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Xenobiological Morphosis Ch. 01


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"F-fuuuck..." He hissed, steadying himself against the shelf.

"T-that's what I'm talking about..." Bernie shuddered, a trembling hand snaking down her trim belly to slide inside her skinny jeans. "Down and dirty fucking. So how about you stop playing hard to get, Stud?"

Terry made a break for freedom.

...or at least he tried to. Holding his pants up with both hands in the pockets and sprinting awkwardly with his unfettered boner waving about in the air in front him was neither a dignified nor an expeditious means of escape. The damn thing was so long and rigid that it kept slapping his stomach through his shirt with each other step sparking small jolts of sinful sensation with each bouncing impact.

It was fucking ridiculous on so many levels.

Equally ridiculous was how quickly Bernice caught up with him, artfully exhibiting all that lacrosse training she previously mentioned.


He had half-expected her to leap onto his back but her years of viciously competitive team sports had apparently trained her to go for the knees. Terry was folded up and dropped like a discarded paper napkin. Only in a last second flash of urgent calculation did he think to twist in mid free-fall to avoid falling flat on his face. He landed sprawled on his side across the cold hard floor with Bernie's arms wrapped around his thighs and her nose buried in his hip.

"Ouch... dammit Bernie. Take a goddamn cold shower or something I--aaaaaahahaha~"

Warm fingers that were not Terry's own had slid up his bare quads and found the uber-sensitive crown of his meaty member, giving it a frisky fondle. The traitorous flesh twitched at the touch and a strong pulse of pleasure ran down his thick shaft, up his tingling spine and set off fourth of July fireworks behind his fluttering eyelids.

"Ha! You like that don't you, Terry?" The athletic blonde panted as she rolled him bonelessly onto his back for ease of access to his nether regions. "Now let's what we're working with--ohmygawd it's even more gorgeous than I thought!"

Gorgeous? Terry's thoughts were an ecstatic jumble but he was pretty sure nobody--himself included--had ever called his dick gorgeous. Or any dick for that matter.

Dicks might be described as rugged or perhaps brutal at best, grotesque dangling noodles at worst. Cute... Maybe? Nice worked well in a pinch. Great was for the best of times but gorgeous?

That sounded like a downright odd compliment of his overinflated pocket rocket.

What was going on here?

That's right.. Bernie was wriggling her way up his splayed legs until her head and shoulders were hovering over his lap, slowly stroking him the entire time. Her soft, clever hands tugging and tickling at his turgidity in mind-melting fashion as her long silky locks brushed against his swollen balls.

"Oh em gee, Stud... I don't want to sound like a total size queen but this has to be the biggest, most delicious cock I've ever seen." She mewled, straddling one of his thighs and beginning to grind her pelvis against it. "I can't... I have to...Gloommff~!"


Terry hips bucked involuntarily as something delectably hot and wet closed tightly around his agonized immensity.

"Show me where you applied the compound, Flunky Third Class; Bhamme."

The Craterisal crewmember examined the photonic projection of the Hootnam test subject carefully before unfurling a long lappis to poke at the point above the Terrestrial's lower two ambulatory appendages.

"Right there, Grand Scrutineer. I compelled the test subject to ingest the compound directly through its proboscis during hibernation." As per instructions. Bhamme bobbed happily in place silently congratulating himself for a job well done.

"Proboscis? Flunky Third Class; Bhamme, did you familiarize yourself with Hootnam anatomy as directed before disembarking on your away mission?" Grand Scrutineer Dhuussod's tone was all saccharine sweetness even as his cerebral bell strobed with warned spots of angry violet.

"Of Course, Grand Scrutineer."

It wasn't a lie. Bhamme had spent a full quarter of the planetary rotation studying its data-net for examples of the strange Hootnam's physical framework. There had been a LOT of information, especially in the form of visual media pertaining to many and varied methods of Hootnam procreation.

Admittedly, most of that time had been spent indulging in a fascinating new fixation of something called "Pegging". Bhamme's pseudo-pod slowly drifted towards his drooling shtaaark-hole again...

"Then Flunky Third Class, you may well experience some confusion when I inform you that Hootnams do not, in fact, have a proboscis!" Dhuussod shrilled furiously as his gills flared in agitation.

"But.. But..." Bhamme pointed again at the small tube of tissue in the projection.

"That is the test subject's reproductive organ, Flunky." High Phsycophant Qwaizoo clarified coldly from his place monitoring the transmission bubble. "You force-fed the Hootnam's pudendum a full measure of the Prime Smack's--may they remain ever gelatinous--highly experimental Compound X244-1c."

