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A Billionaire's Life Ch. 02


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I nodded and she stood up to leave the room. She'd taken three steps away from me when I said weakly, "Cassandra?"

My voice was so pitiful that she seemed to sag at the sound. But when she turned around, she stood erect and looked at me disinterestedly. "Yes, sir?"

"What will it take?"

"Pardon me?"

I sighed. "I want things to go back to the way they were. What will it take to do that?" My eyes pleaded with her to understand.

"That's something you need to figure out... sir."

I winced at every 'sir'. The way she said it was so... cold. I hungered to hear her purr it, the way she used to. I'd even settle for a casual 'Jonathan'. "Just tell me. Tell me what you want."

"I can't." Her jaw set in determination. "If you can't figure it out without me telling you, then you don't understand me yet."

"Understand what? I LOVE you, Cassandra!"

"What do you love? Do you love having sex with me? Do you love the work I do for this family? For your business?"

"I love everything, Cassandra. I love you just the way you are."

"Then why couldn't you just let me be the way I was? Why couldn't you just let things be the way they were? Then we wouldn't be having this conversation!"

"I will! I'll let you be! Let's go back!"

Cassandra closed her eyes and looked down. "You can't uncross a bridge, Jonathan."

And with that, she turned and opened the door. To both our surprise, Brittany was just outside, dusting the hallway. I actually saw Cassandra's nose crinkle and her blue eyes sharpen to grey. And then sternly she stalked past the maid and down the hall.

"DAMMIT!" I yelled and punched the wall. The painted drywall wasn't designed for that kind of abuse, and my fist went straight through it. A small jagged hole remained when I pulled my hand back, where a few pieces of sheetrock actually broke off and fell into the recessed cavity. The rest of the drywall cratered, but held.

Brittany jumped at my outburst, but said nothing.

After another moment, I strode out into the hallway. Cassandra was nowhere to be seen. I hurried off in the direction where she'd gone, but Taylor intercepted me just after I turned the corner. "Johnny!"

I was ready to cry as my wife put both her hands on my shoulders.

"No, no, Johnny," she soothed.

I hated to appear weak, especially in front of my wife. My male ego just wouldn't allow it. And so gritting my teeth, I stifled the tears and stood up straight. I started boxing up the sadness inside me and pushed it out of my mind.

With the pain of abandonment being locked away, all that was left was my anger and resentment. I wasn't happy, and it was all Cassandra's fault. First, she wouldn't let me love her. Then, she wouldn't let me just go back to the way things were. I'd finally figured out that Cassandra walked to the beat of her own drum. She wanted me just to love her the way she was: not as wife, not as assistant, not as any label. She just knew the way she wanted to love me and I had to let her do that.

Only she wouldn't do it anymore. And her stubbornness pissed me off.

Rage flew into my eyes now that the tears were gone. A low growl started in my throat and for a second, my grip tightened on Taylor. She was surprised by the sudden change in my temperament and for a second, she actually looked frightened.

I wanted to vent my frustration, but I couldn't take it out on her. This was Taylor. This was my wife, my love. Setting my jaw, I let go of her and stalked away. I heard my wife sigh as I stomped back the way I came and turned the corner.

Brittany was still in the hallway outside the office. I grabbed her arm and pulled her into the room, then slammed the door behind me. I pushed the young girl towards the desk and growled, "Bend over."

Immediately, the young blonde complied and dragged her panties down to her ankles. Then, while I went to a drawer and retrieved the bottle I was looking for, she pulled her uniform skirt up and over her ass, exposing her creamy skin for me. "Am I a good girl?" she asked innocently.

I set the Astroglide nozzle to her sphincter and started squeezing. Brittany just shivered as I opened up my pants and then started lubing up my own cock as well. "You're a naughty girl, Brittany. You're my naughty girl."

She giggled happily. When I tossed the bottle aside and reached forward to grip her hips, she spread her legs to the sides and hunched over further, wiggling her ass at me. And as I pushed my dick up Brittany's backdoor, I thought about all my frustration with and longing for Cassandra.

For a brief second, I wanted to start crying again. I missed her. I loved Cassandra, and having this wall between us was tearing me up inside. But I was also angry. And when I suppressed that urge to cry again, all that was left was my anger.

A snarl was on the tip of my lips when my pelvis pressed up against Brittany's buttcheeks, with my hard, throbbing dick fully embedded into the young blonde's rectum. And then I let the rage take over.



