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A Developing Fetish Ch. 03

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Melanie helps Jacob develop a new persona.
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Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 11/18/2023
Created 05/25/2023
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In the previous chapter, I described how after Melanie told me that she had fucked a black guy while in college. There was more to the story if you are interested. Read Chapter 2.

We had our first encounter with a black man, Gerald. She had met him while she was working on a project in Atlanta. When she was on a project, she never wore her wedding rings. She said that men tended to leave female engineers alone if they thought they were single and all business. I would have thought differently but Melanie assured me that after trial and error, it was true in her field. When she and Gerald got together for after-work drinks, she just told him that she had a boyfriend but nothing serious.

This set the stage for her sexual encounter with Gerald while I watched and cleaned her up afterwards. Gerald showed every sign that he was aware of the fetish of some white couples developed wanting the wife to cuckold the husband with a black man. Preferably one with a big cock. With Gerald, she was not disappointed. Or rather, WE were not disappointed. I was as excited to see his beautiful black cock as was Melanie. After their coupling session and my cleanup of her swampy, cum filled pussy, we talked about what had happened. We also talked about the cuckolding variations in full.

This led to the lingering question Melanie asked after all the discussion:


The question hit me right in the throat. I couldn't find a way to respond. I let it linger. Melanie sensed my discomfort but did not speak. I was hoping she would move on and laugh at my uneasiness. But she didn't. With that long pause, I knew she was not going to let the topic drop. My brain was paralyzed. I had already admitted that I would have loved to hold Gerald's big black cock and inserted it into her pussy. She had brought up how some cuckolds are tasked with cleaning up the bull's cock. I told her earlier that I wasn't gay. She said that she wasn't either but had enjoyed her roommate in college sucking cum from her pussy.

I mulled this over and still I could not speak. I was turning red and trying to think of some way out of this predicament. It was not like I came up with this fetish entirely on my own. Melanie was more than a willing participant. We were very compatible sexually. I liked her dominance and she loved being in charge. In our everyday life, it was not so dramatic. She was highly educated and very astute on numerous topics. Her engineering training accounted for some of it but I even told her when we first met that I thought she was more mature than me in a lot of ways.

Finally, as I began to stutter, she began recounting all the aspects of our progression into interracial sex. The culmination was me watching her take on a well-endowed black man.

"Honey, it's okay. It is cuckolding. Research and stories have opened our eyes to our particular kink. We both have a fetish for black cock. How many men would encourage their wife to fuck a black man while he watched? You loved it. Eating his cum from my pussy was making you so hard even though you had just cum in your pants. So, please, just say it. I'll even let you off the hook this first time. Just say yes."

She looked deeply into my eyes.

"Okay, YES. I will do anything to please you. Even sucking a cock."

"Whoaaaa. I just said cleaning Gerald's cock."

"Well, isn't it the same thing?"

"Technically, yes."

We shared a laugh and many kisses after this discussion. From that point on, Melanie took a more active role in selecting our interracial videos. We didn't watch with the same regularity that we once did since we had experienced the 'date' with Gerald. When I returned home, Melanie and I talked frequently on the phone. She and Gerald were getting together several nights a week. She kept me informed about the enjoyment she was having taking black cock so regularly. She would even leave her phone on face time while they fucked. Gerald and I talked occasionally about sports and such. It was the complete relationship where the cuck and the bull know their respective roles.

When Melanie's project was complete, she spent more time back at home. Most of the work on the startup could be done remotely. We enjoyed the peaceful time together. Melanie was picking out mostly cuckold videos at that point. It started out with the typical scenes where the cuckold came home early and caught the wife 'doing' a big black guy. One scene showed the bull and wife fucking on the living room couch when the cuckold comes through the front door unexpectedly. The hot wife looks and him and says, 'Hi, Honey. Home early?'

