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Witch Hotel

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Elizabeth Olsen roleplays with a stranger at a hotel.
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The crazily talented daxg2001 wrote a story years ago about Scarlett Johansson meeting up with a fan in a hotel and role play fucking him as Black Widow.

This is heavily influenced by that almost a sequel cause well it's the same concept only with a different girl and a less talented writer working on it, oh and this story has been sitting unedited on my laptop for like 2 years and in a fit of wanting to post I've just hit upload so this is not the most polished piece of work on here but I have ignored it for way too long and just think it deserves to be seen and read.


Dave's job is completely and utterly boring, being a salesman isn't naturally the most heart pounding of employment choices and it also means you spend a crazy amount of time trapped in hotels. The only thing more boring that being a salesman is being a salesman trapped in a hotel and with Dave stuck in New York for a whole week at a convention of office suppliers he feels like the most bored man in the universe. After just two days of dull grinding conferences Dave is already wishing he could be back home with his family in Toronto. Dave's is in his mid-30's with a loving wife, one young child and another one on the way yet at 6ft 3 and with an athletic looking frame Dave looks more like a retired defensive linebacker than a dull salesman. His once thick black hair is starting to grey but other than that he still has the same stocky frame he had in college mostly thanks to the many hotel gyms he has used when away on business. Tired and wondering if he can last three more days trapped in that small stuffy conference room Dave steps into an empty elevator at the end of another long day. His muscles ache from being stuck in a chair for nearly 8 hours and his mood is darkened by the fact the day's schedule overran meaning by now he will have missed his little boy's bedtime. The elevator doors just start to close when he hears a woman's voice shouting.

"Hold the door," The voice yells and Dave can hear her running across the lobby with each step clapping loudly off the well-polished floor.

Too tired to just ignore the call Dave leans out a long arm stopping the metal doors just before they slam shut. A dark-haired woman quickly dashes in under his arm, so Dave lets the doors close before sinking back against one of the elevator walls.

"Thank you," The woman says gratefully, and Dave just grunts back a response.

He can't be bothered talking to anyone, all he is thinking about is going up to his room, raiding the mini bar, getting blind drunk before finally passing out fully clothed on the bed.

"Are you ok?" The woman asks, "It looks like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders. "

Dave silently groans because he knows he must look around and talk to her even if it is the last thing he wants to do. He twists his head and looks down at the much smaller woman then he lets out a gasp of surprise. Standing in the elevator with him is Elizabeth Olsen star of movies like Godzilla, Oldman and most recently in Avengers Age of Ultron. Dave is dumbstruck over being in the same lift as a famous movie star, the fact he had only just seen Age of Ultron last week means it is all still fresh in his mind.

"Are you sure you're ok?" Elizabeth asks again sweetly, and Dave battles to make some of his worn-out brain cells work.

"Yeah I'm fine," He says quickly hoping that he isn't embarrassing himself by staring at her.

It's been nearly a decade since Dave felt this nervous in front of a woman. True this is the first real life celebrity he has met in the flesh and the fact that she plays a comic book character as well is what Dave blames for his sudden brain freeze. He has loved comic books ever since he was a kid, so Dave is not only star struck but the nerdy side of him is also jumping up and down in delight.

"Good well I'm Elizabeth," She says politely holding out her hand.

"Erm yeah I know," Dave stutters just managing to reach out and accept her handshake.

Elizabeth giggles letting her tiny hand brush against his large palm, "I know that silly I was asking for your name."

Dave blushes, the last time he blushed this badly was on his 5-year wedding anniversary when his wife leaned over and said she wanted to blow him in the restaurant's bathroom.

"I'm Dave," The blushing salesman spits out hoping his humiliation will be over soon.

"That's better so Dave what's a hunk like you doing in a place like this?" Elizabeth smiles as her voice takes on in a flirting tone that makes the hair stand on the back of Dave's neck.

The large man just keeps on blushing unsure of what to say or do as Elizabeth giggles again getting to enjoy Dave's clear embarrassment. It's not often that Elizabeth gets to tease a sexy looking man especially one that is this shy and nervous in front of her. Normally it is men trying to flirt with her meaning it's a nice change for Elizabeth to see a man almost cowering in front of her, pressing his body as far back into the lift wall as possible like he is trying to melt through it. Dave has no idea what to say or do, trapped in a slow-moving lift with a beautiful actress who might have just started flirting with him. It has been years since a woman other than his wife flirted with and Dave honestly doesn't know what to do so he just stands still blankly staring into Elizabeth's pretty face.

