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A Cuckold Marriage Evolves

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A friend shows my wife the way to a female led marriage.
6.9k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 08/05/2015
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This is a dominant wife story which ultimately leads to cuckolding. My fascination is generally with seduction of the wife's dominance. If this is not your thing, please move on.


My wife grew up with a girl named Kim, and has remained friends with her to this day. I could never quite understand why their friendship has flourished the way it did. The two seem like polar opposites. My wife Sabrina is very much like me. She is traditional, somewhat conservative, and arguably a bit reserved. Kim on the other hand is a wildcat. Both women are attractive, but Kim has a wild side that comes through in her mannerisms, her dress, and certainly her behavior.

Sabrina and I have been married for ten years. During that time we have spent many evenings and weekends with Kim and her now deceased husband Daryl. Daryl was another one that I never would have paired with Kim. He was a great guy, but he was sort of quiet. You could tell, however, that he really loved Kim and worshipped the ground she walked on. While he might have been a bit henpecked, he was clearly happy. He doted on her hand and foot and never failed to jump when she asked him to do something. His death about a year ago in an automobile accident was a real loss to everyone close to him.

After Daryl's death, Kim sold their house and started building a new one. That is where my story begins. There was to be a three month gap between the new house being finished and the time she had to move out of the old one. Sabrina asked what I thought about inviting Kim to live with us during that time, and I told her I thought it was a great idea. I certainly never expected events to unfold the way that they did.

My wife worked downtown for a large law firm. I worked as a freelance copywriter out of our home. Kim became quite wealthy as a result of Daryl's life insurance, and she was expecting more money as a result of the auto accident that took his life. She, therefore, did not have to work. This meant that Kim and I would be alone in the house together during the day while Sabrina was out at work.

About 10:00 in the morning on the first day that we were home together, my business phone rang. "Hello," I answered, expecting a client on the other end.

"Hi, Mark. It's me, Kim."

"Where are you?" I asked

"I'm upstairs, I'm calling you from my cell, but I'm in the guest room. I just got up. Would you mind bringing me up a cup of coffee? I take it with skim milk and an Equal. Daryl always used to make my coffee for me, and I would sure consider it a big favor it I could get you to bring me a cup."

"Uhh, sure. No problem," I responded as I hung up the phone. Of course I thought this was odd, but figured I would do what I could to make the transition to life without Daryl easier. I made her the coffee and walked it up to her room. I knocked on the door of the guest room, and she invited me inside.

"Thanks," she said. She was still in bed, covered to the waist by the bedspread, and wearing a somewhat tight-fitting t-shirt that showed off her shape nicely. "I really do appreciate this."

"No problem."

"You know, Daryl used to do a lot of little things to make my life easy. I hope you don't mind if I ask you to do things for me as well."

"Of course not, just let me know what you need."

"Great," she answered taking the coffee from my hands. "I really do appreciate it."

I left the room and went back to my work. I heard her getting in the shower, and then about thirty minutes later, at about 11:30, I got another call on my work line. It was Kim again.

"Hey Mark, it's me again. I'm going to go run some errands, but before I go, I was hoping you wouldn't mind making me some of that tomato soup I saw in the pantry, and also some wheat toast with just a little bit of butter on it."

"Ummm, ok, no problem," I replied. Yes, I also thought this was a strange level of familiarity that she was taking, but I again complied. She walked downstairs as I was finishing preparing her lunch and sat down at the table. I served her as it just seemed appropriate.

"Great, thanks. Uhhh... this is just a little more butter than I like, but it will be ok for today. And can you get me a diet Coke out of the fridge?"

"Ok," I went to the fridge and got her a can, placing it on the table in front of her.

"Yeah... I like it in a glass over ice." She said this to me as if I was a waiter, with no hesitation or acknowledgement of that fact that it was an awkward request. Nonetheless, I got her a glass, ice cubes, and poured her the diet Coke. I left her alone to finish her lunch.

She walked into my office after lunch, not bothering to knock when she opened the door. "Hey, got two seconds?"

"Sure," I replied.

