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Zoe’s Secret Lust

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I discovery my wife’s secret slut desires.
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This story contains cheating, abuse, pain, discovery, redemption, a three-way MMF, some homoerotic passages, rough sex, humiliation. I love your comments, suggestions and critique, thank you!

Zoe's Secret Lust

My first bodybuilding competition! At 26, I rarely stepped into a gym in my life, until about 6 months ago. I joined up with a local, ratty kind of muscle-head place "The Naked Ape" because was close to the house and cheap, and in fact, I preferred it to the corporate mall-types; the thread-bare mats, the regulars were real guys, the old iron weights. Zoe, my wife of 6 years, and I worked out together for a while, until her work demands ate into her time. (or so I thought)

A few months into my membership, Max, the owner, a retired champion himself, took notice of me and offered coaching and tips, it really made a difference. Max was an amazing guy, kind, intelligent, and very smart about the fitness industry. A great coach, too. A month ago, to my astonishment he suggested I compete in a local event, and I hesitantly agreed. Tonight, Zoe watched me complete, her co-worker Rafe was in town for a project they were collaborating on, so he met us at the bar later.

Well, here I was, a trophy in hand. We were celebrating at a local bar, the guys from the gym, my wife, Zoe, and a friend of hers from work, Rafe. Rafe was around more and more often, I caught myself thinking, but dismissed it quickly. I was on top of the world.

We were all stuffed into a booth, Rafe sat on the other side of Zoe, then myself, Max and the other guys I worked out alongside. We were pounding beers and celebrating, I was on top of the world. I noticed that Rafe and Zoe were a little distracted, at first I chalked it up to them being the only non-gym people there, but it still caught me as odd. Then, a squad of waitresses dressed as cheerleaders, sauntered over, flirting with my gym buddies, and making a big deal over Max, an older man but tall, and still in fantastic shape. Big muscled arms, skinny waist, flat abs.

Some of the guys invited the girls to sit down and join us, they obviously couldn't during work hours, but the head waitress feigned disappointment and said "There's no room to sit, is there, boys?" Well, Max stood up and grabbed Rafe by the arms, lifting him up over his head! "There is room now!" Max bellowed! Then, passed Rafe overhead to me, and I followed, we passed him from bodybuilder to bodybuilder until he was ejected from the booth, deposited roughly into the isle. Everyone had a good laugh, but Rafe looked angry, humiliated, and I glanced at Zoe, she was fuming. Rafe stomped off to the bar, and just as I thought to go apologize to him the booth was flooded with hot young waitresses, laughing and pushing, it was chaos.

I sat back down next to Zoe, she glared at me and said "That was rude!". I was a little taken aback, and replied "It's all in fun! Just the guys flexing for the girls!" but kind of surprised how upset she was. I thought to go make it up to him, but we were cornered in the booth and trapped by the rowdy gang.

I guess about an hour later, people started to disperse a little, I got up to let Zoe out, and check on Rafe. I noticed he had many empty beer bottles at his table, he must have really been pounding them down. I felt bad, and approached him, but when he saw me, he staggered up and made an unsteady line to the men's room. I followed, determined to set things right.

In the men's room, he was pissing into an ice-filled trough, so I moved in next to him,whipped out my dick and drained a few beers myself. He glanced over at me, then down to my dick, and said "No wonder!"

I shrugged, not sure what was happening. Then he pointed, looking down at my soft dick, and sniggered.

Not catching his meaning, I reminded him: "Man rule #1, no checking out the other dude's equipment in the bathroom!"

He looked at me, unsteady, then turned to show me his tool. Before I could catch myself, I glanced down. Holy giant pipe, Batman! His joint was impressive, fat, the head extended about 4" past the fist he was using to aim it. Soft, it was enormous. Rafe was tall, about 6' athletic-ish with a little dad-bod developing, a few years older than me. His cock was bobbing heavily as he shook the last of the piss out.

Absently, I said "The ladies must love you!"

Rafe sneered, and drunkenly replied "Your wife sure does!"

"A girly man, like you? Yea, right!" I replied in a fake German accent, thinking it was a typical locker room insult.

"I've been fucking your wife, you meathead ape!" He slurred, almost spitting. I stopped, this was going too far for a joke

He squeezed his sizable dick though his pants, wagging it at me, and said "And, she fucking loves it!"

"Fuck you... It's not funny. You're lying." I replied.

