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Wrong Number Pt. 02

Story Info
The game never was and a plot for revenge is hatched.
6.5k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/12/2023
Created 01/19/2023
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All characters in this story are at least eighteen years old.

Wrong Number

Part 2

She buried her face into her pillow again. Lisa began to berate herself for listening to Monica's suggestion that she seduce her son. She remembered her words, "Having sex with your son is an experience every mother should have!" She remembered being entranced by those words and the idea of it had merit at the time.

Lisa had reluctantly given her husband permission to have sex with Monica after they role played that scenario during an energetic romp in the sack. She met Monica while accompanying her husband to his business socials. Lisa remembered her being friendly and knew she probably was attracted to her husband. She was the one who brought up Monica during one of their extra-heated sexual escapades. She thought role playing a threesome would be a fun new addition to their bedroom antics. When he took it beyond that, she resisted him at first. After some discussion and the introduction of the possibility that Monica might want to join them both one day, she agreed.

That possibility eventually came to light. As she understood it, he had gone to her after he was off work early one day. He told her he went there to have sex with her, but Monica wanted to bring Lisa into the fold. She had him take several pictures of the intimate parts of her body and send them to his wife. She remembered receiving the images while at work and enjoyed looking at Monica in a new way. She told her husband she was sold on the idea, and they all soon got together.

After a few threesomes with her new lover, Monica broached the idea of Lisa seducing her son. Lisa initially rejected the idea, but then embraced the exciting concept after very little coaching. She thought about it for days and even masturbated to the idea a few times. She methodically went through all the possibilities. Each one had its merits and its downfalls. Ultimately, she decided to go through with it thinking she could justify it with him being of legal and consenting age and that it would just be sex. Since he was an adult, she knew their relationship had already transcended to a new level.

"What's the worst that could happen?" she convinced herself.

With that, she hatched a plan to seduce her son and moved forward with it until the moment in the shower where it became too real. Until that moment, she had never touched him, and he had never touched her. It was teasing. She could tease him a little and he could tease her a little and it was a fun little game they played. When the games were over, it was always back to the mother and son relationship they had always known.

Even when weakness struck Greg during a time when she thought him to be a man in charge, she watched him devolve back into his submissive role as the son and not her man. Then came the way he started addressing her. Her first name was for her peers, not her son. There he was, though, standing in the shower with his hand on his cock, addressing her so informally as he coaxed her into giving in. Then in her delirium, he put her flesh on his and she couldn't handle it.

"What can I do?" he asked his wife.

She continued to grip the pillow but turned to face her husband.

"I've ruined everything!" she lamented. "He's seen more of me than he should have, and I can't repair that!"

"I don't think he sees it that way, babe," her husband said as he comforted her.

She swiped her face against the pillow to dry the tears on her face.

"No one should see their mother in a sexual way," she said to him.

He knew she was right but proceeded to get her back on track. He knew, based on what she had said before that it was something she genuinely wanted.

"You love him, and he loves you. He's always loved you without doubt, question or reservation. You said he wants you in that way, so where is the problem?" he asked innocently.

She became agitated, "I touched his dick and that's when I realized I can't do it!"

"Was it the touch or was it something that was said that turned you away?" he asked.

She thought for a moment and came to the realization that perhaps it was a combination of factors that changed her mind. Calling her by her name was one thing and her touching him was another. Both contributed to her despair.

"He took over orally and physically. He called me by my name," she admitted.

"So, he caught you off guard?"

Her husband's words spoke to her.

"Maybe I'm misreading things," she wondered to herself.

"I'll be right back," her husband said before getting off the bed and walking out of the room.

She laid in her bed thinking about what she had done and fell back into the tear-filled status she was in before. She found herself upset at herself more for losing her footing in the game than she was for even starting it.

She began to feel her mood lighten when her son walked into her room. He hesitantly knocked on the door before letting himself in. He walked up to her and she made no effort to hide her emotional state. He approached the bed and knelt beside it as he ran his fingers through her hair.