The couple continue fucking while the cuck just sits and watches, not knowing what to do. He ponders his response. When the coupling is over, the wife has a big creampie which she shows unashamedly to the husband. They talk. The husband is in tears. The wife tells him that she has been fucking black men since they were married. She says that she is glad that the husband came home, for she had been wanting to carry on these affairs openly. She tells him that he can either accept it or leave. He decides to stay in the marriage and subsequent scenes show him becoming more accommodating to the bulls.

Melanie then began selecting videos where the cuck 'fluffs' the black guys before and after the fucking. The topics progressed to the point that one of the bulls comes over finding the wife gone. The husband sucks him off. The scene ends with the bull blasting a huge facial across the cuck. Melanie would sometimes suck my dick when these one-on-one scenes were on. I began associating blow jobs with watching submissive cuckolds sucking black cock. I never lasted very long with the combination. I came in her mouth too quickly. She would mew and little and then snowball my cum back into my mouth.

We talked about our sessions afterward. It was beyond post coital bliss. We would talk about big black cock anywhere or at any time. When we were out together and she saw a particularly attractive black guy, she would ask me if I thought he had a big cock. I began looking at crotches of black guys more than I ogled pretty women.

Melanie would tease me, "Don't you wish you could suck his cock before he fucked me?"

After a time, I began answering her in the affirmative. She pushed me closer and closer. She was just waiting for the right thing to happen at the right time. We kept watching cuckold videos until we found one where the hotwife feminized the cuckold. She would let him watch at first but only if he dressed in panties and dresses. Some of the videos showed the cuckold before and after the wife's forced feminization. I had to admit that some of the cuckolds looked rather sexy with female clothing and makeup. Each time my cock got hard while watching one like that, Melanie would notice and ask me if that made me horny. I always told the truth.

When the bulls would come in and the cuckold would fluff them, Melanie would tease me, "God, Jacob, I wish I could find us a big black bull like that. I know if you tried it, you would love to suck his cock. Then afterward, you could clean both of us up. Wouldn't that be hot?"

Melanie was due to join a project in Alabama. She would be in and out. On this one she could either work on site or off depending on what phase it was in. I was tied down during the week and could only visit starting on Friday night. It had been a while since she had had the affair with Gerald. She was getting horny for black cock but she didn't do anything much to try to find a guy where we lived. It seemed that out of town appealed to her more. She spent the first two weeks on the jobsite just to get completely in the flow.

We would talk almost every night on the phone. She said that she wasn't socializing much with the people on the project. Rather she was scoping out places to go in Birmingham. There were all kinds of clubs there. The truly black clubs were dangerous to an unaccompanied white woman. She opted for the more eclectic gatherings where she could meet people her own age. She found a club near the airport that was quite popular. She said that she started going there just to scope it out. She wasn't looking to be picked up by a suave white guy although she danced with plenty and got a lot of drink offers. She said that she usually didn't stay long at these clubs. One thing was that she is totally dedicated to her work. Staying out late and drinking wasn't in her schedule. She liked the way she met Gerald. However, after-work drinks didn't interest her for she didn't want to get too comfy with her co-workers.

She emphasized that we were married and that she wasn't looking for companionship. She was on the lookout for the right black man whom she could develop a casual relationship with if he fit the bill in the cock department. Black guys, like white guys, would like to think they were conquering unsuspecting girls. 'Fuck 'em and fuck somebody else tomorrow' seemed to be what the younger studs thought.

One night when Melanie called, she seemed to want to talk but was holding back. I asked if she had found her new boyfriend. She mentioned that she had a few places narrowed down that would give her the best chance to hook up with a mature black man. She didn't like the aura of the young studs. After all, she only wanted a big black cock to satisfy her. Finally, she broached the subject.

"Jacob, you know we have been watching quite a bit of cuckold porn together. I know you get excited when the cuckold is very submissive. I think I have found a way to make our dream come true. If you are ready to suck a cock like a good Cucky, I know how to do it without me forging a relationship with a black man. It might turn out well in the end. But I don't know if you would consider it."

"Okay, Babe. You know I told you I will do anything for you."

