could when it became available, even though we didn't have the wherewithal to work it. A crew of surveyors came through and found natural gas on our land- lots of it."

"After all these years of being dirt poor, we were going to be rich beyond our wildest dreams. We were going to sell the land and find somewhere else to love where we could all have a better life. I think Mom insisted on that. Later that summer, the company that was buying took Mom and Dad on a trip to their head office to wine and dine them and sign all the papers and on the way home the plane they were in crashed on takeoff and there wasn't enough left of them to bury."

Emily and I sat up with shocked faces and expressed our sympathy. I was an early orphan too, so I could relate. Brother and sister just shrugged and said that that was the way things went. Kevin continued.

"We sold everything off. I never wanted to see another cow that wasn't sitting on my plate, medium rare. With insurance and royalties from the wells and everything, we're going to be okay and we can do what we like."

"The sad thing was..." Jen shrugged, "well, at least we were free."

"We had the lawyer find us a nice place far away to live and go to school. We ended up here. First we had a really expensive apartment downtown that was all tile and furnished in chrome and leather- but it didn't feel like home in the least. So Jen found this place and we've been here just about two years..."

"The first night we were here- we were unpacking. I was crying, sitting on the edge of the bed here and Kev came in and we cried and consoled each other. We hadn't touched each other since the moment we found out about Mom and Dad but- the cuddling..."

"That was the first time I kissed her. We had never done that before that night."

"And that led us taking each other's virginity... our first time. And after that- we just let go and tried everything."

"We were settling in to the university life and we tried dating others. We figured it was best to at least try and be normal. It was okay and we loved knowing the other was having fun, and we were sort of making up for all the lost years of high school, but it was nice knowing we could always count on the other if things... didn't work out."

"I had done lots of reading about sex and sexuality in one of my classes, and I found that bisexual curiosity was perfectly normal. Though most guys are too chicken to try anything when they have the chance. I had confessed to being curious about this one girl he had gone out with, and he confessed the same about this guy I had been with. We were too shy to do anything about it- or to ask them, so we just had these fantasies we'd talk about from time to time."

"Well, yeah I was just curious. Jen said she loved the thought of going down on another girl. She said she loved sucking cock- so why couldn't I try...? We had bought some dirty books and in every one there seemed to be threesomes, but they were two girls and a guy... and... Well, it just seemed unfair." We all laughed and agreed.

Emily spoke up in a husky whisper, "And then you saw Sean?"

Jen smiled, "Well, actually Kevin saw him first- he happened to be walking by on the day you moved in. He knew the house and that you'd probably be on the third floor."

Kevin blushed to the roots. "We kinda stalked you for a while, Sean- I hope you don't mind. I mean, after that we saw you a few times around the neighborhood. I pointed you out to Jen once in one of the cafeterias and she thought you were nice. There had never been anything worthwhile in your window before that."

"We both thought he was nice looking," smiled Jen, "so... we set about trying to make our fantasies come true. And even if it didn't work out, we'd have fun in the process."

It was getting late and there was a bit of yawning. Jen slyly suggested that Kevin show Em the view from the front bedroom as she and I snuggled beneath the covers and fell asleep before they closed the door.

She and I fucked again when the sun woke us. Or maybe we made love. There were noises from Kevin's room, too. They both cooked us breakfast in the morning and we sat around the table and had a really good time. Kevin did a quick drawing of Emily sitting at the table and it was good- sort of like the ones he had done of Jen- the same affection was evident. I told them the story of my sister and I losing our parents at an early age, so I could imagine how difficult things had been for them.

It was becoming quite apparent that two couples had been forged overnight. Emily and Kevin seemed the most natural thing in the world. Jen and I seemed a natural thing, too- even though she was almost three years older.

They kissed us goodbye and hoped that we'd meet again, soon. There was no doubt we would see them again- soon.

Emily and I hiked around the block to my place just after noon on Sunday. I noticed she looked kind of sad, so I stopped and looked at her and asked what's wrong.

"Well, I really like Kevin... and I know you like Jen... she and I talked about it... she didn't want to seem to be... taking you away."

"You and I, Emily... we were just... good friends."

"I know, but I wanted to tell you- I hadn't been with anyone- except you... until last night. I guess it was like we were... you know- boyfriend, girlfriend."

We started walking again. She squeezed my hand and said, "Its weird how thing work out, huh?"

On our hands and knees, I helped her pack up the camera and all the video equipment in my bedroom. She sighed that it was a pity it hadn't worked, but it was just as well. Maybe we weren't ready to be making pornographic movies in our spare time. I said if she wanted to continue with acting, it might not be a great idea to have nude movies of her out there.

I looked up and she was knee-walking over to me- she put her arms around my neck and kissed me deeply, pressing her body to mine. She whispered, smiling. "So how hot was that evening, Sean?" I replied that it was very hot.

"When Jen and I were talking, she said that it's only natural that you and I... should still be close. Having been good friends for so long. So..." Our hands were all over each other, peeling clothes off and moving to the bed.

When she was naked as I was, she sat on my waist and pinned me there with my cock brushing against her pretty ass. "You haven't answered my question."

"What question?"

"Well, what I really want to know, mister... do I look like her, Sean? Do I look like


If I played coy and evaded the question after having a threesome and then a foursome with a brother and sister, I'd look like the biggest hypocrite on earth. I paused briefly and said, "Your hair is the same color, but hers is a bit longer. You're a bit shorter. Her breasts are bigger. Her eyes are blue, but yours are hazel. She wears glasses- and you don't. So yeah, I guess you do look like her, Em."

"Did you have a crush on her, Sean? A crush on your sister?" I nodded. She was weaving slowly above me- like she was drunk- or trying to hypnotize me. "My sister has big tits... bigger than Jen's. How do you know Fran's are bigger? Have you seen Fran's tits, Sean?" I nodded again. "How many times?" She was grinding her cunny down on me suggestively, her eyes wild.

I told her I had seen them a few times- actually more than a few times... when I walked in on her and her boyfriend from high school fucking in our basement, then at home a few times when I walked past her room and she was undressing and on vacations when we had to share a bedroom. What I didn't say was that never did she seem to be in a hurry to cover them up.

Emily leaned closer- we were almost nose to nose. "Did you want me- because I looked like her, Sean?"

I nodded, my hands all over her ass. "Maybe. Maybe I did without realizing it."

She shuddered. "Would you fuck her, Sean? If Fran wanted to... would you fuck her?" She reached under herself and guided my cock inside her. She hissed as I arched up.

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