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Working Under the Neighbor

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A married couple get a new neighbor, and the wife gets a job.
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My wife of 20 years has been the perfect companion and a wonderful mother to our three children. We are both hard workers and although we're hardly swimsuit model material we still stay in better shape than most of our contemporaries do. Jan has always tended to dress and act on the conservative side, and so the recent changes in her demeanor and in our lives were all the more surprising.

We had just seen the twins off to college, and our youngest had reached the stage where she wanted to spend most of her free time with her friends, so Jan and I found ourselves with more time to ourselves. We had contemplated her opening a home business, and she had begun to research her options when our old neighbors the Gundersens announced that they were selling their house and moving out West. Phil had lost his job the previous year when the plant where he worked had closed down, and he had finally picked up another job thanks to his brother in law.

Maggie Gundersen and Jan had been close friends who over the past ten years or so had worked together on PTA committee clothing drives, and on the fundraising board for the public library, so it was bittersweet that they were leaving and we wondered who would be moving in next door.

Our curiosity was short lived, as we saw the moving van pull up early one morning, mere days after the Gundersens had left for their new future. The moving men were about halfway through hauling the boxes and furniture into the Gundersens old house when the new owner showed up in a nail polish red Mercedes coupe.

We watched in interest as she elegantly unfolded herself from the car and straightened her skirt. She was a tall woman in her early thirties, at least 5' 11" with jet black skin and short hair arranged in perfect cornrows. She wore an expensive business suit and moved with a sense of purpose and intensity that left no doubt that she was in charge.

By afternoon the truck had been unpacked and the men left. We took the opportunity to go over and introduce ourselves. She answered the knock and was wearing a white shirt tied halter style and a pair of tight fitting but well worn bluejeans. Her lips were full and sensuous, and her eyes dark and intense.

"I'm Nikesha, but my friends all call me Nikki. Won't you come in?" she said.

"Oh, I'm sure you have lots to do, we just wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood and invite you over for dinner since you're probably busy unpacking." Jan replied.

"Thats so sweet." Nikki said, reaching over to touch Jan's arm, "But I'm pretty much done. I work quickly." she added with a sly grin that sent a shiver up my spine.

"Well, I suppose then..." Jan said as Nikki took her by the hand and headed back into the front hallway.

The house was nearly completely transformed. Looking around it was obvious that despite her age, Nikki was well travelled, and the artwork that adorned the house spanned the globe and styles from tribal masks and weavings of obvious African origin, to Oriental silk and bamboo screens to tasteful french etchings. Somehow they all worked together with a synergy and sophistication that could not fail to impress even the most culturally simple tastes.

"After college, I worked as a flight attendant for a major airline." She said. "I found out soon enough just how useful an Art History degree is", she added with obvious sarcasm. "But it did provide me with good opportunities to network with arts communities all over the world. So it wasn't long before I began importing and selling to some of the galleries I had interned for in college. Things just kind of took off from there."

"It's beautiful!" Jan said, her eyes wide and soaking it all in.

"Oh, not as beautiful as my new neighbor!" Nikki grinned as she squeezed Jan's hand and eyed her up and down in a way that I would have found disturbing if Nikki had been a man. But somehow she had a way that was at the same time seductive, but kept within the boundaries of normal social interaction.

"Since the kids are growing up, I've started looking for something to do." Jan said, still somewhat overwhelmed.

"Well, I'm just getting set up here, but I'm going to need an assistant. Maybe you could be mine?" Nikki replied. "You certainly can't beat the commute!" she added with a grin.

"I don't know...I...I...couldn't. I don't know anything about art. Not really." Jan stuttered at the suddenness of the offer.

"Nonsense." Nikki retorted. "I'll show you everything you need. Come on over for lunch tomorrow and we'll talk some more, and I'll bet I can change your mind."

"Well...I suppose I should be open to new things, what do you think, dear?" Jan said turning to me.

I took another quick look around at the fancy car, the designer clothes, the expensive art, and I fell directly into the trap.

"I guess if you want to give it a try, its okay with me. A little extra money in the household wouldn't exactly hurt." I said.