"Mark, I want you to do me a favor. I don't want Sabrina knowing how dependent I was on Daryl. I'm kind of embarrassed. I mean, he used to do a lot of things for me, but he really liked doing them. It really made him feel good, and I hope you can feel that same sense of satisfaction, but I just don't want Sabrina to know. Is that ok?"

"I guess that's ok, I mean..."

"Good," she interrupted. "We have a deal. I've got to go now. I'll see you around supper time.

And so it went. Over the next few weeks I was waiting on her hand and foot, from the moment she woke up until the moment that Sabrina walked in the door. She had me cooking her food, paying her bills, doing her laundry, running her errands, you name it. And the polite language seemed to disappear. There were never "pleases" worked into a request, it was always just a command. And I don't think she ever thanked me after that first day for anything.

One day when I was picking up her dirty clothes to take to the washing machine, she admonished me to make certain to wash her delicates by hand. "Use Woolite, let them soak, rub them gently together in warm water, rinse in cold, and let them air dry."

I went into the laundry room and began separating out the hand washables. I turned around to make sure nobody was around, and in a moment of weakness, I placed the crotch of one of her pairs of panties to my nose and inhaled. There was a faint trace of her musk. I picked up another pair and did the same.

"Do you like the way they smell?" I turned around in shock and shame. Kim was standing there looking at me, leaning slightly against the door frame. "I said, do you like the way they smell? She was wearing a tight-fitting work-out outfit and looked unbelievably sexy."

"I'm sorry, Kim, I mean, I'm not sure what you are saying... I just..."

"It's ok. I understand, believe me. I want you to enjoy it when you do things for me. When you are done with this, wash my car, and make sure you do the inside as well as the outside. I'm going running." She turned and left me alone with my shame.

I have to confess that her behavior was not the only thing that was strange. I was finding myself completely confused by the way I was reacting to her. I really did enjoy doing things for her. I enjoyed being told to do things. I was becoming irrefutably aroused by the ease with wish she had come to control me. I did not understand it, but I could not deny it.

When we were rejoined by Sabrina in the evenings, Kim converted back to the more typical, casual relationship that we had always had, never asking me to do anything in front of my wife. But when Sabrina left in the morning, it was becoming increasingly clear that I was little more than her obedient manservant, doing everything she asked with enthusiasm and without regard for any other priorities that might compete for my time. Because, with the one exception of my brief indiscretion with her panties, the relationship was on the face of it completely non-sexual, I felt that I wasn't being unfaithful to my wife. This would begin to change, but only in subtle ways.

Kim came into my office one morning and found me on the phone talking to a client. She took a seat in one of the two chairs opposite my desk, and made it clear that she wanted me to wrap up my call as quickly as possible. In her hand she held a tube of something, but I wasn't quite sure what it was. I hung up the phone and looked at her apologetically, muttering "sorry" under my breath.

"Come over here," she commanded. I walked around the desk and started to sit in the chair next to her. "No, go ahead and get on your knees. Take off my shoes; I want you to rub my feet."

I paused almost imperceptibly. Was this going a little further than I had gone already? Sensing my hesitation, she reassured me. "Don't worry, it's only a foot rub. It will still be our little secret."

She was wearing jeans and a t-shirt, and her shoes were a pair of low-rise wooden sandals. I took them both off, opened the lotion, and rubbed a generous portion along the bottom of her foot. I have to admit, I was incredibly aroused. I didn't dare stand and let her see my erection.

"Mark," she said to me, "it seems that you really like doing things for me. Is that true?"

"Yes, I agree."

"I think some men are happiest when they are following orders from a woman. Are you?"

"Well, I guess it has occurred to me that I have enjoyed it when you tell me to do things."

"Yes, I think that's obvious." She was looking at the bulge in my pants when she said this. "Don't you think you would be happy if Sabrina controlled you the way that I do? Have you ever thought about that...being submissive to your wife."

"I have, but I don't think it is her personality."

"Oh, I'm sure that it is. I think she feels the same way about you. I think she would like to have a little more say in the home, like to have you waiting on her hand and foot. She just lacks the confidence in herself to pull this off with you."

"Do you know something that I don't..."

She ignored my question.

