
Stories by noisymother

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Caught having phone sex by the boss, the fun begins.

4.12 108.9k 18 6 28

He lovingly tends to her feet on her return from work.

by noisymother
Fetish 02/07/2009
4.24 14.8k 6 1 7

A lover's gift of lingerie results in a night of passion.

4.15 56.7k 15 1 18

He recalls losing my virginity with his girlfriend.

by noisymother
First Time 01/05/2009
3.74 59.4k 3 3

The perfect gift for the woman I secretly desire.

3.83 19.3k 1 1 5

Couple separated by time & space share an oral fantasy.

4.6 8.4k 1 2

She gives 'Santa' a festive blow job.

4.17 40.2k 7 5 16

Sexy gay love story centred around delicious food.

4.2 9.4k 4 5

I pleasure her while you watch, pleasuring yourself.

by noisymother
Group Sex 11/20/2008
3.97 44.3k 4 4 6

He is forced to wear sexy black lacy nylon lingerie.

4.25 121.7k 25 9 34

She describes how she likes to pleasure herself.

4.27 48.1k 5 5 5

Husband orally pleasures his wife while she plays online

4.04 42.3k 8 2 12

Serious shoe fetishist gets intimate with his favourite pair.

by noisymother
Fetish 09/20/2008
4.48 73.5k 15 7 18

She discovers the exciting world of men in sexy lingerie.

4.34 71k 13 11 17

Shy Indian boy gets more than coffee.

by noisymother
First Time 05/27/2008
3.7 55.5k 5 4 9

Patrick and Toby suck each other off as Valerie watches.

by noisymother
Gay Male 05/03/2008
4.4 62.9k 13 4 18

She watches her bisexual male neighbour with a woman.

4.02 29.1k 4 1 7

She watches gorgeous gay guy neighbour having sex.

by noisymother
Gay Male 04/07/2008
4.27 63.1k 10 3 15

He gets best blowjob ever and seeks more.

by noisymother
Gay Male 03/05/2008
3.73 60.8k 5 1 7

Sex and death in a London porn cinema.

3.46 19.7k 2 3 3

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