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Long Gone

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the bloody boulder bar
233 words
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The Boulder Bar
way back when
getting late
half-past ten,
On a stool
nurse a beer
see her approach
the back-bar mirror,

Order a beer
long-neck brew
looks at my drink
says: “same as you”,
Talk a bit
shift to a table
picking off the
beer bottle label,

She is here
for a girlfriend
has not arrived
does not intend,
To stick around
wait much more
taps her toes
on the floor,

Drink our beers
talk a bit
juke box plays
stale latest hit,
Talk of travel
where we work
how her girlfriend
is a jerk,

Midnight comes
we’re still there
I like the color
of her hair,
Hanging down
past her shoulder
another night
in bloody Boulder,

So, Sunday morning
hazy bright
having spend
an aerobic night,
Bouncing around
in her bed
telling stories
in our head,

Playing parts
that we create
a weak foundation
for our fate,
So, how long will
this ruse continue
something real
or an inuendo,

Find our clothes
on the floor
wander out
the back door,
Up The Hill
the Star Café
she asks me if
I plan to stay,

But I have a flight
to catch on Monday
back in town
later, someday,
Long before
the Internet
a year before

Trade addresses
one last kiss
will we write
hit or miss,
I don’t return
for several months
she’s long gone
and I’m the dunce,

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melimelissamelimelissa3 months ago

Enjoyable and a good read. nice philosophising at the end

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