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You're Not a Serial Rapist Ch. 19

Story Info
Valerie Vistis Sat- -Sun.
11.1k words

Part 20 of the 29 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 06/10/2021
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Dear readers, thank you for staying with this story, and voting. It warms my heart when I see you adding a chapter to your 'Favorites'.

I know it seems like it's dragging as far as Valerie's relationship with Bill. But, Bill has Kathy and Kathy has Bill. Valerie is still working through her past issues with the deep and hurtful comment her ex-fiancée made to her and has put doubts in her own mind. As we go along, Valerie is slowly breaking through those lines 'not to be crossed' she set up in the beginning. Valerie has already questioned herself, 'If I hadn't put up those lines, would I be in his arms?'. I'm slowly trying to get her through her internal troubles. I'm trying to make it believable; but, I'm a guy, and an engineer. I have enough problems in real life figuring out girl's internal problems.

It will be a few more chapters before things turn. Please be patient. I think you'll like the outcome.


I woke alone, again to the aroma of fresh coffee.

Finding the two of them sitting at the picnic table sipping their coffee; I softly kissed the top of their heads, took a peaks down their billowing tops at four luscious tanned breasts and delectable nipples. Taking a seat next to Kathy, I kissed her cheek. The fact that I looked down their tops wasn't lost on either of them. The fact that they had purposely leaned forward to offer those views was evident by the smiles.

"So, what have guys got planned for the day?" I asked.

"We thought we might do a little shopping this morning. We already know what we're wearing tonight," Kathy said, then with a grin, "You'll like it."

I was certain of that.

"Then we thought we would hit the back and Val can have her last day of nude sunbathing... for a while. What's on your list for the day?"

"Thought I would mow the lawn this morning. After that nothing until we get ready for tonight."

"That should work out perfectly. By then we will need someone to put lotion on our backs," Kathy said with a grin.

"Just let me know when you're there, so I can turn over," grinned Valerie.

"Turn over... front to back? Or back to front?"

"You wish," the grin never leaving her beautiful face. But then adding, "But then again... you never know," her eyes wide with mischief. And that was true... you never know.

An hour later, they returned. I was halfway through my chore.

Minutes later I watched as they headed down the lane toward the water. Just before they disappeared through the trees, Kathy looked over her shoulder, grinned, and then lifted the bottom of her nightshirt up and over her head. Valerie looked over her shoulder, grinned, and did the same. I groaned to myself as I watched two beautiful little tanned bottoms disappear through the trees. If the lawn mower hadn't been running, I was certain I would have heard a pair of giggles.

I returned to my task. Images of what were lying out back filled my racing brain.

An hour later I announced my presence before I emerged from the trees. My eyes were once again treated to the most beautiful vision on earth. Valerie's tan lines had all but disappeared. Her back, bottom, and smooth legs glowed a soft gold from the kiss of the sun. Kathy's sleek back, bottom, and long sensual legs a soft bronze.

"Just in time," Kathy smiled as she rose a bit, turned, and flashed me a look at her tanned little breasts and nipples.

"But someone is definitely overdressed," I heard from a grinning Valerie.

I stood about five feet in front of them. Each had propped their heads in their hands. They had themselves propped just enough that their nipples were still hidden, but the view of the swells of their soft breasts was enticing.

Stepping out of my shorts. I looked up to see two beaming faces. I wasn't erect; God knows how that hadn't happed... yet. But I was 'extended' to about three quarters. My loose scrotum hanging. The outline of each testicle clearly visible.

"Don't you just love it?" Kathy asked, "Each time is always exciting."

"I know. Just the few times I've been able to see Bill all naked, it makes me tingle," Valerie grinned, "I mean last night was hot; but, this is a different kind of 'hot'."

I got each girl oiled up. Their backs glistened. I was careful with the back of Valerie's thighs. Since she was completely naked, she kept her legs together, so I only did the top of her thighs and of course her soft cheeks. I did press my fingers through the crease just above her pink rosebud. She let out a gasp.

Kathy and I would enter the water when Valerie was at least waist deep. We played in the water. Valerie was still nervous about me seeing her totally nude in the bright sunlight. I knew she was struggling with it. I also knew she would get there eventually. I let her go at her own pace; but, I did look forward to that day.

