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Witches in Bikinis

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They're drinking black martinis...
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NOTE: this is my first upload and an entry to the Halloween Story Contest 2023. Please vote!


The sun was setting painting, the sky decorated with reds and oranges. The naked tree branches undulated in the howling winds. Derek chuckled to himself. Driving up a mountain on a gravel road to a cabin. It was like the start of a horror film, especially because tonight was Halloween.

Typically, he and his girlfriend, Jessica, would be out at a Frat party, but recently their college had been forced to kick many of the Greek houses of campus due to bad behavior. They were worried that the planned parties in the dorm halls would only make things worse, so they had decided to leave for the weekend and stay at her family's cabin out in the woods. The plan was to drink a little and watch horror films.

Jessica had asked two of her good friends, Sarah and Parker, to join them. They had readily agreed. Derek was okay with this; the other two girls were fun to hang out with and they would share a room and they wouldn't interfere with any amorous activities between Derek and Jessica.

The reached the cabin. The young women grabbed their luggage and raced into the building leaving Derek to bring in the rest. As he entered the small building, he could only watch as they charged into one of the bedrooms, slamming the door behind them. Sarah had a dark wine bottle clutched in one hand. When they stopped for gas and to use the bathroom, the girls had met three women dressed in expensive cloths. The women had gifted the girls with a black bottle of wine and the girls were looking forward to splitting the bottle.

Derek knew they wouldn't be coming out anytime soon. They would be in there for hours, talking and giggling away. It was something he was used to, having been dating Jessica for over a year now. He grabbed a beer and pulled out one of the horror movies he had brought. All the movies were about people staying at a cabin in the woods, had to play into the setting right? He popped the movie into a DVD player and sat down to begin watching.

He was halfway through the second movie and still hadn't seen the girls yet. He paused the movie and got up to stretch. He looked out the big, front windows of the cabin. Night had fully set in by now, leaving the outside shrouded in darkness. The stars twinkled in the sky and a far-off bonfire cast some light.

Wait, a bonfire? There shouldn't be a fire out here. It didn't seem to be growing, spreading, so it probably wasn't a forest fire. There was probably some camper out or something, but Derek decided to check it out.

He moved through the woods, eventually reaching the outskirts of a clearing. In the middle of the clearing was a bonfire ringed with rocks. There were a couple of fallen trees that had tons of lit candles glued to them with wax. A relatively flat rock sat nearby covered by a red cloth. On the makeshift table was a couple of different alcohol bottles, a shaker, measuring shot glass, and an intricate silver chalice. A stereo sat nearby playing music appropriate for the Halloween season.

Three women danced around the clearing, obviously enjoying themselves. Each held a martini glass haphazardly in one hand. One of the women was petite, size wise she could have passed as a teenager, but she had all the grace of a grown woman. Her skin color was a deep bronze hinting at a Mediterranean heritage and her brunette hair was pulled into two balls that perched on top of her hair. Then there was the blond. She was more of an average size, but her skin was almost as pale as fresh fallen snow, and her hair was only a few steps behind. The third, a red head, was larger than the other two, and not just taller, but it was clear by her well-defined abs that she worked out regularly.

Each of the ladies was beautiful in her own way. There didn't appear to be a flaw amongst them. Their butts, legs, and breasts, while all different, were perfect. Derek was able to take all of this in because of what they wore: bikinis and cheap witch hats.

Derek's mouth dropped in shock. This was not what he expected. He could feel his cock start to swell as he took in the beautiful site in front of him.

"Oh!" the Blonde gasped as she caught sight of him. "It looks like we have an audience."

"Maybe he wants to join us," the Brunette was so bubbly as she bounced over to him.

She took his hand in both of hers and dragged him into the clearing. He quickly found himself surrounded by the nearly naked, dancing woman.

"What do you say," the Red head smirked. "Do you want to be our virgin sacrifice?"

Derek's dick flinched in desire.

"More like a snack-rifice," Brunette dragged her hand down his arm.

"Umm," Derek's head jumped back and forth between the ladies. "I'm not a virgin."

"Oh, trust me," Red head ran her finger down his chest. "Tonight, you absolutely want to be."

