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A Bet with My Wife

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Wife takes bet too far, I retaliate.
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This is a story of a couple who, unplanned, stumble in to a double cheating situation full of nasty extramarital sex, with a little cuckolding involved. If that's not for you, I suggest moving on to other tales.

It started with a bet.

I had been working out of town for a couple of weeks, and was delayed in my return home by a few days. It so happened that we were due at the wedding of a friend's daughter just a few hours after I got home. The wedding was fun, there was the usual beauty contest among the younger women, and a few of the more mature ladies as well.

After leaving the reception, My wife, Jenny, and I stopped for a drink at the Sheraton bar. There we ran into Jim and Beth, two down-the-street neighbors about our age. We had all just left the wedding party upstairs, and several other bar patrons were part of the same crowd, keeping the party going. I was planning on driving home, so I was pretty sober, but Jenny had been drinking more than her usual two glasses of wine, and was acting kind of goofy.

She seemed to be having a good time, I was happy to see it. She had been upset with me earlier because I had missed her birthday with my delay in returning, due to a work crisis. We'd had to cancel a romantic overnight getaway that she'd really put a lot of time into planning. It didn't help that my secretary had been traveling with me, and my wife had made no secret of feelings of jealousy towards her.

Jim and Beth, sat down at our bar table, and were having a conversation about the wedding, idle chat, when two bridesmaids walked in with guys wearing tuxes. One of the bridesmaids was smokin' hot, dressed and made up to kill, and turned every head. She wore a skin-tight blue dress, it was so tight that you could almost read the tag on her thong. And she definitely had a thong, you could see shadow of the tiny thing disappear into that perfect ass.

I make it a point not to stare, but must have lingered a second too long on this girl's ass. That's when Jenny elbowed me. "Miss chasing little girls?" She teased. I turned to my beautiful 38-year-old wife, taking in her 5'7, 135 pound frame, draped in a sheer red dress with a black lining that showed every curve. Her shoulder-length auburn hair was styled behind one ear, and her makeup set off her clear blue eyes. One eyebrow was arched at me, waiting.

I laughed it off, "no, honey, just thinking what you'd look like in that dress."

"You mean that thong," she retorted.

I smiled at her, busted. But I glanced down at her legs, tucked under her barstool, and admired the sheer stockings, following them up to the hem of her red dress, wondering what she'd worn under it. I raised my eyebrows, and she teasingly lifted the hem just enough for me to see the garter belts holding the lace trimmed top of the stockings.

I choked a little on my drink, Jenny is usually so conservative that I was surprised to see that she'd worn such a sexy get-up, much less exposed it in public. I looked over to see Jim staring at my wife's legs, but Beth was turned around talking to another guest. He saw me, and gave an apologetic shrug, but glanced again before turning away.

That started the old single-man single-woman conversation, where women always assert that it's easier for a man to get laid than a woman. Ridiculous as that opinion is, they always maintain that the man holds all the cards.

"We have to wait for you to make the first move, or we're a slut!" chirped Beth, now drawn into the conversation along with her friend, Amy, who had joined us.

"Yeah, you guys can approach anybody you like," Amy added, "We're at your mercy."

Of course Jim and I held that all a woman had to do was look at a guy and he'd break his leg running over. And that was just meeting. If she wanted to leave with him, done. Get laid, hell, half of us would buy her dinner and a car. It was all up to her, guys don't say no.

We'd all had several drinks, but I was still surprised at the conversation. I couldn't recall my shy wife every discussing anything sexual with casual friends before. I looked at her closely, her bright red lipstick shimmering on her full lips, her cheekbones flushed a little red with self-consciousness. She looked incredibly sexy, and I got a little wood right there.

Finally, I said, "Baby, you could walk up to any guy in this bar, right now, and if he wasn't with a woman he'd walk out the door with you in 5 minutes and screw you. It's all up to you.

I knew that she was a little drunk when she answered, her eyes had a glint of annoyance that showed when she was tired of arguing.

"Want to bet?" She challenged.

That stopped the conversation. They all looked at me, what could I say? I had no idea what we were really betting on, but I couldn't back down. "You're on."

Jenny swallowed the last of her wine in a gulp and stood up. I thought she was headed to the ladies' room, but she set off towards the bar. There were 3 young guys sitting there, dressed in suits, drinking beers and watching football on the TV.