Frisbee. It was always a treat to watch each set of firm little mounds giggle with each toss... with each leap to catch the flying saucer. Kathy leaping, at times, higher than necessary and flashing me quick images of that dark honey blonde forest.

Kathy kept me distracted on the sand while Valerie would slowly swim out to the raft and then lay out spread eagled with her eyes closed in order to savor the sensations that her body was receiving. The gentle breeze drying and gently stimulating her hard nipples, wet folds, and rustling through her brown pubic hair. The sun warming her soft skin, sensitive nipples, and lightly kissing the soft pink inner lips.


I watched the girls come down from getting themselves ready to go out. Once again, they took my breath away, as I stared in utter awe.

They wore similar style sundresses. Valerie's was a light pastel green with a soft floral print. Kathy's was a light pastel blue with a similar floral print. The soft colors offered a soft contrast to their smooth golden tanned skin. The front of each had a gentle "V" opening that started from mid-shoulder to mid-way between the bottoms their small breasts and their navel. The inner edge running halfway between where the gentle inner swells of their breasts began and their nipples. The straps that were tied in a bow behind their necks, pulled the material against their breasts, enhancing the subtle hidden little mounds. The lack of any tan line at the narrow opening between their breasts was alluring and sexy. A gold pendant on a delicate gold chain graced each of their upper chests. Both dresses were completely backless, from their shoulders to just above the small of their backs. Again, the lack of any tan lines was captivating.

The dresses hugged their tiny waists with a built-in elastic sash and ended a little above mid-thigh. The hem would flutter as they walked. Long toned and tanned legs and smooth thighs on display. To top everything off, each wore white sandals, their toe nails were painted a soft white.

They had applied some light makeup. Each of their eyes had a trace of eyeliner; accentuating Kathy's blue gray eyes and making Valerie's gold-speckled brown eyes soft and alluring. The mascara enhanced and defined each eyelash. Their lips soft and glossy. Kathy's thin honey blonde eyebrows creating delicate arches over each eye. What the most erotic thing about the color of her eyebrows, was that I knew they matched the color of... well you know.

They stood at the bottom of the stairs grinning.

"You like?" Kathy grinned as they each did a three-sixty.

Kathy then turned with her back toward me, looked over her shoulder, and flashed me that signature 'Kathy smile'. My heart melted. Then Valerie joined in and flashed me her 'Valerie smile'.

All I could say was, "Wow," as I ran for my camera.

They each beamed.


We settled in for some pizza. Being Saturday night, there were a few families.

Bonnie recognized both Kathy and I, as we got a warm and welcoming smile, and then asked, "So who is this very cute girl?"

Looking at Valerie, who had a slight blush, "This our very good friend Valerie. We met last fall in school. She was in the same dorm as Kathy. She's up visiting from Rock Island for the last week."

Valerie marveled at the flavor of the pizza sauce, as she said she now knew why we thought it was so special.

The juke box was calling me. I took Kathy's request to keep things 'light' to heart, to not to get too emotional, as the songs I tended to play did. I knew that would come the next day.

But there was one that I thought would be light and still romantic.

I returned to the table with a grin, pulled each of my girls to their feet, and led them over to the little open area just in front of the juke box just as the peppy sounds of The Beatles "All You Need is Love" filled the room.

We formed a three-way circle.

Love, love, love

Love, love, love

Love, love, love...

The girl's hips swayed to the beat of the music. The hem of their dresses fluttering across the back of their smooth tanned thighs, a view that was being appreciated by a couple of husbands in the room.

We each had big smiles, their eyes sparkling as we mouthed the words to each other.

....All you need is love

All you need is love

All you need is love, love

Love is all you need....

And it was true... plus a couple of truly wonderful friends.


My dad was to meet us outside the entrance at 8:30 to avoid any problems getting us in, as I still hadn't become a member. Technically, once you've been there twice, you had to be a member to get back in. But, dad having been a member for twenty years, and was one of the officers, it was no big deal.

I could see his face beaming as the three of us crossed the parking lot, as he took in visions of my two girlfriends: smooth tanned shoulders, open 'V' necklines, and long tanned legs.