"Oh yeah... Those tits look familiar?" He smirked, showing me his phone.

There it was, what was unmistakably my wife, in black lace lingerie, her tits exposed, her legs spread, a huge cock sliding into her pussy.

I scrolled to see several more pictures of my wife; on all fours, on her back with her legs spread, stiletto "fuck me" heals in the air.

He gloated over me, standing unsteadily, smirking. "She a slut for my big cock! While your out working on your big muscles! A lot of good it did ya!"

I looked at him and shook my head. "You jackass. You slime ball." I said, "You filthy asshole!.." I was at a loss for words, my brain was struggling to catch up.

Just then, he whirled around and started to throw-up in the sink. I wanted to bash in his rotten stupid face, drown him in the piss trough, but then it hit me full strength as he was heaving up a dozen beers: that my wife was cheating on me, my marriage was very practically over, and my triumph of a few hours ago was stripped away, leaving me feeling lost and hollow.

Zoe hadn't been encouraging me to work on my physique, she just wanted me out of the house.

Rafe was hanging onto the sink for dear life, the dry heaves racking his body. I absentmindedly slipped his phone into my pocket, turned and left, going outside into the rain, and started to cry.

I'm not sure how long I was outside, I felt my shoulders shaking as I wept, until I heard a sound behind me.

"Pete?" I heard Zoe's voice. "Are you OK?"

I took a deep breath, luckily the light rain masking my tears, and replied truthfully: "Yea, just felt overwhelmed, and needed some air."

"Um, have you seen Rafe?" She asked, looking around, with a false nonchalant voice.

"Yea, he had too much to drink, he's going to take a cab home." I guessed. I didn't care, as long as I didn't have to recall our last conversation, not now.

I looked over at her, not sure what to think, what to do. She took my arm, I stood under her umbrella as we walked silently home.

I stripped my wet clothes off, and opened up the closet. There, on Zoe's side, were several sets of lacy lingerie, that I'd never noticed before or seen her in. Including the black set that I had, just a few minutes ago, seen on Rafe's phone. Also, on the floor, were two pair of shoes with stiletto heals, one red pair, one black like in the photo. She never wore them around me. I stood there, nude, staring at the sexy clothes she had bought for him, that I'd never seen her wear.

She approached me from the rear, wrapping her arms around me, and whispered into my ear, trying to be sexy "Do you have anything left in those muscles for your wife?"

I felt hollow, not sure what to do. I reached into the closet and picked up her lacy black lingerie, and her black stiletto heels, and gave them to her "Would you wear this for me?" Zoe gasped, a look of surprise on her face, but then she caught herself. "Um...These old things? Well, if you want me to?"

"Yes" I replied weakly. I watched her put them on, the entire time thinking of her doing the same for Rafe. I felt sick.

We made love, I thought maybe for the last time. Somehow, I thought it would make things better. I made sure to do all the positions Rafe had on his phone, until at last, I came deep inside her.

I crawled into bed next to my wife, feeling very tired, mentally empty. I sighed, and tried to fall asleep.

Did you have a good night?" She asked, smuggling up from behind.

"Not really." I replied. Sleep would not come.

"Oh really... why? She asked.

I got Rafe's phone out of my jacket pocket, the pics were still displayed. I handed it to her.

I wasn't going to say anything until the morning as I was a little drunk, a little in shock, and I not sure what to do. But old habits die hard, and she was my best friend before she was Rafe's fuck toy. I opened up, telling her everything.

"Well Rafe told me he's been fucking you for the last few months, I called him a liar, then he proved it" I said. Her mouth hung open, speechless. She stared at the pics, her face turning red. I was surprisingly calm for someone who had just found out his wife had been cheating on him, and I think it unnerved Zoe.

"No! No no no no!" She said, tears filling up her eyes. "Oh my god...I'm so sorry."

I was a fool, but I couldn't help but feel protective of her in that moment of real pain. She held her hands to her face and wept.

"Why would you do this?" I demanded to know.

"I can't, I don't know..." She mumbled. "I.... I'm so sorry." She cried.

"Are you going to leave me?" I asked, surprising myself with how calm I felt. Maybe numb? I felt nothing.

"No! No, I love you! This was just a mistake! It got out of hand so quickly!" She started to babble.

"I can't stay with a liar. I can forgive a mistake, but you cannot keep making me a fool." I told her. She was still shaking, her tears running down her face.