"That's good but I you have a right to refuse this one. I think if we feminized you like some of the videos we have been watching, we could go out as girlfriends and see if a special black guy bites on the bait. That way, if it works out, you can blow him and I can fuck him. We would have to come up with a story that kept him from wanting to get into your panties too. I don't want to go to alternative clubs and get involved that way. Most of the 'men' there wouldn't be interested in straight sex with some cute girls anyway. I have thought about this for a while. You are small enough and have a really cute face for a man. Also, you already have a good ass. Some guys could never pull this off with their skinny asses. We could get you a bra and some breastforms. With the right wardrobe, I think you would make a lovely girlfriend. I know that guys would jump at the chance of bedding two girls at once. Think about it. If you agree to try it, we can start practicing when I come home next week."

She left it at that. I was getting more into the cuckolding videos. When feminization cuckold videos started making their way into our viewing selections, I was not appalled. Black cocks mesmerized me. I couldn't stop thinking about how erotic it was to see an absolutely massive black cock. Just the cock. Not the man attached to it. That convinced me I was not gay. Our kinky sex life had taken quite a few turns. I wasn't addicted to porn, per se. We used it as a garnish to our regular sex life. It fueled the steamy variations that we were now practicing.

I had said that I would do anything for Melanie. She had asked me to think about this. She did not demand or pressure me in any way. I was free to make a choice. Dressing as a woman was not necessarily the thing that turned me on. Sucking a black cock was what was occupying a bit of my brain. Once we talked about it, it was on my mind constantly. Even at work, I would daydream occasionally about seeing Gerald's big black cock splitting my wife's vaginal lips. I could see his big round balls slapping her ass. I had to be careful not to spring an erection.

I still had a few days to think about what Melanie proposed. Should I try to get over my fetish about black cock? I could certainly try. It had reached a point where I always associated sex with thinking about black cock. Videos with white men didn't do much for me anymore. Melanie felt the same way. She explained it in a way that made it seem normal.

"I don't want to have sex with a white guy, Jacob. I have that with you. You have me. You claim that seeing big breasted women doesn't compare to me. Thank you for that. I mean, we don't mind watching white couples fucking but it doesn't excite the taboo. Sex with us is fun and comfortable. For me, fucking a big black cock is primal. Now, for you seeing me fuck a big black guy is the essence of your cuckolding and submissiveness. That is not who we are in normal life. It is what we have progressed to in our alternative sex life. Our normal sex life and our alternative sex life are the perfect complement to each other. It wouldn't work for all couples but it appears to work for us. At least right now."

I was very close to a decision. Well, I had already decided. I just had to convince the 'Macho Jacob' to take a back seat for what was going to happen. Maybe it wouldn't work out. I was prepared to keep the fetish just that. A thought. I had never realized any tendencies to crossdress. Sure, I loved seeing models in pretty lingerie. I loved Melanie's lingerie with her in it. The overflowing bras and the swell of her tummy flaring into that perfect ass. She did more for panties than the other way around. She looked startling naked. She made the lingerie classic when she wore it.

When she returned, we had normal sex. We didn't watch an interracial video. We just had straight married people sex. She was so gentle. Even more gentle than usual. As I have said, she is the aggressor as far as sex goes. She usually instigates sex whether normal or 'naughty' sex videos. We both enjoyed it. I came inside her and then cleaned the creampie while she sighed and told me what a great lover I was.

The second night she was home, she asked me if I had thought about what she had suggested.

"Gosh, Melanie. That is drastic. I wouldn't want you to think of me as gay. I would be afraid that it would be a picture you could not forget. Then you would want a real relationship with a guy with a big cock."

"No, Jacob. I have a satisfying relationship with you. Our taboo inspirations are separate from our relationship. We enjoy the taboo. We enjoy normal sex. I would not think badly of you for going along with something I suggested. That doesn't make sense."

"Are you sure? It is a big step."

"Look, Jacob. I told you about what Jesse and I did in college. I even admitted that I liked it. I was just too wound up to think about that as a lifestyle. Well, I have begun fantasizing about you being my lesbian lover. Since I suggested it, I could envision making you up to be a hot chick. No offense, but you have always had what you yourself call a 'baby face'. Why not use it to our advantage and see where this takes us."

