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A Brother's Choice


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- Yeah, the do make a great couple, if they weren't our kids I'd never guess they weren't married for many years.

- Too bad it means we'll probably not get any grand-children this way...

- I couldn't tell if mom was sad or not, and I was pretty much trying to wrap my head around it and didn't know what to make of our parents. They both though we were hooking up and they were talking about it like it wasn't anything out of the ordinary, and neither before or after I overheard them they showed any signs of anything.

- Did that make you start thinking about boning your sister and breeding her? My sister asked half-jokingly.

- Yeah, totally, like if I hadn't heard anything I'd lost interest in you the next day and...

- Cut it of, liar. Seriously...

- No, I mean, duh, I had already been thinking about sex with my wicked hot sister whom I love to death and the though of one day having babies with you seemed natural to me. It did give me some more courage though, knowing that if you love me too at least our parents wouldn't break us up.

- Aww, brother, you know I love you. Honestly, I'd be lying if I said I never rubbed one out thinking about how you are the perfect boy friend - ever wonder why I never dated anyone? I was thinking, you're my brother, nothing will happen so enjoy your dates with him while they last. I guess, dad was right, we were, like a married couple. But stuck in habit and, not having sex, too worried of loosing what we have by changing anything. I'm kinda happy you broke the routine.

We kept talking until the water's was got cold, so we got out and went to bed as a happily married couple with a baby on the way. Tomorrow we'd be going home to tell our parents that we're becoming parents.


Then Sunday morning I woke up laying in bed with my pregnant sister, with a feeling of love and pride cannot be described. I'm looking at her belly and letting one of my hands roam across it, thinking about how somewhere there inside is a new life growing. Our baby, a daughter or a son. The miracle of life, where one of her lonely eggs got the company of my sperms of which one entered, mixed, and merged becoming one. On a sub-cellular level, me and my sister forever combined in to a living testament of us having sex.

My sister was awake smiling, probably also thinking about our baby growing inside her.

- When I realized you must be the father I thought that I should have been angry, you did technically rape me... but... instead I was just feeling amazed that you had impregnated me and wondered if it was your plan or if you "only" had planned to have sex and (pointing at her belly) this wasn't planned. Then out of nowhere it just struck me like a bold from clear skies. Almost like clock work once a month you always found some excuse for celebration, for as long as I could remember, even if it was in the middle of the week. Then I remembered that you had changed the date for the party (it had bed planned a week before at first). And then two weeks later I missed my period, and then suddenly it was like a in a cartoon, the light went on - my periods were pretty much regular like a clock work, and those celebrations were always two weeks before my period started. I remember thinking, that "omg, my brother has been celebrating my ovulations!", it was the middle of the night and I was alone in my bed in the darkness but I swear my cheeks were blushing so strong that the room glew red! At first I was, like, wow, this is, so weird it can't be true. Then I started feeling that, that's actually kinda cute really - and I wondered how on earth I could not have noticed this pattern until now. It felt so obvious now, and somehow it felt just like you - always doing nice things for me, and why not celebrate my period for good measure too? God, is that weird or what?

I just gave her a kiss for reply, after which she continued asking

- Why did you start tracking my periods? Do I smell differently then?

- You always smell wonderful sis, but honestly I think you smell the best when you're ovulating... it could be all in my mind though. I had read that girls boobs might ache during PMS-time, so that's why I began tracking it. So I could avoid hugging you too hard those days.

- Aww, there you are again, thinking about things for me... (my sister chuckled and snuggled a little closer so her sweet boobs were pressing on to me).

- It was later that I though about other aspects of your cycle when trying to understand it better, and then I realized that every month you could become pregnant. I begin thinking about how special that time of the month is, and that it's kind of a intimate time. And I felt that I wanted to be with you then, you're my sister and I wouldn't want you to waste those precious days with some one who didn't love you or know to celebrate your monthly peak as a fertile woman - I wasn't thinking about impregnating you then, it was more of a general thing... Like, maybe a little jealousy, I didn't want any other boy to get the chance to knock you up and steal you away from me...

- Aww, that's so cute. My brother, I would never leave you.

She gave me a kiss before continuing.

- But anyway my dear brother, when I realized that my own brother very well knew that I was going to be ovulating when planting his seed in me - his own sister, and had moved the party to that very day. It made another thing crystal clear, since missing my period you kept saying that you'd never abandon you and will always be there for me, a lot. I understood that you had planned to knock me up, and thus wanted me pregnant with our child. With that, keeping our baby felt natural, and I actually felt calm knowing we're in this together and figured that you would eventually figure out I was missing periods and that you had succeeded. Why didn't you tell me sooner? Did you want to wait until I was showing to be sure?

- I was planning on telling you this weekend, but you beat me to it honey. You're right that I really want us to have this baby, (I start rubbing her belly) our baby. I can't think of any other woman that I want babies with, no other woman than my own sister.

