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3rd Date Divorce Ch. 01

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2nd Date ??
953 words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 04/29/2022
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3rd Date Divorce ch. 1

2nd Date??


It was Saturday morning after breakfast when I heard the fateful words from my wife Amy. We have to talk. Amy and I have been married for twenty six years. Two years ago we sent our youngest to college. I thought we were enjoying the empty nest.

"I don't want to turn into an old lady. Honey, a guy that I met at a work function asked me on a date for next Saturday. I would like to go."

"Being an old lady beats the alternative. Sure, go on your date dear, I will make the lawyer's appointment Monday morning."

"Don't be silly, it's just dinner. I will only be gone from 7 to 10PM. I think just one date will get me off this old lady funk."

"Will you kiss him?"

"I haven't thought about that."

"Of course you have. This is a Shelly Berman routine. The first kiss is his business. He risked his life robbing a bank to pay for your dinner. He deserves it. The only difference is Shelly was talking about his daughter."

"I know how he makes a living. He doesn't rob banks. I wouldn't date a bank robber. I don't want to be collateral damage in a shootout."

"Maybe banks are his side hustle. Why shouldn't I see a lawyer. You've already broke your marriage vows."

"I haven't done anything yet."

"Remember, forsaking all others. Even thinking about dating another breaks that vow."

"Did we really say, forsaking all others?"

"I don't have the slightest idea of what we actually said, but we believed it the day we married. I guess I am the only one who still does."

"If thinking about it is breaking the vow, I already broke it watching every "Ahnold" movie, and you broke it with Julia Roberts."

"Fantasy isn't breaking the vow, but reality is. Julia is nice but Ingrid Bergman was better, and her daughter wasn't half bad. The key is that the fact she is dead makes no difference in Ingrid's case. You are considering a real person. Saturday makes it more serious. There is no way to describe it as a business meeting. You are breaking your vow."

"I guess I am. But all breaks are not equally serious. You won't divorce me over a good night kiss. It is like mistletoe on New Years."

"I probably won't, but more because I am too lazy to get involved in the hard work of divorce, yet."

"Great, I have your permission."

"You have nothing of the kind. I hate your betrayal. At best you have my tolerance, and no guarantee on that."

She was dressed conservatively that Saturday evening. Her skirt fell below her knees. Her blouse covered her breasts. I guess I was well breast fed. Tits are useful in determining gender, but cunts turn me on. At least the very suggestion of that part of the female anatomy does. Her skirt was so tight around the hips, there was no doubt what it covered. I hated her outfit.

"You will have to meet him outside. He isn't getting in our house."

"I am not as callous as you think. I know this hurts you. I am trying not to make it worse. I am meeting him at the restaurant. I've called for a Lyft."

She was alone when she came in at 10:07 PM.

"3 hours plenty of time for a motel or his apartment."

"We were at the restaurant. Here is the check."

"You went Dutch? Cheap."

"Of course not. He paid. Dutch would hardly make me feel young and sexy. He said you would need evidence. He would in your position. Anyway nothing happened at the restaurant that wouldn't pass the husband test, except maybe I had one glass of wine too many."

"You're being at that restaurant with another man doesn't pass the husband test. The check is time stamped. You returned an hour after you left the restaurant. It only takes 15 minutes by car to the house. I didn't see a Lyft. How did you get back?"

"He drove. I wouldn't let him by the house. He parked by the park a block away. We necked for about half an hour."

"How far did he get? Third base? Did he score in the backseat?"

"I am not a slut. It was a first date. I did not get into the backseat, and bucket seats are a limitation. I allowed him second base, but only outside my blouse. Then I walked the block to our house."

I reached over and felt her tit. The nipple was erect. She almost pushed my hand away, but realized what that would mean.

"He turned you on."

"You bet. Now I need my husband. Make love to me."

"After your slut date. Not a chance. I will however fuck you."

"Good enough, maybe even better. I was naughty with him, not a slut. If you are lucky, I will be one for you."

She was something for me. We had the hottest sex we had for years. Was it worth it? No! I did not want this in our marriage. Dating others was no marriage.

"He asked me for a second date, for next Saturday night."

"We know what happens on the third date. So no question, third date divorce. Second date, maybe divorce. At least I will definitely consult a lawyer if there is a second date. You went over your original limits on your first date. What would you do in my place?"

"I don't want a divorce, but I am not yet ready to be an old lady. In your place, I would consult your lawyer."

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oldtwitoldtwit5 months ago

Your right humorous it was,

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Such an unrealistic story. He allows his wife to go on a date, finds out she's having sex with the guy even if it's not all out fucking, & still keeping her? Worse, she's already going for a 2nd date. Then she tells her husband that he should see a divorce attorney even tho she doesn't want a divorce. However, she's indicating that she'll be seeing that guy, & maybe others, in the near future. How stupid a story. Not reading any others; 2nd story less than good. Bob

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Unrealistic dislikable femdom fairytale

DessertmanDessertman11 months ago

I won't bother to read any more of your rubbish.

HighBrowHighBrow11 months ago

Femdom agitprop late in life. Is the World getting worse?

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