"What can I do?" She was pleading, holding onto my arm desperately. I thought for a long moment.

"I need to know why you would do this, I deserve to know the truth...I want you tell me everything." I said, again very calmly. She looked at me with horror, as if there were details worse than cheating, secrets she was terrified of exposing. I reached over and took her face in my hands, looking into her eyes.

"Tell me" I said "....everything."

Zoe took a deep breath and let out a big sigh. "Okay, Okay. I made a huge mistake, once! One night, and I didn't know how to end it with him." She said. "The first I slept with him several months ago, when you were at the gym, late. You had been distant, but we suppose to go to dinner to celebrate my award, My annual sales award? My entire office was going to meet us. You were late, I called the Gym and you didn't answer."

I remembered that night, it was the night Max started training me in earnest for the competition. A group of the guys were coaching me, in posing and flexing, tricks on how to wow the judges. We stayed until almost midnight, I had completely forgotten about Zoe's dinner and award.

Zoe continued "I felt hurt, left alone on my big night. Rafe walked me home, and sat with me, we had some wine, maybe too much.."

"I was a little drunk, at first he just hugged me, comforted me, then before I knew it he came on to me and I stupidly let him kiss me, then one thing led to another and I ended up... and... well...."

"Go on." I said, feeling a little sick at what I was hearing, angry at Rafe for taking advantage, and guilty for not being there.

"Well we finished," She paused, as if deciding something, then continued "..and I instantly regretted it... I told him to leave, demanding of him to never speak about it because it could ruin my marriage."

"But, he accused me of acting slutty around him! Said I was the one that seduced him, and now that he had me, he wasn't finished. He was so demanding, taking what he wanted.. And.."

"So you fucked him again?" I said, my heart beating faster. Zoe nodded, shamefully. "Twice, before he would leave."

"Fucking hell." I found myself saying.

Zoe pleaded with me "I thought if I satisfied him, he's go away! I was so stupid!"

"And the next time?" I asked

"Not for a few days, I thought "that was that", but he kept asking to see me, so I met him after work one night, thinking to speak to him, make him understand it was over!" She took a deep breath. "But, we wound up back here and..."

"And he fucked you again?" I asked, with genuine surprise.

"Yes," she said with her head bent low.

"How many times have you let him fuck you?" I asked, feeling the anger building inside me.

"Oh... I don't know..." She tried to deflect the question.

"How many times?" I demanded. "The whole truth!"

"Um..." she stuttered nervously, looking around, as if trying to escape.

"HOW MANY?" I barked.

"Every night you were at the gym!" she said finally, "Several nights each week! Sometimes at lunchtime, at work, we'd sneak off and I'd suck his cock." She started sobbing again.

I sat back and closed my eyes, trying somehow to come to terms with the fact that my wife was cheating on me so frequently, so easily. It went well beyond a simple mistake. Rafe was giving her something I wasn't.

We sat in silence for what seemed like forever, before I finally asked her the question I'd been terrified to ask. "You must have liked it. Why did you keep it up?"

Zoe just looked at me as if the words wouldn't come out. "Answer me," I said in a more assertive manner.

"I don't know... it was different I guess." She replied.

"Tell me the truth... You fucked this guy dozens of times! You don't know if you enjoyed it?" I said, getting more annoyed at her evasiveness.

"I don't know!" she lied, either to herself, or me, or both.

"Was it because of his big dick?" I asked, noticing that she was becoming more uncomfortable with my questions.

"I don't know! No! Maybe!" she said, confused and maybe afraid to admit it.

"I know it's bigger than mine, he made sure to point that out." I admitted.

"I guess, maybe." she admitted.

"Is that what you want?" I asked. Maybe stupidly, I thought too late, but there it was.

"No!" she cried, holding her head in her hands.

"Yes you do, obviously. I mean, you fucked him almost daily, he must be doing something I can't.....right?" I demanded, trying to get some honesty out of her. "I asked you for the truth, the least you can do is be honest with me after all you've done."

"What do you want me to say... that he's got a big dick and I loved fucking him? Is that what you want to hear?" She replied, angrily.

I though about my answer for a moment.

"If that's the truth then yes. I want honesty, otherwise we may as well forget everything, including our marriage." I said, looking deep into her eyes. "Is that the truth?"

She paused for a second. "Yes... that's the truth," she said biting her bottom lip as if she had more to say, then simply said: "I'm sorry."