"Mom, you know I love you no matter what and that wouldn't change if our relationship went to the next level."

She opened her bloodshot eyes, "I love you, Greg."

"I love you too, Mom."

He never enjoyed seeing his mother in despair but given everything that had been happening between them, he was worried things would reset back to where he was just the son of a mother who had a loving husband who provided everything she needed in bed.

His hand roamed from her head to her shoulders and further down her body until it rested on her hip.

"What are you upset about?" he asked.

His father came to get him. He didn't say what had happened to her. He told his son that she was upset and wanted him there to comfort her.

She sniffled before training her eyes to his, "I shouldn't have allowed any of this to happen and I've ruined everything."

He was confused. "What did you ruin, Mom?" he asked, halting the use of her first name.

She sat up slightly and looked beyond her son, "Please go close the door."

Greg went to close the door and sat next to his mother on the bed when he returned.

"What are you thinking about, Mom?"

She debated what to tell him. She sat thinking as she watched the minute changes in the expressions on his face.


"Remember when I told you the woman I was with was Monica?"

He nodded.

"Well, let me go back further than that. You remember I told you that you were part of a bigger plan?"

He nodded again; unsure what things were about to be revealed to him.

"Your father and I have been adventurous for a little while now and Monica was our first venture into bringing someone else into our relationship."

"Okay," he said, not seeing anything amiss about that confession. "A lot of people do that."

"I know, Greg, listen," she started, "After a few sessions with her, she began to introduce new kinks into something we already enjoyed."

She wanted to see if he would guess what it was without having to make her say it out loud. When he didn't, she continued.

"One night, she admitted to having sex with her oldest son. She told me it would be an adventure that would never be matched by anything else."

Greg's face lit up as if everything in the world suddenly made sense.

"This is beginning to make more sense," he said.

"I would imagine so," she said, "and I was okay with giving it a try if I thought you would be interested. When I found out you were, I got bold and teased you a lot."

He chuckled at her, "yes, you did."

That brought a quick smile to her face, "It was all going so well, I thought, until just a little bit ago when you had me touch you in the shower."

"You touched me in my room, though?" he offered.

"It's not the same. I touched your skin and it shocked me back to the world as it should be, not some ridiculous fantasy!"

He squeezed her hip gently, "Mom, you showed me all of you. You teased and you were playful with me. How is all that okay but touching me like you just did is the worst thing?"

She put her hand under the covers and pressed it against his. She didn't have an answer to his question.

"Are you sure it's that or maybe because I'm the first guy you've touched since you met Dad?"

He recognized the illuminated lightbulb expression on her face and nodded approvingly. He waited for her to search for the words she wanted to use to respond.

She finally said, "I must be getting old, that never even occurred to me."

His hand began to drift slowly to her mound.

"No, Greg. That wasn't permission for you to touch me. I need more time."

He leaned down and kissed her forehead, "Take your time, Mom. You started a game I still want to play regardless of the outcome. You know I'm interested in the homerun ending, but whatever you had in mind, I want to keep working to that end."

She grabbed his shirt and pulled his lips down to hers. She kissed him softly on the lips before releasing him.

"If I find myself ready to move forward, you'll be the first to know," she said, placing her hand on his cheek.

He leaned forward, stealing another kiss before walking out as his mother giggled at him.

Greg found his father in the living room, "I guess she is okay now."


All things considered; the next few days went by as they normally would have. Greg's parents came and went while he focused on his job search. His focus was on the search, but his thoughts often went back to his mother and the picture she sent him. In his mind, the game wasn't over and as far as he knew, the spot in the bigger picture his mother told him about was still unfilled.

He stared at the picture of his nude mother as questions without answers lingered in his mind. Instead of masturbating to her again, he decided he wanted more answers.

"Mom," he texted Lisa.

"Yes, baby?" she replied.

"Does Dad know what you've been doing?"

Her reply came after several minutes, "No."

He felt she wasn't being honest with him.

"Why did he come and get me when you were upset the other day?"

