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A Game of Basketball Pt. 05


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We kiss once were in the shower. A cascade of cold water falls down on us. But our lips don't part.

As I hold her beautiful face, I softly stroke her cheeks with my thumbs. Her hands explore my body, traveling down my back.

Things are starting to get hot and steamy. And I'm not just talking about the water temp.

Finally, she pulls back. "Maybe we should get to cleaning."

"You're right, once again... Tomorrow's game is important, we should probably get all cleaned up and hit the sack."

Even though our words say one thing, our lips have no intention of stopping as they continue to touch. The feel of her tongue as it delves inside my mouth is like touching your licking an electric current.

Every stroke, touch, and lick feels like a 1000 volts of electricity coursing through my body.

Finally, she pulls back and grabs the soap. "How about I clean you and you can clean me."

"I love that idea."

She slowly starts to rub the bar across my abs, making her way up to my chest. She looks up into my eyes as she spreads the soap across my pecs, playfully tweaking my nipple. Moving down south, she wraps her soap fingers around my cock, giving it a few strokes before fondling my balls.

She gives me the turn around motion and I do as she commands.

Starting up at my shoulders, she lathers them in soap. She takes her time, getting every curve and crevice, slowly making her way down my back.

Finally, she arrives at my ass. She couldn't resist giving each cheek a spank before rubbing her soapy fingers up and down the crack of my ass. She's rather thorough with that part of my body.

She's reluctant to move down from there, but eventually, she gets my thighs and Cavs.

Now it's my turn! The signature Dave smile appears on my face as I grab the soap from her.

I start with her arms, slowly moving the bar of soap up her soft caramel skin. The shoulders are next. Her eyes never leave mine as I lather her body in soap. Finally, I arrive at her two mountain peaks of flesh. I take my time sudsing her two perfect melons in soap. She lets out a soft moan as my fingers rub up against her hard nipples.

Sadly, I can't stay there forever. I finally move south, fortunately, just below her rock hard abs is her even harder throbbing cock. I make sure her shaft is properly cleaned. Lavishing it in soap before I cup her balls and give them a nice soapy massage.

Once I'm done with those lovely testicles of hers, I get those thighs all soapy before she turns around.

My fingers rub her back, getting it all nice and slick with soap. I take my time, really getting each and every muscle.

Finally! I have arrived at that ass of hers. It's just so... Bubbly! My hands grab each of her cheeks, pulling them apart to find that tight little untouched butthole of hers. One of these days I'm going to stretch it wide open with my dick. But for now, I'm going to take my time soaping this amazing ass up.

Eventually, all good things must come to an end. After I finish lathering her legs in soap, we rinse each other off. Then get our hair all shampooed and conditioned before getting out. We take time to dry each other off before finally leaving the bathroom.

I turn off the lights and meet her under the sheets. She rests her head on my chest as her fingers play with my abs as if they were keys on a piano.

"Hey... I've been meaning to ask you about your eyes." Even though it's dark, I can see her head swivel to look up at me.

"What about my eyes?" she asks.

"Why do they change color?" I run my fingers gently up and down her back.

"So you've noticed..."

"So, I'm not going crazy..."

"Well, that has yet to be determined."

"Ha ha ha... You're so funny..."

"I know. But yeah, they change color every now and then. Nobody knows why. There really isn't any reasonable scientific explanation."

"You know, I had a friend who had eyes that kind of changed colors..." I remember Kevin's eyes kind of did something similar.

"Is that so?" she asks, lifting her head up towards me.

"Yeah... At least, I think so. We never really talked about it."

"Dave... I've been meaning to tell you..."

Just then, someone knocks on the door.

I reach over and turn on the lap on the bedside table.

Nicole and I look at each other before we scramble to get some clothes on. "Should make it look like we were sleeping in separate beds?"

"Probably a good idea," she says.

I tear the covers off the bed and mess it up before I grab the door.

Of course, it's Donny...

"No need to panic," I holla back at Nicole. "It's just Donny."