Kathy leaned in to give him a welcoming hug. His arm went around her waist. Not knowing the dress was backless and as soon as his hand made contact her bare back, he quickly pulled his hand back.

"Sorry. I didn't realize..."

Kathy cut him off, "Bill, don't worry about it. I didn't mean to embarrass you. Besides, we'll both be dancing with you later," as they both turned around to show their completely bare backs.

"Well you two will certainly have the attention of all the men here tonight," he grinned as Valerie leaned in for a greeting hug.

And they did. From the time we entered the building and the walk to the bar area. My mom had saved three bar stools. My dad and I stood behind. I couldn't keep my eyes off their tanned shoulders and bare backs.

Valerie took in the quickly forming crowd. Tonight, we were probably the youngest there. Most were my parent's age, about a quarter older, and about a quarter a bit younger. Just like when Kathy was first here on a Saturday night over Thanksgiving, everybody was dressed up.

"Wow," I heard Valerie say.

Then she leaned over and whispered, "I feel like we're not dressed up enough."

I then leaned between the two of them, my hand on each of their bare shoulders, and whispered, "Don't even think that... You two have the eye of every male here, and probably even some women," I kissed each of their cheeks, which brought two smiles and twinkling eyes.

The band tonight was a five piece brass band, with a drummer, and female vocalist. I explained to Valerie that they would be playing 'Big Band', Country, and a bit of modern rock, and of course polkas.

We were brought out of our discussions with a blast from the brass horns. Both Kathy and Valerie jumped with start. Then grinned.

The first tune set the tone for most of the night. I couldn't tell you what it was, just that it was full of big brass and lively. My dad looked over at Kathy and grinned. She grinned back, and we watched the two of them take head off to the dance floor, my dad's hand on her back just below where the material started. I heard my mom let out a soft, "Wow."

It was the first time that evening that Kathy had her back to the crowd. I looked around... every male there was taking in the luscious sight of her smooth tanned back and legs.

As they assumed the classic dance position, her hand around my dad's neck, her dainty hand in my dad's large hands, and his hand on her lower back just above the top off the soft material, the bottom of her dress rose up a couple of inches to expose more of her smooth thighs. It was captivating.

We watched as they danced to the lively beat. The bottom of her dress fluttering across her tanned thighs. Each of their faces beaming. Making their way back, they were stopped a few times by my dad's friends. I watched as he reintroduced Kathy. His face beaming the whole time.

The next lively song was a polka. He looked over at Valerie. She grinned. I watched as he led her to the dance floor. Again, the eyes of every male glued to her smooth bare back.

Valerie, being a bit shorter than Kathy, caused the bottom of her dress to ride up a bit more. Every male there was treated to the sights of her smooth thighs. They did a bit of a twirl, causing her skirt to fly up a bit... nothing too revealing, just a little more thigh. Just captivating. Valerie was grinning the whole time.

On the way back, my dad did introductions. Again, his hand resting on her hip. Valerie's face beaming the whole time.

I did dance some slow ones with each girl. My dad always danced the slow ones with my mom.

Couldn't tell you the names of the tunes, just that they were slow. I held each close and tight. My hands always resting on their bare lower backs. Theirs clasped behind my neck. Heads on my shoulder. My head resting against theirs inhaling the scent of their shampoo and perfume. Firm breasts against my chest... man, I love that. At the end of each tune I would give each a tender kiss.

I did dance with Kathy to Tammy Wynette's "Stand by Your Man". When the band did Patsy Cline, "I Go to Pieces" I looked at Valerie. She looked back at me, and shook her head. I understood. I kissed her cheek and got a loving smile.

We did a couple of three-way slow dances. It was warm and tender and I got warm and tender hugs and kisses at the end of each tune. My hands always gravitating to their bare lower backs. I'm sure we got a few strange looks. I didn't care.

The girls kept my dad's 'dance card' full. I don't think he danced with any of the normal ladies he usually danced with. He was on top of the world.

At one point, when the three of us were standing side-by-side with my hand on each of their hips, my mom pulls out her camera from her purse, and takes a snapshot. I suggested we all head to a room to get a few more shots.

