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Click hereBand too loud
crowded sea
what the hell
you and me,
Started dancing
holding tight
just another
Friday night?
Got off work
parked my truck
thinking what
a lucky duck,
Started talking
you and me
neither thinking
what might be,
Drank and danced
talked some more
having both
been before,
But was different
hard to tell
Friday night
what the hell,
Place closed down
at two a.m.
we were drunk
and still am,
Left the truck
took a hack
to your place
on your back,
Sprawled there
just past the door
all disheveled
wanting more,
Of whatever
it might be
that connects
you and me,
Ask your name
and you ask mine
each of us
feeling fine,
Saturday morning
coffee strong
the last verse
some love song?
Or the start
something new
you and me
me and you,
Sunday night
still together
tranquil skies
or inclement weather,
Monday morning
share a shower
retrieve my truck
takes an hour,
Get to work
just in time
with you wrapped
around my mind,