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I owe you no allegiance.
Your delusions are your own.
There is no owning of me
As is quite well known.
To tame me is to break me,
And who wants broken toys?
Real men like the challenge;
They leave the games to boys.
I am a strong-ish woman -
Stubborn, willful and outspoken.
I stand my ground and dare you -
I will not be left broken.
Your words and threats mean nothing
Iโ€™m never coming back.
No heels or latex, baby,
No replies to your attack.
So go your way without me,
I hope you live life well
Consider this the last goodbye
The ultimate farewell.

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LadyAmethystLadyAmethystabout 1 month ago

Yes. Well said and well written. Not easy to make rhyme sound strong and powerful. Perfectly done. This is one of those rare poems that makes me think, Damn I wish I wrote that ๐Ÿ’œ

melimelissamelimelissaabout 1 month ago

wow = powerful stuff - great poetry!

Satyr61Satyr61about 1 month ago

Strength, power & courage in a poem. I love this.

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