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All Comments on 'A Loving Wife Dies: Painful Truths'

by ohio

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  • 352 Comments (Page 4)
AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

If this is the U.S.A., there would be 4 suits filed for the cost of raising the children against the bitches boyfriends that had managed to knock her up.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Once again, a thoughtless writer tells us to go searching for another story for the background. Not even a repeat of the original ending or a recap. Instead, we are supposed to go to s Search Page and look up the original. Why not embed the original link in the opening? Or at least paste in the URL so we can insert it in a new page and see it? Thoughtless. Instead, I read the damn story without any sense of the original story. And, it therefore sucked. Two stars.

GuyfromShadesGuyfromShadesabout 2 years ago

Altered the original story, however this follow up was good.

Thanks for writing.

Grant_GlapsvidhrsonGrant_Glapsvidhrsonalmost 2 years ago

Such a great riff on the original.

To the anonymous two replies down... dude... do you need your mommy to cut your sausage before you eat it too? Lazy much?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I didn't read past the first couple paragraphs. You did not provide a link to the original story, or even a summary. Not considerate at all. I refuse to go digging. One star.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Just pure, sad, "he-man woman haters club" sort of jerk-off revenge fantasy. Mechanically sound, I guess, but why would anyone want to write this sort of hateful drivel? Write what you actually know.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Or... He's sitting on a bench outside of the church. His brother walks up and immediately starts on him;" Wow, what an idiot U R... Think back, back when we rode our bicycles as kids and you decided to jump that high curb... On landing, your feet slipped off the peddles and you landed on your nuts... Remember that? What happened, You crushed your nuts. Hospital... The doctor removed the insides because they were so badly damaged that even when they healed. you became sterile... No way could you sire children and you must've forgotten it... so. You wanted children so bad. Your wife went to the pastor. and the decision was made to have someone else supply you with the family you so desperately wanted. Because of your high and mighty ego. you forgot all about it... including the fact that you okay-ed it. so get back in there and apologize to your wife and the congregation.

Buster2UBuster2Ualmost 2 years ago

Wow even more powerful ending! Holy Moly, What a bid kick in the nuts to get a confessions written by your dying wife that she fucked at least 21 different men to father all her children! That none of your children are actually yours! Whoa, what a shocking turn of events. He spits in his dying wife's face even. But announcing the majority of the cheaters in church was a Great Burn! LOL A Great Burn! 5 stars greatest writing I have ever read! Thank You!!

Buster2UBuster2Ualmost 2 years ago

So many complainers on Loving Wives. Hey it is "Free" Folks. Stop the complaining. Stop the Griping, Stop with the Whining! I don't know why writers would even put up with it. I go to my stories and delete them, There is No Reason to be such Ass Holes! You don't have to read them. Stop complaining.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Martha is guilty as hell but how could Max be so naive...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Best Flash story on SOL. Period.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

When you didn't provide a link, URL or synopsis of the original, I decided to bail on the story right then. Too inconsiderate. One star.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Powerful story. A compelling read. Thanks.


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I pity Max, Hell will welcome his unforgiving heart. Martha will find forgiveness. She owed nothing to her husband, her sin was between her and God, not between her and her husband. Personally, I don't blame her for her actions, part of being a husband is being more than a paycheck to his wife. I feel he abandoned her to begin with. She will be fine, he is damned.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Hahaha what a whore!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

, who's on the wife's side (2 comments below me right now):

What delusional Christian cult did you escape from? Of course, it was between her and her husband. She fucking denied him not only his own child, but she wasted 45 years of his life and love. She wronged him as no other person can wrong a man. Fuck your god. Plus, she sinned so many times I'm pretty sure even god would say, "fuck off to hell, you whore." After all, the Christian god is male and not all-loving and can be very fucking vengeful.

JH4FunJH4Funover 1 year ago
Excellent Read ⭐⭐⭐⭐

I hated the original story. Needless to say, I was not expecting much from this one. Even so I read it because of how much I enjoyed your first one I read. I did not like this one as much as your “Can't Believe How Fast It Happened.”

I gave this one ⭐⭐⭐⭐. It was an excellent read and 100 times better than the original. Of course that is my opinion we all know what they are like.