Red stepped aside revealing Blonde who took a drink from her martini. She then stepped up pressing herself against his body. Her hand went behind his head pulling him into a kiss. Her tongue pushed into his mouth forcing some of the dark alcohol into his mouth. The two continued to make out for a minute before she broke away and turned his head to face Brunette. She stood on her tip toes and pulled his head down to meet her martini-laced kiss.

When they broke away, Red stood in front of him. At some point she had collected all three of the martini glasses, pouring their contents together into one. Blonde took the empty glasses from her, rushing to put them aside. Red took the full martini and, tipping back her head poured it down her neck, letting it spill down her front. Then she two grabbed him by the back of the head and pulled him to her, but instead of a kiss she shoved his head into her ample tit flesh. Derek immediately started licking up the spilt drink and her delicious flesh. She moaned in response.

Derek's head was swimming. His body was on fire. His testicles were churning, and his cock was hard enough to drive nails. He almost felt like he had been drugged, but even with all the alcohol he had been forced to consume he shouldn't feel like this. Rationally he knew what was happening was cheating on his girlfriend, but his animal hindbrain took him by the cock and used it to beat his rational brain into submission.

Red eventually pulled away from him and Blonde stepped up to him dropping to her knees. Red and Brunette moved to flank him. Both took turns making out with him as Blonde worked at his buckle. Eventually his jeans hit the forest floor and he kicked them off. Blonde had his throbbing manhood in her delicate hand. She slapped her cheek with his cockhead before diving down to take his balls into her mouth. His dick rested along her forehead. God that was hot.

Brunette broke away from Derek, reaching out to pull at the bow holding Blonde's bikini top around her neck. Quickly the small bit of cloth fell away from the perky tits it once tried to secure. Brunette tossed it away to land somewhere in the clearing. Then she started to remove her bikini as well.

Red also broke away from Derek and sunk to her knees behind Blonde. She reached up and grabbed two handfuls of Blonde's hair before making eye contact with their chosen sacrifice.

"Don't worry, she loves this," and with that Red shoved Blonde's head deep down onto his cock.

Red continued to push and pull the other woman's head up and down his member. Blonde gurgled and gaged on the intruder invading her throat. At first Derek was worried for her but then her hands traced up his thighs to grab his cheeks and start forcing him to use her face. With her approval he started to fuck her face. Blonde's make-up was a mess as mascara trailed down her face and spittle drooled down her chin to coat her tits.

Seeing that the two were working together, Red stripped off her bikini and moved to shove her tongue down his throat. A now naked Brunette moved to join in a three-way kiss. Red broke away and stepped behind Brunette. The more muscular woman grabbed the smaller woman by the waist before flipping her upside down. The surprised Brunette let out a gasp which turned into a happy moan as Red presented her gift to Derek. Her thighs rested on his shoulders giving him clear access to her dripping pussy. He buried his tongue in her slash as she took his cock head in her mouth. Blonde moved to lick and suckle at his shaft. Derek's eyes rolled as he let out a moan.

Red moved behind the trio pushing his legs open, forcing him to squat. She crawled into the newly created gap and started tonguing at his testicles. Derek suddenly had three lovely lips worshiping his member. He could start to feel his orgasm approaching. He tried to hold it off. He was determined to make the woman he clutched to his chest orgasm before he released his cum.

He quickly brought Brunette to the edge. As her orgasm hit, she placed her hand on his abs, pushing away from him, arching her back. Derek's cock popped out of her mouth only to be gobbled up by Blonde as Brunette gasped out her orgasm. All this set Derek off and found himself shooting off his load into the welcoming mouth.

As the orgasming couple started to recover, Derek set Brunette on her feet where she stumbled a bit. Blonde stood to show Derek his cum that pooled on her tongue. Then she moved to the silver chalice that sat nearby, spitting his man juice into it.

Brunette turned to Derek who was still in his weird squat, his still hard dick bobbing in front of him. She approached placing her delicate foot on his thigh before climbing to straddle his waist. Derek grabbed her waist as she reached between them to place him at her entrance before sliding down his length. The two started moving together.