- And I can't think of any one else to father my children actually, you know I've always wanted kids but for some reason I've always had these feelings that the father would have to be like you. I want this to be the first of many, I want a big family with you.

- I will give you as many children as you like, since I know you will make the best mother and my children deserve to have the best mother they can have - which is why I put my first child inside you with out asking.

- Thank you, I understand why you did it. Of course I will be the best mom I can to my own brother's children - they're mine too. And by having my brother's babies, I'm sure they will get the best father they could possibly have - you.

We made out for a while, had some more sex, took a shower and ate breakfast. We were both walking on clouds, yet our minds were clear as day - and it felt both magical and yet somehow as natural as water is wet that we're having our first baby.

When we were checking out the kind receptionist asked rhetorically if "this was the lucky lady", to which I said yes this is the love of my life and mother of our first child of many. I kissed my sister and the receptionist clearly was the kind of emphatic person that felt others joy in her own heart too and was smiling with our love.

Perhaps we should have been nervous returning home, but we both remarked on how calm we felt and that we were actually looking forward to being open and honest with our parents and proudly telling them they have a grand-child one the way. Though the latter would have to wait until we confirmed the pregnancy with a doctor.

On the way back my sister called a head and told them we're one the way home, and casually asked if they were doing anything special and if the could have coffee ready we get home after the long drive. Basically trying to ask if both dad and mom were home alone, they said they hadn't made any plans and asked if we wanted some food too or just a coffee and some cookies.

We got home to the smell of coffee and newly baked cinnamon rolls, mom and dad seemed a little extra relaxed. I guessed that the latter was that me and sis weren't the only ones who had had a weekend with lazy mornings. Mom and dad greeted us at the door and took our bags and took them further in and as we took of our shoes and coats. They said the coffee is ready in the kitchen, and they went a head. My sister took my hand and we walked hand in hand in to the kitchen. Mom saw us holding hands just a soon as we entered the kitchen.

- My, my, holding hands like a couple, and rings on your finger too. You'd pass for being a married couple even.

She said smiling, dad nodding in agreement trying to hide a smirk. It was obvious they had figured out we'd been playing a married couple and was about to admit to being a couple. The atmosphere was good, and relaxed. My sister started with a light hearted joke on the theme.

- They're on to us, quick hide the rings.

I took my sisters hand with her rings and kissed the back of it.

- Or we could tell the good news, even if I suspect they have guessed some of it.

- Care to do the honors, my love?

Our parents sat there with patient smiles, waiting for me to start. I nodded and took a sip of coffee, before starting.

- I know you've been thinking that we have been together as a couple for a long time but never said anything. But actually, it's just very recently that we actually became a couple like that. But the label it doesn't really matter, we're in love and have been for quite some time and now we are more than sister and brother, more than boyfriend and girlfriend. We hope that you will be happy for us, and let us live like the couple we are.

- Of course we are happy for you, and yes your dad and I have been thinking that you've been more than sister and brother for a long time.

My sister and I looked at each other smiling and kissed knowing that the first part was over and that our parents were as understanding as we expected. From then on we kept wearing the rings, and my sister and I moved in to her room (mostly because we both like the idea of being where it started, my room is actually a little larger). My sister got an doctors appointment, one of your best friends happened to be a gynecologist in another town. So it was easy, and we could be honest with her. She was the first one to congratulate us, which mean that it was finally time to tell our parents.


We spoke with our parents, and said that we felt that it was time for us to move to a place of our own. They were happy that we wanted to have our own place. They started asking about where we were looking and if we looked for a flat or a house. I nodded to my sister and she stood up while saying.

- Wait, there's more... She pointed to her belly and as filled in with

- It's still too early to be showing, it's only 9 weeks, but...

- I'm pregnant with my beloved brother's baby. My sister was radiant with joy as she said it, as was I.

We could tell that our parents weren't expecting to find out we're expecting a baby. They seemed happy though. Naturally we talked about the pregnancy and eventually got back to our plans for moving out.

They helped us find a house in another part of the country, a big 6 room house with a big secluded garden for our children to play in. We moved in as a married couple, and we decided that our parents would pretend to be my wife's and that mine no longer were alive.

My sister was showing by now, and I love seeing her smiling proudly with her hands on her baby bump in which our child grows. It's such a glorious sight, my sister with our baby safely growing inside her womb. We were blending in nicely in the community, many other couples with kids - and everyone kept saying what an adorable couple we are and how well we seem to understand each other.


Our first child was a beautiful daughter with her mothers eyes, we named her MarTina, spelling her name with a capital T too. We felt that it was fitting that we name our child after both of us. We had two more daughters as the years went by, Kimmie and Tina-Marie. Kimmie is from mine and my sister's middle name Kim. We planned for three children so that our middle daughter's name is from our middle names was an intentional choice of name.

So, our family consist of, me (Martin), my sister (Tina) and our three lovely daughters MarTina, Kimmie, Tina-Martine.