It was as if someone had reached inside me and ripped my heart out. Our sex life was fine, (I thought) but maybe fine was not fine, and neither of us were willing to tell the other. If it wasn't Rafe, it would have been someone else eventually. Her honesty was liberating, I actually felt as if a weight lifted off me, it was better than living a deception.

Ilater realized the more I thought about my wife being excited about getting fucked by Rafe, the more I found myself getting aroused by it. Not by the thought of that creep railing her, but that she was a sexual, hungry creature and I was only now learning about it. Every man wants a crazy slut in the bedroom, she was exposed now, and it was up to me to step up. This is what she wanted in bed, at last I was seeing how I could fix things, what she desired. I wanted to know details, I wanted to know everything that excited her.

"What do you want to do now?" I asked her. "Do you want to see him again?"

"Rafe? That backstabbing asshole? No. I want my marriage back, I want to do everything to make it up to you." She began to sob again. I tenderly put my arm around her and she nestled her head into my chest. "I love you so much, I'm so sorry." She cried. "Can you forgive me?"

"I really don't know." I told her, honestly. "A lot would have to change".

The next few days went by and I was distant with her, I needed time to think. I copied those pics from Rafe's phone, then deleted them before dropping it off back at the bar. Not sure why I went through the trouble.

I got a few missed calls from Rafe, and eventually a message apologizing profusely for what he'd done, I refused to reply.

However I knew in my mind that I wouldn't leave my wife, I knew I'd forgive her and the main reason I knew this is because weirdly I wasn't angry with the fact she fucked someone else. I was hurt, of course, but maybe this was my second chance too.

As the days went on, I realized I wouldn't have been angry if she told me she wanted to change up our sex lives, explore fantasy, or even fuck someone else, the thought of it made me feel something strange, something new that I couldn't put my finger on, I actually began to consider the thought of her in sexy lingerie, with sexy heels, flirting with a woman, naked with another man. I felt like maybe I had a new chance on life with her.

I didn't talk to Zoe for days, I wanted to be certain of my thoughts before sharing them with her.

One evening Zoe came over to me to say goodnight. She looked incredible to me, in socks, an old t-shirt and sweatpants. Somehow, looking more sexy to me in common and comfortable clothes than in her lingerie and heels.

I asked her to sit down and I poured us both out some wine.

We chatted, not about what had happened, but about general stuff that we had missed talking about that week. Then eventually she asked "Are we going to be okay?"

"I need honesty, one hundred percent. I need you to tell me if I don't satisfy your needs, if you think someone else can." I said. "I'm hurt by your deceit more than the thought of you fucking another man."

Zoe smiled, a look of relief came over her face. "I swear I will never lie to you again, I will never cheat on you. I'm so sorry. I will do anything, absolutely anything you ask."

I looked at my wife in a totally new light, she was like a stranger, an extremely beautiful and sexy stranger nonetheless.

"Tell me what you did with him." I asked her. "I mean describe it to me, in detail. I want to know why you kept going back to him, why you were so drawn to him?" I said, looking her in the eye, and taking her hand. "Did he make you feel sexy? Desired? Did he make you feel things I couldn't?"

"Don't.." Zoe replied, shaking her head in disbelief. "Don't do this to yourself. I just want to forget it." Maybe a smarter man would have, at this point.

"Are you saying it wasn't what you wanted, and you are glad it's over? Or, are you telling me you will live in denial, willing to give up the pleasure he gave you?"

"What?!" she said, disbelieving what I implied.

"I'll come right out and say it: Either you were forced, tricked, or you were an eager participant, and are even now longing for his touch; but willing to deny that part of you?"

"No! No, no...I want our marriage to work!"

"You didn't care about our marriage a week ago. I can't deal with being made a fool of, again." Zoe shook her head. I stood up to leave.

"Okay, okay." She said. I sat back down.

"Go on then...all the details."

Zoe puffed out a breath of air, her glorious tits rising and falling under the soft cloth of her sweatshirt. I was so attracted to her in that moment, she looked even more sexy in the dimmed light of the room. Her dark red hair fell over her eyes slightly and she nervously blew it away from her face.

"Well... that first night. I was drunk and he kissed me, I can't remember exactly what happened, it was kind of a blur, I don't know if I really thought we were going to have sex or just make out, I wasn't thinking straight and I made a huge mistake."

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