"Wonderful, then it's decided. I'll have you for Lunch tomorrow. Say, 11:30 or so." Nikki said hugging Jan in the doorway and shaking my hand at the door as Jan and I headed back home.

The next evening, when I returned from work, Jan had an early dinner ready. Our youngest was going out with friends to a movie, and wouldn't be home for a while. Jan was normally pretty passive, but for some reason this evening, once Sandy was out the door, she was all over me. We never even made it out of the family room before her clothes were off and she was straddling me on the couch. I hadn't seen her like this in years, but I wasn't complaining.

Jan had had kids, but had worked hard afterwards to stay in decent shape. And while she wasn't a hard-body, the natural paleness of her skin and her blonde hair, had always served to soften and complement her curves in a very sensuous way. After all our years together I could still get hard just watching her bend over naked. Of course, her tendency to be conservative about those things meant that such moments were rare little treasures she doled out parsimoniously.

As we relaxed afterwards, She announced that she'd decided to take Nikki up on her offer, and that Nikki needed her to start right away. The company I work for was ramping up a big project and I knew I'd be pretty busy for a while, so the timing seemed good.

Over the course of the next several weeks, life took on an odd pace. The new project was pretty intense and I'd come home exhausted, most evenings, but at seemingly random intervals, Jan would be insatiable, and would find some reason for Sandy to be out of the house. Work was going very well for her and the money she was bringing in was way more than I'd expected. I didn't pry into the details, as Jan seemed happier than I'd seen her for years, and even seemed to be dressing in some of her less conservative outfits, which I took to be an influence Nikki was having on her.

I suspected that Nikki was a demanding boss, though. Because Jan would often return from next door late, and with a look of physical and mental exhaustion that struck a sympathetic chord with me, so I began to pitch in doing more cooking and cleaning than I typically had done in the past. Of course, when we did get a moment to converse, Nikki seemed to be the topic of most of our discussions. With the amount of time they were spending together that was hardly surprising. But the long hours and hard work had started to take a bit of a toll on our love making.

I suspected that Nikki was having an increasing amount of influence on Jan. It was subtle at first, but Jan had always been a conservative dresser, bordering on dowdy, with the staple of her wardrobe the pastel floral housedress that showed almost nothing to the uninitiated. However, lately, more solid colors and patterns, form fitting apparel had started to show up in her closet. It was only natural, since Nikki was active in the arts that there would be times Jan would have to follow her lead.

My suspicions grew when on returning home from a week onsite with a customer, Jan greeted me with a bit of a surprise. She'd had her tongue pierced. At first I was angry. It was totally out of character for her but after taking me into her mouth and then working my hard shaft, all I could do was whimper and melt. I wondered what the neighbors would say, but ten minutes later was more of the attitude that the neighbors could get stuffed if they had a problem with it. In the next few weeks it became a predominant part of our repertoire where Jan would greet me at the door if the kids weren't home or shoo me almost immediately into the bedroom where she would give me a ball draining, mind numbingly intense blow job.

About a month later I came back from another junket to find she'd had her clitoral hood pierced as well. Again my initial reaction was shock but also some amount of arousal in thinking my little housewife could do something that slutty.

And the working late continued, as did Jan's slight shift of attitude. She was more self-assured, more confident than I ever remember her being before, and somehow she was...leaner. Her body glowing and toned and smooth almost like an Olympic swimmer. I would have questioned things more but she seemed really quite happy, especially when she'd get me to unload in her always hungry and ultra-talented mouth. In fact her technique seemed to get better with each day, if that were possible, and it should have been sending red flags up, but the way she was taking care of me with her mouth had almost totally distracted me from noticing that my cock hadn't had been inside her vagina in weeks.

The trend continued with my next business trip. I had returned home rather late, and slipped into bed next to her sleeping form. It wasn't until the next morning that I saw her nipple piercings. Jan had always had gorgeous pale but very articulate nipples, and somehow the piercings seemed to accentuate their pert perfection in a way lots of porn stars shoot for, but she managed with a totally natural casual ideal. She rolled over gave me a sleepy grin and a kiss and then guided my hardening cock to her waiting lips worked my shaft until I felt her nose hitting my crotch. Just when I thought things couldn't get any better, Jan had discovered deep throating. I should have been suspicious, but somehow the effectiveness of her enthusiasm and the strength of the orgasm it brought on, made me feel like questioning her too much would have been seen as prying.