"Sorry I'll stop trying to embarrass you now," Elizabeth says with a smirk taking pity on the embarrassed man, "I mean it though what are you doing here?"

"Conference," Dave spits happy to get the conversation back on even ground where he doesn't come across as a dumbstruck nerdy fan, "A normal boring old conference."

"Really?" Elizabeth asks looking him up and down trying to work out if he is the kind of person who attends conferences or some hunked up male stripper invited to the afterparty of a conference.

Elizabeth catches that train of thought and mentally slaps herself. She has just got onto a lift with a very nice if tired and worried looking man and here she is mentally undressing him.

"Well it's not as exciting as being an Avenger I guess," Dave fires back feeling a little more comfortable with the famous movie star now that his brain has had time to work out he is in a lift with an actual movie star.

Elizabeth can't help but grin up at him, "Oh so you're a comic book movie fan then?"

Dave smirks and nods his head, "Yeah I saw it a week ago and you were awesome."

Elizabeth is surprised to find herself blushing at Dave's compliment, the young actress doesn't know what it is about the large salesmen that makes her feel like a teenager again. He isn't like all her other fans who beg for an autograph like it's their God given right to get one or try and throw in a cheesy chat line in pure desperation to see her naked. Her new-found fame is a big reason to why it's been over a year since Elizabeth last had sex and while on the press tour for the Avengers she confessed her lack of action to Scarlett Johannsson. Elizabeth recalls Scarlett telling her that she needs to relax more and get some sex then told her an outrageous story where she fucked some random guy she met in a hotel while dressed as her character Black Widow. The roleplay scene sounded so naughty and hot that Elizabeth masturbated herself over it many times. The brunette has always been scared of having a one-night stand but having one as her alter ego Scarlet Witch sounds sexually thrilling. She just hasn't found the right nerd to play with but this feels like the perfect chance as Dave isn't some scary super fan just out to fuck her then brag about it to the press. Elizabeth likes that and as the elevator slowly reaches the correct floor she finds herself looking at Dave and wondering.

"Erm is there something on my face?" Dave asks nervously as Elizabeth continues to stare at him.

"No I was just wondering how much of a comic book fan you were?" Elizabeth questions quickly wondering if she can really go through with it.

"I know a fair bit, used to collect them in my youth why?" Dave wonders but the actress just shrugs her shoulders.

Dave wishes he could be more open to this beautiful woman or at least ask for her autograph but all he can do is stare at the elevator numbers as they tick down. A bell sounds and the doors slowly slide open leaving Dave both relived and frustrated. He can't think of anything else to say so he starts to move forward when Elizabeth simply follows him out.

"Oh is this your floor too?" Dave asks as both he and Elizabeth exit the lift.

'Well yes I mean if we are going to your room then I must get off here too," Elizabeth explains but in a deeper thicker accent.

Dave's mouth drops open in shock, he can't believe Elizabeth just said that to him. Stepping forward Elizabeth wraps her arm around his pulling herself closer to his large frame. Elizabeth tries to hide her nerves and sound confident as she is going to take Scarlett's advice and fuck some stranger in a hotel. Knowing he is a fan of comic books means she can play Scarlet Witch and live out one of her naughty roleplay fantasies.

"It was so good of you to want to meet with me I know as one of the heads of HYDRA you must be very busy," She says again in a thick European accent.

Finally the shock melts away from Dave's brain and things start making sense. Her change of voice, that accent is the same as the one she uses for Scarlet Witch. HYDRA meanwhile are one of the main villains in the Avengers universe, Dave's stunned slow moving brain works that out but he can't understand why he is arm in arm with a famous actress walking towards his hotel room. He also has no idea why she is acting like Scarlet Witch unless this is a strange Hollywood thing that he is totally unaware of. Dave stops right next to his hotel room with Elizabeth still clinging onto his arm and Dave just has no idea what to do.

"Elizabeth, I don't think I understand what," Dave starts to say but Scarlett Witch interrupts him.

"Shush," Scarlet Witch whispers while praying and hoping the big man will play along.