That was the last text he got. It wasn't marked at read and he knew she didn't turn off her read receipts. He reluctantly went back to his job search and eventually to his video games. Time drifted away from him and before he realized he had wasted hours playing, another text came in.

"Stay in your room until I call you, okay?"

He ran to the window and found his mother's car already in the driveway. He looked at the time and realized she was home early.

"Why?" he responded, smirking to himself.

"I said so, how about that?"

His smirk disappeared. That was a phrase he grew up hearing her say in the direst of circumstances. He knew not to push her buttons when any iteration of the phrase "I said so" was uttered to him.

"Okay," he responded.

She responded quickly with a winking emoji just after he heard the front door shut. He listened to her walk past his room and close her bedroom door. Not ten minutes later, he received another text.

"Go sit in the living room. I'll be out in a minute."

He rolled his eyes as he put his phone down and did as she asked. He hoped all the drama would result in him knowing more about what had been going on and if it would continue. He waited impatiently until he heard the squeak of her door as it opened.

"Are you in the living room?" she shouted from her door.


Nothing more was said until she walked into the room. She dressed up for her son in an effort to regain the upper hand and move forward. She entered the room in khaki shorts and an oversized white undershirt. As soon as she sat, she removed the shirt, exposing her breasts to her son.

"I believe this is what you asked for the other day in the shower?"

He was staring at her chest and didn't hear a single word she said. She smiled widely at his immature response to her breasts being exposed. Her arm cupped a single breast and her hand wedged between them, pointing to her face. He blinked himself back to reality and apologized for staring.

"This is what you were asking for the other day? 'Live action nudity,' if I recall correctly."

He simply nodded, struggling to keep his eyes on hers.

"You asked me why your father came to get you? I don't know," she lied.

He allowed his eyes to drift to her chest as he responded, "Seems odd he would come get me when you were upset."

She put one arm along the length of the back of the couch while her other hand began to toy with one of her nipples.

"Is this what you really want to talk about?" she asked, trying to divert his line of questioning.

"Yes," he bluntly stated.

She was put off by his insistence to that line of questioning but allowed it.

"He tried to calm me, but I wouldn't answer his questions. I supposed he came to get you because you had been in the house before him," she lied again.

He thought for a moment, "He was with you when Monica said she had sex with her son?"

Lisa nodded.

"...and he doesn't know what you're doing?"

She shook her head, "Nope."

He slouched a little while still practically drooling over his mother's bare breasts. He considered every word she said.

"Will he eventually know?"

She leaned against him, letting her breast touch his arm, "Do you want him to?"

Greg didn't answer her. He was caught up in the moment and Lisa knew she pulled her son's strings once again. She looked down at the tent in his pants.

"You can take that out if you want," she whispered in his ear.

He turned to look at her.

"No, don't turn your head. Just listen to the things I say to you."

He unzipped his pants.

"If you want this to continue, you will listen to everything I have to say. Understand?"

He nodded as he began to stroke himself.

"There're two paths we can take moving forward. The first is that we watch Monica and her son have sex."

When she paused, he knew it was time to ask questions.

"Like, in front of us?"


She knew he would pick that option. It seemed to her that he would imagine it more of an opportunity for him.

"If not her, then maybe Monica," she imagined him thinking. She just needed to arrange it.

He went to speak but she interrupted him, "The second option is I can inform your father what's going on and you could watch us."

She already knew her husband would enjoy a voyeur watching them. She pressed her breasts against his arm, and he could feel them jiggle as he stroked his cock.

"Can you take off your shorts, Mom?"

Everything was falling into place. Every inch of ground she lost in the shower was hers again.

"Will you cum for me if I do that for you?"

He simply nodded.

She got off the couch and stood in front of him. He looked her over and decided he had never seen a more beautiful sight.

"Go ahead. Unbutton them and pull them down," she whispered to him as she watched the precum begin to drip down the underside of his cock onto his fingers.

He eagerly leaned forward and went straight for the button.