The thing I enjoyed most about this one was the naming of names at the ending.

Keep Writing


oldtwitoldtwitover 1 year ago

I tried to find the first story that you so kindly told us about but it was taken down, so I just read this one, what a powerful story, of what I think the original story was about I think yours is a stunning finish, still I won’t ever know now will I

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

To the anon who wrote, "I pity Max," I pity you. How could these children and the extended family honor and respect Max as the Ten Commandments advise? Max is justified in his anger and his sentiment, like the bad

spaghetti western title, "God Forgives, I Don't."

AngelRiderAngelRiderover 1 year ago

Preposterous. So everyone else knew but hubby was entirely oblivious. No one ever made comments, talked down to him? His parents didn't speak to him privately? They just took Martha's words? Give me a break.

Rotten as f

AngelRiderAngelRiderover 1 year ago

I am astounded that so many look past obvious plot holes because the cheater was humiliated. Why bother writing stories for these idiots? Just write scenes where the cheating wife is tortured. It's not like they actually need or even want an arc or character development.

btrying_2btrying_2over 1 year ago

Much better than the original that I rated much much lower than the 4 or 5 I typically assign a story. This was a 5. Thank you for correcting a tremendous wrong jn the LW universes John.

btrying_2btrying_2over 1 year ago

To those who said the original does not exist. Try again it is on here. John

btrying_2btrying_2over 1 year ago

Original. //

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

5 Stars on a Great Story . In front of God and all of the people at their wedding they said they would always Keep them selves for just each other . He was a honest man and Everyone including his own family kept the lie from him . I would move and not have anything to do with any of them . Plus I would sue them if I could

EastCoaster1EastCoaster1over 1 year ago

THIS is how the story SHOULD have ended !

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

- The plot hole you mention was in the original, so if you have a problem with it, go to that story and complain to the author who created it.

WolfOfTheWorldWolfOfTheWorldover 1 year ago

Not quite what I would have done: buried her in a coffin stuffed with shit, notified the church fathers about the priest, sued the twelve men for nonpayment of their fees to a whore. I would then have the letter, the names, and what the priest said printed in the largest newspapers in the state, and destroy the happiness of her children and grandchildren.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

The weak cunt of a man didn't want to know the truth? Fits well with his being chucked for 45 years. Stupid, weak character.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

A very sad story and a heartbreaking turn for Martha.

I congratulate ohio for another well-written and thought-provoking tale.

Before moving on, I am also certain of several things.

Martha did not have to be prodded to open up about her betrayal; she knew how this version would play out. I would make certain that my farewell speech appeared in the forthcoming weekly printed bulletin from the church. Come on now, let her acquaintances know what a pig she was, and broadcast her infamy to all. Her acquaintances will learn that she cheated with them, and cheated on all of them.

Program changes will be enacted—her corpse will not be buried. It will be donated, not for harvest but for a surgical training ground. Concurrently, church will be petitioned for her excommunication ( yes, I know how that works, but fuck her anyway) I’ll be denied, of course, but again, fuck her anyway.

Within one year, his miserable brother will no longer walk the earth.

I will take measures to protect the children of the community…the preacher would not have left the church upright that day. Particularly due to his balls swollen to the size of cantaloupes; a proper defrocking. Another appeal to church will include my desire that the offending preacher will find himself in northern Canada, living with the Trappists. NO RESPITE FOR THE ‘HOLIER THAN THOU.’

DNA test on all off-spring; spreading the joy among the sperm donors and exacting reimbursed costs of their upbringing. ALL family dis-owned. Each of the BASTARDS knew about the circumstances and allowed the farce to run its course.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

In life most people are unfortunately not held accountable for their actions. Imo this is a story of accountability and of long overdue accounts being settled. In physics every action has an equal and opposite reaction, as is happily the case in this conclusion. Thank you Ohio.

robdh51robdh51over 1 year ago

oldtwit4 months ago

I tried to find the first story that you so kindly told us about but it was taken down, so I just read this one, what a powerful story, of what I think the original story was about I think yours is a stunning finish, still I won’t ever know now will I?


mariverzmariverzabout 1 year ago

Imagino que deben suceder situaciones como las que relata el original o como esta versión.

