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Click hereOriginally, this started out as a first try at writing a 750 word story, but I found that to be somewhat harder than I anticipated. Still, I'm trying.
I wish to express my thanks to all who commented to my earlier works with constructive recommendations to improve my writing.
As I sat in my corporate office watching my wife, Sandy, screwing her lover in my home, I could tell that she was nearing her second orgasm, when my call started her iPhone ringing. She tried to ignore it as she was apparently so close to finishing, when it suddenly chirped a strange alarm and my voice came crystal clear from her phone.
"Sandy, stop fucking your boy toy and listen to me right now, or you can both start packing your shit and move this debauchery to HIS place and HIS marital bed. Though I don't think his wife will welcome you with open arms, anything is possible in this day and age. Maybe they have an open marriage. What do I know?" I calmly said.
Sandy stopped fucking her lover immediately. Apparently she had lost all her rising sexual emotions, as she frantically tried to get out from under Jeffery, but that was hard to do as he hadn't yet realized they had been caught.
I continued, "Sandy, what truly hurts me isn't so much that you've chosen to take a lover as bad as that is to my self esteem. I can somewhat understand your straying seeing how bad our sex life has been for the last six months. But, what I cannot stand is that you two obviously have so little respect for me that you've both chosen to cuckold me in MY own house and do it in what was OUR marital bed. I'm sure you realize by now that our marriage is OVER!"
Sandy began crying and it finally dawned on Jeff that he was hearing my voice, though I don't believe he knew it was over the phone. He immediately lost his erection and sexual motivation, rolled off of my wife and began to scramble putting his clothes on. It reminded me of the old Keystone Cops from the early movies the way he was running around trying to gather his things to leave.
I chuckled over the phone and said, "Jeffery, you're an idiot. If I was there, I'd have shot the both of you by now and been done with it all. By the way, you're FIRED! Don't expect to get any letter of reference, or a severance package, or anything else other than your personal belongings from the office. I've already had the corporate attorneys review my PI reports and tapes of your sexual meetings with my widow over the last three months, and they assure me that we have solid grounds for a clear cut violation of the company's morals clause on your part. I do feel somewhat bad about how this will affect your wife and children, but you made your bed when you decided to fuck my wife. So you can take your time dressing and begin thinking about what you're going to tell your wife. She has already received copies of everything I have in the way of evidence. What she plans to do with it, or to the two of you, well, I have no idea. I will tell you, though, I have already directed our legal department to give her whatever legal assistance they can - free of charge."
I watched as Jeff stopped running around like a chicken with it's head cut off and sat down dejectedly on the end of my bed with his face in his hands. Obviously he knew both his marriage and his career were over.
As I relayed to Jeffery how screwed (pun intended) he really was, I noticed that Sandy had stopped crying and had a confused look on her face. Well, she's not completely stupid and I figure it was slowly dawning on her what I had let slip in my conversation with Jeffery.
"As for you, my loving wife, I have no intention of divorcing you for your adultery." I continued, "But I have divested myself of all interest in my company and set it and all my assets into a trust fund for our children. The trust is to be overseen by the company's Chairman of the Board until our oldest becomes of age. You will have no claim to or benefit from this trust whatsoever."
Sandy finally began to show signs of understanding when she asked "Ron, you said widow. I'm not a widow. You're still alive." her voice quivering as she was finally forced to understand.
"Oh, but you will be all too soon, my dear, faithful wife. You see six months ago my doctors discovered that I had caught a rather aggressive form of cancer. They began kemo and radiation therapy, but all it seemed to do was severely lower my libido, ultimately destroying our sex life. I could not tell anyone for fear of what it would do to the company if news of my illness got out." I paused to cough and get a drink of water.
Then Sandy tried to speak again, I guess trying to justify her cheating, but I interrupted her and continued,
"Now, that is a moot issue. As we speak I am closing out the last few items here at the office and I will be transferring to the isolation ward at the hospital. I have tested positive for the Corona Virus and my doctors feel that I have less than a one percent chance of survival. My chances are so low due to the combination of my advanced age, the effects of the cancer I caught, the debilitating effects to my immune system of the kemo and radiation treatments, and finally the addition of catching the virus. They are reasonably certain I'll be dead by the end of the month. So this, in all likelihood, will be my last words to you. Goodbye, slut." and I hung up.
I watched as Sandy cried and turned to Jeffery saying, "I really thought he was having an affair. That's why ..." she stopped talking as she realized Jeffery wasn't listening and just laid down on the carpeted floor and cried.
Ron did die within the following week. He didn't even make it to the end of the month. Sadly, this time the doctors survival estimation was right and he became one of the growing number of people lost to the Corona Virus.
Jeffery's wife did divorce him. Sandy was not his first affair, nor was she the only affair he was involved in currently. As a result of Jeffery's divorce, which was a very loud and messy affair, the truth came out about Sandy's affair with him.
Sandy's surviving children learned the complete truth through all the internet, newspaper and media articles forever brought to light by an oh so concerned MSM. Subsequently they broke all ties with their mother as they felt she had betrayed their loving father in his greatest time of need simply to gratify her own selfish sexual needs.
The End.
What's all this nonsense about dying from "Covid"? You cannot die from a myth! Covid NEVER was a Virus, even the CDC admitted that, over and over! It was just an exercise to test whether or not a Worldwide panic COULD be generated over a fictional "killer" disease. COULD sufficient mindless mass hysteria BE generated to overcome peoples common sense? The biggest laugh of all, was that, inbetween all the blatant preposterous Lies they kept on broadcasting, and re-hashing, they STILL continued to let snatches of the truth out, in tiny bite-sized format, peppered inbetween and buried among all the ridiculous propaganda, and admonishments to produce even MORE totally ineffective "Vaccines" which were killing-off hoards of innocents, men, women, AND children, in an indiscriminate culling of millions in their genocidal fit-of-frenzy, eugenics any any cost, in their insane campaign to virtually "Rid-the-World" of this plague of Human Vermin, and achieve their goal of a 90-95% reduction, keeping ONLY as few of us as necessary to keep THEIR world functioning.
As Góbells said "the bigger the lie, the people will invest in it"!
I get the need to hide the info from his wife... He may of suspected she was cheating, so whats the point in telling her b4 hand? Its too bad, there were no more dialogue about the wife after his death.
Oh you know the story is good when cum guzzling, cream pie eating "Im not gay" Odoreater, who loves anything cucky (which btw is a bi/gay man, regardless of whether they accept it or not) didnt get to live vicariously through another cum guzzling cream pie eating cuck.
And this I watched as Sandy cried and turned to Jeffery saying, "I really thought he was having an affair. That's why ." Two wrongs do not make a right, but it does give cucks something to snack on, after all denial can cause a excessive hunger.
So, obviously, he could not trust his wife of XX years to keep quiet his eminent death thus not explaining his lack of sex drive. Sorry, It's all on him.