For a time, it was just the two of them. They enjoyed each other. Brunette kissed him, tasting herself. Red appeared behind the bouncing woman reaching around to grope her tits. Brunette leaned back into the bigger woman, reaching back to run her hand through the red locks. The two women kissed as Red's hands traced sensually across the other woman's body. Brunette proceeded to bounce and grind on the cock inside of her.

"Isn't she sexy?" Red asked as her hand caressed Brunette's lower abdomen. "God, I can feel you thrusting inside her."

Derek nodded as his cock flinched, causing Brunette to moan and her vagina muscles to clench. Red's hand reached down to play with Brunette's clit, a move that quickly set the woman off. She lurched forward to clutch at him as her second orgasm of the night hit her. This set off a chain reaction that had Derek cumming deep in her clenching vagina. The duo clung to each other as they came down from their mutual orgasms. She gave him a tender kiss on the lips, a first for the night, before coming to her feet. She stumbled away.

Blonde handed over the silver chalice. Brunette took the cup and held it to her vagina squeezing his seed out of her and letting it dribble to join the rest of his seed. Damn that was sexy.

"Over here," A voice called to Derek.

He turned to find Red facing away from him on her hands and knees, her dripping pussy peaking from between her muscular thighs. She wiggled her butt at him. The sight caused his dick to swell, and he found himself behind the woman.

"How?" he asked his member as it speared into its next conquest.

"Don't worry," Blonde handed him a black martini. "Tonight, is a special night."

Derek drained the glass as Red worked her hips on his member. Blonde climbed onto the other woman's back and hooked her legs over his shoulders, leaving just her shoulders resting on the other woman. For the second time that night he found a juicy pussy presented to his probing tongue.

Red and Blonde's moans filled the clearing. Blonde pushed away from him, shifting her pussy inches above where he was thrusting into her friend. Taking the hint, Derek pulled from one dripping pussy to thrust into another. He would thrust into one sexy woman for a handful of strokes before switching to the other.

Brunette soon joined the sexual encounter by straddling Blonde's head, presenting her used pussy to her friend's eager tongue. Brunette gave Derek a smile before starting to play with Blonde's breasts. At first it was gentle groping, but it quickly turned into slaps and nipple pulling. Judging from the moans coming from between Brunette's legs, Blonde was enjoying every moment of it. Brunette was moaning and giggling in turn.

"I'm close," Derek warned.

"Cum in her," Red smiled over her should. "I want your next load all over my tits."

With this permission, Derek pulled out of her pussy before stabbing into Blonde's. Brunette's legs muffled her scream and a few thrusts later Derek unloaded his third helping of jizz.

Derek pulled out of her used pussy and staggered back breathing hard. Brunette helped Blonde to her feet. Blonde staggered to where the silver chalice sat in the middle of the clearing. She squatted over it like she was about to pee and pushed his cum out of her. It was hot as hell to watch, but why were they gathering his sperm like that?

Before he could think further he felt his hard member being swallowed. Looking down he saw Red with his member buried deep in her mouth. Seeing she had his attention, Red pulled off his cock and placed it between her breasts.

"It's time for you to fuck my tits," Red said before spitting on his cock head. "Fuck them really good."

Derek did as he was told, thrusting deep into her cleavage. Red moaned and twisted her nipples. Every now and then she would spit on their union. Brunette moved to join them. She helped Red squeeze her tits together, and would take turns making out with Red or sucking his sensitive cock head when it peeked from between the glistening tit flesh.

"Isn't she sexy?" Brunette made eye contact with him. "She looks so good with a dick between her titties. Are you going to cum? Cum on her titties."

"Yes," Red moaned. "Coat my tits. Cum for me."

As if drawn by their words Derek felt his sperm race through his hard cock to spray all across Red's neck and upper chest. Red moaned, and did she just cum? Did she cum just from getting her titties fucked?

Brunette traced a finger across the cum decorating Red's body, collecting it before scrapping it of on the rim of the silver chalice. She kept it up, cleaning her friend.

Derek looked around the clearing to see Blonde with her hands on a tree, bent at the waist. When she saw that he was looking she gave him a knowing smirk and waggled her butt at him. His dick led him to her.

"Not that hole," Blonde smiled over her shoulder at him as he lined up to take her pussy. "I want you in my ass."