"No," she said putting her hand on his, "you get to touch me a little, first."

She took his hands and placed them on her bare skin above her hips and moved them around.

"Caress me before you go straight to your goal."

He moved his hands over his mother's stomach, down her hips and over her smooth legs.

"Beautiful," he muttered to himself as he began to slide his hands up her shorts.

She slapped his hand, "Nuh-uh, mister."

He looked up at her and grinned as his hands went to the button of her shorts and he slowly undid them. He held the waist band and unzipped them only to find she wore no panties.

"Do you like that I'm not wearing panties for you?"


She grabbed his hands and pushed them down, allowing her shorts to go with them. When they were at her feet, she kicked them to the side and spread her legs slightly. Her hands roamed over her own body as her son resumed his masturbation.

"I want you so bad, Mom."

"I know, baby, but now is not the time."

"When?" he asked desperately.

"You'll know when I know. That's how it has to be. Now, cum for me Greg."

He leaned back to take her all in as she swayed her hips slowly side to side.

"Imagine your cock sliding inside me while my breasts are pressed against your face," she said, cupping one of her breasts in her hand.

Greg groaned approvingly. He wasn't cumming as fast as she thought he would.

"Did you cum already today?"

"I was looking at your picture this morning in bed," he admitted.

"Here I am now, baby, you don't need that anymore."

His pace quickened as he felt his orgasm begin.

"I'm gonna cum," he whispered.

His hips lifted off the couch and Lisa got on her knees in front of him.

"Point it toward these," she said, cupping both her breasts in her hands.

He pointed his cock toward her chest and shot his first load in the middle of her breasts.

"Yes, baby. Give me more."

Several gobs of cum later, she stood up and let him see it run between her breasts and down her stomach.

"I can cum again," he told her as he continued stroking.

"That's enough now. I need you to tell me how you want to move forward."

He didn't need to think about it, "I want to watch Monica and her son."

"I thought so," she said with a wink.

Greg went to clean up while his mother gathered her clothes and went to shower.

"I wonder if Monica and her son would be up for demonstrating the joy they share," she wondered to herself smiling.

She knew that witnessing that event would be what she needed to take Greg into her arms intimately for the first time and know it would be okay. She was happy to be in control again and even more delighted that she would be able to experience the joy that Monica repeatedly expressed that night about mother-son love making.

As Lisa showered, she became increasingly overjoyed at the idea of experiencing what her husband's lover described at the ultimate sexual adventure. She eagerly finished and didn't bother getting dressed. She laid in her bed naked and picked up her phone to call Monica. As she dialed the number with one hand, she allowed her other hand to roam her body starting with her nipples.

"Hi, Monica!" Lisa said as her hand began to drift down her body.

"Hey, Lisa, what's going on?" she said with some hesitation in her tone.

Lisa ran her fingers through the limited pubic hair she had on her mound, "I was just calling to see what's going on," she lied.

"Oh, things are good. Your husband stopped by this morning before work," she said.

Lisa rolled her eyes, "Yeah, did you two get a good fuck in before he went to work?"

She didn't mind her husband going to Monica for a fuck once in a while, but she didn't know why he never mentioned when he would be going to her. She thought what they had would be enough for him but even if it wasn't, he could at least tell his wife when he felt he had to get pussy elsewhere. It didn't matter to her that she knew the woman and had sex with her in the past as well.

"It's good to have some dick first thing in the morning, especially from someone who comes over just to deliver that to you," she said.

"She's rubbing that in my fucking face," Lisa thought.

"I bet. He sometimes gives me a good fuck before work as well," she lied.

Monica moaned lightly.

"Speaking of moaning," Lisa said, "You know what I've been getting off on lately?"

Monica made a sound indicating she didn't know. She sounded preoccupied to Lisa.

"Remember when you said fucking your son was the best thing ever?" Lisa said as her finger dipped between her inner lips.

"Oh yeah," Monica whispered.

"I'm rubbing my pussy right now thinking of Greg's dick sliding in and out of my pussy."


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