Bhamme radiated the cadmium hue of confusion as Dhuussod glowered violet back at him.

Did Qwaizoo just say... X244-1c?

"Grand Scrutineer Dhuussod, I believe that we are witnessing a reaction. You may wish to observe this." High Phsycophant Qwaizoo reported dutifully, peering down into the luminous membrane.

"Oh fuck, Bernie."

The little blonde firecracker giggled around her fat mouthful of his cock.

Terry was seated in the shadows of the towering shelving units with his back resting up against a Westinghouse fridge/freezer combo and his torn pants down around his ankles.

He had tried to scramble back away but Bernice had just followed him, keeping her pouty lips locked around his tip and whining like an infant about to lose its pacifier.

Terry was conflicted and his problems were twofold.

Foremost on his mind was how extraordinary young Bernie's mouth felt around his tremendous new manhood. He had enjoyed great oral sex before--his fiance Amy was both a gifted and giving lover--but either this college dropout hadn't been lying about her champion cock-sucking status or his new dick was just that hyper-receptive to her lingual ministrations because he was being reduced to a fleshy puddle of quivering pleasure.

"Mmmnnnack... Oh Terry, your cock feels so perfect on my tongue." Bernie gasped as she came up for air. "I feel like I'm getting fucking high just sucking on that huge fuck-stick."

"Holy shit, Bernie. Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?" He groaned as she giggled and loudly slurped him back down, taking an ungodly amount of his thick length right to the back of her tight little throat.

Coming in close second to the bone-melting ecstasy was the very real concern that he was cheating on his beautiful fiance. He had done all he could to escape this compromising position, hadn't he? Terry loved Amy!...but Terry was also loving the lip-smacking way Bernie was merrily gargling his copious precum as she languidly lapped her hot, pink tongue under the bulging head of his enraged erection.

"Thwooo~ gwood..." Bernie slurred, her bright sandy hair tumbling into a glossy golden pool around the base of his beefy shaft as her smoky eyes watched him through her dark lashes.

Gods help him but his balls were in honest physical pain. They felt impossibly swollen and full, almost straining at the no-longer wrinkled skin of his ball-sack. They throbbed with his heartbeat like a blinding migraine. It was a deep tissue soreness that felt like a testicle might rupture any minute now if he didn't find an outlet for all that stabbing pressure.

Terry had to bust a nut before he actually, literally busted a nut!

That was it, right? Bernie was just helping him out with his weirdly sudden, yet totally urgent medical condition. The fact she had a wet spot spreading in the seat of her own jeans was just a mad coincidence. Terry dared anyone to try and prove otherwise; correlation was not causation after-all... or something like that.

"Fuck... That feels amazing, Bernie." He gasped as she worked his steely cock with slow luxurious bobs of her head.

"Mmmhmmm~" She hummed in agreement and even that translated into a thrumming string of delighted shivers running up Terry's spine.

She was laying atop one of his legs pinning it in place as she suckled on his crown and dry humped his shin. Her hands were groping his waist, her fingers gripping his hips as she used the extra leverage to pull herself down and fuck her face all the harder onto him.

"Glaarkk~ Aaackk~!" Bernie gagged as she tried desperately to choke down more of his stupendous girth.

Her big amber eyes were watering but remained fixed on his own as a wash of her spit and his precum ran from her chin in thick streamers that dripped down her neckline. The front of her blue polo shirt with the Ezyway Electronics logo on her left breast was growing damp with their combined fluids and soiled with stray pearly globs of his manseed that escaped her hungry maw.

"God that's... Oh fuck~ I can't..." Terry growled and thumped his head back against the fridge in blissful anguish.

Then Bernie shlorped her way wetly back up his furiously twitching cock, coming off the tip with a gob-smacking *pop!* She grinned sloppily up at him before gulping down her gooey mouthful and catching her breath.

"I'm done playing now, Stud. This queen wants all of that hot salty load." She panted with a devilish gleam in her eyes. Letting go of his sides the stunning blonde sex-kitten pulled her dense mane of hair to one side, holding it in one fist like a ponytail while her other seized the thick base of his thundering tumescence in the other. "Get ready for the show-stopper!"

Then she dove down onto his monstrous cock, driving it straight past the entrance to her tight throat and lodging it deep in her constricting esophagus.

"Whooaaa~ shit!" Terry almost screamed as his whole body bucked and his enlarged nuts flexed like two great medicine balls.

Bernie rode his thrashing legs, grinding her crotch against him and grunting through her nose. She twisted her head side to side as she gulped and swallowed, taking him down until her plush bruised lips kissed her thumb and forefinger encircling the root of his mighty shaft.