She raises her hand to Dave's head and waves it around, it's the same technique that she uses as Scarlet Witch to infiltrate someone's mind. Dave cannot believe that this is happening, Elizabeth Olsen is acting like Scarlet Witch for him making Dave wonder if he is already fast asleep on his hotel bed and dreaming this. The large salesman does the only thing he can think to do in this situation and pretends to blank out his expression while looking straight down at her.

"I'm sorry Wanda I didn't mean to sound so disrespectful," Dave says struggling to keep the grin off his face.

Elizabeth smiles back, she loves creative sexual scenarios and if Elizabeth is honest, she has been dreaming of doing something like this ever since she was cast as the comic book heroine. Scarlett's naughty story merely snapped something inside the brunette's head making her want to take a chance and she believes it's her lucky day for running late into an elevator and finding such a hot man who hopefully is willing to play along with her naughty little fantasy.

"Good boy now just relax and let me in," Wanda purrs softly waving her hand in front of his face.

"Yes Miss Maximoff," Dave obeys opening the door trying not to laugh.

This is easily the strangest thing Dave has ever done, here he is playing pretend with a world-famous actress. Dave wonders if this is some hidden camera show but as he steps into his hotel room he can't see any hidden camera or people jumping out to tell him this is prank. Elizabeth steps into his hotel room with him still unable to wipe the big smile off her face.

"Now that we are alone comrade, we can talk about me re-joining HYDRA," Wanda says firmly shutting the door behind her.

"Oh you wish to no longer be an Avenger?" Dave replies wondering where all this is going.

"I grow tired of being a hero if you are willing to take me back," Scarlet Witch says with a grin as her mind races forward wondering what Dave looks like naked.

"How do I know you won't betray us again?" Dave starts to say before gasping as Elizabeth steps in close brushing her body against his.

"Because I am willing to do anything to prove my loyalty," Wanda replies with a steely look in her eyes.

Dave falters under her gaze, this is getting very personal and Dave doesn't know what to do next.

"I mean anything," Scarlett Witch repeats pressing her body into Dave's feeling his strong chest from underneath his suit.

She lifts herself up on her tip toes to give the big man a gentle kiss and she feels Dave freeze up in shock. Elizabeth wants this so badly, she has wanted Dave from the second she stepped into the elevator and Elizabeth is desperate for the nice guy to throw off his worries and get into this roleplay fully. Dave shivers as another woman softly kisses him, the fact this woman is Elizabeth Olsen makes Dave's head spin. He really should stop this but he doesn't want too, Dave wants to keep kissing the beautiful brunette. The logical shy part of Dave is being overwhelmed by the horny part of his brain as he battles to figure out what is going on here. Why would Elizabeth be acting like Scarlett Witch? Why would she be kissing him? Is this cheating on his wife? Dave worriedly thinks, he has never been tempted to cheat on her before but now he has a tiny sexy actress rubbing up against him. His resolve is breaking down as he thinks about fucking Elizabeth then for a brief second he wonders about fucking her as Scarlett Witch when it hits him. Elizabeth isn't playing as Scarlett Witch for a prank or for acting practice Dave thinks suddenly understands she is roleplaying with him. Dave has never really done any roleplay before but the way her soft lips are pressed against his helps to clear Dave's mind. No more worries for Dave as it is unlikely his wife will ever believe he role played with the actress who plays Scarlett Witch and now that he fully understands the situation Dave kisses back getting lost in the pleasure of swapping spit with Elizabeth Olsen.

Breaking the kiss Elizabeth has a huge plastered across her face as Dave is now playing along, "So you are coming around to my way of thinking then?"

"Hail HYDRA," Dave murmurs as his hands unconsciously move around Elizabeth's tiny waist.

"Yes hail HYDRA," Wanda purrs feeling Dave's big hands start to rub down the sides of her body.

Elizabeth pulls her arms out of her small black leather jacket before letting it slide off her body and once that hits the ground the on screen superheroine is left in just a white button up blouse and a pair of black skinny jeans. Elizabeth kicks off her black boots and then starts to work on Dave's clothing by loosening his tie. Dave moans as Elizabeth starts to undo his shirt buttons feeling his cock starts to flex and harden inside his pants. Dave wants this more than Elizabeth could ever imagine, this sudden moment of excitement in an otherwise dull and boring life has Dave wanting to savour every single second. She finishes unbuttoning his shirt then as she pulls it down his arms and off she takes a second to admire his stocky physique before her hands move over his large chest admiring the muscle mass and the thick patch of greying hair across his chest. She doesn't normally like her men to be big and muscly but for just one night of fun Elizabeth wants to feel engulfed by this large man letting him use her tiny body for his pleasure.