"Dave!" he practically shouts out as I open the door.

"What's up?" I ask.

"We're all chilling in our room if you guys want to come join us," he informs us.

"Isn't it past curfew?" I ask.

"Come on, it's not even 9 yet! Curfew isn't for another hour!"

"I don't know..."

"Yeah, sure we'll go," Nicole interrupts.

"We will?" I ask.

"Yeah, why not?" She shrugs her shoulders at me.

"Dave, she's way cooler than you!" Donny declares as he turns to Nicole. "Screw Dave, why don't we hang out?"

"He is kind of a party pooper," Nicole teases.

"No kidding! He's such a goodie two shoe, they use his face as the poster boy for the boy scouts," Donny says and Nicole lets out a cute little giggle.

"That doesn't any make sense, I'm not even a boy scout."

"You could have fooled me," Donny says.

"Come on, Dave. What's one hour going to hurt?" Nicole says.

'Yes! Listen to the woman, Dave!"

"Fine, we'll go."

We make our way down to Donny's room, which is only a couple of rooms down.

Everyone's in the room as we walk in. They're all playing cards while watching the news of all things.

"What up, Dave! Nicole," Jeremy says.

"Come to join us? We're playing tonk," Caleb asks.

"Yeah, we'll join in next game," I tell them.

"What's tonk?" Nicole asks.

"You never heard of tonk?!" Donny asks.

"Obviously, or else I wouldn't be asking."

"It's like a mix between blackjack and rummy. The goal is to get 21 of the same suite. Once you get 21, you lay your cards down and everyone else loses. We play with a dollar. When you lose, you fold a corner and once all four corners are folded, you're eliminated," Donny says. "Oh and any player during their turn can tonk or knock on the table. When someone tonks, everyone else gets 1 more turn before everyone flips over their cards. The person with the lowest score has to fold a corner."

"Sounds easy enough. But I didn't bring any money over, I didn't realize we were going to be doing some gambling."

"It's all good, we can spot you," Austin says.

Nicole and I sit down and watch as they play.

'Breaking news update! We have footage of school bus full of kids being saved by a masked superhero,' the anchor says. "The bus was on its way back from a girls basketball game when it suddenly spun out control over a bridge and slammed into the railing. The back end of the bus teetered off of the bridge.'

'Why don't we just show the footage, Tom.'

'Very well, Samantha here's a video one student caught with their cell phone, roll the clip.'

Everyone stops playing to watch. The face of a brunette girl about our age appears, eyes full of tears as she sobs hysterically. You can see the back end of the bus hanging off the bridge.

The sound of the girls screaming blasts through the speakers of the TV as the bus lurches backward before snagging on part of the bridge.

"We're going to die!" A blonde girl in the background yells.

Suddenly a blast of light overtakes the camera as the front door gets seared off. A man forms out of the light. His face is covered in a white mask with a matching white cape blowing in the wind as he steps onto the bus. His glowing golden tunic shines brightly through his dimly lit surroundings. What looks like a star glows on his chest.

He quickly starts helping them off the bus, starting with the bus driver. The video's a bit shaky, so it's hard to get a clear view. As the students exit the bus, the sound of metal scraping metal tears through the air as the bus starts to slide back. The girl holding the camera quickly rushes off the bus. She points it back at the bus.

Just as the second to last girl gets off, the bus surges further off the bridge, sending a girl with blonde hair flying backward. The impact she causes unhinges the bus from the bridge, sending falling to the depths below. A flash of light whites out the video. The sound of a metal smashing into ice drowns out everything else. The girls all gasp all at once as they just watched their teammate fall to her death. But wait...

A shining light slowly ascends from below. It's the masked superhero. He's got the girl in his arms. "Who are you?" The girls all ask.

"I am Zatar, Beacon of the light," he says.

'That was incredible, Tom! Have you seen anything like it?' Samantha asks.

'Well, there was the clip of masked vigilante they're calling the Ghost,' Tom says.