"You know how much better this would be if it were Sabrina that you were serving instead of me? You can rub my feet, but you can lick her pussy. You're a pussy licker aren't you, Mark. I thought that since the first time I met you. I said to myself that you were a pussy licker... not just a guy that occasionally goes down on a girl, but a guy that lives for it, that almost defines his sexuality around it.

"I do like it," I replied nervously but without hesitation.

"I knew this already," she laughed. "Sabrina has told me you love to go down on her, but again, she could take it further. She could have you rub her feet, lick her pussy, anything she wants, and then she could just drift off to sleep, leaving your cock rock hard between your legs... and you would be just fine with that. Maybe she would even cuckold you. Do you know what that means? I bet you do. I bet you are little submissive cuckold that would love to watch your wife fucked by another man."

I was rubbing her feet, but staring at her with an intensity that I could not even conceive. She knew she was taking me somewhere that I wanted to go.

"The possibilities are endless. Believe me, you have no fucking idea how far you would go in your submission to her if she learned how to manage that cock of yours. I've got two more months in this house, and I am going to break her out of her shell, I promise you. Life will never be the same around here. This is going to my gift to her."

I continued to be stunned, by her language, her message, everything.

"You do want this, don't you?"

"Yes," I answered. I did not have one ounce of doubt.

"Of course you do. This will be my gift to both of you. Mark. I like you. I really do. And you know I love Sabrina. I want to give something to both of you by making her the head of your marriage... by making you completely submissive to her."

"I want that so badly."

"I know you do. Here's how we are going to start. Is there something she has been after you to do that you keep blowing off, some little project around the house?"

"Well," still rubbing her feet, "she wants me to haul off that broken weight machine in the basement, then clean the whole basement up."

"Ok, that will work. We won't start with that, but that will be perfect for moving ahead. The first thing that we are going to do is that I am going to go to my storage shed... well, you are going to go to it... immediately. I have some boxes that you will put in the garage, just inside the door. I'm going to tell her when she gets home that I really need some help in moving them, and could she please ask you to do it."

"And then I'll do it," I guessed out loud.

"No, and please be quite. You need to listen and obey, not think. You will not do it. In fact, every time she asks, make up an excuse why you can't do it right then and now. You'll get to it later, tomorrow morning, something like that. Understand?"


"Ok, we're done here. Put my shoes back on." I slipped her sandals back on her feet and started to stand.

"Nope, stay on your knees." She stood and towered above me. "No jacking off for the next few weeks, ok?" She pulled my faced up against the crotch of her jeans.


"If I find out you are jacking off, I will fucking ruin you. Got it? And don't initiate sex with Sabrina without my go ahead. For the time being, I'll be controlling your orgasms, understood?"


"Ok, run and go get the three big boxes against the back end of my storage shed. They're just my winter clothes. The key is the square silver one on my key ring."


When Sabrina arrived home that night, the boxes were waiting by the door. Everything proceeded according to plan. Kim casually asked Sabrina if she could get my help in bringing the boxes up to her room. "They're too heavy for me, and I am embarrassed to ask Mark for favors," she told her. As planned my wife then asked me to move the boxes.

I went several days with promises that I would get to it right away. On the third night, Sabrina was starting to get irritated, but I stuck to my guns. "I'll get them tomorrow, honey. Just let me relax tonight, ok." She was ready to move them herself, but I pleaded with her to just give me another day.

When Sabrina came home from work the next day, she let loose on me. In front of Kim she dressed me down for procrastinating. Not wanting to break my promise to Kim, I responded by just walking away. I went outside, got in my car, and drove off in mock anger.

"Sabrina," said Kim meekly, "I'm sorry I got you into this. I should have just opened those boxes up and moved the clothes upstairs in smaller batches. I never should have bothered Mark by making you ask him for help."

"Don't be ridiculous," answered Sabrina. "He promised repeatedly to do this, and he's just being lazy."

Kim looked down, shuffled her feet and finally lifted her head to make eye contact with Sabrina. "It's none of my business, but can I share something with you? It's a little game that Daryl and I used to play."

"What do you mean? Of course you can share with me."

"Well, it's just that, I think men seem to be happiest when they are wrapped around a woman's finger. I know Daryl was. Maybe it's something that will work with Mark."