Rebecca moved in on the first of April.

At first, we went through a little reverse-haggling. She insisted on paying us rent while neither Taylor nor I wanted to let her. But in the end, Rebecca's need to keep her pride coupled with a very rational argument on her part: adding a full- time guest would mean more work for the Dorothy and the maids, etc.

So, Rebecca paid a nominal rent, which Cassandra completely paid-out in extra salary to the household staff. Taylor and I didn't need the extra income; Rebecca didn't feel like she was sponging, and the staff made more money. Everybody won.

Taylor was thrilled to have her friend to hang out with and talk to. I think Taylor especially liked having someone around who could power-fuck her (with a strap- on) as hard as I could.

Still, Rebecca wasn't moving into the happy-go-lucky home she might have been expecting. Despite her fun with Taylor and occasionally me, she could tell that there was something very wrong in the house.

On the surface, everything was as it should be. We were as typical a Hamptons household as could be. I was the wealthy businessman, Taylor my gorgeous trophy-wife, and I was even fucking one of the maids. The rest of the household staff was professional and competent, led by a woman of remarkable efficiency in Cassandra.

But that's all Cassandra was now: professional assistant.

One Wednesday, I woke up just after 12noon after an all-night fuckfest with Taylor, Charlotte, Rebecca, and Taylor's box of toys. I was alone in bed, bleary- eyed and idly wondering what I'd do for the day. After the Dean/Morse debacle, I'd taken a step back from work and chosen to just enjoy my wealth and leisure for a while. Hell, I was making more money on savings interest than I could spend in a day.

It never failed to amaze me just how much your life changes when you no longer have the daily struggle for money to survive. They say money can't buy you happiness (true enough), but it certainly washes away the basic worries of housing, food, and clothing so that you can spend your time TRYING to find happiness.

I wouldn't go so far as to say I'd give up all the money to be with Cassandra again. But I'd give up a LOT of it. Just leave us one house and enough money to be comfortable, if not extravagant, and I'd gladly trade the rest to have my old Cassandra back.

Not that it was going to happen anytime soon. Cassandra seemed to be firmly locked into her "just an assistant" role and nothing I could say would sway her. She wasn't even slacking in her professional responsibilities, and I felt I had no moral grounds to complain.

So on this Wednesday, I got up and waltzed to the bathroom to go through my morning (er, afternoon) routine, but voices from the Master Lounge caught my attention. For some reason, I felt like eavesdropping and I crept to the doorway.

"...can she stand there and do nothing?" Rebecca was asking. "I see the way he looks at her. He's like... he's like a lost puppy who wants her to take him home. She HAS to see that."

"Of course she sees it," Taylor answered with a heavy sigh. "But sometimes she can be so... *stubborn*. I guess that's why she's so good as what she does. She sees the way things *should* be and then she does everything she can to make it that way: every detail, every 'i' dotted and every 't' crossed, whether it's a contract or travel arrangements."

Taylor exhaled. "I've seen her get the hardest hard-cases to back down just because she had a stronger will to make a stand than they did. Well Cassandra's made her stand. It's just that when it comes to her own emotions, her judgment gets clouded and she's making a stand in front of the wrong choice."

I nodded in agreement from my spot behind the wall.

"It's not all on Cassandra," Rebecca put in. "John's being a MORON about this."


Taylor sighed. "They're BOTH being morons."

"What's he doing with that girl?" Rebecca grumbled. "Can't he see that it's just pissing Cassandra off even more? No matter what he says, she's never going to listen as long as he's boinking the maid."

"He KNOWS he shouldn't be doing it. He doesn't show it on the surface, but subconsciously it's in there. Why do you think he hasn't once had her in our marital bed? Why do you think he's never tried to get her in a threesome with one of us? No, he sneaks off to her bedroom in the staff quarters like he's ashamed of her."

What? I wasn't ashamed. I had nothing to be ashamed about.

"Hmm..." Rebecca mused on that. "You know one time I walked in on him screwing Mia on the pool table? He just turned and invited me to join in. Said it was one of their favorite places together. But yesterday, I walked in on Brittany giving him a blowjob in the laundry room. He freaked out and zipped up. Nearly caught himself in the zipper too. I think he IS ashamed."