"Wow... That was fucking awesome!" Brock says.

"Did we just watch a real-life superhero?" Jason asks.

"He's not the first!" Brock says.

"Oh come on, you can't call that ghost or whatever it is a superhero..." Nicole says. "It kills people."

"Well... It only kills bad guys," Brock says.

"So, it still kills. Zatar is the real deal!" Nicole argues.

Brock and Nicole bicker back and forth on whether or not the Ghost is a good guy or a bad guy and who would win between it and Zatar. Finally, they agree to disagree.

"So... what do you guys think was with Kevin Williams? He was a complete no show... Did he quit the team or something?" Jeremy asks. "I was really looking forward to shutting that fuck face down."

"I know right!?" Donny says.

"Like you had any chance against him," Nicole says to Donny, rather defensively.

"Hey, I could totally beat him! That kid's a joke! I don't even need my hands to beat him," Donny says.

"Yeah right! He'd wipe the floor with you. You wouldn't stand a chance!" Nicole argues. She's getting pretty worked up over it.

"Woah, just chillax. No reason to get worked up over it," Jason says.

"Why are you defending him anyway?" Jeremy asks. "He's a total douche."

"You weren't sucking his dick, were you?" Finn asks. "You were! Weren't you. Or were you the one plowing that fags asshole?"

"Shut the fuck up!" Nicole says.

"Are you going to make me?" Finn asks.

"Fuck you, Finn!" With that being said, she storms out of the room. Fuck me... Things were going so well.

I follow her back to our room. As I walk in, I find her face down crying on the bed. Sitting down next to her, I gently start to rub her back. "It's okay, Finn's an asshole! So what if you had a thing with Kevin. It's all in the past."

She looks up at me with bloodshot eyes, tears rolling down her cheeks. "It's not like that!"

"Okay, I believe you! Whatever it was, it's history. Unless you want to talk about it..."

"No..." she falls back down, burying her face back into the pillow.

"So... you're really into superheroes, aren't you?" I ask.

I hear her chuckle as she nods her head. "You could say that..."

"Did I just hear a laugh?"

She finally rolls onto her side. "Yeah... How are you so good at making me smile?"

"You act like it's so hard to get a grin out of you... Aww, see there it is again!"

She laughs. "I love you."

"I love you too. So, how about we get nice and cozy beneath the sheets and you can tell me all about your obsession with superheroes."

"That sounds great."

I move into bed with her after I turn off the lights.

Once again her head is nestled on my chest. "So I take it you're not a fan of the Ghost?"

"No, it's not like that, I just don't think it's a hero."

"He did save that family from those clowns," I argue.

"True, but just because a murderer does a good deed every now and then, doesn't make him a hero."

"You make a good point."

"Don't get me wrong, I don't think it's a villain either. Whatever it is, Brock's right. It only targets bad people."

"So it's an anti-hero?"

She looks up at me with those eyes that seem to shimmer in the dark. "Wow, I'm impressed, Dave. I thought you weren't into comic books," she says.

"I'm into whatever you're into."

I feel her press against me as she touches her lips against mine.

She kisses me softly before she rests her head back down on my shoulder. It doesn't take long before she falls asleep.

I listen to the sound of her breath as I soon follow her into the darkness.


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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

The superhero stuff came out of nowhere and is really dumb

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

The superhero stuff kind of detracts from the love Nicole and Dave have, but I can see where this is heading....

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

I'm loving the story so far. It will be interesting to see what Dave's reaction will be when he finds out Nicole is his former best friend.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

I guess sooner or later Nicole is going fess up that she used to be Kevin?

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

I love the story. It has some depth to it. Please keep it coming

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
No superheroes

Please don't add superheroes. The story is amazing the way it is.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
origin story?!

Didn't think a superhero was actually coming, that's so exciting! Kinda looking forward to it.

phoenixcindersphoenixcindersover 5 years agoAuthor
The main Story

But that's what the story is, a superhero origin story that's connected with all the other stories I've written so far.

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