Sandy was spending the weekend at her friend's house, and so I figured Jan and I would be donning our bathrobes and getting caught up on the week over a nice breakfast. This turned out to be mostly true, with the exception that Jan neglected her robe, or in fact any undergarments whatsoever. I sat mesmerized as she made a home made coffee cake. Her breasts swaying in rhythmic perfection as she mixed the batter, the lush sway of her hips as she moved around the kitchen oozing a sexuality that had always been there, but had been mostly dormant in all our years together. I wondered what had given it the germination that it had needed to move so far into the forefront, but by that time I had some strong ideas about that.

The thing was, Jan was obviously happy. The other thing was, she was making more money working for Nikki than either of us had ever dreamed possible. And there was something about watching my heretofore demure wife, now moving about the house totally naked and with the comfort of a veteran porn star. It was seduction on so many different levels I just couldn't sort through them all.

"Let's fuck, Jan." I suddenly blurted out. "We haven't done that for so long and you're so sexy..." I trailed off.

Jan sat down next to me and reached under the table to wrap her hand around my now rehardened cock and she slowly began to stroke it.

"Let's just get you ready then..." she purred, continuing her manipulation of my ever more aroused manhood.

God did it feel good. So good in fact that I barely noticed her slipping down onto the floor and her luscious lips wrapping around my cockhead with a familiar inevitability, that while I wanted to protest, that only lasted a few disjointed seconds, and a few minutes later I was grabbing the table edges and unloading in her hungry mouth.

"Ooops! Looks like someone just couldn't wait!" She giggled, getting back up and clearing the table as if nothing had just happened.

We'd have to talk about this. Seriously. Just not right now...

Monday morning saw me heading back to the airport. This was to be a short trip and I'd be back home Wednesday night at the latest. As usual we kept in touch as we normally did, and things seemed to be progressing as a normal workweek should.

Again, arriving home late I slipped into bed and cuddled up to Jan, who had taken to sleeping naked last weekend, but now seemed to have returned to a more conservative bed attire of pajama top and bottoms. She woke a little before me and had gone into the master bath to shower. I crept in to join her, something we'd only done a few times in our married life. The water was hot and steam was rising from the shower as I opened the door. I had finally caught Jan by surprise for once and she fumbled for a washcloth to cover herself over with, but I had already seen the simple two words that were now tattooed just above the arc of the top of her pubic hair. Two words that offered a simple, yet elegant answer to all the unasked and half wondered at questions that had been put into play these last several months. Two words that although they'd have to be explained, also offered an explanation that now made perfect sense. "Black Owned".

Needless to say, the rest of the week was tense. Sandy had been around and the opportunity to have simple open conversation was non-existent. When Friday afternoon rolled around I was a little surprised to see my phone light up with Nikki's phone number.

"John, we need to have a little talk. All three of us." Nikki stated.

"Yeah, well Sandy's been home and we really haven't had much of a chance to discuss this latest...oh I don't know quite what to call it." I answered.

"But I do know what to call it, John." Nikki said. "Which is why you both need to come over for dinner at my place tonight. Really John, I can imagine what you're going through, but trust me, it's not all as gloomy as you're probably painting it right now. Just hear me out." She continued.

"Okay, but I reserve the right to get up and leave anytime I want...and...take my wife with me..." I replied.

"Fair long as you're being rational, and that's what she wants." Nikki agreed.

At six O'clock we were greeted at the door of Nikki's house. Nikki was wearing a stunning red form fitting dress. Her scent was oddly familiar, I noticed as she ushered us inside.

Jan, as if it was an act of total familiarity, shrugged out of the strapless evening dress she'd chosen for the evening soire, daintily stepping out of it, totally naked beneath but for her high heels. She grinned impishly and somewhat apologetically at me. "House rules for me, Honey..." she offered.