She leaned over a barstool, as if to catch the bartender's eye, but turned to the three, and said something I couldn't hear. They laughed for her, all three now fully turned towards my wife, and a conversation began.

Who was this woman? This wasn't the wife I knew, flirting with 3 guys at a bar, bending over showing off her sweet ass to the rest of the crowd. The dress rode up enough to see the lace tops of the stockings, and she made no move to pull it down. I felt the eyes of the table on me but had no idea what to do.

Finally, the bartender came over to her little group, so I thought she'd head back to the table, but the conversation continued, with him joining in.

One of the guys turned to the bartender, who bent over the well as they bantered, and he produced 5 shots. Jenny laughed and shook her head no, but the nearest of them took her hand and wrapped her fingers around one. I knew what he'd really like to wrap those fingers around.

The four men downed their shots, and all turned their attention to my wife. She laughed again and lifted the shot glass to her lips. She paused there, with a nervous hesitation, then threw her head back and downed the liquor. She immediately lowered her face with a grimace, and coughed with the burn, then raised the glass triumphantly over her head. But nobody saw the glass, they were all staring at her amazing breasts.

The bartender made a motion as if to offer another round, but she shook her head no, then laughed and turned to return to our table.

She sat down and poured another glass of wine. We all waited. Nothing. "Well?" asked Amy.

"Well what?" She gave me a sour look.

I was a little tired of her attitude, her little game. We all looked at each other, back at Jenny. "Well, Jenny, do those guys want to fuck you?" I asked.

"Really, Michael? Fuck me? Real nice. Fuck your wife. What are you talking about? I just asked one of them about the football game!" Now she looked pissed. A little pissed, but a lot drunk.

But she blushed as she said it, like she does when I catch her in a lie. Then she added, "but he does want me to leave with him." And smiled.

Now I was more confused. But a little cocky. "See, I told you. Easier for women. I win."

"Well, maybe easier, but that doesn't mean he would sleep with me."

"Seriously, honey. What, he wants to take you putt-putt golfing? What do you think leaving with somebody from a bar means?"

"Well, I wouldn't know. I'm not the one who's travelling twice a month, staying at Sheratons with your 'work mates' and hanging out in bars."

Now she was getting herself pissed again. Time to defuse. "OK, Jenny, you win the bet. Ready to go?"

She gathered her purse, picked up her phone, and stood up. Said goodbyes, and started to walk from the table.

"Just a second, I have to pay the tab," I called to her, but she didn't look back, just walked over to her "friends" at the bar. I watched her expression change, her hard set lips now spread into a soft smile, and she tossed her hair as she leaned in to the first guy, speaking softly right into his ear.

I knew the effect she was having, her perfume, her warm breath, breasts just touching his arm. He turned suddenly, as if surprised, and glanced over towards our table, where I was trying to both watch and flag down the waitress. They exchanged a little back and forth, her giggling and touching him, him smiling and turning towards her. Then she abruptly stood and walked out of the bar towards the lobby.

I was relieved, still not sure what the whole act was about, and addressed the waitress and the check. We all paid up, shook and hugged, and walked towards the lobby and valet stand. I noticed as I passed the bar that the young man who my wife had spoken with was no longer with his friends.

I handed the valet my ticket as I looked around for Jenny. Just as I turned to the street, I caught a glimpse in the reflection from the doors of a red dress and long legs stepping into the elevator, and I turned back in time to see the doors closing and a man in a suit facing sideways, with a woman's arm draped over his shoulder. Couldn't be. But Jenny was nowhere to be seen.

The car arrived, and I told the valet to give me a minute. Amy, Jim and Beth walked up, and I asked if they'd seen Jenny. They exchanged a strange look, and Amy told me, "Well, we might have seen her get into the elevator."

"The elevator?" I got a sick feeling in my stomach. "Are you sure?"

Again they shared a look. Jim said, "Pretty sure, man. With that dude from the bar. "

I must have looked shocked, Beth took my arm, "Don't worry, Mike, she's just goofing around. Jenny's not going to screw a total stranger on a bet."

I knew that what she said was true, but what the fuck was going on? Yesterday, I wouldn't have believed that she'd talk about sex in front of another couple, much less flirt openly with strangers in a bar. And now she was in an elevator with one of them, without a word to me.