"Gluummmph~!" She gurgled and Terry could feel her mouth twitching as she smirked victoriously around his implausibly invasive girth.

His head jerked forward to stare down bug-eyed at the athletic little coed with her face completely buried in his lap and her forehead pressed flat against his stomach.

Then, with deliberate intent Bernie let go of his hard cock, reached up and pressed her dainty fingertips up firmly against the obscene bulge distending her slender neck.

"H-how? How- huurrnngh~!" Terry's stammering incredulity ended in a guttural groan torn from his deepest depths when he felt the filthy minx stroke his ecstatic man-meat through her own rippling throat.

Spots danced in his vision as he experienced a toe-curling surging sensation in his ensconced erection. His balls beat in mad syncopation like twin tom-toms and seized. His meaty pole jerked visibly in Bernie's gullet, flexed powerfully and then... expanded.


Bernie moaned in heated shock as her pretty head was shoved upwards and her jaw forced wide open as the veiny member in her mouth took on drastic new dimensions. Her succulent lips were stretched thin as their elastic seal was taxed to its pillowy limits. Three full inches of his battering shaft were forced out of her gaping maw on the logical grounds that there was nowhere else for them to grow. Bernie had already been pushing maximum oral capacity but Terry watched in abject horror as his already monumental manhood filled and then surpassed it.

Then any emotions other than rapturous carnal fruition were washed away on a gushing torrent of cum as Terry's final vestiges of resistance shattered and he erupted.

"Aaaayyyeeee~!" Terry yodeled wordlessly, his entire being boiling down to the thermonuclear fusion of his absurdly fountaining cock and his exquisitely skillful co-worker caught like a hooked sucker-fish on the end of it.

At least Bernice had enough instinctual self-preservation to pull back until only his plum-sized head was lodged between her billowing cheeks as his first cannonade of steaming hot jism filled her eager mouth to overflowing.

A rushing river of his cum churned like gooey rapids over her teeth and tongue as she swallowed desperately in a futile attempt to gorge herself on his overabundance. Her heroic efforts proved in vain as Terry felt another head-spinning pulse burst out of his wildly spasming member only to rupture Bernie's frantic lip-lock as a cum bubble blew out of her cute button nose.

"Gluuurp~" Bernie gurgled, her eyes rolling back as she seized his jerking shaft with both hands.

She pulled back but managed to keep him aimed at her exquisite dripping face as Terry's final massive volley of ropy manseed blasted across her sculpted cheekbones, gluing one amber eye shut and splashed up her smooth forehead into her mass of silky blonde hair.

Bernie looked like she had gone bobbing for apples in a bucket of whole egg mayonnaise. A thick strand of white connected her eyebrows to Terry's tip and a dense wad of the same gloop drooped from her chin onto her heaving chest.

What must have been a pint of his hot sticky cum plastered her glowing complexion, ran from her nostrils and drooled from her abused lips by the time Terry was finally spent.

"H-holy fuck... Bernie. That was... That was..." Terry panted deliriously, lost for words in a pleasure-drunk daze.

Bernie's lithe body quaked atop his knee as she tipped back her lovely head, loudly swallowed then drew in a shuddering breath.

"Gah! That was... amazing!" She elated, falling forward into his lap and looking up at him with a sticky crocodile smile. Her single open eye sparkling with mischievous glee. "Jeezus, Terry... but when you blow, you don't half baste a girl dontcha?"

Her wicked fingers returned to working his meaty shaft, it hadn't really softened despite his ebbing vesuvian eruption and remained disturbingly at half-mast. Terry groaned in halfhearted protest as he weakly tried to bat her stroking hands away from his tortured, hardening flesh.

"Do you think you've got another fat load down here for me, Stud? Because your spunk tastes fucking fantastic."

"Well, that was... Interesting." High Psychophant Qwaizoo commented, cautiously side-eyeing his superior.

"Not at all the physiological response we anticipated from Compound X244-1c but it was still somewhat... stimulating." Grand Scrutineer Dhuussod replied, displaying a colourful hint of excitement.

"Ummm, excuse me Grand Scrutineer..." Flunky Third Class Bhamme spoke up from behind their joint position floating above the transmission bubble.

Two pairs of eye-stalks twisted to look at the junior crew-member expectantly.

"So here's the thing about that..."

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MenoetesMenoetes10 months agoAuthor

Thanks so much! I tried capture a light hearted tone in this particularly silly story. 😜

cors41214guycors41214guy10 months ago

Brilliant start, I hope the other chapters are as good. I loved the language used here, this person can really write!

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