I looked aghast at the dusky woman in front of me..."You, seduced... my wife." I finally blurted out.

"I seduced your wife." She replied her mouth twisting into a kind of half grin. "But honestly, John, you've gained a lot, even though you've lost some things too." She stated.

I really couldn't argue with her on that. "But why?" I managed in response.

Nikki indicated a seat at the large dining room table. There were already three glasses of wine poured and she waved me toward a seat as she took her place at the head of the table, relaxing back in her seat and taking a small taste of wine. Jan dutifully dropped to the floor to sit at her feet. Nikki hiked up her skirt revealing a shaven and pierced pussy. A row of platinum and gold labial rings making her pronounced pussy lips even more noticeable other than that they were topped by what had to be the largest clit I'd ever seen. Without more than a glance from Nikki, Jan began kissing her way up Nikki's lithe, athletic thigh moving closer to her reward with little scootches and bumps forward inch by inch. In a way it was surreal, but in another way, Jan looked perfectly in her element.

"You see, John." Nikki began addressing my somewhat vague question, "I've never really cared for men. Not that I haven't had experience, or that all of those experiences were bad ones. Quite the contrary..."

She took another sip of wine and shuddered slightly as Jans lips began to tease and nibble her labia. Jan was on all fours now and I could see in the low light the glisten of her wetness shining in the light. Both of her thighs were drenched and getting wetter by the second.

Nikki relaxed for a second to let the sensation wash over her and then continued. "It just didn't take me long to understand that women were just superior sexually to men. I mean, I'm not unattractive by any means, so all I had to do was put in a little effort either way and I'd get what I wanted. By the time I reached college age I had come to the realization that if you wanted a better grade on a test you could give the professor a blowjob, but if you wanted to ace the course seducing his wife usually provided a lot more leverage...the same has proven true in the business world."

Again her eyes fluttered slightly and her breathing quickened sharply as Jan's talented tongue found Nikki's engorged clit. Jan was now in a slight squat with her left hand rubbing her own sex in time to her oral assault on Nikki's pussy. I had only ever seen Jan touch herself in order to make my entrance into her easier. Never had I seen such a display from her of self-pleasuring, and I had to pause for a second myself to rearrange the erection that had suddenly begun a dispute with my briefs.

Nikki's hand elegantly and sensuously slipped over to grab the side of the table as her first orgasm overtook her. I couldn't help but appreciate how Jan must have been a sitting duck for her powers of seduction. Nikki's heavy breasts were jiggling slightly as she arched her back into the orgasm, while never quite losing composure. I could hear squishing noises with each spasm of her body and swore that she must have been ejaculating in my wife's mouth, something that was at least reinforced when Jan came up for air for a second and I caught her beautiful face in profile, covered to the point of dripping with her Lover's wetness.

Taking a deep breath, she continued on. "You see, John, I had become rather comfortable with using sex as a means to get what I wanted from people. When I first saw Jan, however, I saw both a challenge and a destiny. I will make no apologies for saying that for a Black Lesbian, there are few things sweeter than having a submissive married blonde fucktoy. I had had plenty of those. But I had never felt the rush of feelings I felt with Jan...It confused me at first. But feeling the way she mirrored every quiver, how quickly she threw herself into our union. It was totally new ground for me...oh fuck..."

I could see an unmistakable sheen of sweat on her full upper lip as Jan's attentions drove her closer and closer. For a second I thought about those thick lips wrapped around my cock, but looking back up at her I saw her launch into orgasm with intent and purpose. Much as a bullfighter plays to the audience, she wanted no doubt left that this was her conquest. And the squishing noises began again.

Regaining her composure she continued. "At first I just saw it as the normal establishment of hierarchy. But it was so natural and easy and there were the little things that worked their way into how we related to each other. It became clear over time that Jan wasn't just reacting to stimuli and following orders, and it was equally clear that I wasn't just asking her to do things in order to see what I could get away with. I couldn't keep my hands off her when she was here, and I couldn't keep her off my mind when she wasn't. It wasn't just Boss/employee or even Domme/submissive dynamics at work. I had fallen in Love."


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