But that wasn't even a bet! Just that women could if they wanted, and it's my side of the bet that she would be taking! What the fuck?

"I'm sure she'll be right back, don't worry, man." Jim consoled.

Just then my iPhone chirped with a message. "You might be right." From Jenny.

Beth read it over my shoulder. Looked at Jim. Looked at Amy.

I texted back, "I have the car out front, we'd better get going."

Chirp. "You go ahead, or have another drink. I'll let you know how it goes."

My heart was pounding, I sent, "Honey we should go. I don't think this game is very safe, worried about you."

Chirp. "Nothing to worry about, in VERY good hands."

My next messages got no reply, I was getting worried now. I headed over to the front desk, but had no idea what to ask. What room is the guy in the suit in? How could I find out? I went back to the bar, but his friends had left as well, and the bartender said he had no idea if they were staying in the hotel.

Jim and the ladies had left as well, very embarrassed for me, but with no way to help.

I sat down heavily on a couch. I was almost alone, there was an older woman drinking wine on another couch. Then a facetime alert. Jenny.

I opened it up, but nobody there. Just a picture of the ceiling, with part of a lamp in the picture. A butt dial? I could hear indistinct voices, so I pulled out earbuds and cranked it up."

I heard Jenny's voice get closer, then what sounded like a body sitting on a mattress. She giggled, "You're not going to let me win this bet? I promise I'll give you something really sweet if you do."

A man's voice, "but if you lose I'll get the sweetest thing of all." His back came into the picture, and he must have hit the phone, it fell and when it landed was on some kind of a chair, I could see part of the arm in the picture. I could also see his back from shoulders to knees. He was in dress pants and a tshirt.

He moved to the side, and there was Jenny, perched on the edge of the mattress. She had taken off her shoes, and was sitting on one leg, I could see partially up her dress. She leaned back on her elbows, and hung her legs over the side, slightly parted, very provocative. "Really, Scott, what would your wife say about this? I know my husband would be really upset if he wasn't going to win his bet. But he'd rather have his wife get fucked by a stranger than lose."

This made no sense to me, where had she found this craziness? I wondered if somebody had put something in her drink. "No!" I whispered loudly, "I don't care about the bet, Jenny listen!" But she couldn't hear me, her volume must have been down.

He reappeared, and leaned over her. "You are so fucking beautiful. I will do whatever you want me to do, I'll lick or suck or fuck or eat or rub anything that makes you happy. And I won't come until you have everything you want from me."

"Oh, you are so sweet." My wife sat up and held his face between her hands. She started to softly kiss him, then became much more passionate. She fell back and spread her legs. He rolled between them and I saw her knees come up, feet on the bed. They were making out like teenagers now, and his body began to rub back and forth. I knew that his cock was pressed against my wife's lower abdomen.

I saw her reach between them, was my sweet wife really reaching for another man's erection? "Ooh, Scott, I think you really like me!"

"Amy, I think I love you." Amy? She must be headed for real trouble using a fake name.

She pulled his t-shirt over his head, and he stood hands on hips. She sat up and must have been opening his pants, like a gift for her. This, the wife who usually only met me under the sheets, lights out. Stripping another man's pants off in a hotel room. I was beyond shocked. She dropped his pants, then his boxers. The guy was naked, standing between my wife's legs. He slipped his hands under her dress, and slowly folded it up above her waist.

Her stockings were revealed, then the garters, and he must have a view between her legs. He was seeing her panties, her little mound of dark brown hair filling the sexy fabric.

He pushed her back on the bed, her legs rose straight up, and then slowly spread apart, offering the beauty between her thighs. The treasure which had only been seen by her husband for the last 10 years.

With her dress up above her waist he dropped to his knees, and began to kiss her thighs, the soft white flesh above the stockings, and unfastened her garters. He nuzzled her pussy through her panties, and rubbed his face against her. His tongue began to play at the edge of the fabric, and she jerked with the sensation. Jenny began to moan softly, giggling as his tongue found sensitive spots.

Now it reached under the edge of the panties, and he tasted her wetness, his tongue combing through her bush. He teased her like this for minutes, and she started to groan, her hands grabbing the back of his head, and pulling him into her pussy. Her feet spurred his shoulders. He paused long enough to stand, lifted her dress off, and pulled down the delicate white lace thong. A thong I'd never seen before, surely soaked beyond use. So now she was naked.