"Not ashamed enough to stop," Taylor sighed. "Don't get me wrong, I do not begrudge his ability to get pussy. As long as he keeps me satisfied, he's welcome to bang the maids. But he's got to see that Brittany's a poison in this household."

"And not just because of how much she affects Cassandra," Rebecca added. "That girl's got a lip on her."

"What? What'd she do?"

Rebecca shifted in her seat and groaned, "Oh, where to start? When I moved in, you guys said I was a guest, same as I'd been all those times just crashing overnight. Brittany used to be so polite to me. But ever since she started fucking John, she's picked up an attitude."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, I tell her my laundry basket is full and she says, 'What? Your big muscles can't carry that thing all the way to the laundry room?'"

"She did NOT," Taylor's sounded positively scandalized.

"I KNOW! I mean, I'm paying rent and that money is boosting her salary. I'm actually paying her to give me attitude over her JOB?"

"Have you told Cassandra?"

"No. I wasn't sure what the staff's responsibilities were. I mean, I know they do YOUR laundry but I thought that maybe as a renter, I've got access to the laundry room but it's on me to do it myself. No biggie."

"No! I can check with Cassandra but that's not the way it works around here! You're a houseguest!" Taylor was more upset about it than Rebecca was.

"And the other day," Rebecca continued. "I was talking to Charlotte in the family room and Brittany came in with a vacuum. We were about to get up and leave so she could do her thing, but she just sat down and joined in the conversation."

"Wait, what? On duty?" Taylor's surprised tone was starting to get annoying. "The staff has never done that."

"At first, I thought it was no big deal because technically, isn't Charlotte part of the household staff?"

"No. There's a reason Charlotte and Cassandra have rooms upstairs. Yes, Cassandra runs this place but those two are employees of me and Jonathan personally, and they're our friends. The household staff like the maids, the drivers, and security are all... staff. You'll notice they don't join us for meals. And it's not proper for Brittany to join you socially either. If it was her off-time, that's one thing. But especially not while she's on-duty with a vacuum."

"Well, she just plopped down and started chatting with us. She even made a comment about being one of quote, 'John's girls'. And when Dorothy came to scold her into going back to work, she barked at Dorothy to leave her alone."

Taylor sighed heavily. "It's not right. I love that man to death, but he can be such a blockhead sometimes."

"Men..." Rebecca mourned. "I can't stand them sometimes, but they've got a monopoly on fantastic cocks."

"I have to talk to him about her," Taylor said sternly. "This is my house as much as his now, and I can't let this continue. Thank god he's only been screwing her for less than two months."

"And look at what she's done in so little time," Rebecca added.

A knock sounded off against the far door.

"Come!" Taylor called. "Oh, Brittany!"

"Lunch is ready, ma'am."

"Thank you, we'll be right there."

The door closed and then Rebecca piped up. "Should we go wake John?"

"No, let him sleep." Taylor then hummed. "After lunch, maybe you'll help me give him a proper wake-up call?"

Giggling, the two women left. I turned and leaned my back against the wall, not realizing how uncomfortable I'd gotten twisting around like that to eavesdrop.

I sighed... I've got a problem.


After getting dressed and doing my routine, I managed to slip downstairs without anyone noticing me and headed straight for the staff quarters. I was in luck in that Brittany's door was closed, usually a sign that she was in there. I wasn't sure what I was going to say yet, but I knew that stopping our affair was most likely the best thing to do.

Just when I was about to knock, I heard a loud female voice saying something in anger. My hand froze, and my hearing sharpened as I focused on the sound. Apparently this was a day for eavesdropping.

"Young lady, you have GOT to learn your place." Cassandra's stern voice carried an extra vibration through the door.

"And who are YOU to tell me my place?" Brittany's helium-voice cut right through the obstruction clearly. "You're just another servant in this house."

"I am your boss, young lady. And if you can't respect that and respect the other members of this staff, then there's no place for you here."

"I do! I have. But things are different now. You can't just treat me like another maid."

"That's your JOB."

"But that's not all. I'm one of you now." Brittany paused. "Actually, I'm BETTER than you now."

"Excuse me?" Cassandra couldn't have sounded more shocked.

There was a giggle in Brittany's voice. "I'm one of John's girls now. I'm not just a member of the staff anymore. I'm special to him. He LOVES me. And you? You're not even one of his girls anymore. He won't touch you. Everyone in the house knows it. So what can you really do to me?"