Espero nunca conocer a nadie que sufra mierda similar.

Espero que los autores de ambas versiones tampoco los conocieran.

Dicho esto, 5 estrellas ...

dikupinyadikupinyaabout 1 year ago

This is a much better ending than the original. If the truth was known, she probably slept with the priest as well. Well written! keep up the good work.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

The reality is that the priest would not have had that letter written, had the adulterers confess in the confessional, and twelve hefty contributions would have been made to the parish coffers. And the husband would never have been aware because the priest would have absolved her without a public confession. A wife who lived that way would have taken it to her grave. The truth gets little shrift today outside fiction.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Drama and pain trump the sought after 'unconditional love'. Rodney Danger field said it best, " I get no respect..."

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

3 Stars on this one .. I was married for 6 years . I will be the first to say that I thought she had always been faithful to Me . What a fool I had been as in 6 years she had 7 Lovers . Her and her friends told everyone we had an open relationship ? As soon as I found out what a Skank she was we got a Divorce in California .I thank God that we had no children

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

One problem, in the original, it basically said in the letter that Rachael is following in her mother's footsteps as she has two husbands, so did he ever reprimand her for that?

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

daaaaaaaamn !!!

orneryonezorneryonez9 months ago

At the end of his speech he unzipped himself, pulled out his cock, and proceeded to pee all over the casket!

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

He should have kicked the coffin over as well. If it was a burial he should have a headstone erected saying she was a serial cheater and name all the persons she cheated with.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

A better outcome in this version than in the original but neither version offers up any explanation for this beyond extraordinary conspiracy. Why would anyone pull these kinds of stunts? Without any reasons or explanations this is simply not credible.


AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I would ask why she did it but I think the answer is just a simple truth: she's a selfish slut. Chillingly I suspect this applies to more women than most would care to believe. Let me ask you this: how many of you would fuck someone else for fun/thrills/new experience/whatever if you could be guaranteed no one would know about, other than yourself? What about if you could be almost-guaranteed?

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Disturbingly dark. The beginning via H2Owader is gone making this even more stark with no other context to have built on.

OOAAOOAA4 months ago

Great alternate ending!!!! I would have loved much more BTall!!!

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

I really wish he knew from the jump, and had all her birth children swapped out for random babies. So that she too raised children that were never hers. That would have been a fun ending.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

4 Stars as their should have been some payback to the fathers . GW .. Make the fathers pay for him raising those kids

Oatmeal1969Oatmeal19692 months ago

I have no idea how an author could "write those wrongs" but you did a pretty good job of trying. To find out those truths days before the end of your wife's life would break most men. Great drama.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

I'm sure this is more common than we think, except for the confession piece of course. Most sluts are not stupid enough to inform their husband that he is raising children not his own. As a percentage of births, I read it's 3.7% median, and up to 11% regionally (Mexico). I guess them Mexican women really like the strange!

AnonymousAnonymous12 days ago

I read the original and commented that Martha was an awful woman for what she did and the result of her confession to her poor husband and felt it was a very powerful piece of writing. This alternative is better and is way more powerful and hard hitting. I've always thought that Linda from February Sucks is one of the most awful self centered narcissistic characters in Literotica history but Martha is in a different league. This is a truly epic tale and the husband tells it as it is. The wife. The lovers. The priest. All should hang the heads in shame over what they did. I can't imagine no one saying anything over all those years but I can comprehend it happening. My only wish was if Ohio had added a scene of the daughter and the other children confronting their mother over what she did before she passed away. I have a feeling that Rachael at least let her mother know exactly how she felt. Martha destroyed and manipulated so many people she pretended to love. They all now know she was an evil immoral woman who only loved herself. Utterly brilliant story worth a galaxy full of stars. BardnotBard

AnonymousAnonymous10 days ago

It’s what it is!!!

LOVE slap-hapy-papy #9

AnonymousAnonymous3 days ago

As he passed the open coffin, he should have reached into his coat pocket, produced a small bottle, the yellow contents of which he poured onto her corpse, saying to the congregation, "yes, this is what it looks like-piss."

Then maybe he should sue him some SOB's, including the church, and de-nut a few as well.

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