Derek moved to follow her orders. He wasn't normally this good at doing as he was told, but who was he to argue with sexy women that wanted his hard member? He pressed his tip against her rosebud and slowly started to push into her. She moaned and orgasmed before he had even bottomed out. He kept up his pace working in and out of her. Slowly he picked up the pace until he was going like a freight engine. Soon he was going to cum again. He thrust into her butt a final time before unloading again. His orgasm seemed to set off her own.

As the two of them came down from their orgasms, they both found objects shoved into their hands. For Blonde it was the chalice. No doubt she was to add the cum from her ass to the already gathered spunk. For Derek, it was his clothes all rolled up together.

"What," He asked Red.

"Ah," Brunette giggled. "He doesn't want to stop being our snack-rifice."

Derek smiled stupidly in agreement.

"I know," Red patted his check. "But we have much to do tonight. Besides Derek here has a girlfriend he needs to get back to."

Oh, yeah he had a girlfriend. Derek's smile grew. Clutching his clothes, he turned to head back to the cabin.

Sarah was pissed. When the noises of sex started pouring from the room that Jessica and Derek were sharing, waking her from her sleep, she had originally intended to wait it out. After all, she and Parker had monopolized Jessica's time since they arrived at the cabin. It seemed like the least she could do is allow her friend some sexy time. Parker and her had even shared a few giggles as the sex continued and continued. It was like they were going at it for hours. Eventually the noises had gotten annoying as it grew and grew. Eventually Parker had enough.

"Screw this," She threw the blankets off her lithe body and stomped out of the room.

The noise stopped for a minute and there were quite murmurs. Then the noises of sex started again. Hell, the aroma of it was starting to seep into the room Sarah was trying to sleep in. Sarah finally had enough, and also climbed out of bed. She made her way across the hallway to the room where the noises were coming from.

Her plan was to throw open the door, barge in, and embarrass them. If they were mortified, maybe they would stop, and she could finally get some sleep. The first part of her plan went off without a hitch, in that she was able to throw open the door and barge in, but it was she who was mortified.

As she entered the room the first thing she saw was Parker perched on the low dresser. Parker's back was pressed against the mirror. Her flannel night shirt was unbuttoned exposing her perky breasts. Her panties clung to one slim ankle. Her toes were pointed like she was wearing high heels. Sarah was able to see the other woman's legs so well because they were spread wide, her thighs wrapped around Derek who was jackhammering away at her.

"What the fuck?" Sarah yelled, ready to go to bat for her friend Jessica.

How could these two cheat on her this way?

Then she saw Jessica spread out on the bed, naked. The other woman looked, for lack of a better word, used. She was drenched in sweat. Sweat and cum. She wore a pearl necklace, and not the kind made by a clam. It decorated her hair and drooled from the corners of her mouth. It glazed her heaving bosom and pooled in her belly button. It dribbled from both her swollen pussy and gaping butthole to puddle in between her legs. It even squelched from between her manicured toes.

It took a herculean effort for the well fucked woman to roll her head to take in the room's latest intruder.

"You might have to take a turn," Jessica gasped like she had just run a marathon. "It's like he's possessed."

Sarah gasped as her eyebrows rose toward her hairline. She turned back to the couple fucking on the dresser. She took in Derek's muscular back, his shoulder blades, his powerful thighs, and his butt clenching and unclenching as he thrust his cock into Parker's dripping pussy. She took in Parker, the look of lust - of longing, as the thin woman reached a pleading outstretched hand toward her.

"You don't have to wait your turn," Derek grunted over his shoulder as he continued to hammer away. "You can join in now."

Sarah's rational mind told her this was wrong, that she had to do something. She had to stop this, at the very least she should remove herself from the situation. However, her body wasn't listening. Her pussy, a pussy that had been tingling since she split that bottle of black vermouth, was leaking. Without even thinking about it, her thumbs hooked into her waist of her panties dragging them down her legs to pool around her ankles.

"What do you mean he must not have been an actual virgin?!" The dark voice echoed from the silvered mirror.

The mirror sat on an alter surrounded by candles. Kneeling in front of the alter were three women. The room they were in was purpose built for ritual and clad in rich, dark wood. The women - a red-head, blonde, and brunette - wore dark and expensive clothing. Prada and Balenciaga.


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