"Oh, god, Melanie. You are so persuasive. How can I say 'no' to you?"

"Does that mean the answer is 'yes'?

"Yeah. I guess."

"No, Baby. Not 'I guess'."

"Will you be my lesbian lover? Will you participate when we fuck a black cock? Yes or no?"

"Yes. Yes. Anything for you. You are so hot. I want to do it. I want to lick your pussy after a black guy fucks you. I want to suck his cock to clean him up so you can fuck him again."

That was the inception of our new, albeit it part-time life. The first thing Melanie did was order a pair of medium heeled shoes. She had me walk in them several times a night to get accustomed to the tricky balance. She had me remove all my body hair except on my head. Unfortunately, I was going to have to wear a wig. My short haircut would never work. The upside was that the wigs fit snugger and were more comfortable. One of my ears was already pierced so we got the other one done. She had me sit at her vanity each evening while she applied makeup to my face. She experimented with different shades and eye makeup to get just the look she wanted for me. After we removed our makeup, we usually made traditional love. Nothing kinky while I was being turned into her lesbian lover.

Melanie worked with me on acting feminine. There was a certain walk. My voice was not low but it still wouldn't work as a woman. I had to practice that every day, several times a day. Melanie would call me on the phone. When I saw her caller ID, I was to answer in my most feminine voice. She coached me each time. I had to be careful not to slip into the feminine while at work. There was a trick to modulate your vocal chords but it was extremely difficult. I heard that some trans girls have surgery to correct this. I would have to do it with much practice. The last thing Melanie wanted was for us to get a guy and him find out that I was a male. In a way that was dishonest and we knew some black men would not take kindly to that surprise. However, if we found a man skilled in the bull-cuckold relationship, we were pretty sure we could pull it off up front.

The practice continued when Melanie went out to her project. She had ordered some skinny jeans for me and some skirts. We bought some bras and panties in the department stores. She would try on some tops and make sure they would fit me. She teased me about trying them on myself. Finally, I relented and tried some of them on in the dressing rooms. She wanted me to go out to the mirrors but I was chicken. I had practiced walking in medium heels enough to feel comfortable. One night, Melanie called me. We talked about her project, my job and just normal stuff. She seemed to want to change the subject. I asked her what she was holding back.

"Well, Jacob, I want you to get yourself made up and go out in public."

"Oh, no, I am not ready for that."

"Yes, you are, Sweetie. In the morning when you shower, use the depilatory crème and shave your cock and balls. Use plenty of lotion. Put on a pair of your new panties under your work clothes. Then tomorrow when you get home from work, take a bath in bath oils. Paint your fingernails and toenails. Everything is in the bathroom. There is a bottle of nail polish remover next to the nail polish. Do your makeup like we practiced. Not too slutty, Babe. Put on your skinny jeans and the medium heels. Put on your bra and place the inserts correctly. Put on the brunette wig and go out to the mall. You can just window shop but if you feel like shopping, do that too."

"You must stay in the mall at least an hour. Try not to make direct eye contact with people. Don't look away, either. Just a quick glance at someone's forehead. It will look like eye contact. Just be casual and don't dwell on any one person. If you think someone has 'made' you and anything uncomfortable happens, you may exit and go to your car. But don't project any uneasiness. Think about my tits or black cock or whatever makes you comfortable. Remember this is the first step toward realizing our goal."

"Honey, I'm afraid someone will recognize me." I said.

"Not a chance, Honey. Just act casual. With jeans and a conservative top, you will blend. If you tried to dress too slutty, people would notice you anyway. Some might even see that you are a male. That's why conservative is the best for your trial run. That is why I want you to do this alone. If you can get to feeling comfortable in that situation, you will be doubly safe when we go out together. This is going to take a while. I am not planning on finding a black lover while I am here. If a situation that is too good to be true presents itself, I might call you and tell you that I am going to fuck a black man."

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