The shots were similar to the ones she had taken at Kathy's graduation: the three us up close... cheek-to-cheek, another up close as I got kisses on me cheek, one of each of them at my side with their backs to the camera flashing their signature smiles. The one that I would later have blown up and framed was with each of them at my sides with their backs to the camera, my hands on their bare lower backs, and again turning to flash the camera with those captivating smiles.

We decided to leave around 11:30. The band was going to play for another hour and a half. We didn't care. There were other things we wanted to do on Valerie's last night with us, for a while.


We weren't even out of the parking lot when I had two topless girls sitting in the front seat. The top portion on their dresses resting on their laps. I was told to find a dark side road.

Fifty yards down the first side road I could find, we all jumped out of the car. Fifteen seconds later three naked bodies sat in the front seat. This time, Valerie was to my right. Her bare hip against mine. Her dark erect nipples glowing against the soft light of the light from the dash and the radio.

They each squealed in delight as I sped down the highway. The wind from all the opened windows whistling past their bare skin, erect nipples, and fluffing pubic hair. Their arms upward with their hands resting on the roof. Each bouncing on the seat in tune to the beat of whatever was loudly playing on the radio. I would look over, as often as I could, in utter amazement at the jiggle of four firm breasts. Their erect nipples pointing straight out. I was hard.

"Bill. Are you hard?" Kathy shouted over the radio and wind noise.

"Val. Check him out."

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the sly mischievous grin. I gasped, as her cool encircled my rod of warm hard 'male flesh', and firmly squeezed.

"Yes... Very hard... and very hot," her hand not leaving. Instead, moving lower to cup my smooth sack, and massaged my aching balls.

"And his balls feel so full... Kath, I think you have your work cut for you... later," I could hear the teasing smile.


Skidding to a stop, just outside the back door, everybody made a mad dash for the water.

Two minutes later, we lay on the raft with Valerie in the middle. Our bare hips resting against each other. Our fingers intertwined, as we quietly looked up at the starlit heavens.

"I had so much fun tonight. I don't think I've ever danced that much in one night before."

"Well you both kept him going all the time. He was on top of the world. Besides you both gave all the rest of the men there something really nice to look at... those long tanned legs... your smooth tanned backs."

"I'm going to miss this. All of this," her hand squeezing mine, as I was sure she was doing the same to Kathy's.

We turned to face each other. My free hand reaching over to stroke her cheek with the back of my hand.

"So soft. Val, all you have to do is go out in your backyard in the coming weeks and look up into the heavens, knowing we will be doing the same. Thinking of you."

Our lips meeting.

"I know. But, it won't be the same. Besides I can't see this many stars. Being here this past week, makes me even more determined that I am going to transfer."

"And live with us," I added.

"Yes, and live with you two."


After a slow walk back, nude, Valerie and I embraced, and shared a good night kiss in the hallway outside our bedrooms. I watched Kathy and Valerie also embrace. Their nipples touching.

Even though, we had gone for a brief swim earlier, we found ourselves in the shower. I think that between the naked drive, and Kathy watching Valerie play with my dick, we each had some lingering desires that we were eager to satisfy.

As the water pulsed off Kathy's back, I got on my knees in front of her. Her beautiful honey blonde patch of down at eye level. I planted a revenant kiss in the middle of that soft triangle. Lifting, and draping her left leg over my right shoulder. I looked up and saw the grin. Kathy knew what I had in mind. She braced herself against the shower wall and shifted a bit to open herself up a little more.

With my nose buried in her soft fur, my tongue buried itself in her hot wet folds. Probing. Tasting. Searching for that button of pleasure. We had never done this before; here, in our shower. That made it even more exciting.

Then, I heard a gasp and an "Oh God," as her hands grabbed two fistfuls of my hair.

I grinned to myself, as two fingers entered her to the knuckle and swirled around her soft wet cavity. That brought another gasp and more tugs of my hair.

Kathy wasn't even trying to be discrete at our playing, as growls and moans, along with gasping my name between the sounds of her rising pleasure filled and escaped the steam-filled room.

All of a sudden, I felt her right leg almost buckle as her inner walls rippled against my invading digits. A low primal groan of, "OOOOHHH... MY GOOOOD," spilled out of her wide open mouth. Pulling me by my hair into her. Smothering me against her matted fur... my tongue pressing against that sensitive button.

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