My fucking wife, naked and wet, with a naked young man lying on her, on a bed in a hotel. And I was going to win this bet, because he was surely going to fuck her.

As they made love with their mouths, she feebly attempted to stay in control. "Honey, how about I suck you instead?" she panted. "Then I can tell him that we didn't fuck. I'll win the bet."

He was amused. "Tell him anything you want, but wasn't the bet that I wouldn't fuck you?"

"But, see, you wouldn't! I'll be right!"

"You've already lost the bet, sweetness. It's not did I fuck you, it's would I fuck you. I would, and I'm gonna."

Twisted logic on her part, but I could hope. Maybe she could keep his cock out of her after all, even if she did suck him. But she hated giving head, and never swallowed. With me anyway. To him: "Honey, I'll lick you all over, and you can come in my mouth, and I'll eat it all up like a good girl."

As pissed and confused as I was, I realized that I was also hard as a rock. This animal's control over my wife's body had my heart racing. I adjusted my cock, and the woman on the couch next to mine noticed. Must have thought I was watching porn, but I guess I was. She gave me a look of disgust, so I showed her the screen. She was shocked, but more so when I said, with some odd amount of pride, "That's my wife, she's upstairs right now with some guy she met in the bar."

She didn't know what to say, looked absolutely shocked. I fed her more, "I can't find out where she is, or who she's with. All I can do is watch, and hope she comes to her senses and doesn't let him..." Speechless. But she did look at my crotch again. I was out of my mind, I slid over to her couch and sat close beside her, sharing my screen.

She had to be 45 or so, dressed in a conservative dress, sexy shoes, little bit of cleavage. She pulled away from me at first, but seemed unable to leave. She was locked onto my eyes now. I leaned in close, breathing softly against her neck. "She just met him an hour ago." I held the phone between us, lifting her breast with my arm as I did. On the screen, Scott was kissing his way down "Amy's", body, stopping to lick at her nipples, tongue her naval, and finally he had his face between her legs again.

As he softly kissed my wife's pussy, Jenny moaned, and I reached around my new-found friend and placed an earbud in her right ear. He licked, she moaned. He sharpened his tongue and entered her wet hole.

My wife's pussy, the hole that nobody else was ever supposed to see, or touch. Or taste, oh that heavenly taste. Or fuck.

Jenny groaned, and my friend shuddered. I stroked the back of her hand, and softly pulled it from her lap into mine. No resistance at all, she scratched my thigh with her nails, then bumped into my hard meat. She pulled her hand away, looking at me closely as I replaced it. Her fingers came up over my lump, and began to trace the outline in my pants, so lightly that I raised my lap to seek friction.

We were in a secluded corner of the lobby, I could see nobody in any direction except another single woman, but she faced away.

I took a newspaper from the side table, and opened it, laying it in my lap. Now she became bolder as she watched Scott pleasuring my wife. Jenny rolled back and forth, then grabbed his head and drove him in harder as she came with an animalistic roar.

The lady turned to me, eyes half-closed, and opened her mouth. I kissed her, and she responded with her tongue, pure lust. Now she had both hands in my lap, and I guided them to my zipper. She pulled it down without hesitation, without even looking around, then undid my belt buckle. She reached in with both hands and wrapped them around my cock, and squeezed hard. "Mmm, that's how a cock should feel," she whispered.

"Easy, my love," I murmured, and helped ease her grip. Now she lightly stroked, and I brought one of her hands down to my balls, she stroked under them, and spread the huge amount of pre cum on my cock. I was so close to coming, so I stopped her and took a breath.

Now she smiled at me, "you poor man, you must be so hurt." and slipped under the paper. I felt her thumb guide my cock, and then it was in her mouth. She sucked so hard, that I felt my erection swell even fuller. And, as she stroked my balls, sucked me deep into her mouth, and squeezed the base of my cock, I looked at my phone, and watched as another man slid his pussy-wet face up my wife's body, sucked one of her nipples into his mouth, and prepared to enter her.

Jenny's hand appeared between their legs, and hers spread wider as she guided him in with one hand, spurring his ass with her heels. My wife played the head of the stranger's penis around her slit, flicking it against her clit, and jerking in response. She smeared the wetness around the bulging head of his cock, and stroked him, enlarging his already sizable erection. "You don't have a condom, do you?" she asked almost nonchalantly.


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