When I arrived back at the house, my wife Sabrina said nothing about the boxes in the garage. She was somewhat cold to me, but the rest of the evening was pretty quiet. As Kim had not yet told me anything different, I went about my business and continued to ignore the boxes. At about 10:30, I started getting ready for bed. I went into the bathroom, brushed my teeth, and returned to the bedroom to find my wife already in bed ahead of me. She was wearing a very revealing teddy that I had never seen before.

"Kim let me borrow this. You like it?"

"Yes," I replied in all honesty. "I love it."

She patted at a spot beside her on the bed indicating that she wanted me to join her. I stepped out of my boxers and climbed up. Cupping my balls in her hand, she leaned in to kiss me... moving her mouth to my neck and my ears knowing that this turned me on immensely. She moved her hand to the shaft of my cock and felt in harden in her possession. She stroked it, gently at first but then in a steady rhythm. I dropped my head back and closed my eyes.

"You like it when I touch your cock?" she asked.

"Yes, very much," I muttered. This erotic dialogue was a bit uncharacteristic for her. It was not unheard of, but just not the usual thing. With my eyes still closed she upped the ante on me. She replaced her hand with her warm mouth. She licked up and down the shaft and began sucking on the head for just a moment before she looked up at me and warned me to stop her when I was close to cumming. This I did after just a few minutes of the most incredible blowjob she had ever given me.

"Ok," she said, "now it's your turn." My cock was still rock hard, but I had no alternative other than to follow her lead.

She positioned herself on her back, propped slightly upright by some pillows and spread her legs far apart. She guided my head between her legs and held it in place firmly. I truly did love going down on my wife, and this must have been obvious to her. I gave her the loving attention that my nature demanded of me, and she coached me with a tone of authority in her soft voice that I had never heard before. I must have gone down on her for twenty minutes, bringing her to several orgasms, when finally she pulled my head away by the back of my hair.

"There's something in the drawer of the nightstand that I want you to get out for me." she said.

I scrambled to the side of the bed, my hard cock still bouncing between my own legs, and opened the drawer. Inside was a vibrator. It seemed to be made out of a gel-like material. It was pink and somewhat translucent. It was about eight inches long with a slight bend at the tip. She had never played with toys before, so this came as quite a shock to me.

"There's also a little bottle, get it also." It was lube. I rubbed some on the vibrator. "Now, work it inside me slow. Start with it on low and I'll have you turn it up the speed it I need it."

I turned the vibrator on low and began to first rub it on the perimeter of her pussy, then on her clit before working it inside of her. She purred with approval and let her neck and back arch provocatively. I moved up to put my mouth on her breasts. She held my head in her hand keeping me in place. She moaned with pleasure and squealed and shook like I had never seen her do before.

I pulled back from her chest and positioned myself on my knees between her legs. I held my hard cock in my hand and positioned it in front of her pussy. I gripped the end of the vibrator with my fingers and began to pull it out of her. She put her hand down and stopped me.

"No," she said. "Go get me a warm washcloth."

I hopped off the bed and ran to the bathroom. I waited impatiently as the water from the faucet warmed up. I could hear her moaning and squealing in the bedroom. Finally the water became hot. I soaked the washcloth then rang it out quickly into the sink. I ran back to the bed, my cock still raging hard.

"I can't take it anymore," said Sabrina. "Pull it out of me, slowly." I removed the vibrator and set it down on the sheets. I tried again to position my own cock between her legs, but she held me off. "No, no." She grabbed my head and pushed it between her legs. "Just kiss it, gently." I leaned down and put my lips back on my wife. "Now with the washcloth, clean me up." I rubbed the warm cloth between her legs.

"What about me," I asked.

"Not tonight," she said. "Beginning tonight you and I are starting something new. I was very disappointed by the fact that you did not move those boxes like you promised. And then for you to go off huffing and puffing like you did."

"I'm not sure I understand. I'll move the boxes, I promise. I'll do it right now."

"No. Tomorrow is fine. And I know you will... now. But it's not just the boxes. I think it's time we made some changes. I think that our relationship will work better if I'm the one in charge for now on. What do you think?"


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