"You did say anything didn't you Wanda?" Dave asks carefully wondering just how far Elizabeth will go.

"Yes anything please let me back into HYDRA," Elizabeth says in her Wanda voice before biting her lip, "I wanna be a bad, bad girl again," The Avenger teases and is rewarded when Dave moans softly.

"Then kneel and your compliance will be rewarded," Dave replies softly as he struggles to control his breathing.

Elizabeth almost starts giggling but loves the fact that he is now playing along fully with her secret desires. She does as ordered and drops to her knees in front of him. Dave starts to loosen his belt but he is still unable to believe he is sharing a hotel room with Scarlett Witch who seems eager to suck his cock. His belt undone Dave pulls down his pants and boxers exposing his semi hard 7 inch cock to the Avenger's actress. He is still wondering how this can be real and is half expecting to wake up any second alone in bed. Drooling with lust Elizabeth opens her mouth wide ready to prove to Dave that this isn't a dream. Dave's brain has turned off from all rational through at the sight in front of him, Scarlett Witch on her knees with her mouth wide open. Elizabeth just stares at his hard cock waiting for him to thrust forward into her inviting wide open mouth. Dave however doesn't move, his cock throbs as he stands frozen in place still trying to absorb the sight in front of him. Elizabeth looks at his confused face and decides she can't wait any longer for him to make the first move so she leans forward brushing her lips against his cock head before rolling her tongue right along the slit. Dave's cock stiffens up instantly and then starts to twitch as her tongue lightly stabs into his throbbing purple head. Elizabeth can't resist teasing the big cock in front of her even though she already feels so slutty on her knees in a hotel room playing with a stranger's cock. Her tongue slides up and down his shaft making Dave's whole-body twitch from the pleasure, the big salesman already has his eyes closed and his mouth hanging open.

"Oh fuck Elizabeth that feels so good," Dave groans loudly.

"Wanda," She reminds him with a gentle flick of her tongue against the underside of his shaft.

"Fuck yes Wanda fuck keep licking it," Dave moans back quickly tilting his head back enjoying the feel of her soft wet tongue.

"Are you sure?" Wanda asks in her thick Eastern European accent, "Are you sure you don't want me to suck you instead?"

Dave practically whimpers in pleasure, it's like some perfect sexual dream being lived out in his own personal Matrix. From boring salesmen to getting an offer of a blowjob from one of the hottest actresses in the world.

"Yes suck my cock Wanda," The nearly naked salesman groans in reply.

"I thought you HYDRA guys were all about orders," Wanda teases as her hand grabs the thick base of his cock squeezing it so his already glowing cock head flushes an even darker shade.

"Fucking suck my cock you slut," Dave suddenly roars in sexual frustration, all his emotions spilling out at once.

His hands grab the back of Elizabeth's head pushing her face forward into his stiff dick. Dave is never normally so sexual aggressive with another woman but in this roleplay he can just let go and let out all his frustration on the teasing actress kneeling in front of him. Elizabeth squeaks with surprise as she is pushed face first into Dave's cock feeling his stiff cock head pressed up against her nose.

"Yes, Yes sir I suck I suck," Wanda yells out loving the pressure of his hands on her head.

Dave does slightly feel like an evil agent of HYDRA but that feeling is quickly forgotten when Elizabeth opens her mouth and swallows half of his dick in one mouthful. Dave moans as Elizabeth now has her mouth full of his dick, his grip on the back of her head tightens keeping her wrapped round his throbbing cock. Those soft pink lips are tightly clamped around his shaft creating a perfect seal and Dave tries to remember the last time he got a blowjob this intense. Dave does know for certain that he has never had his cock sucked by a woman a decade younger than him and that thrill alone has his cock twitching inside Elizabeth's mouth. His fingers start tugging at her head demanding that she do more with her mouth and Elizabeth looks up and gets eye contact with the large man. She holds still letting the image of her cute face bulging out thanks to his cock burn into Dave's memory. The ex-salesman and now agent of HYDRA groans at the sight of his cock stuffed inside that beautiful face. Opening her mouth Elizabeth takes the rest of Dave's cock in her mouth letting his cockhead strike against the back of her throat making his whole shaft twitch.

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