When MarTina turned 21 she was rocking a little sister of her own making in her arms telling her how special she is and looking up at both of their father who was talking with her grand-mother. She heard how she discretely asked her son if his daughter had a name yet, and suggested "Kim, from her father" and said that she was happy to hear that both Kimmie and Tina-Martine know what they wish for their 21'st birthday too.

We had told our kids when they were old enough to keep the secret that they are incestuous love children, and while we never said anything more than that we were happy to hear that Kimmie and Tina-Martine eventually became a couple. MarTina simply isn't in to girls but has said that if she would be her sisters and mom would be the girls for her. MarTina had asked my sister if she would mind sharing me with her in the future, my sister, being the wonderful understanding mother, had told her that she's a young woman and not ready to commit to life like that. But my sweet MarTina kept raising the question with my sister from time to time and eventually my sister was certain MarTina wasn't just having a girl crush on her father. So she said that when she's 18 she has her mothers approval to tell me how she feels, and of course she can't deny her precious daughter the love of her father. But, there was a strict condition - no babies until she's finished school.

- But, mom, I didn't say I was thinking about babies...

- Yes honey, but I know how easily love leads to babies, you're a living proof of it sweetie.

My sister told me about it that night knowing that MarTina wouldn't be the only one longing for her 18'th birthday and then her graduation. MarTina became more affectionate but there was nothing sexual before she became 18. My sister brought her an early breakfast in bed and told her to take a shower and told that her present lies in her parent's bed. I think MarTina broke her record for a morning shower, not that it was hard since she's a late sleeper and usually takes until next morning getting up every morning.

As you might have guessed, by the time Kimmie and Tina-Martine graduated they in turn got a very special graduation gift, and as luck would have it, all of my daughters by my sister became proud mother's to their very own little sister. My sister admitted that she wasn't sure Kimmie and Tina-Martine would get to have my babies, as they're totally lesbian - but she was relieved that they felt that their dad was the only thinkable donor since the only sperm they would feel right accepting in to their bodies (and me being the father of both, their babies with me will be the closest they get to impregnate each other (aside from if they had son's to cross breed with)). And since we are related, only the natural way of getting pregnant would do. It was a little special with them, and the only time I ever had sex with Kimmie and Tina-Matrine was when they wanted their siblings.

MarTina however like her mother was more than enough to keep me very well satisfied sexually, so if my other two daughters also would have been straight I'd be dead from fatigue. And with all that sex, it was still only a small part of life. My sister and I had our handful helping out with our grand-children. And I didn't neglect my daughter's either, making sure to spend quality time with them and such. Quality time with MarTina naturally included sex, but not with the others.

Another fun thing is how special it is to think "if only they knew" when people that doesn't know the truth remark on how my wife and any of our daughter looks like they could be sisters. It always makes me feel so lucky because it is true, especially when speaking of my oldest daughters and our daughters.

My sister has said that she takes it as some kind of sign that all of the babies I've fathered with her and our daughters have all been girls and that she's proud to be the Eve of this family of girls. I'm not sure if my daughters' daughters will ever want their father's babies too, but time will tell and if they don't they're still my precious daughters and I'll give them my love in all other ways I can.

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NYCTonyNYCTony3 months ago

My sister and I loved your story, I took her away from an abusive husband and we now live as husband and wife, we have 2 kids one each, and are expecting our third child, we don't want to know what until the baby is born. We moved down south away from our family in New Jersey so we could live as husband and wife. Our mother knows what we are doing and since our father doesn't care we send her pictures of the kids and us which she doesn't show dad, said to my sister-wife Ashley she hopes it's another girl, and like the first 2 she wants to spoil the crap out of the baby! We're so happy that writers like you have a story that helps people like us to be happy about our choice of life and family style 😊.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I'm... Not sure how I feel about this 😂 The mistakes really messed up the flow and the whole constant "brother sister" thing really made it difficult to understand. Like the end was starting to really mess with me. Saying Martin or Tina is easier than brother, sister, daughter sister, etc. It was a good story but just how it was written really killed some of my enjoyment. I wanna give it 5 stars but then I wanna give it 3 but I really did like it I wanna do 5 😭😂 This story killed my brain

N_AmbruscoN_Ambruscoover 1 year ago

I really enjoyed this, more than you can imagine. When you write about loving your sister so much that you want to mingle with her on the DNA level, that could be my very own thoughts. Still unrealized in my case, but still, you put my own thoughts into words, and I admire that.

hellhale01hellhale01about 2 years ago

I absolutely loved this story thank you for posting it

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

and this is how nobles work

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

The planned rape thing was over the line. Everything else was good.

Rob5545210Rob5545210about 3 years ago
Best Story I have Read


Your probably no longer writing as it has been 4 years since the last was posted, but I want to thank you for writing this story.

One of the best I have ever read.


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