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Missed Friend

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Bound by memories
139 words
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In memories, you shall always reside,
Friendship cherished not lost or hidden.
Thou your absence may leave a void,
For longing of laughter by your side.

Shared in dreams and shared in pain,
Through smiles and tears, we remain.
Now drifting away like autumn rain,
Separated in the world by a vast domain.

Yet, the presence felt is ever so clear,
Whispers in the wind straining to hear.
And though miles may separate us here,
Our bond is unbreakable, forever clear.

In these words, is sent a heartfelt plea,
Fate may have brought you once again.
But in your absence it can be clearly felt,
The friendship we have is never in doubt.

As time passes we'll always be linked,
And our friendship will remain distinct.
A missed friend leaves a void undefined,
In memories, forever, will be enshrined.

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Satyr61Satyr6129 days ago

Really sad but also beautiful. I love this.

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