"I can FIRE you, young lady," Cassandra sounded both angry and hurt at the same time.

"Try it. I'll go to John myself. Who do you think he's going to choose?" There was a taunt in Brittany's voice now. "He doesn't need you anymore. He's got me."

"You come back here RIGHT NOW, young lady!" Cassandra thundered.

"Young lady, young lady. You're not even thirty yourself. Or is that why he left you? You started acting old and boring and he got tired of you? You couldn't make him happy anymore?"

"I'm not going to let you bait me." Somehow, Cassandra had managed to calm herself and her voice was icy cold. "I wanted to talk with you alone for one reason, and that's because you're disrespecting the staff, Brittany."

"Why? I'm better than them. I BELONG to HIM now."

"No one *belongs* to him, Brittany," Cassandra said with a hitch in her voice. "You work for this household."

"Whatever. I'm one of his girls now. Why should I have to keep doing all these menial chores?"

"Those chores are your job, Brittany. If you won't do them then we'll have no choice but to let you go."

"Fine. You do that, and I'll move into one of the guest rooms."

And with that, the door in front of me popped open and I came face to face with a very surprised Brittany. Behind her, Cassandra looked ready to cry, something I hadn't been expecting to see from the usually strong and stoic woman.

In a quiet voice, I said, "That's not going to happen, Brittany."

"What?" she asked, not understanding yet.

I looked at the blonde maid warily. "We've got to stop sleeping together."

In disbelief, the young girl turned back to Cassandra and then looked to me again. "You mean, I can't work for you and keep sleeping with you. I need to stop being a maid and become a girlfriend instead, right?"

"No, Brittany." I sighed. "Look, I know I've taken advantage of you. You *were* trying to seduce me, but the fact is that I'm your employer and our relationship is not proper. And it can't continue."

"Wait, what?" Brittany asked with a touch of fear in her voice.

I sighed and summoned all of my internal strength. Talking to Brittany like this was harder than making a speech in a packed auditorium. "I'm ending our affair. I'm sorry, Brittany."

"You can't," she started crying. "You love me!"

"I don't."

"You do! I'm... I'm special. I'm your cumslut." The tears were rolling freely down her face.

"Brittany, I'm sorry."

"So that's it? You use me and then throw me away?"

I winced and closed my eyes. "You still have your job here. Uh, you WILL need to do the duties Cassandra is asking you. I'm... I'm not throwing you *away*." I sighed, "But we need to stop sleeping together."

"You're dumping me," Brittany said flatly.

I sighed. "Yes."

The young blonde's jaw quivered as the look of despair on her face gradually transformed into a look of pure hate. A tear dropped off her chin and she sniffled loudly before barking, "FUCK YOU ASSHOLE!" And then she marched past me and disappeared down the hall.

The whole time, Cassandra had been quiet and standing aside, her expression unreadable.

After Brittany left, I turned to look at her, trying to see some reaction of any kind. But there was none. We just looked at each other for a long while.

Eventually, I told her quietly, "Cassandra. I'm sorry for being such a moron." When she didn't respond immediately. I hung my head and then walked away.


Like everything in an enclosed house, word spread within minutes. I think Melissa, our other maid, overheard at least part of the conversation. Then she told someone on the staff, and he told, and on and on. My guess is that Dorothy told Taylor.

In any case, when Taylor came to me I was reclined on my favorite chair in the Master Lounge. It was a plush "cuddle chair", more like a twin bed with a backrest and padded arms. The thing was designed for two to snuggle up together and ideal for watching a movie.

"You want to talk about it?" my wife asked as she silently crossed the room.

"Not really," I furrowed my eyebrows and generally radiated get-the-fuck-away- from-me signals. But Taylor simply slid onto the chair and I automatically opened my arms so she could spoon herself against my chest.

"It was the right thing to do," she said softly.

"I feel like a jerk. I used that girl."

"She wanted it."

"That doesn't make it right." I sighed. "I've got to find a way to make it up to her. Send her to college or get her a good job or something."

Taylor didn't have an immediate response to that. She just snuggled her head against my shoulder and pulled my arms tighter around her body. I couldn't help but look down into her perfect cleavage and then quickly looked away, feeling like an immoral letch.

I sighed against the back of Taylor's head. "And I've been so wrong about Cassandra, too. You're right. I pushed her too far."


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